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TWG XXXVII - Time for a History Lesson

Started by MaestroUGC, August 19, 2012, 06:40:57 PM

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TWG XXXVII – Time for a History Lesson
There are four groups of four leaders; one from each group is a wolf. Players do not know who their group members are. If two members of a group die, then the remaining player will lose his/her power and will be informed of such.


European Royalty:
Henry VIII (England)Wolf Painter (Red) – Beheading, can call for an immediate lynching of the player with the most votes, thereby ending the current day phase; one use only. If a KitB results, he can choose the player to be lynched. If no votes have been cast it functions like a KitB. People who haven't voted yet do not get a phantom counted against them.
Louis XIV (France)Human (Green) – Extravagance, use of this power will disable use of every other players' powers for two phases, the current phase and the following night/day. This power supersedes all other powers, once used it will be announced in the thread at the end of the current phase. Any powers that were activated before its use will return to their respective players and will not count against them as being used. One time use only.
Catherine II, the Great (Russia)Human (Green) - Copycat, can use the power of another player. When the host is PM'd, roulette is done for all of the remaining powers that can be activated during the phase in question. The player can then use the power as they wish; copying can only be done three times. The player cannot use copycat while holding onto a power.

American Legends:
George WashingtonHuman (Green) – Persist, can extend the phase by an additional 12 hours. Must PM the host before the end of the phase in question, if an insta occurs at any point the phase will still end as normal; announced as soon as the host is notified. If used the player will be immune to lynching/wolfing during the extended phase. One use only.
Andrew JacksonWolf (Red) - Duelist, if in a KitB he will always survive. In the result of a KitB with three or more players, he can choose a player that will be ignored in the dice roll (a free pass). Unlimited uses.
Abraham LincolnHuman (Green) - Emancipation, can free a player from being lynched, thereby forcing the player with the second most votes to be lynched. Must PM the host before the end of the phase. If a second player doesn't exist, or if it's an insta, no lynch occurs. One use only.

Ancient Rulers:
Alexander the Great (Greece)Human (Green) - Rally, can steal another player's power from a different team to use as his own. Usable only once and activated at night, the power cannot be activated unless one of his teammates is dead. If the player chooses a teammate, then the power will returned. The targeted player will be told he lost the use of his power and why, Alexander will then only be allowed to use the power as many time that remained for the original player.
Emperor Caligula (Rome)Brutal Wolf (Red) - If lynched he can choose another player to die with him.
Cleopatra (Egypt)Human (Green) – Nullifier, can nullify the vote and power of another player. Must PM the host before the end of phase, if an insta occurs this power supersedes it. One use only, activated during the day.

20th Century Trifecta:
Franklin Delano RooseveltGuardian (Blue) – New Deal, can restore a power of any player of his choice. Can be used twice, the effected player will be granted an additional use of their power to be redeemed whenever they choose. Activated at night.
Joseph Stalin - Master Wolf (Green) - Forge, can change the vote of any player during the day phase. Must PM the host before the end of phase, if an insta occurs the power is ignored and wasted. If the chosen player doesn't vote, it counts as if he did but the player still receives a phantom. The change is not announced in the thread. Two uses only, activated during the day.
Winston ChurchillSeer (Blue) – Spy, by random chance (20%) will receive word of who the wolves will wolf; however, he will have to sacrifice using his seering power to gain said information. He will be informed in the information is available. Spy will not be usable Night 1, unlimited uses thereafter, activated at night. I will only accept the first PM you send me either seering or spying. If you choose to seer before I can relay spying intel, you forfeit the use of the power for the night.

Nuclear Deterrent:
If in the event that over half of the players activate their powers in a two-phase period (i.e. a consecutive day and night), some young upstart from Germany will come around and declare war, triggering an Apocalypse. This Apocalypse will result in every deceased player will resurrect as zombies and hold a private lynching and strip a different player of his power between phases (Phase 0). This phase will begin the following phase the powers are activated. It will last 24hrs (like a single night) and once the matters are completed game play will continue as normal, picking up the following phase.

