TWG XXXVI: The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya

Started by Jub3r7, August 06, 2012, 06:25:50 PM

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Jub isn't that great of a host.

He just needs to try harder!!!!
4 (33.3%)
^Nah he's just not a good host.
0 (0%)
ill forgive him after he makes the post game
8 (66.7%)

Total Members Voted: 12


Quote from: K-NiGhT on April 11, 2024, 11:54:48 AMwow, 20 years

*crumbles into dust and blows away in the wind*




U-X and I are throwing ideas back and forth, come and join our fun!
Try to do everything; you're bound to succeed with at least one.


After some discussion, I shall place a vote on Mashi for now.


                        *** Maestro joined #twgnsm
18:16   Maestro   Well, now what?
18:20   universe-X   Calm down, wolf.
18:20   Maestro   Well, what are your theories?
18:21   universe-X   idk
18:21   universe-X   this game's following along just as I figured
18:21   universe-X   which isn't a good thing.
18:21   Maestro   Yeah.
18:21   Maestro   In what little has happened, Verm has peaked my interest.
18:22   universe-X   Same
18:22   universe-X   He seems like someone that sorta broke under pressure.
18:22   Maestro   I'm not sure if it was him trying to get a discussion going, or him trying to bait some to take the fall.
18:22   Maestro   What pressure though, the game had just started and he did that during the first night.
18:23   universe-X   Idk, just saying
18:23   universe-X   if he is a wolf, he's trying to steer away attention a little too hard.
18:23   universe-X   same goes if he was a human, which is also a possibility.
18:24   universe-X   And like you said, wolves wanna stay on top in this game.
18:24   Maestro   I fhe is a wolf, maybe he was looking for someone to pop up that would lokk suspicious.
18:25   universe-X   lol, doesn't mean you go after something that, imo, is the least suspicious scenario
18:25   Maestro   True, well, It might be a good idea to keep an eye on him.
18:26   universe-X   I'll keep my safety.
18:26   Maestro   What about the Spyro wolfing?
18:26   Maestro   He's a relatively harmless player from what I've seen.
18:26   universe-X   Noob wolfed, like someone suggested.
18:26   universe-X   There's supposed to be a pattern for that isn't there?
18:27   universe-X   Like in past games where the first to get wolfed was the most harmless?
18:27   Maestro   Sometimes.
18:28   universe-X   I'm too lazy to look into those games, lol.
18:28   Maestro   But, besides FSM, everyone here has some good experience under their belt.
18:28   universe-X   lol, I must've missed quite a few games.
18:28   universe-X   I believe FSM is a human though.
18:29   Maestro   Yeah, he hasn't done anything that stands out to me.
18:29   universe-X   lol, plus the whole language barrier thing makes it sorta easy to tell when he's lying or spazzing out.
18:30   Maestro   Somebody said that our wolves could be experienced and went after a non-threat to throw us off.
18:31   universe-X   I wonder...
18:31   universe-X   Mashi and Slowpokemon
18:31   universe-X   lol, that would be weird though.
18:32   Maestro   I don't know, Slow did make a plea not to be wolfed night 1.
18:32   Maestro   Last time he acted like that was the last game, when he was a wolf.
18:32   universe-X   I figured as much.
18:33   Maestro   Twice is a coincidence, three times is a pattern.
18:33   universe-X   Did wolves win last game?
18:33   Maestro   Nope.
18:34   Maestro   I made damn sure of that.
18:34   universe-X   lol, that's what I thought.
18:35   Maestro   I posted to try a get people over here.
18:35   Maestro   We need to see how people react to various ideas.
18:35   universe-X   yeah, lol
18:35   universe-X   thanks
18:36   universe-X   I think Mashi might be up to a few shenanigans
18:36   universe-X   or K-Night
18:36   universe-X   or SlowPokemon
18:36   universe-X   3 candidates for 2 wolves lol
18:36   Maestro   K-Night is not playing.
18:36   Maestro   He was just being dumb.
18:37   universe-X   ...go fucking figure.
18:37   universe-X   anyways
18:37   universe-X   Mashi's post like:
18:37   universe-X   omg thx wuff buddy ilu
18:37   universe-X   and Slow's post like:
18:37   universe-X   SUCCESS
18:37   universe-X   could just be them playing dumb as wolves.
18:37   Maestro   That was reffering to the fact that he survived.
18:37   Maestro   Very probable.
18:38      *** kermit joined #twgnsm
18:39      *** kermit is now known as Blueflower999
18:39   universe-X   reveal yourself
18:39   Maestro   Yeah, Slow seems like a good suspect at this point, much more that Verm is anyway.
18:39   universe-X   ah
18:39   universe-X   wolf.
18:39   Maestro   Oh boy, the gang's all here.
18:39   universe-X   yeah, I'm leaning more towards Mashi though.
18:39   universe-X   either way, the've both been appropriately under the radar.
18:40   Maestro   Mashi hasn't struck me as overtly wolfish.
18:40   Blueflower999   Mashi's acting... a littler strange
18:40   universe-X   that could just be Mashi
18:40   Blueflower999   He always acts a bit like this, but now it feels like he's over the top
18:40   universe-X   or Mashi playing dumb as a wolf.
18:40   Blueflower999   I think it's a lot more than usual
18:40   Maestro   I guess, I want to see if it keeps up.
18:40   universe-X   Steering away attention like crazy, but that could just be paranoia.
18:41   Maestro   Mashi's not the paranoid type.
18:41   Blueflower999   Normally Mashi has some long post explaining his reasoning...
18:41   universe-X   I'm talking about my paranoia.
18:41   Blueflower999   Now he has... lots of short posts with "jokes"
18:42   Maestro   True, but then again, nothing has happened.
18:42   universe-X   lol, except for Spyro's wolfing
18:42   Maestro   Although, he didn't react towards sheikah's theory about an experienced wolfing.
18:42   universe-X   and like you said, advanced players would wolf unexperienced ones to throw us off.
18:42   universe-X   and then
18:42   Blueflower999   Well, he does admit he doesn't follow the manti rule...
18:42   universe-X   Slow's almost instant reaction
18:42   universe-X   with "SUCCESS"
18:42   universe-X   I mean,
18:43   universe-X   why would a human post that.
18:43   universe-X   ._.
