TWG XXXVI: The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya

Started by Jub3r7, August 06, 2012, 06:25:50 PM

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Jub isn't that great of a host.

He just needs to try harder!!!!
4 (33.3%)
^Nah he's just not a good host.
0 (0%)
ill forgive him after he makes the post game
8 (66.7%)

Total Members Voted: 12



Ok just clearing things up... when someone says "Safety on (bolded name)", thats them voting for that person to be lynched? I read the rules but Im just making sure


*Sigh...* Once again, I find people over exaggerating what I'm trying to say. Mashi, making an enormous post like that and actually analyzing people is what I would normally expect from you. You've done that now, so I'm not nearly as suspicious of you anymore. But I wasn't really suspicious of you in the first place, just the only thing I had to go off of. And I never said you were "totes wuff." It was just a mild suspicion and the only thing I could go off of in a manhunt game like this.

Eh... not sure who to vote on now. Remove vote
Bulbear! Blueflower999


Quote from: Bubbles7689 on August 10, 2012, 04:33:19 PMOk just clearing things up... when someone says "Safety on (bolded name)", thats them voting for that person to be lynched? I read the rules but Im just making sure

They're voting for that person to get lynched, but they don't actually think that that person is a wolf.  If, at the end of a phase, a player hasn't voted, they'll receive a Phantom (which is .00001% of a vote against them for the rest of the game).  Getting a phantom isn't the end of the world, but it's generally not a good thing to do.  Putting a safety on someone is basically someone saying that they don't want to vote for someone but don't want to receive a phantom.  It's considered bad form to put a safety on someone who already has a vote on them.

I'm in the chat now.  I'm not convinced blueflower is a wolf, but I'm not convinced anyone is a wolf.  I'll be hanging out in the chatroom.  The way to do that is to go to  .  Then type "/join #twgnsm" but without the quotation marks.


Bubbles, you were in the chat but you left.  I was in another tab and didn't realize you'd joined until you left.

If you'd still like to talk/still able to, you were in the right place.


nah I joined then went and had dinner. Im an extremely slow typer right now because one of my hands is hurt- its a long story


Oh boy, that was quite a bit of catch-up for a few hours. I didn't find much of anything constructive over the past few hours. We've been going around in circles this entire phase. I'll be in chat if anyone wants to talk.
Try to do everything; you're bound to succeed with at least one.



All right.  We don't really have a solid lead on anyone right now.  The phase ends in about an hour.

Slow because I haven't heard anything from you since you defended yourself.



I'm going to go ahead and vote for MaestroUGC. He and Verm are both giving me uneasy feelings in my stomach.

If I'm lynched, cardflip will be a real slap in the face though. :P
Quote from: Tobbeh99 on April 21, 2016, 02:56:11 PM
Fuck logic, that shit is boring, lame and does not always support my opinions.



Also, the conversation I have up to:

