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Kelsey and Eric's Adventures in Alyos! (DISCUSSION)

Started by Kman96, July 23, 2012, 09:27:34 PM

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What do YOU think should be the Champion Battle Theme??

"Battle! Team Aqua/Magma Team Leader" (Ruby & Sapphire)   (link)
7 (70%)
"Battle! Gym Leader (Kanto)" (HeartGold and SoulSilver)   (link)
1 (10%)
"Battle! Champion" (Black and White)  (link)
2 (20%)

Total Members Voted: 10

Voting closed: May 04, 2013, 09:34:12 AM


I've got a great thing going! I've gotten the first few episodes planned out (but not written), and I'm also going to re-draw the map I have, and make it more readable, so Sheikah, you may not have to make a map of Alyos after all.

Shadowkirby drew an awesome logo for the series, and that along with the map should be up within a couple weeks, if my dad can scan said papers for me.

Party Hard!


Forgot to post this a while back. I took this picture the night I published the story- it made me feel good that every guest was reading my story.

Party Hard!


Quote from: K-NiGhT on April 11, 2024, 11:54:48 AMwow, 20 years

*crumbles into dust and blows away in the wind*



Party Hard!


I like food.



I have created a Facebook group for my story, so check it out and join if you want more updates. I think I might update that more than this...This will be the place for final drafts, and I'll edit things on the Facebook page.
Party Hard!


Ok, so I've been working hard on a soundtrack to best fit the locations in my story (what a soundtrack would do, I have no idea, but hey, it's fun), and even though it isn't quite done YET, I figured I'd post a tentative list I can edit later. Look the songs up on YouTube, and I hope you enjoy/agree! Please leave your opinions, I would love them!

**need to be redownloaded

Grisleville ~Vermillion city theme (FR&LG)

Prof. Wages' Lab ~The Elm Laboratory (HG&SS)

Ferry ~Induction into the Hall of Fame (FR&LG)

Inell Town ~Lilycove City (R&S)

Route 1 ~Fight Area (Battle Frontier) (Pl)

Anchortown ~Slateport City (R&S)

"The Anchor" ~Shopping Mall Nine (B&W)

The Exo Project! ~The Rival Appears! 2 (HG&SS)

Route 2 ~Mt. Chimney (R&S)

Normany Fields ~Route 210 (D&P)

Velidan Mountain ~PWT Venue (B2&W2)

Cave ~Petalburg Woods (R&S)

Chainlink Village ~Super Contest • Cool Division (Pl)

Trail of Tears ~Relic Song (B2&W2)

Ancient City ~Distortion World (Pl)

Route 5&6 ~Route 30 (HG&SS)

Phare Rock ~Olivine City Lighthouse (HG&SS)

Jackson City ~Cinnabar Island Theme (FR&LG)

Mirror Lake ~Dreamyard (B&W)

**Jackson Glacier ~Stark Mountain (D&P)

Mt. Edgecumbe (city) ~N's Theme (B2&W2)

Mt. Edgecumbe  (crater cove) ~Sealed Chamber (R&S)

Route 3&4 ~Route 119 (R&S)

Oyler Town ~Dewford Town (R&S)

Ship Wreckage ~Abandoned Ship (R&S)

Polo Town ~Ever Grande City (R&S)

Ice Castle ~Art Museum (R&S)

Route 7 ~Fortree City (R&S)

Tindiring Factory ~Pokémon Mansion (FR&LG)

Burke's Theme ~Super Contest • Tough Division (Pl)

Edding Town ~Petalburg City (R&S)

Pizza Parlor ~Radio - "Buena's Password" (HG&SS)

Route 8 ~White Tree Hollow • Entrance (B2&W2)

Boreal City ~Rostboro City (R&S)

Power Plant ~Battle Factory (E)

Route 9&10 ~Route 4 (Spring) (B&W)

Elané Range ~Cold Storage (B&W)

**Port Wayling ~Eterna City (D&P)

Safari Zone ~Wi-Fi Plaza (HG&SS)

Route 12 ~Route 104 (R&S)

Drawes Town ~Cianwood City (HG&SS)

Saint Island (East) ~Sevii Islands 4/5 (FR&LG)

Route 11 ~Road to Fuschia-From Lavender (FR&LG)

Permafrost Tunnel ~Castelia Sewers (B2&W2)

Route 13 ~Route 12 (Autumn~Winter) (B&W)

Route 14 ~ Route 110 (R&S)

Old Igloo ~Old Chateau (D&P)

Sunset City ~Fallarbor Town (R&S)

Route 15 ~Route 22 (Spring~Summer) (B2&W2)

Exo Project Base (Anchortown) ~Pokéstar Studios • Theme of Fear (B2&W2)

Kerra Mine ~Mt. Moon Cave (FR&LG)

Mt. Totter ~Mt. Pyre Outer Wall (R&S)

Final Battle! (Exo) ~Battle! Champion (Kanto) (B2&W2)

Route 16 ~United Tower (B2&W2)

Port Victory ~Dragon's Den (HG&SS)

Quad Isles (Elite Four) ~Battle Dome (E)

Saint Island (Champion) ~Battle Pyramid Summit (E)

Route 17 ~Route 209 (D&P)

Kelsey's Theme ~Brendan (R&S)

**Eric's Theme ~Lucas (D&P)

Kelsey AND Eric's Theme (When together) ~Rival Appears (FR&LG)

Friends' Theme~Birch Laboratory (R&S)

Mandrew's Theme ~Looker's Theme (Pl)

Smithy's Theme ~Eusine (HG&SS)

Meeting a Legendary Pokémon ~Cave of Origin (R&S)

Snow! ~Route 113 (R&S)
Party Hard!


You guys should check out the alternate version of this story, where it's all from my perspective!
I like food.


A fairly recent hand-drawn map of Alyos...not the official, but it is until I make the official.
Party Hard!


I have excite.

I am totes in full support of this. We'll also have to announce to the others what we have been planning... >:3
Quote from: K-NiGhT on April 11, 2024, 11:54:48 AMwow, 20 years

*crumbles into dust and blows away in the wind*


Quote from: K-NiGhT on November 10, 2012, 11:14:03 PMI am totes in full support of this. We'll also have to announce to the others what we have been planning... >:3
I already told Korbin >:3
Shall I tell the rest? I think we should post it on the TGNSMPA thread. I'll PM you what I told Spit.
Party Hard!


Looks like what would happen if Alaska and New York has a kid.  ::)
Bulbear! Blueflower999


Quote from: blueflower999 on November 11, 2012, 12:35:17 PMLooks like what would happen if Alaska and New York has a kid.  ::)
What do you mean/hiw do you figure?
Party Hard!