18:43   Maestro   Like I said, the last time he did stuff like that was when he was a wolf.
18:43   Maestro   And I busted him in the third act.
18:44   universe-X   I'm considering changing my safety to a vote on slow now, lol.
18:45   universe-X   any thoughts on anything, blue?
18:47   Blueflower999   Oh
18:47   Blueflower999   Hmm...
18:48   Blueflower999   I think Slow... was talking about the card flip?
18:48   Blueflower999   It not then... IDK
18:48   Blueflower999   But... he'd know better than to say that if he were a wolf
18:48   Blueflower999   I think he was joking
18:48   universe-X   idk
18:48   Blueflower999   Mashi I'm more suspicious of
18:49   universe-X   maybe he'd know better, but probably not.
18:49   universe-X   and yeah, Mashi's caught my eye too
18:49   universe-X   What do you think of vermillion?
18:49   Blueflower999   He seems normal to me
18:50   Blueflower999   He's not joking around like Mashi is
18:50   Blueflower999   Or at least not as much
18:50   universe-X   lol, idk, he seemed a little too apprehensive
18:50   Maestro   He's the only one I've seen trying to get this game going.
18:51   universe-X   True,
18:51   universe-X   but then again
18:51   universe-X   wolves might want activity like that lol.
18:51   Maestro   No, they wouldn't. The less activity, the better they can hide.
18:51   Blueflower999   But if you're a GOOD wolf, then you want activity that you can hide in...
18:52   universe-X   like Mashi and Slow
18:52   universe-X   wat.
18:52   Blueflower999   If you can lead people without messing up, then those are the best wolves
18:52   Blueflower999   Spit can do that
18:53   Maestro   They've both proved that they are active, but their not stepping up, like Mashi usually does.
18:53   universe-X   Yeah.
18:54   universe-X   I say, if we're planning on voting for someone, we should make it unanimous here first.
18:54   Blueflower999   They would certainly make an interesting and dangerous wolf pair...
18:54   universe-X   ^this
18:54   Blueflower999   I've got my eye on them
18:54   universe-X   This is the only reason why i think they might /not/ be a wolf
18:54   universe-X   *one of them might not be
18:55   Maestro   Well, slow has proven undying loyalty towards mashi, regardless of affiliation.
18:55   Maestro   He'll follow whatever Mashi says 100%.
18:55   universe-X   So then Mashi would then be a somewhat better suspect
18:55   universe-X   but Slow's reaction to the wolfing is still throwing me off a little.
18:56   Maestro   Let's see, if Mashi is our wolf, then slow will follow whatever arguments and votes he makes.
18:57   Maestro   Making him rather dangerous if he survives later into the game.
18:58   universe-X   If he's lynched, it'll be easier to make presumptions about the game considering it's a cardflip.
18:58   Maestro   Yeah.
18:59   Maestro   Wait, last game he was worried about Mashi surviving.
18:59   Maestro   This game he's worried about himself.
18:59   universe-X   Wait, who were wolves last game?
19:00   Maestro   Slow, Shadowkirby, and...
19:00   Maestro   Spit
19:00   universe-X   Why was he worried about Mashi surviving last game?
19:01   Maestro   Loyalty.
19:01   Maestro   Plus he wasn't concerned about himself, since he was a wolf.
19:01   universe-X   I'd figure he'd be a little concerned.
19:01   universe-X   I mean,
19:01   universe-X   he was a wolf.
19:02   Maestro   Exactly, he wouldn't be wolfed.
19:03   Maestro   He played on looking innocent by trying to "protect" Mashi, who was leading the humans.
19:03   Maestro   I think Slow is human.
19:04   universe-X   However
19:04   universe-X   There've been no accusations towards either of them as of yet.
19:04   universe-X   Nothing serious, anyways.
19:04   Maestro   No.
19:04   universe-X   ?
19:04   Maestro   I'm agreeing with what you just said.
19:05   universe-X   Oh lol
19:05   universe-X   So yeah, no point in unncessarily protecting mashi in that case
19:05   universe-X   for now.
19:05   universe-X   Hmm,
19:05   universe-X   maybe if I were to accuse Mashi, Slow might speak up?
19:05   Maestro   You're missing what I'm saying.
19:06   universe-X   I probably am.
19:06   Maestro   Slow was only concerned with the wolfings, not the llynchings.
19:06   Maestro   He knows Mashi can take care of himself in that regard.
19:06   universe-X   Oooh,  I see.
19:07   Maestro   That's why I think Slow is human.
19:08   Maestro   All that said, I want to see how Mashi reacts to an accusation.
19:11   universe-X   I wish vermin posted a longer chat session with Mashi
19:13   Maestro   I'm guessing there was stuff that was left out?
19:14   universe-X   Most likely
19:14   universe-X   And that stuff would've given a better lead.
19:14   universe-X   And now that makes me suspicious about vermillion again.
19:14   Maestro   Even still, Mashi hardly reacted towards what he did post.
19:14      *** K-NiGhT joined #twgnsm
19:14   universe-X   o look, another wolf.
19:14   K-NiGhT   Yup
19:15   Blueflower999   ...
19:15   universe-X   And yeah, there wasn't that much reaction.
19:15   K-NiGhT   I'm zee wolf guise  I can't lie like that. It's not healthy.
19:15   Blueflower999   That's the worst reaction teset ever
19:15   universe-X   Maybe that's him trying to stay under the radar.
19:16   Maestro   It may be the worst, but it still should've prompted something.
19:16   Maestro   At least an "obvious bait is obvious"
19:16   universe-X   Possibly too chill for his own good.
19:19   Maestro   Well, if Mashi is a wolf, who's his partner?
19:20   universe-X   Yeah, if he's a wolf then, vermillion can't be the other one
19:20   universe-X   or vice versa.
19:22   Maestro   Yeah, verm wouldn't be so foolish as to accuse his partner night 1.
19:22   universe-X   I'm on the fence about voting either of them right now.
19:23   Maestro   I think Mashi's our best bet, at least until we hear somethin from him.
19:23   universe-X   Shall I accuse him?
19:24   Maestro   Only if you're prepared for a showdown.
19:24   universe-X   Sure, why not.
19:24      *** Blueflower999 quit (Quit: ajax IRC Client)
19:24   universe-X   I want action



Here's a longer version of the log w/ Mashi.  I already deleted some of the stuff before I was asked to post it, but I didn't delete anything TWG-related.