   sheikah   its FSM
   sprog   Cuz you are nice
   universe-X   lol, FSM
   sprog   daniel
   sprog   <3
   Mashi   ilu2 fsm
   slow   I was right then
   slow   *kicks*
   Mashi   So anyway.
   slow   lol
   slow   k
   universe-X   one creepy mf right there
   Mashi   Suspicions, SlowPokemon???
   universe-X   anyways
   sheikah   no one useld smilies like that ***
   sprog   loooooooooool
   sheikah   *uses
   sprog   Im a creepy motherfucker
   sheikah   you're an ass
   slow   I've mostly been skimming the chat logs, not reading in-depth
   Vermilionvermin   Any impressions?
   sprog   im a creepy motherfucking ass?
   slow   but it seems to me that vermilion is being his usual self
   Maestro   Ok, sprog is just annoying.
   universe-X   So, I'm not a wolf, FSM's not a wolf, Slow's not a wolf, Bubbles is not a wolf is what I'm thinking rigth now
   sheikah   just and ass
   sprog   im such an ass
   universe-X   sprog, calm it down.
   slow   which is over-analyzing to the MAX so that everybody can get involved
   sprog   you better kick me so i wont be so annoying anymore
   slow   not overthinking or anything
   -->|   ruto ( has joined #TWGNSM
   universe-X   slow- that's what i was thinking
   Mashi   omg
   universe-X   hi ruto!
   Mashi   ruto
   slow   just really analyzing in-depth and giving a lot of things to think about
   slow   ruto!!!
   Mashi   the best twger
   sprog   there is rutooooooo
   Maestro   Serously, sprog, unless you're a player in this game, I suggest you hush it.
   Mashi   ruto who are the wuffs
   sprog   this is a game?
   Vermilionvermin   everyone is the wuffs
   Vermilionvermin   yes
   sheikah   good god the game isnt even over and weve lost the chat
   ruto   I don't even...
   Mashi   lol
   universe-X   haha
   Mashi   Rutooo.
   sprog   OHhhhhh this is a completely different channel
   Mashi   omg
   Mashi   next twg
   Mashi   soul calibur
   universe-X   sprog
   sprog   hahahah
   universe-X   gtfo
   Mashi   we have now enlisted ruto
   sprog   universe-x
   sprog   stfu
   universe-X   sprog
   universe-X   smd
   Mashi   Sprog, you are FSM, aren't you?
   slow   KICK SPROG -___o
   sprog   universe-x
   sprog   what dick?
   sprog   what is FSM?
   Maestro   Mashi, use your God powers and deal with the scourge.
   Vermilionvermin   sprog is from germany
   NickServ   identify thisisapassword
   NickServ   Nick Mashi isn't registered.
   universe-X   I was telling you to slap my dog
   universe-X   but ok
   =-=   YOU are now known as Vera
   NickServ   This nickname is registered and protected. If it is your
   NickServ   nick, type /msg NickServ IDENTIFY password. Otherwise,
   NickServ   please choose a different nick.
   sheikah   Even worse
   NickServ   identify thisisapassword
   NickServ   Password accepted - you are now recognized.
   =-=   User mode for Vera is now +r
   =-=   Mode #TWGNSM +ao Vera Vera by ChanServ
   Vermilionvermin   i thought fsm was from finland
   =-=   Mode #TWGNSM +o Maestro by Vera
   universe-X   ooooooh shit
   Vera   You can have the honour.
   slow   oh pulling out agatha christie again eh
   Maestro   Oh boy.
   sheikah   oh boy this is getting good!
   sprog   oh boy why is my country showing
   =-=   Mode #TWGNSM +o Vermilionvermin by Vera
   Maestro   Last call!
   =-=   Mode #TWGNSM +o ruto by Vera
   sprog   now everyone knows who i am
   universe-X   lmaoooo
   Vera   SlowPokemon, am I a wuff???
   universe-X   I really feel sorry for anyone who missed out on this convo.
   slow   shh
   slow   gots ta keep it seekrit
   Vera   what about verm verm
   universe-X   c'mon guise
   universe-X   45min left
   sprog   are you actually playing a game or are you just making something up in your mind?
   universe-X   and we need to come to a decision.
   Vera   Sprog, are you FSM?
   sheikah   Ok ops, all together now
   Vermilionvermin   we do have to be kind of srs about this
   Vermilionvermin   i don't think so
   slow   no
   sprog   whats FSM?
   slow   he's germany
   Vera   Because if not, you're disrupting the game.
   slow   not finland
   Vera   oooh
   Vera   manio
   Vera   duh
   Vera   im so dumb
   slow   -_-
   sprog   of course
   sprog   germany
   slow   GTFO
   Vera   Yeah, manio, we are playing a game.
   Vera   You can watch, but please don't disrupt!
   slow   mhmmm
   sprog   and why are you in the chat then?
   universe-X   who
   Vera   To discuss the game.
   sprog   O__O watch?
   sheikah   I don't know who you are, but I will find you, and I will kill you.
   sprog   where is the game
   Vera   The forum.
   universe-X   omfl
