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TWG XXXVII - Time for a History Lesson

Started by MaestroUGC, August 19, 2012, 06:40:57 PM

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Quote00:11   fsm   bub, do you still think davy's a wolf?
00:12   Bubbles   What do you mean still?
00:12   Bubbles   I said I did like 30 min ago
Just sayin'.


I know saying this doesnt really make me seem smart, but considering my last game's suspicions that means next to nothing  :P


[17:41]   |<--   Bubbles has left (Quit: ajax IRC Client)
[17:42]   fsm   ;)
[17:42]   Vera   ;)
[17:42]   Vera   bye blossom
[17:42]   Maestro-Host   Bye Bubble-Bobble.
[17:42]   fsm   bye bye baby baby goodbye


00:17   Vera   Did you ever false claim to Jub3r7?
00:24   fsm   no
00:24   fsm   should I
00:25   fsm   I thought it was obvious
00:25   Vera   I see.
00:26   fsm   what
00:26   fsm   my future?
00:26   Vera   Sure.
00:26   fsm   AM I GUNNA BE RICH
00:26   fsm   
00:26   Vera   ya
00:26   Vera   and married
00:27   fsm   well that was obvious
00:27   fsm   I want my money back
00:27   fsm   >
00:28   fsm   ):<
00:28   Vera   jamas
00:28   fsm   I can also see your future
00:28   Vera   
00:28   fsm   you'll be married
00:28   Vera   but im aromantic
00:29   fsm   do you like manta rays?
00:29   Vera   what are those
00:30   fsm   they are the solution for curing cancer
00:30   Vera   
00:30   fsm   you will invent how
00:31   fsm   and you'll have a baby
00:32   Vera   yaaaaaay
00:32   fsm   with Stephen Hawkings
00:33   fsm   don't ask me how, you're the one who's gonna cure cancer

Totally relevant.


Quote from: Mashi on August 21, 2012, 02:43:43 PM[17:41]   |<--   Bubbles has left (Quit: ajax IRC Client)
[17:42]   fsm   ;)
[17:42]   Vera   ;)
[17:42]   Vera   bye blossom
[17:42]   Maestro-Host   Bye Bubble-Bobble.
[17:42]   fsm   bye bye baby baby goodbye

It's like every time I come on you guys make up a new name


00:39   Vera   hey maestro
00:39   Vera   can i be a princess instead of a king
00:39   Vera   i want to be a princess
00:39   fsm   wrong game mashi
00:39   Maestro-Host   Princesses have no power.
00:39   Vera   but they get to laze around
00:39   Vera   and do nothing
00:40   Maestro-Host   Then you're playing the wrong game.
00:40   fsm   then I'll be Mashi's shining knight
00:40   fsm   
00:40   Vera   
00:41   Maestro-Host   Hey hey hey hey, none of that will be going on while I'm Grand-Emperor.
00:41   fsm   ok I just broke up from my girlfriend
00:41   Vera   
00:41   fsm   I'M ALL YOURS MASHI <3
00:41      *** Bubbles quit (Quit: ajax IRC Client)
00:42   fsm   
00:42   Vera   
00:42   Vera   bye blossom
00:42   Maestro-Host   Bye Bubble-Bobble.
00:42   fsm   bye bye baby baby goodbye
00:44   Vera   i made a post in the topic
00:44   Vera   
00:45   fsm   totally relevant
00:45   Vera   ya
00:45   fsm   ok mashi i'm coming back together with my gal
00:45   fsm   sorry
00:45   fsm   you're history
00:46   fsm   RE-JECTED
00:46   fsm   
00:46   Maestro-Host   Get it?
00:47   Maestro-Host   History?!?!?
00:47   Maestro-Host   Bahahahahaha.
00:47   fsm   Pun intended
00:48   Vera   
00:48   Vera   its okay i was cheating on you anyway
00:48   Vera   !!!
00:49   fsm   
00:49   fsm   with who
00:49   fsm   ???
00:50   Vera   maestro
00:50   fsm   i'll kill that son of a bitch
00:50   Vera   he might be shy and deny it though
00:50   Maestro-Host   It's true!
00:50   Maestro-Host   I did it!
00:50   Vera   <3
00:51   fsm   Mashi wanna come back together?
00:51   Maestro-Host   And now that I have been compromised I must step down as host.
00:51   fsm   
00:51   Vera   no i like maestro better
00:51   Vera   hes so musically savvy
00:51   Vera   and maestrolike
00:51   Vera   and stuff
00:51   fsm   what does he have what I don't?
00:52   Maestro-Host   A baton.
00:52   Vera   ya
00:52   fsm   
00:52   fsm   no worries I always liked bubbles more
00:53   Vera   ok
00:53   fsm   WHO AM I KIDDING
00:53   fsm   ONLY YOU
00:54   fsm   And if I can't have you, I have no reason to live
00:54   Vera   
00:54   Maestro-Host   Alright.
00:55   fsm   find out what's gonna happen
00:55   fsm   in the next episode of
00:55   fsm   NSM Lovers
00:55   fsm   Now commercials
00:55   Maestro-Host   As the Metronome Ticks.
00:55   Vera   lol