Quote[22:47] <Vermilionvermin> pssst
[22:47] <Mashi> pssst
[22:47] <Mashi> im yuki
[22:47] <Mashi> B)
[22:47] <Mashi> ur itsuki
[22:47] <Mashi> and together
[22:48] <Vermilionvermin> i don't know who any of these people are
[22:48] <Mashi> were wuff partners
[22:48] <Mashi> lol
[22:48] <Vermilionvermin> ;)
[22:48] <Mashi> At NSM?
[22:48] <Vermilionvermin> the characters
[22:48] <Mashi> o
[22:48] <Mashi> Hmm.
[22:48] <Vermilionvermin> i think u-x and sfm are the only ones i don't know
[22:49] <Mashi> what super power would you like to have
[22:49] <Vermilionvermin> what are my choices
[22:49] <Mashi> ill correlate it with a character
[22:49] <Mashi> any power
[22:49] <Vermilionvermin> telekinesis
[22:49] <Mashi> yuki
[22:49] <Mashi> wait no
[22:49] <Mashi> itsuki
[22:49] <Mashi> but
[22:49] <Mashi> slowpokemon called itsuku
[22:49] <Mashi> (koizumi)
[22:49] <Vermilionvermin> you should make a topic
[22:49] <Mashi> about what
[22:49] <Mashi> i made a parody topic once
[22:49] <Vermilionvermin> name a superpower and give someone a character
[22:50] <Mashi> i made a superpower topic already though

From here, we start talking about school

[23:03] <Vermilionvermin> mashi, have you ever played with fsm or u-x?
[23:04] <Mashi> Yes.
[23:04] <Mashi> Universe-X is about adequate.
[23:04] <Mashi> He hasn't played in a long time though.
[23:04] <Mashi> umm
[23:04] <Mashi> fsm is active
[23:04] <Vermilionvermin> that's good
[23:05] <Mashi> ya
[23:05] <Vermilionvermin> kk

We talk about other stuff for a while, I can't remember what it was though!

[23:11] <Vermilionvermin> does universe-x often make odd comments?
[23:12] <Mashi> I suppose?
[23:12] <Vermilionvermin> like what?
[23:12] <Mashi> Not sure what you mean by odd.
[23:12] <Mashi> Like, I think his reasoning can be faulty from time to time.
[23:12] <Mashi> I don't think his reasoning is faulty any more than most people, though.
 [23:12] <Vermilionvermin> 14:52 universe-X Honestly, I hope I get wolfed first. 14:52 Vermilionvermin Busy in the next few days? 14:52 universe-X Or like some sorta controversy goes on. 14:52 Vermilionvermin oh, so the game isn't super boring 14:52 universe-X Nah, I just don't think this game is gonna be that interesting
[23:13] <Vermilionvermin> Struck me as weird!
[23:13] <Mashi> oh
[23:13] <Mashi> i should join that chatroom
[23:14] <Vermilionvermin> no that was earlier
[23:14] <Vermilionvermin> i'm the only one there now
[23:14] <Mashi> o
[23:14] <Mashi> :(
[23:16] <Vermilionvermin> if slow is kyon
[23:16] <Vermilionvermin> can i be some other version of kyon
[23:16] <Vermilionvermin> like kyon1 or something
[23:17] <Mashi> i thought he was itsuki koizumi
[23:17] <Vermilionvermin> i got it
[23:17] <Vermilionvermin> i'll be kyoni
[23:17] <Mashi> lol
[23:17] <Mashi> Yaaaay.
[23:17] <Vermilionvermin> wait isn't his avatar kyon
[23:17] <Mashi> No, it's Itsuki.
[23:18] <Vermilionvermin> the two are identical
[23:18] <Mashi> Hardly. :P
[23:18] <Vermilionvermin> pretty much
[23:19] <Vermilionvermin> something i was thinking is that the cardflip might alter typical wolf behavior
[23:19] <Mashi> Me too.
[23:19] <Mashi> I feel that Wolves will be less likely to lead now.
[23:20] <Mashi> And be more likely to accuse the leader, maybe.
[23:20] <Vermilionvermin> I agree
[23:20] <Mashi> idk
[23:20] <Mashi> This is probably going to end up like some TWGs.
[23:20] <Mashi> Where we lead.
[23:20] <Vermilionvermin> i thought i was special and unique
[23:20] <Mashi> And find the Wolves.
[23:20] <Mashi> And if one of us is a Wolf.
[23:20] <Vermilionvermin> we lose :(
[23:20] <Mashi> The Wolf wins.
[23:20] <Mashi> B)
[23:20] <Vermilionvermin> well then i hope you're a hoomin
[23:20] <Mashi> me too

