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Banjo-Kazooie: Nuts and Bolts (Full Update with Music, Trailer and Screens!)

Started by B-Kpianist, April 27, 2008, 09:57:04 PM

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honestly acropol- you can make your final decision when you play it, a couple of screenshots don't really say much. There's six giant worlds, and we've only seen bits and pieces of 3 of em', and the only details we really have about vehicles are that we have over 1000 pieces to mess and they use Havok Physics. You can't base your opinion on just that alone.


I'm sure the game will have certain things that are great, I wonder where the franchise would go from here though. It can't go backwards or anything, same for the Wii, what will Nintendo upgrade their next console to now?

   I don't know if anyone has checked their PM's but I sent a lot of you a pm about a forum game I'm trying to host in the off-topic forum called TWG, here's the link, there's an explanation.

   I wonder if you'll be able to enter the Witch's lair.


Quote from: Gamer4250 on July 12, 2008, 09:01:44 PMBecause you instantly assume they are crap without anything but screenshots and videos.

and you assume I'm ignorant because I said some vehicles.. in a videogame.. were crappy... congratulations.


Quote from: Nakah on July 12, 2008, 09:50:32 PMI'm sure the game will have certain things that are great, I wonder where the franchise would go from here though. It can't go backwards or anything, same for the Wii, what will Nintendo upgrade their next console to now?

   I don't know if anyone has checked their PM's but I sent a lot of you a pm about a forum game I'm trying to host in the off-topic forum called TWG, here's the link, there's an explanation.

   I wonder if you'll be able to enter the Witch's lair.
hopefully, everyone keeps saying that there are rocks in front of the opening, but if you look close enough, you'll see that it's just floor textures.

Oh yeah- i edited the main post so there's not so many pics, i only left the box art. It's much more organized, and there are new screens! :)


Quote from: acropol on July 12, 2008, 10:18:16 PMand you assume I'm ignorant because I said some vehicles.. in a videogame.. were crappy... congratulations.

My job here is to rant at anyone who whines about the new game.  My reasons will vary.

me irl


banjo-kazooie website updated (install silverlight 2 beta)

We now have the world list:

Nutty Acres
World of Sport
Level with inflatable sheep and Polysterene buildings (CCL-esque)
CPU-themed world, which has been designed to be approached vertically rather than horizontally like most platformers.
Terrarium, a space-level built of interconnected tubes and chambers

Spiral Mountain
Showdown Town
Klugo's Arcade

I'll be adding new pics soon




i know- i thought there'd be a space world since we haven't seen one.

New pics:
Grunty's Family
Welcome back to the Rusty Bucket!
Klungo's Arcade
It's Mr. Fit!
Looking over Banjoland
Grip-grabbing in Banjoland
Soccer Tourney
Battling the Grunt-Bots

Concept Art:

New Video's
E3 Trailer
E3 Gameplay and Music

Some sad news, grant kirkhope has resigned from Rare... he wrote about it in his blog:
"Well's a very sad time, I have to tell you all that I've resigned from Rare. This Friday (18th) will be my last day at the company. Recording the stuff in Prague with Robin for Banjo has been my last task before I leave," Kirkhope said."
 :'( Bye grant


...why did he resign?

Also, the graphics look really really good and the game also looks great.

Will buy first day if the reviews are 80 and above on average on Metacritic.


not sure y, but he did...
and so far, all the presses love it, they say, "this is the game we've been waiting for since Rare's move to microsoft".
Viva Piñata 2 looks pretty good too :)

Composer #40

Very unfortunate that he left, made some damn good music too.  :'(

 >:( >:( I can't get the game till I get a job! >:( >:(

It happens Every. Day!

Super Zombie

Quote from: acropol on July 10, 2008, 06:53:47 PM
Quote from: Super Zombie on July 09, 2008, 02:55:55 PM
Quote from: acropol on July 09, 2008, 10:11:22 AMwtf whats up with the crappy vehicles things? this hardly looks like a BK game

How can I put this in the nicest of terms possible....?

Okay, here it goes: Although I would respect your opinion if it were educated, allow me to say that you are so ignorant I want to stab you in the face! Have a nice day!  ;D
well that was nice of you... are you BK? no.. why do you take it that personal?

In no way do I take it personally. And in no way am I trying to defend BK. I don't defend games. Only fanboys do. I'm merely saying that you coming in here and saying "WTF? what's with the crappy vehicles" shows that you aren't familiar with the new game, and should watch a few videos so that you understand. Also, I was just joking about the stabbing thing!  ;) The vehicles do not change the gameplay as much as it appears at first. When I first saw the first screenshots, I thought it would be terrible. But then when they released videos, it made a whole ton of sense to me. That video B-K Pianist posted "Old and New" is a really good video to explain it all.

Super Zombie

Quote from: Nakah on July 11, 2008, 02:58:56 PM
Quote from: Gamer4250 on July 11, 2008, 10:15:23 AMbecause you are ignorant and don't do any real research into it before you judge it.  Ever heard the saying "Don't judge a book by its cover"?  Well if you haven't you've been locked in a closet for millions of years.

   I'm very educated about the game, to the extent that the rest of you are, and I still don't like the concept for said reasons earlier. This isn't ignorance, it's opinion. His is just as valid as mine, we are for the same reasons. This is a matter of accepting it.

I never said you weren't entitled to your opinion. You actually discussed it with us, which showed that you knew what you were talking about.

Super Zombie

Quote from: acropol on July 12, 2008, 10:18:16 PM
Quote from: Gamer4250 on July 12, 2008, 09:01:44 PMBecause you instantly assume they are crap without anything but screenshots and videos.

and you assume I'm ignorant because I said some vehicles.. in a videogame.. were crappy... congratulations.

I think you're confused about the meaning of ignorant. There you go. We don't think you're stupid. We just noticed that you didn't provide any reason for why you didn't like it. When someone says what you said, people assume they don't know what they're talking about.

Also, there are five new videos on IGN. And I saw some screens I had never seen on GameSpot.

B-K Pianist, you have some forum code showing on the first page, and the official wallpapers and the last in-game photo (zap that jiggy!) don't work. Just FYI.