Just a trailer of our new show. Totally relevant.


Quote00:52   fsm   no worries I always liked bubbles more
00:53   Vera   ok
00:53   fsm   WHO AM I KIDDING
00:53   fsm   ONLY YOU
00:54   fsm   And if I can't have you, I have no reason to live
00:54   Vera   
00:54   Maestro-Host   Alright.
00:55   fsm   find out what's gonna happen
00:55   fsm   in the next episode of
00:55   fsm   NSM Lovers
00:55   fsm   Now commercials
00:55   Maestro-Host   As the Metronome Ticks.
00:55   Vera   lol

Just a trailer of our new show. Totally relevant.

I am honored to have guest starred in your show.

I was really excited to see who died tonight, then I realized that it's tomorrow  :-\





A discussion between me and D.

20:09      *** davy joined #TWGNSM
20:09   davy   hi
20:09   fsm   hi pal
20:09   davy   Anything you want to discus?
20:10      *** Vera quit (Ping timeout)
20:10   fsm   how's that
20:11   fsm   ?
20:11   davy   how's what?
20:11   fsm   Why do you claim to be Cleo
20:11   davy   Because I am Cleo
20:12   fsm   um... no you're not
20:13   davy   FSM, you know it's useless to enter a discussion with me about that subject, because neighter of us is going to admit that they're not actually cleo.
20:13   davy   so just wait for the next day phase
20:13   fsm   should we do that plan you suggested
20:13   fsm   ?
20:13      *** Vera joined #TWGNSM
20:13   davy   Of course
20:13   fsm   hi han
20:14   fsm   <3
20:14   fsm   ok so the plan will happen
20:14   davy   yes
20:14   fsm   What happens if either of us gets wolved?
20:15   davy   Than the other one will be tested by KiaB'ing it with another player
20:16   fsm   are you Catherine?
20:16   davy   no
20:16   fsm   the copycat?
20:16   davy   no
20:17   davy   Because if I was, I wouldn't have counterclaimed you
20:17   fsm   I'm having a hard time to think what's your real role
20:18   fsm   can you tell me after this game has ended the truth?
20:20   davy   FSM, I am cleo, so quit asking questions like that
20:20   davy   because even if I am a wolf, I'm not going to andswer it.
20:20   fsm   oh right, you're afraid I would make this log public. Sorry.
20:21   fsm   why did you counterclaim so late?
20:21   davy   let me see how late it actually was.
20:22   davy   Ok, so I saw your post in which you claimed half an hour after it was made.
20:22   fsm   still late
20:22   davy   And by that time you had also made a post that you were in chat
20:23   davy   so instead of claiming in the topic I decided to go to the chat
20:23   fsm   when you came to chat you should have told immediately that you would be Cleo
20:23   davy   In the chat, I decided not to claim immediately to see how you would respond to questions about the role you claim
20:24   davy   Plus, I wanted to make sure a lot of players would agree to my plan about how to prove who is cleo
20:24   fsm   i gotta admit, you're pretty good in this game. And I agreed with your plan all along.
20:25   davy   But I wonder why it would make me a wolf if a claim late
20:26   fsm   that makes you a wolf that you're lying
20:26   davy   you did not andswer my question
20:27   fsm   what question
20:27   fsm   i missed that
20:27   davy   why it would make me a wolf if I claim late