And another log w/ U-X

Quote14:12      *** Vermilionvermin joined #NSMTWG
14:46      *** universe-X joined #NSMTWG
14:46   universe-X   hello
14:46   Vermilionvermin   Hi.
14:46   universe-X   are you playing in the twg game?
14:46   Vermilionvermin   I am.
14:46   universe-X   Cool
14:47   Vermilionvermin   I probably don't have much more than like ten minutes to chat, but there's not much going on anyways at the moment
14:47   universe-X   Same here.
14:47   Vermilionvermin   I think the cardflip will alter the wolves' play.
14:48   universe-X   lol, forgot this was a cardflip game
14:48   Vermilionvermin   If wolves know that their lynch will be scrutinized, they'll be less likely to push for lynches, imo
14:48   Vermilionvermin   I like that it's a cardflip in that it'll give us more to talk about
14:48   universe-X   Ehh,
14:49   universe-X   I sorta like the secrecy
14:49   universe-X   more to figure out
14:49   Vermilionvermin   In a lot of games, I'd agree with you
14:49   universe-X   lol, but is it cuz this one's a manhunt?
14:49   Vermilionvermin   but in a manhunt I like that there's something to go off
14:49   Vermilionvermin   because seering results don't really happen
14:50   universe-X   yeah
14:50   universe-X   idk
14:50   universe-X   I think I'm just going to keep a look at "Who's Online"
14:50   universe-X   and follow the list of people in the gam
14:50   universe-X   *game
14:50   universe-X   1. Mashi 2. SlowPokemon 3. shadowkirby 4. MaestroUGC 5. Dude 6. blueflower999 7. FSM 8. vermillionvermin 9. universe-x 10. Spyro 11. the_last_sheikah
14:51   Vermilionvermin   I'm going to add everyone to my buddy list so that they're bolded
14:51   universe-X   lol, sounds good
14:52   universe-X   Honestly, I hope I get wolfed first.
14:52   Vermilionvermin   Busy in the next few days?
14:52   universe-X   Or like some sorta controversy goes on.
14:52   Vermilionvermin   oh, so the game isn't super boring
14:52   universe-X   Nah, I just don't think this game is gonna be that interesting
14:52   universe-X   yeah
14:52   universe-X   I could be wron
14:52   universe-X   *wrong, but let's see what happens.
14:53   universe-X   brb lunch
14:54   Vermilionvermin   all right

I have some reactions to the log U-X posted in the next log I'm going to post.  That log's with Maestro.


All is game-related, but I bolded the part where I react to the log.