   universe-X   nigga
   universe-X   I'm about to go african american
   ruto   ...............
   universe-X   up in this bitch
   sprog   Oh bitch
   sprog   dont go there
   sheikah   do et you wont!
   Vera   What's your opinion on vermilionvermin after the chaos of today?
   Maestro   Aren't you Indian U-X?
   Vermilionvermin   is the game
   slow   SO CH--VERA
   Vera   shush
   universe-X   ...yah
   slow   To repeat myself, Vera...
   sprog   a game in the forum?
   universe-X   *yeah, but I don't like races.
   sheikah   this is better than watching prime time TV!
   sprog   You guys made up game... in a forum?
   slow   I originally was quite suspicious of Vermilionvermin as he was posting and analyzing a LOT. But then I remembered he's quite a skilled player, and then I saw he wasn't just bullshitting us and it seems he's just using his normal style of playing
   slow   so I'm not totally suspicious of him as of now
   Vera   And your opinion of me?
   sheikah   sprog, yes, now hold still so I can shoot you with this shotgun of ban-itude
   sprog   That sounds kinda boring
   slow   You've been slightly detached but a few quirks in your conversational posts in the game strike me as human as well
   Maestro   How did you even find this place?
   Vera   And of Maestro?
   slow   That being said, it's weird for you to be this detached
   Vera   I linked to Skype.
   sprog   oh thats slows fault
   Vera   For SlowPokemon.
   Vera   ya
   sprog   or vera
   Vera   nuh uh!!!
   sprog   i dunno who
   sheikah   would you prefer Thor's ban hammer, Mjyo-go-F***-yourself?
   Vera   verm vermmm
   Vera   what do we do
   Vermilionvermin   i don't know
   Vera   slowpokemon can i interrogate you
   Vermilionvermin   i'm thinking an inactive
   Vera   im going to do it anyway
   Vermilionvermin   because all the actives i've talked to seem human
   sprog   sheikah has some balls man
   Vermilionvermin   and we'll never get rid of inactives if we don't lynch them day 1
   slow   Maestro is a bit of a mystery to me. Again, I haven't been reading in-depth totally, but it seems he was forming opinions quite early to me. He's actively trying to get people involved, but it's a bit ambiguous as to whether that's out of malevolence or benevolence
   sprog   although shes a girl
   sheikah   and youll be missing some in a minute
   slow   you ARE interrogating me aren't you?
   Vera   No, I'm just naming Players and you're analysing them!
   sprog   oh please dont hurt my balls sheikah
   universe-X   I'd like to see an interrogation of slow
   sprog   that makes owie owie
   slow   ah
   universe-X   and I'd like to see slow's opinions as well
   slow   what is an interrogation like
   universe-X   idk what verm had in mind
   Vermilionvermin   for what?
   universe-X   an interrogation
   Vermilionvermin   I just want to know what slow thinks
   universe-X   o
   universe-X   well
   universe-X   slow, what do you think of me?
   slow   Well again I haven't been paying very close attentionbut I'd be happy to do an interrogation...
   Vera   So when I originally asked you to come to the chat, you responded that you didn't want to out of exhaustion. You also responded that you didn't truly care for the game unless you were a Wolf. However, upon notifying you that we would lynch you (and I did so in lowercase, to try to keep it ambiguous to whether I was being truthful. Though, this part may be stretching it!), you immediately...
   Vera   ...became interested in joining the chat to avoid being lynched.
   sheikah   will SOMEONE kick sprog already? Im about to have an anurism over here!
   universe-X   sheikah, ignore it and it will go away
   Vera   If you truly did not care of the game, why did you care for being lynched?
   slow   well yeah, I didn't want you lynching a human, finding out the cardflip, and then losing another human
   slow   double whammy
   slow   I didn't say I didn't care for the game
   sprog   You are so funnay sheikah
   universe-X   vera, please, not the reaction test .-.
   slow   you're putting words in my mouth!!
   slow   let me find what I said
   Vera   but this isnt a reaction test
   sheikah   UX, yes mom...
   Vera   idk
   Vera   You said something like that.
   Vermilionvermin   why are you under the impression that lynching a human and seeing the cardflip results in losing another human?
   universe-X   it seems like it is
   Vera   o
   Vermilionvermin   or do you mean from the wolfing?
   Vera   You said that you didn't want to think about TWG.
   slow   "why are you under the impression that lynching a human and seeing the cardflip results in losing another human?"