All wolfings, seerings, guardings, paintings, and the usual will not be effected by the powers, and as such occur as normal. I will only accept the first choice for wolfings. Once I get the PM with the target's name in bold the choice will be final. Also, there will be penalties if you wait too long to send in a wolfing PM, as I need have enough time to send any potential spy intel to Churchill. Power activation will be the same; power you are activating, player you are targeting.

Flow chart of powers:
Day Phase:
Extravagance>Emancipation >Beheading>Persist>Forge>Nullifier
Night Phase:
Extravagance>New Deal>Persist>Rally
Unaffected by Others:
Copycat, Spy, and Duelist

1. King Mashi I, the Frivolous
2. King Vermillionvermin III, the Bold
3. Queen Bubbles, the Just
4. President K. Dashiell Night, the Exile
5. Emperor Dude, the Popular
6. Czar Spitllama II, the Ambitious
7. Pharoah Kman, the Distracted
8. Prime Minister F.S.M. Reapr, the Mad
9. Imperator Davy Caesar, the Prudent
10. Sultan Shadowkirby, the Vain
11. President Jub3r7, the Gentle
12. Kaiser Sheikah, the Martyr

It is now Night 1, the phase ends Tuesday, Aug 22 at 1:00AM CST
Night 1 is going to be shorter than the rest, since Churchill can't use his power on Night 1.
Try to do everything; you're bound to succeed with at least one.


Reserved for rules and other minutiae. This is where you come to consult any odd rules and clarifications.

1. Wolves must send in their PM within the first 24hrs of everynight phase.
2. Each phase ends at the scheduled time, on the dot. There will be no exceptions. If it matches the phase end exactly, I will count it, but not one second later.
3. I will be checking the time stamps on votes and powers, if you are even a second late I will disregard it.
4. Please PM any questions regarding Powers and Procedure. Anything regarding Procedure (how powers work with others) will be addressed in the thread.
5. Powers are activated by the PM's time stamp. Any powers sent to me afterwards that will not work anymore will be returned and the player will be notified.
6. I will be keeping track of how many times you've used your powers legally, so don't try any funny business.
7. I have set these ground rules to settle any potential problems with activating powers. Just remember to check the clock whenever you do something.
8. This game is still Humans vs. Wolves, so be sure your strategies and plans reflect that.
9. Paintings will only last the night they are activated.
10. Each player can only hold one power at a time.
11. Since dead players can come back for Phase 0, there is to be no direct communication between living and dead players. This means no PMs, Private Chats, or or anything pertaining to the game. Dead players can still observe as always, as there's nothing I can do to stop them, there can just not be any direct communication.


PM's have been sent out.
Try to do everything; you're bound to succeed with at least one.


Got mine.
Just to clarify, can you put all the time zones in?  I know that's 2 AM EST, but it's easier if it just says so.
You see, we're entertainers. We must keep people smiling. No matter how grim things get, we must always be optimistic!


Party Hard!


Quote from: the_last_sheikah on August 19, 2012, 06:48:12 PMJust to clarify, can you put all the time zones in?  I know that's 2 AM EST, but it's easier if it just says so.

I can, but I'd rather not. It's really not that hard to do the math or just plug it into a converter.

Updated the rules, please read them before you act.
Try to do everything; you're bound to succeed with at least one.


So the first night phase is two days long?


No, it's actually 28 hours, but I'm calling it a single day.

Night 2 and on will be 48 hours each.
Try to do everything; you're bound to succeed with at least one.


Guys let's rank the factions from most to least powerful


*Requesting all time zones for convenience' sake*
Submissions Page
Currently using Finale 2012


Quote from: K-NiGhT on April 11, 2024, 11:54:48 AMwow, 20 years

*crumbles into dust and blows away in the wind*


I like food.


I am the Brutal Wolf. Discuss.

*really posting for notifications*


Quote from: FSM-Reapr on August 19, 2012, 09:37:29 PMI am the Brutal Wolf. Discuss.

counterclaiming for teh lulz. :P

Party Hard!


BTW Even though I came a bit late, I have a plan. Every time a Night Phase starts, go check Who's Online to see who is sending the first message! Got that?