Quote18:45      *** vermilionvermin joined #twgnsm
18:45   vermilionvermin   sorry if you said anything my browser closed
18:45   vermilionvermin   :(
18:47   Maestro   Oh, hey, someone showed up.
18:47   Maestro   Sorry, I was busy doing something else.
18:47   Maestro   I can give you a quick rundownm, if you;d like.
18:49   vermilionvermin   i was planning on sitting in on the chat because i have to eat dinner
18:49   vermilionvermin   sorry
18:50   Maestro   Well, U-X, blueflower and I have a few suspects.
18:50   Maestro   Namely slow and Mashi.
18:50   Maestro   We believe Mashi might be a wolf because of a few things:
18:50   Maestro   He's laying on the "silly joke posts" a bit thick
18:51   Maestro   He doesn't follow the manti rule, which lends itself well towards wolfing a non-threat like spyro.
18:52   Maestro   Slow has a tendency to follow Mashi, support him, and has a strong loyalty towrds him.
18:53   Maestro   However, since he's more concerned about self-preservation and than protecting Mashi, it leads me to believe he's not a wolf.
18:53   Maestro   As opposed to the lst game, where he was a wolf and concerned about his buddy's safety.
18:53   Maestro   last*
19:10   vermilionvermin   I'll have to do a little more looking into mashi and joke posts
19:10   vermilionvermin   but i don't really understand the stuff against slow!
19:11   Maestro   Eh, I'm not suspicious of slow, but his name was prominent in the conversation.
19:12   vermilionvermin   oh i kind of get it
19:12   vermilionvermin   the thing where he posts about staying alive
19:12   Maestro   Yeah.
19:12   vermilionvermin   but i don't think it applies here
19:12   vermilionvermin   because at that point, if he's a wolf, then he's concerned about staying alive from himself
19:13   vermilionvermin   focusing on staying alive's only suspicious imo when you're doing it during the day phase, when the humans can actually kill wolves
19:13   Maestro   He was afraid of the manti rule.
19:14   vermilionvermin   I think what slow has to worry about is a conventional wolf
19:14   vermilionvermin   actually
19:14   vermilionvermin   hmm
19:14   vermilionvermin   i don't know how active he's been in the past few games but before i left he wasn't too active
19:15   vermilionvermin   in which case he'd rely on insecure wolves killing the best players
19:15   Maestro   He's fairly active, enough to get noticed at least.
19:15   vermilionvermin   oh really
19:16   vermilionvermin   ok then that changes things
19:16   vermilionvermin   that makes him a pretty standard wolf target
19:16   vermilionvermin   based on my conversation with mashi, spyro seems out of left field
19:16   vermilionvermin   there's also that he didn't post at all this game
19:17   vermilionvermin   but mashi says spyro isn't very active
19:17   Maestro   He isn't.
19:19   vermilionvermin   The problem with Mashi and the Manti rule is that he'd be one of the first targets if he followed it
19:19   vermilionvermin   and that'd make him stand out
19:20   vermilionvermin   Out of curiosity, who brought up the stuff about mashi, you or u-x?
19:20   Maestro   Both of us, we started talking about their odd posts.
19:20   vermilionvermin   ok
19:21   vermilionvermin   if it's not too much trouble, can i see the log or can you post it in the thread?
19:21   Maestro   How do I do that?
19:21   vermilionvermin   did you talk with u-x in here?
19:21   Maestro   Yeah
19:21   vermilionvermin   in this window, or did you already close it?
19:22   vermilionvermin   if it's in this window, then you can scroll up and copy/paste it
19:23   Maestro   Crap, about half of the convo is lost.
19:23   Maestro   U-X said he copied it before he left.
19:23   vermilionvermin   all right, that's fine
19:23   Maestro   I'll have him PM it you.
19:24   vermilionvermin   i'll ask him to post it
19:24   Maestro   Or that.
19:25   vermilionvermin   So I got a PM from Mashi last night, and I thought it was a little bit suspicious
19:25   Maestro   What did he say?
19:25   vermilionvermin   it said "are you reaction testing because that accusation was pretty dumb"
19:25   vermilionvermin   and that's all
19:25   Maestro   So he did react.
19:25   vermilionvermin   yeah
19:26   Maestro   Curious.
19:26   vermilionvermin   the reason i made that accusation was to see if it would affect who was wolfed
19:26   Maestro   We talked about that and how he just let it slide.
19:26   vermilionvermin   well
19:26   Maestro   Making it look like he was playing it cool.
19:26   vermilionvermin   he didn't react in the thread
19:26   vermilionvermin   the reason i thought this was odd was because it was a few hours before phase ended, not after
19:27   Maestro   And he typically refutes these things in the thread, or at least addresses them.
19:27   vermilionvermin   because if i were serious, i might be able to push a lynch on him or u-x based on it being better than anything we had
19:28   vermilionvermin   Unfortunately, that would lead me to believe that wolf mashi would wolf U-X.
19:29   Maestro   No, U-X has a knack for getting himself killed.
19:29   vermilionvermin   There was a different game I played with Mashi in which I was wolfed Night 1 by Mashi's team because people suspected that I might be wolves with his partner
19:29   vermilionvermin   Outside of that game, Mashi said that it was his partner's decision, not his.
19:29   vermilionvermin   but he might have taken that strategy from that game and used it here
19:30   vermilionvermin   or at least, so i thought
19:30   vermilionvermin   Things would have been more interesting had one of the three of us gotten wolfed.
19:31   Maestro   Probably, but why would he waste the wolfing on somebody who will end up killing himslef though?
19:31   vermilionvermin   U-X?
19:31   Maestro   Yes.
19:31   Maestro   Night 1 you linked the two of them together.
19:31   vermilionvermin   The logic behind the wolfing would be to disprove the Mashi-U-X wolf pair.
19:31   vermilionvermin   Because the accusation was based on both of them being wolves, not either one of them.
19:32   Maestro   Well, your bait was pretty blatant.
19:32   vermilionvermin   It would have worked better if there had been more to base the accusation on.
19:32   Maestro   Maybe.
19:33   vermilionvermin   Ironically, I was planning on doing something similar as a wolf!
19:33   Maestro   But you have to keep in mind the card flips.
19:33   vermilionvermin   Well, the cardflips wouldn't affect the wolfings.
19:33   Maestro   If either of them were wolves, the other would've been found out.
19:34   Maestro   The victim would be green, and as such the other one would be seen s a wolf.
19:34   vermilionvermin   I disagree.
19:34   vermilionvermin   The victim being green disproves the accusation, at least in this case.
19:34   vermilionvermin   Because the accusation was based on mashi defending u-x before i attacked him
19:34   Maestro   Your accusation, yes.
19:35   Maestro   But the results would've told a different story.
19:35   vermilionvermin   Oh, people could tell that I was trying to see if Mashi would wolf U-X or vice versa?
19:35   Maestro   And even if they were both wolves, it'd come up read, so the other would still be targeted.
19:35   Maestro   Yes.
19:36   Maestro   red*
19:36   vermilionvermin   That changes things.
19:36   vermilionvermin   I thought I was being super sneaky and clever
19:36   vermilionvermin   Because if the wolves knew that I was looking for that, then it'd make sense for a non-Mashi wolf pairing to wolf U-X and frame him.
19:37   vermilionvermin   which means we're either dealing with wolves who didn't know what I was doing, wolves who knew what I was doing but were Mashi, or wolves who have something against spyro
19:37   vermilionvermin   The third being unlikely
19:38   Maestro   It would seem so.
19:39   vermilionvermin   In which case, we should look more at less active players and Mashi.
19:39   Maestro   U-X posted the log.
19:39   vermilionvermin   Yeah, he sent me a PM about it
19:39   vermilionvermin   let me read it
19:40   vermilionvermin   "And like you said, wolves wanna stay on top in this game"
19:40   vermilionvermin   what does this mean?
19:40   Maestro   Oh, he was reffering to a conversation we had a few days ago.
19:41   Maestro   About how above all else, the wolves will want to keep up with the game.
19:41   vermilionvermin   Oh, I'm not sure that's true.
19:41   Maestro   So they know who to frame, how to do it, etc.
19:41   vermilionvermin   In fact, I'd think that the wolves would want to stay behind the scenes
19:41   vermilionvermin   Because cardflips mean that the leaders are more likely to be held accountable for mislynches
19:41   Maestro   I never said anything about being prominent.
19:42   Maestro   Yeah, well we talked about that before cardflips were confirmed.
19:43   vermilionvermin   Oh pre-game
19:43   Maestro   And the wolves would still keep an eye on the thread, regardless of their activity.
19:43   vermilionvermin   well, so would the humans
19:43   vermilionvermin   I mean, I don't think his role would affect dude's activity
19:44   Maestro   Yeah, but humans don't have as much at stake in a manhunt.
19:46   Maestro   Besides, the same people will always rise to the surface.
19:47   vermilionvermin   actually, i would totes accuse my partner night 1 if i were confident it wouldn't lead to a lynching
19:48   vermilionvermin   My initial reaction to that log is that you and U-X seem human, but I'm not really sure about Blueflower and can't really put a finger on why I think that blueflower isn't suspicious
19:48   vermilionvermin   *is
19:49   Maestro   I don't know, he chimed in briefly, but I couldn't get a good read on him.
19:49   vermilionvermin   Everything he says could easily be said by either side
19:51   vermilionvermin   all right
19:51   vermilionvermin   U-X I think is human because I think the wolves would be more familiar with the people playing
19:51   Maestro   Blue hasn't done anything yet that strikes me as overtly suspicious
19:51   vermilionvermin   With a Spyro wolfing, I think they went through the player list and eliminated people rather than selecting spyro
19:52   Maestro   Tried to avoid the manti rule.
19:52   vermilionvermin   Yeah, I'm not suspicious of him so much as I'm not convinced that he was human
19:53   vermilionvermin   You seem like a human because wolves are less likely to change their opinions unprovoked
19:53   vermilionvermin   and it seems like you're going back and forth on Mashi
19:54   Maestro   Well, at the moment he's my biggest suspect.
19:55   vermilionvermin   Your distinction between Mashi and Slow seems like it's genuine
20:04   vermilionvermin   All right, I think I'm out of things to say
20:05   vermilionvermin   I'm going to post this and then head out.



Ugh, this is too much for a non-player to follow...  :o

Gaaaaahaahhhhhhhhhhhh  ???
Party Hard!


so ive done pretty much absolutely nothing this game
and you all cherry pick evidence that makes no sense to incriminate me

I may make a post later, but I don't know.  I'm honestly appalled by how ridiculous this 'evidence' is.  If any of you seriously think that you were able to find me so easily by Day 1 for a few 'slip ups', you should really reconsider how you're playing the game (and this goes for nearly all Players accused early in the game) and what kind of Player I am.