   Vera   My mistake.
   universe-X   like inviting him over just to derive something like that
   universe-X   sheikah- <3
   slow   because the following night phase, a human would be wolfed?
   sprog   sheikah <3
   Vermilionvermin   oh
   Vermilionvermin   i thought you meant that we'd mislynch based on the cardflip
   Vermilionvermin   carry on
   slow   ah
   slow   actually I think that the cardflip is beneficial
   sprog   i dont get a word u guys are saying
   slow   because if we lynch a human after his opinions have been given
   sprog   is that the game already?
   universe-X   cardflip's most defintiely beneficial.
   slow   his opinions might become more worthwhile
   slow   correct or not
   slow   and it's nice because there are no false colors
   slow   but anyway, why don't you give me another question
   slow   somebody
   universe-X   wait
   Vermilionvermin   what do you think of fsm?
   universe-X   can you explain that a little?
   universe-X   the whole lynching human makes their opinions worthwhile?
   Vermilionvermin   oh go for u-x first then
   slow   k
   universe-X   sorry, i'm having trouble comprehending.
   sprog   Okay well
   sprog   Ima get outta here
   slow   It's just as if a human gave their opinions and then was wolfed
   sprog   Bye babies
   sprog   I love you sheikah <3
   slow   his opinions are worth considering because now he is a confirmed human
   |<--   sprog has left (Quit: ajax IRC Client)
   slow   just my line of thinking anyway
   universe-X   SPROG WAS SUCH A CUNT
   universe-X   ok
   sheikah   THANK BUDDA!
   universe-X   and yeah, that makes sense in a way
   Maestro   Oh, man, that was wonderful.
   Vermilionvermin   all right, now on to fsm
   Vermilionvermin   what do you think of him?
   slow   I think he's a clueless n00b
   slow   and I wish he wouldn't play TWG to be honest
   Vermilionvermin   wolf or human?
   universe-X   lmao
   slow   though sometimes I'm just as guilty of not taking it seriously
   slow   hmm
   Maestro   That's not very kind.
   slow   I know
   sheikah   human, but still a dumbass
   Vermilionvermin   why?
   Vermilionvermin   @sheikah
   universe-X   goodness gracious, ouch
   Vermilionvermin   why do you think he's a human, not a dumbass
   slow   personally
   sheikah   oh the dumbass part was personal, I dislike his M.O., human: has he done much to disprove?
   slow   I feel that if we are totally clueless as to who to lynch in 25 minutes
   slow   we should lynch FSM
   slow   because I don't feel that he'd be useful to the human team
   Vermilionvermin   I disagree
   Vermilionvermin   I think he's a human
   Maestro   I disagree as well.
   slow   hm
   Vermilionvermin   because I don't think a new wolf would be the first to disagree with a theory, regardless of how bad it is
   Vera   shouldnt we lynch you for the same reasons slowpokemon???
   slow   hahaha
   slow   possibly
   Vermilionvermin   and he was the first one to say he didn't like my theory of mashi & U-X
   Vera   is that a concession
   slow   maybe because he was wolf partners with one of them
   sheikah   what if everyone votes for jub, what would happen?
   Vera   lol
   slow   wait speaking of which
   slow   this hasn't been covered yet
   slow   but how do I know universe is human
   Vermilionvermin   we'd all get phantoms
   slow   I mean, maybe it has
   slow   but I didn't read it
   sheikah   I think verm has that piece of info
   Vermilionvermin   I'm of the opinion that neither U-X nor mashi is a wolf at the moment
   slow   why should I trust verm?
   Vera   because hes verm verm
   Maestro   Well, trusting him is entirely up to you.
   slow   he's such a good player
   Vermilionvermin   trust me vermillion percent
   Vera   ya
   slow   I don't
   slow   not that much
   Vera   It's rather conspicuous that if vermilionvermin or I is a Wolf.
   Vera   It can't be both of us.
   universe-X   ehh
   Vera   We're not the types to do a stunt so radical Day 1.
   universe-X   I was sorta banking on posting "I am hoomin" as the first post
   slow   I'm always wary of verm, because like right now, he'd take charge like this and none of us would ever stop to suspect him
   universe-X   so that way it'd be sure that I am, indeed, human
   slow   ah that reminds me
   universe-X   but I didn't know if that was an illegal move.
   slow   why I think FSM is human
   slow   "I thought it said "moomin" lol"
   Vermilionvermin   yeah i think that's questionable u-x
   slow   I didn't think he'd post that if he didn't get the pm