20:28   fsm   that doesn't, but the not-yet-proven-fact that you're lying makes you a wolf
20:29   davy   I guess we just have to wait untill the end of the next day phase.
20:31   fsm   But if you're Jackson, you would survive, won't you?
20:31   fsm   *wouldn't
20:32   davy   yes, I wouldn't survive if I were Jackson and if you are cleo
20:32   fsm   How's that?
20:33   davy   We'd have an equill number of votes...
20:33   davy   ... than you negate one...
20:33   fsm   and your power
20:33   fsm   gotcha
20:33   davy no KiaB takes place, so I would not survive
20:34   fsm   But what if you would be Stalin?
20:34   davy   than what?
20:35   fsm   you could change my vote aganist myself
20:35   davy   that's true
20:36   fsm   Now this plan back-fires
20:36   davy   but wouldn't you negate my power?
20:36   fsm   Forge>Nullifier
20:36   fsm   no
20:37   davy   wouldn't that make the nullifier kinda useless?
20:37   fsm   yes
20:37   fsm   I already said this role sucks
20:37   fsm   
20:39   davy   I wonder if the nulification will be permanent
20:39   davy   otherwise it's a damn useless role
20:39   fsm   I have a plan, I'll nullify a random person at the right time, and then (s)he would tell I'm the real Cleo
20:39   davy   well, except for the vote nulification
20:39   fsm   no it's not permanent
20:40   fsm   Maestro already told me
20:40   davy   that does not work, because any of us could claim that we have nulled that person's power.
20:40   fsm   you don't seem to be fully aware of your own power
20:41   davy   plus I don't know if players are announced that they lost their power
20:41   fsm   "at the right time"
20:41   davy   that's because maestro was kinda obscure about it
20:41   davy   in our previous chat
20:41   fsm   no he told me in the previous chat
20:42   fsm   oh right, you weren't there
20:42   davy   plus, if I would be sending messages to maestro continuously it would be kind of wolfish considering the amount of time that you guys look at the "who's online".
20:43   fsm   Didn't verm already said that you can avoid WO?
20:43   davy   what's WO?
20:43   fsm   who's online
20:44   davy   yes, but if I dissapear after just going online and appear again after it, while a hidden user appeared and disappeared after I appaer, wouldn't that be very suspicious?
20:45   fsm   dunno
20:45   fsm   you might have just logged out
20:45   davy   than a hidden user wouldn't have appeared and dissapeared
20:46   fsm   yes
20:47   davy   Have to go to eat, see ya.
20:47   fsm   later
20:47      *** davy quit (Quit: ajax IRC Client)


Quote from: FSM-Reapr on August 22, 2012, 12:28:22 PMOMG K-NiGhT is sending a message! D:

Dude. Shut up. Just because someone sends a message doesn't mean they're a wolf. But if you must know, I was sending a message to vermverm.
Quote from: K-NiGhT on April 11, 2024, 11:54:48 AMwow, 20 years

*crumbles into dust and blows away in the wind*


Hey, don't shoot the messenger. I only report what I see.


But it's totally irrelevant. They could be talking to someone that wasn't even playing. You're pointing fingerz awfully quickly.
Quote from: K-NiGhT on April 11, 2024, 11:54:48 AMwow, 20 years

*crumbles into dust and blows away in the wind*


Actually, I haven't said or pointed fingerz on anybody. And the face D: comes from Mashi.