Last Log of the Night, I promise.  A little bit of it got cut off, but I don't think it was anything significant.

Coincidentally, I'm going to be changing my vote to The_Last_Sheikah

Quote20:10   vermilionvermin   Mashi, who do you think is a wolf?
20:12   Vera   idk
20:12   Vera   I'm reading the logs at the moment.
20:12   Vera   And everyone is being suspicious of me.
20:12   Vera   They're frivolous.
20:13   Vera   18:55 Maestro Well, slow has proven undying loyalty towards mashi, regardless of affiliation.
20:13   Vera   18:55 Maestro He'll follow whatever Mashi says 100%.
20:13   Vera   wat
20:13   Vera   That's Jub3r7.
20:13   Vera   Not SlowPokemon.
20:13   Maestro   Is it?
20:13   Vera   Yes.
20:14   Maestro   I always ix those two up.
20:14   Maestro   mix*
20:14   Maestro   Disregard that fluff then.
20:14   vermilionvermin   I just assumed i'd missed something in the past two games
20:14   Vera   19:14 Maestro Even still, Mashi hardly reacted towards what he did post.
20:15   Vera   Because it was rather conspicuous that vermilionvermin was reaction testing.
20:15   Vera   I even sent him a PM to verify that.
20:15   Maestro   Yeah, he told me.
20:15   vermilionvermin   that's in the last log!
20:15   Vera   do i really need to defend myself even though ive done absolutely nothing so far in the game
20:16   vermilionvermin   ya
20:16   Vera   dumb
20:17   Maestro   It's a manhunt, we need to find fact from fiction.
20:17   Vera   19:10 vermilionvermin I'll have to do a little more looking into mashi and joke posts
20:17   Vera   19:10 vermilionvermin but i don't really understand the stuff against slow!
20:17   Vera   wat
20:17   Vera   verm why are you defending slowpokemon but not me
20:18   vermilionvermin   because
20:18   vermilionvermin   joking is normal, but excessive joking might correlate with wolfiness for you
20:18   Maestro   I misled him, and subsequesntly U-X and Blue about slow.
20:18   vermilionvermin   that's why i'm going to have to look into it
20:18   Vera   yes because
20:18   Vera   its been statistically proven that i joke more often as a wolf
20:19   Vera   and that my level of jokingness correlates with my role
20:19   vermilionvermin   that's what i'm going to look into
20:19   Vera   and has been used before to determine said role
20:19   vermilionvermin   that isn't why i think you're suspicious
20:19   Vera   How does excessive joking even correlate with being a Wolf?
20:19   Vera   Someone can excessively joke as a Wolf /and/ a Human.
20:19   Vera   How am I even excessively joking in the first place?
20:20   vermilionvermin   If you do more joking as a wolf than you do as a human, that's an indication
20:20   Vera   There are plenty of games in which I've joked far more than now.
20:20   vermilionvermin   what makes me more suspicious is the fact that you sent me that pm and that spyro got dead
20:20   Vera   Vera its been statistically proven that i joke more often as a wolf
20:20   Vera   That was sarcasm, by the way ^^^
20:20   vermilionvermin   i know
20:21   Vera   idk
20:21   Vera   I don't think I can really make any presumptions with you!!! 
20:21   vermilionvermin   hey wait a minute you're saying i'm illiterate
20:21   Vera   The PM verifying the reaction test?
20:21   vermilionvermin   ya
20:21   Vera   would you rather me ask that in the thread???
20:22   vermilionvermin   a wolf would have a greater motive to know whether or not i'm serious
20:22   Vera   So would a Human.
20:22   Vera   Considering Humans tend to try to find the truth.
20:22   vermilionvermin   because if i were, i could push a lynch on you the next day based on it being better than anything else
20:22   Vera   If you were serious.
20:22   Vera   I would call you dumb.
20:22   vermilionvermin   wolves have more of a motive to find out /then/
20:22   vermilionvermin   because wolves have to wolf
20:23   Vera   Your idea for me wolfing Universe-X too was dumb too.
20:23   Vera   When have my wolfings ever been predictable?
20:23   Vera   Name one single time.
20:23   Vera   I don't even know why I would wolf Spyro.
20:24   vermilionvermin   well
20:24   vermilionvermin   there's no reason for anyone to wolf spyro unless they were being unpredictable
20:24   vermilionvermin   19:36 vermilionvermin Because if the wolves knew that I was looking for that, then it'd make sense for a non-Mashi wolf pairing to wolf U-X and frame him. 19:37 vermilionvermin which means we're either dealing with wolves who didn't know what I was doing, wolves who knew what I was doing but were Mashi, or wolves who have something against spyro
20:25   Maestro   Spyro is not a threat for the wolves.
20:25   Vera   Then why single me out?
20:25   Vera   There are plenty of people who would wolf Spyro, I would imagine.
20:25   Vera   MaestroUGC comes to mind immediately, for example.
20:25   Vera   Even you may have wolfed him as well.
20:25   vermilionvermin   Other people would be more likely to wolf you or U-X in order to frame the other
20:25   Vera   I've only been wolfed like, 4 times ever.
20:25   Vera   Out of like 70-80 games.
20:26   Vera   Try again.
20:26   vermilionvermin   u-x then
20:26   Vera   Why would they do that?
20:26   vermilionvermin   because apparently it was super obvious that i was trying to see if you were a wolf and would wolf u-x
20:26   Vera   I don't follow how that would lead to his wolfing.
20:26   vermilionvermin   in order to disprove the mashi-u-x wolf pairing
20:27   vermilionvermin   it's in the log
20:27   vermilionvermin   let me find it
20:27   Vera   Why would they want to disprove it?
20:27   Maestro   He connected the two of you.
20:27   vermilionvermin   start here:
20:27   vermilionvermin   19:29 vermilionvermin There was a different game I played with Mashi in which I was wolfed Night 1 by Mashi's team because people suspected that I might be wolves with his partner
20:27   Vera   " Why would they want to disprove it?"
20:27   vermilionvermin   they would if you or u-x was a wolf
20:27   Vera   Not if I had a say about it.
20:28   vermilionvermin   well you would be more incentivized to if you weren't sure whether or not i was serious!
20:28   Vera   vermilionvermin, your evidence is cherrypicked and partial.
20:28   vermilionvermin   I don't think it is.
20:28   Vera   It is.
20:28   Vera   You found two suspects Night 1.
20:28   Vera   And stuck with them.
20:29   vermilionvermin   actually, i didn't find either of you suspicious
20:29   Vera   And now are trying to incriminate both (or one? idk) by 'finding' evidence that fits the bill.
20:29   vermilionvermin   until today