   Vermilionvermin   well
   universe-X   of course it's questionable lol
   Vermilionvermin   jub did post them in the thread
   sheikah   thats the best point ive heard, with the language barrier an all
   slow   yeah
   slow   I just remembered that when u-x said that
   universe-X   he posted it after i was contemplating it
   universe-X   bleh, idk why jub would do that -_-
   universe-X   it would be so easy just to claim as "hoomin" due to spelling
   Vermilionvermin   so that you can't do what you were thinking about doing
   universe-X   I could've made the post before jub ;~;
   Vera   That's against the rules though.
   Vera   That's why we post the PMs in the first place!
   universe-X   That's what i thought
   universe-X   anyways
   universe-X   23 minutes
   Vera   SlowPokemon
   Vermilionvermin   Sorry slow, I suspect you slightly more than everyone else
   slow   holy f*ck
   Vera   What do you think of the Spyro wolfing?
   sheikah   ok, if you voted, please say for whom, so we know
   sheikah   myself
   Vermilionvermin   you've been giving me a weird vibe so far
   slow   my phone just vibrated for 10 seconds straight
   slow   for no reason
   slow   okay
   slow   I kind of feel the same of you though
   slow   :PPP
   slow   these smileys are so inaccurate
   Maestro   In all honesty, I'm not conviced slow's human.
   slow   hm
   Vera   SlowPokemooon
   Vera   Spyro wolfing?
   universe-X   what maes you say that?
   slow   whaaat
   universe-X   *makes
   Vera   What do you make of it?
   slow   I don't even know what Spyro did
   Maestro   Our plan was to lynch an inactive.
   slow   wait, wolfing?
   universe-X   Spyro was wolfed foo
   Vermilionvermin   I went safety on maestro to sheikah to slow
   slow   oh
   slow   right
   Vermilionvermin   i might have voted blueflower
   Maestro   And the only reason slow became active was to save his on ass.
   Maestro   own*
   Vera   SlowPokemon.
   slow   What.
   Vera   How did you not know he was wolfed?
   Vera   You reacted to it.
   Vera   Saying "SUCCESS"
   universe-X   lawl
   slow   oh right
   sheikah   guys, ive got to go to bed before my parents kill me for staying up too late. I'll see you all tomorrow.
   slow   And the only reason slow became active was to save his on ass. --not entirely true
   Vera   I felt that was forced.
   Vera   CAWT.
   <--|   sheikah has left #TWGNSM
   universe-X   don't forget to make your post sheikah
   Vera   Good night, sheikah!
   universe-X   ok then
   universe-X   and yeah, I'm sorta with slow on this one,
   slow   All right well I feel I've done the best I canI have a really weird suspicion right now that verm and maestro are both wolves
   slow   not just because you're voting me
   universe-X   it's not like his reaction was instantaneous or anything.
   Vera   You're with SlowPokemon in supporting or voting him?
   universe-X   that would be a dangerous pair lol
   universe-X   support
   Vera   I see.
   Vera   I don't think that he would have forgotten the Spyro wolfing, however. Not so easily, at least.
   slow   I think I'm going to vote for Maestro at the moment....this game is tough
   Vermilionvermin   I think that it should be disproven based on the length of our log
   universe-X   I still say we vote blue
   slow   I remember posting that but I don't remember who was wolfed lol
   slow   I was just happy it wasn't me
   slow   again
   Vera   You would have to have read the name though.
   Vera   Hmm.
   Maestro   To make sure it wasn't you.
   slow   I didn't pay much attention to the thread
   slow   Yeah
   slow   I honestly don't remember it
   slow   lol
   universe-X   hmm
   Maestro   Unless you are going to commit and put forth effort, you might as well be inactive.
   universe-X   T-minus 17 minutes
   slow   hmm
   slow   then lynch me!
   Vera   Okay.
   slow   cardflip will be a slap in the face though
   universe-X   ^this
   universe-X   and I don't want this.
   Vera   Then whom do you suggest, Universe-X?
   Vermilionvermin   u-x, what makes you confident that slow isn't a wolf/
   universe-X   that little skype excerpt
   universe-X   has me saying he isn't
   Vera   Why?
   Vermilionvermin   Why? I reached the opposite conclusion.
   slow   yeah, why?
   universe-X   gah one sec
   universe-X   ok, it's too up there for me to view it
   slow   I'd probably be thinking I was a wolf right now too
   universe-X   basically, he's just trying to prove his innocence
   slow   it does appear I came in to save my own ass I guess
   universe-X   and it seems like you guys are trying to use that as "omq he's teh wuff"