20:29   Vera   you mean because ive done absolutely nothing so far in the game???
20:30   vermilionvermin   you sent me the pm
20:30   vermilionvermin   and spyro got wolfed
20:30   vermilionvermin   both of those point to you being a wolf
20:30   vermilionvermin   and neither of them were sought after
20:30   Vera   when did i defend universe-x
20:31   vermilionvermin   i'm not finding evidence to suit a preconceived notion; it's right there
20:31   vermilionvermin   mashi, i don't even suspect you for that
20:31   Vera   Belief Perseverance.
20:31   Vera   And Belief Bias.
20:31   vermilionvermin   that was my fake accusation
20:31   vermilionvermin   i'll find the part of the log
20:31   vermilionvermin   that i was basing that around
20:32   Vera   Your evidence hardly makes any sense, vermilionvermin.
20:32   vermilionvermin   [23:11] <Vermilionvermin> does universe-x often make odd comments? [23:12] <Mashi> I suppose?
20:32   vermilionvermin   Yes it's very weak and no I don't think that makes you a wolf.
20:32   Vera   then what makes me a wolf
20:32   vermilionvermin   I made that accusation because you and u-x were the only people i'd talked to
20:32   vermilionvermin   the pm and spyro's death.
20:33   Vera   That evidence makes no sense.
20:33   Vera   Firstly.
20:33   Vera   You're presuming that I would wolf Universe-X or whatever simply because of an accusation.
20:33   Vera   Secondly, you're implying that I would wolf Spyro Night 1.
20:33   Vera   Well
20:33   Vera   Not implyinh.
20:33   Vera   implying*
20:34   Vera   Saying.
20:34   vermilionvermin   If you're trying to avoid dealing with the accusation at all, you're more likely to wolf someone like spyro
20:34   Vera   Thirdly, you're accusing me of being a Wolf because I was verifying that you weren't being suspicious and dumb in accusing me and Universe-X with such faulty evidence.
20:34   vermilionvermin   and what if i was?
20:34   Vera   Then you're being really dumb.
20:35   vermilionvermin   and what implications does that have if you're a human?
20:35   vermilionvermin   All I'm saying is that a wolf is more likely to want to know that kind of stuff night 1 rather than day 1
20:35   vermilionvermin   because a wolf has a decision to make
20:36   vermilionvermin   on whom to wolf
20:36   Vera   I'm arguing that a Human is just as likely to want to know.
20:36   vermilionvermin   Why?
20:36   Vera   If I said directly in the thread "Are you reaction testing?", it wouldn't be much of a reaction test, would it?
20:37   Vera   And I keep telling you.
20:37   vermilionvermin   I guess that's true.
20:37   Vera   I wanted to verify because if you were serious, I would be very suspicious of you and think you were being dumb.
20:37   vermilionvermin   I might have to go now
20:37   vermilionvermin   sorry
20:37   Vera   I don't forgive you!!!
20:37   Vera   Worst friend.
20:37   Vera   
20:40   Vera   ugh
20:40   Vera   I don't even know how to approach this in a post.
20:40   Vera   Because it's so dumb.
20:44   Vera   Even Universe-X is suspicious of me.
20:44   Vera   This is so dumb.
20:46   vermilionvermin   I'm not convinced by your defense
20:46   vermilionvermin   but it's given me enough doubt that I don't think it'd be prudent to lynch you right now
20:46   Vera   I'm not satisfied with that.
20:47   Vera   Your evidence is ridiculous.
20:47   vermilionvermin   It seems logical that a human might want to know, but it seems more pressing from a wolf
20:47   Vera   Probability isn't the same as umm
20:47   Vera   umm
20:47   Vera   i wanted alliteration
20:47   Vera   but i cant think of a word
20:48   Vera   Probability isn't the same as certainty.
20:48   vermilionvermin   And Spyro's wolfing could be the result of wolves who saw through my accusation
20:48   vermilionvermin   oh wait, this is the opposite of what i said before
20:48   vermilionvermin   I though that wolves who saw through it would be more likely to wolf u-x
20:48   Vera   Or it could have just been Wolves deciding to wolf Spyro because they never saw through your accusation and its implications because they were dumb.
20:49   vermilionvermin   *thought that
20:49   Vera   so are you saying that all of this arguing was useless
20:49   vermilionvermin   No
20:49   vermilionvermin   Arguing is always good
20:50   Vera   so youre saying yes but youre going to pretend it wasnt
20:50   Vera   ok
20:50   vermilionvermin   No
20:50   vermilionvermin   I legitimately think that I've learned something from this
20:50   vermilionvermin   I'm just not able to come up with it right now
20:50   Vera   cant wait to hear your next excellent deductions
20:50   vermilionvermin   I've been in here a while
20:53   Vera   i should have made my post more satirical
20:53   Vera   oh wait
20:53   Maestro   The point of arguing is to seek the truth.
20:53   Vera   but then i would be excessively joking
20:53   Vera   There's good arguing and bad arguing.
20:53   Vera   To put it in simple terms.
20:53   Vera   I think this was really pointless and dumb.
20:54   Vera   vermilionvermin seems to disagree.
20:54   Maestro   And I agree with him.
20:54   Vera   And you're probably going to just qualify it like you always do!!!
20:54   Vera   or not
20:54   Maestro   What just happened is good for the game.
20:54   Maestro   Points were brought up, a discussion got going.
20:55   Maestro   The reason you and U-X were suspect was because of verm's post.
20:55   Vera   Yet, a majority of the argument was me complaining about the argument against me being dumb.
20:55   Maestro   At the time, it was all we had to go on.
20:55   Vera   Hardly.
20:55   Vera   It was all you went on.
20:56   Maestro   The game's got to start somewhere.
20:56   Vera   There was never any further analysis of the remaining Players in the game.
20:56   Vera   It was used as a foundation and further evidence wasn't sought.
20:56   Vera   Of course things will fit nicely if you focus in on two Players.
20:57   Maestro   Alright, fair enough.
21:08   vermilionvermin   Mashi, I think that I had an incorrect perception of spyro which may have led me off-course
21:09   vermilionvermin   I was under the impression that he was someone who got lynched all the time
21:09   vermilionvermin   and would be more likely to get killed by confident wolves
21:10   Vera   sure
21:10   Maestro   Somebody who gets constantly lynched would serve as asset to the wolves, I would think.
21:10   Maestro   If they ever get stuck, they can just point the finger and let the other players do the work.
21:11   vermilionvermin   Right, but I'm not exactly sure if spyro is like that
21:12   Maestro   He's inoffensive.

21:15   Maestro   What about FSM?
21:16   vermilionvermin   I'd guess human
21:16   vermilionvermin   but I'm probably not reliable given that I haven't played with him
21:17   vermilionvermin   the post of his asking for responses to determine activity seemed like he was trying to find wolves
21:17   Maestro   Yes, but he's also new.
21:19   Maestro   He strikes as a kind of guy who would act impulsively sometimes.
21:19   vermilionvermin   If he is that type of guy, then it would make sense to keep him for now
21:20   vermilionvermin   because he'll make it obvious if he's a wolf
21:20   Maestro   Yeah, but he'd also have a partner who'd keep him in check.
21:20   vermilionvermin   He'll have some big mistake. Being new, a wolf, and quick-acting is a bad combination
21:20   vermilionvermin   not if he acts without thinking.
21:21   Maestro   Yeah.
21:22   Maestro   What about sheikah?
21:22   Maestro   He was the first oneto try and analyse the wolfing.
21:23   vermilionvermin   I must have missed that.
21:24   vermilionvermin   He doesn't reach a conclusion, does he?
21:25   vermilionvermin   I'm going to keep my eye on him.
21:25   vermilionvermin   I think that if he's a wolf, he'll try to push people to reach a conclusion
21:25   Maestro   Page 4.
21:25   Maestro   No, but it looks like he's trying to get some discussion going.
21:26   Vera   o youre chatting again
21:26   vermilionvermin   That post is exactly what I think a smart wolf would make
21:26   vermilionvermin   one which analyzes the wolfing, but doesn't actually reach a conclusion
21:26   vermilionvermin   that way, when other people reach the conclusion for you, they're held accountable
21:26   vermilionvermin   and you look like you're contributing
21:27   Vera   Or it's just a Human that legitimately didn't reach a conclusion.
21:27   vermilionvermin   But his conclusion seems pretty clear.
21:27   Maestro   Shadow and Dude are historically inactive.
21:27   Maestro   Thus far they've been playing true to form.
21:27   Vera   Doodle is on a trip.
21:27   Vera   And is going to be returning Monday if he doesn't have Internet.
21:28   vermilionvermin   It's hard to put either as anything but a nullread
21:29   vermilionvermin   Am I the only one who thinks it's pretty obvious that the_last_sheikah thinks the wolves are experienced?
21:29   Maestro   No.
21:29   Maestro   That was the same conclusion I got from that.
21:29   vermilionvermin   That post seems to fit what I though the wolves would do this game
21:30   vermilionvermin   which is be active enough, but not push a lynch on a certain person
21:30   vermilionvermin   lest they be held accountable for said lynch
21:31   vermilionvermin   I think I'll be heading off now, unless people want to talk more about sheikah
21:32   Maestro   Well, at the moment all we have on him is that his post fits the bill.
21:33   vermilionvermin   Which I think is better than anyone else
21:33   Vera   im going to need to be active right now arent i
21:34   Vera   and i thought i could just look at ib stuff for the rest of the day 
21:34   vermilionvermin   what do youthink of shiekah?
21:34   vermilionvermin   last question
21:34   Vera   Let me read his posts in the topic.
21:34   Vera   If he was suspicious of me though, I think he's dumb!!!
21:34   vermilionvermin   i don't think he posted since then
21:35   vermilionvermin   yeah his last post was the one where he analyzed the wuffing
21:37   Vera   idk
21:37   Vera   Not really much to take from the post.
21:37   Vera   Frankly, I'm most suspicious of you, vermilionvermin.
21:37   Vera   For being suspicious of me.
21:38   vermilionvermin   i think it was the best that was available at the time
21:39   Vera   I don't.
21:40   Vera   And I would have expected much better from you.
21:42   vermilionvermin   All right, I'm posting this.

So pretty much why I changed my vote from Mashi to the_last_sheikah is that, while I'm not convinced he's a human, I'm not convinced Mashi's a wolf either.  I think him sending me a PM is plausible if he's a human, but it's more what I was expecting from a wolf.  Similarly, with how little activity there was Night 1, Spyro's death isn't unreasonable if the wolves either submitted the wolfing before my accusation of Mashi or, more likely, didn't put any stock in it because it was really really weak.  I think Mashi's a big asset if he's a human, and I don't want to mislynch human Mashi, at least not on Day 1.

Sheikah's response to the wolfing is exactly what I'd expect a good wolf to do this game:  contribute the idea, but not be the one who makes the accusation.  With cardflip, people are going to look more into mislynches as evidence for someone being a wolf.  By being the first to analyze the wolfing, Sheikah gets activity points.  It's really obvious what the logical conclusion of his post is.  This in his words, makes it "harder to determine who the wolves reasoning, and therefore, their identities".  I don't think people can really argue the fact that that a wolfing which makes it hard to find the wolves is one more characteristic of skilled players.


I'm sorry if i've messed this all up. I was just having fun with Mashi, and it was purely in jest. I shouldn't have gone that out of control, and I probably messed this whole game up because of it. I'm really good at that :(
Quote from: K-NiGhT on April 11, 2024, 11:54:48 AMwow, 20 years

*crumbles into dust and blows away in the wind*