   slow   "and it seems like you guys are trying to use that as "omq he's teh wuff" THAT is what I'm feeling
   Vera   Everyone is going to try to prove one's innocence.
   universe-X   You can't blame a person for providing activity once asked for it.
   slow   I've USED that
   slow   it feels like that
   Vera   He wasn't asked.
   Maestro   He's shown up, he may be active now, but he's not proactive.
   Vera   He was forced.
   slow   LOLno
   Vera   We threatened to lynch him!
   universe-X   lol
   Vermilionvermin   The thing about slow is that he only came when he learned that he might be lynched
   Vermilionvermin   not when he knew that we didn't have a lynch target
   universe-X   hm
   slow   -_o I didn't use my laptop at ALL until tonight
   universe-X   even then
   slow   I have only read through the posts on my phone
   universe-X   he wasn't really proactive in the first place
   universe-X   he'd be providing a little more if were a wolf
   slow   I'm not proactive? oh, I thought I was giving my opinions
   universe-X   i would think, at least.
   slow   I guess I was just proving I'm a wolf
   universe-X   lol, you're doing well now
   Maestro   When?
   universe-X   When what?
   slow   when Mashi was asking me about all sorts of players?
   Maestro   I must've missed it.
   universe-X   yeah
   slow   Maestro and Verm are giving me uneasy feelings in my stomach -_o
   Maestro   It probably got buried in the sprog debacle.
   universe-X   it did
   Vera   what about me slowpokemon
   slow   you too
   universe-X   lol, heavily buried
   Vera   woo
   slow   lol
   universe-X   11 minutes
   Vera   You realise though that the chances of vermilionvermin and I being partners are practically zero though, no?
   Vera   Just to reiterate that point.
   universe-X   that should be obvious
   Vermilionvermin   If you are a human, you should probably make a post before you die
   Vermilionvermin   which elaborates on your suspicions
   universe-X   lol
   Vera   11 minutes!!!
   slow   I'm counting on someone else to post a log
   slow   I'm just posting my vote
   Vera   I don't have the full log.
   universe-X   someone post a log
   Vermilionvermin   all right then, that'll work
slow   me either
[00:49]   slow   does verm?
[00:49]   universe-X   me neither
[00:49]   Vermilionvermin   but gut feelings, even if they come from confirmed humans, aren't much to go on
[00:49]   Vera   uh oh!!!
[00:49]   Maestro   It got buried.
[00:49]   Vermilionvermin   I don't have all of it
[00:50]   universe-X   gut feelings are better than a random vote
[00:50]   Maestro   Again, because of sprog.
[00:50]   Vermilionvermin   only what i can reach
[00:50]   universe-X   dammit sprog
[00:50]   Maestro   I hate interlopers.
[00:50]   slow   these aren't really gut feelings
[00:50]   slow   These are HALF gut feelings
[00:50]   Vera   Mine aren't.
[00:50]   universe-X   I've got my gut feeling on blue
[00:50]   universe-X   painstakingly on lue
[00:50]   universe-X   *blue
[00:50]   Vera   I've got biased evidence feelings!!!
[00:50]   slow   yeah "sprog" annoys the hell out of me even on skype -_o
[00:50]   Vermilionvermin   all right then, explain what the other half is
[00:51]   [INFO]   Now logging to <file:///C:/Users/Daniel/AppData/Roaming/Mozilla/Firefox/Profiles/6mrguwil.default/chatzilla/logs/>.
[00:51]   universe-X   prolly half gut and half derivatives from this convo
[00:51]   slow   the way you seem to be crucifying me when I finally have a chance to be active
[00:51]   universe-X   ^like that
[00:51]   slow   you seem to be jumping on me for things that aren't really suspicious in my eyes
[00:51]   slow   
[00:51]   universe-X   he's a jumper though
[00:52]   universe-X   yeah, verm, you've been pretty jumpy so far
[00:52]   universe-X   and evidently, it tends to pose contradictions on your part
[00:52]   universe-X   8min
[00:52]   universe-X   I need someone to vote for
[00:52]   universe-X   should I just go with blue?
[00:53]   Vera   I'm going to vote for SlowPokemon.
[00:53]   Vera   I feel that he's the best candidate at the moment.
[00:53]   Maestro   If that's who you think, go for it.
[00:53]   Vermilionvermin   I don't think it makes sense for me to do my reaction test, and then not really launch a huge lynch effort based on it if I'm a wolf!
[00:53]   universe-X   lol, you and I must be opposite thinkers
[00:53]   universe-X   7 minutes,
[00:53]   universe-X   fuck it



Quote from: Tobbeh99 on April 21, 2016, 02:56:11 PM
Fuck logic, that shit is boring, lame and does not always support my opinions.