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TWG XXXVI: Host Sign Ups

Started by Mashi, July 23, 2012, 08:37:22 PM

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Poll Music:  see because im happy there are so many games

spitllama's TWG XXXVI: Uprising Madness
5 (27.8%)
MaestroUGC's TWG XXXVI: Big Brother is Watching
2 (11.1%)
K-NiGhT's TWG omg lrn 2 cownt: The Legend of the Last Airbender
3 (16.7%)
SlowPokemon's TWG XXXVI: Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix
0 (0%)
Jub3r7's TWG XXXVI: The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya
8 (44.4%)

Total Members Voted: 18



Yay Avanti!

To paraphrase this game, there are three teams- wolves, independents, and humans. All three teams are competing for their own victories. Certain roles possess "divinity," which protects from other teams' attacks (excluding corruptions/ seerings/ wolfings/ lynchings/ corrections). No teams know who their partners are.

TWG XXXVI: Uprising Madness

Underworld Army (UA): (Wolves)

1. Lord of the Underworld- Hades (Master Wolf Converter) During the day, Hades will choose a player to corrupt. If the targeted player has divinity, they will be turned into an underworld slave at the end of the next night phase. Corrupted players lose their abilities as slaves and must willingly play as a wolf (a wolf victory also = corrupted player victory). Corruptions are not public. Hades does not possess divinity.
2. God of Death- Thanatos (Wolf Guardian) Thanatos can guard any one player each night from attacks (Pit/Forces of Nature/Hades/Pandora/Magnus). Thanny-poo is immune to attacks from both Pit and the Forces of Nature. Thanatos does not possess divinity.
3. Goddess of Calamity- Pandora (Wolf Seer) Pandora can pick a target each night to seer. She receives color and whether or not the person has divinity. Magnus will be seer'd as the player he became during that night phase. Pandora possesses divinity.

Forces of Nature (FoN): (Independents)

4. Goddess of Nature- Viridi (Independent Seer) May seer each night phase for color. Does not possess divinity.
5. Arlon the Serene (Independent Seer) May seer each night phase for fellow independents. Does not possess divinity.
6. Phosphora the Lightning Flash (Independent) May seer each night phase for fellow independents. Does not possess divinity.

The FoN hate everybody, but their victory relies on alliances with other teams. They must "correct" (equivalent of a wolfing) 1 player each night, but their kill can be changed/nulled in several ways:
a. If they correct a divine player, the target's divine status will be permanently removed, but the target will survive.
b. If they correct a corrupted player, that player will revert back to their original self and team. The FoN are told at the start of the night phase if a player will be corrupted that phase. A decision to save that player does not use up that night's correction. The identity of the saved player is secret.
c. If they correct Pit, one FoN commander will die at random and Pit will survive.

If Hades is corrected, the FoN will stop their nightly corrections and Hades will be captured (which will be publicly noted). The Underworld can save Hades by wolfing all FoN. If the game ends while the FoN have a hold of Hades, the FoN win.
Alternatively, if Palutena's Army kills Hades, the FoN's objective will change to eliminating everyone else (when this occurs, it will be privately noted to the FoN -- Pit also becomes vulnerable).

Palutena's Army (PA): (Humans)

7. Goddess of Light- Palutena (Guardian) Palutena has weakened divine force from the UA and FoN overstepping their realms. As such, she may become divine for one night phase of her choice (sends PM that night).
8. Master Swordsman- Magnus (Morph/seer) – Magnus can interact with other teams. During the day he will select a username (by PM) and effectively "become" that player for the course of the following night. (Ex/ If Magnus selects a wolf, he may vote for wolfings). If he attempts to become Hades, he will become corrupted and join the underworld as a slave. Does not possess divinity. Magnus cannot copy divinity.
9. Captain of the Guard- Pit (Role-Blocker) Pit attacks with light and prevents targets from performing their night actions (Sends a night PM). If he targets a FoN commander with this attack, the FoN is killed. If Pit is attacked by the FoN, one of the FoN will die, and Pit will survive. Possesses divinity.
10. Centurion (Human) Possesses divinity
11. Centurion (Human) Possesses divinity
12. Centurion (Human) Does not possess divinity

a. Divine players are protected from Magnus impersonations, Pit attacks, and one FoN correction
b. If a divine player is attacked by Hades' corruption, they will become an underworld slave.

(Note: Wolfings and corrections are proportional- Ex/ Two wolves vote for one player and one wolf votes for another = 66% chance the first player dies and 33% chance the second dies. Both wolfing and corrections are listed as "attacks" (or "kills" if successful) to avoid distinction.
Submissions Page
Currently using Finale 2012


TWG XXXVI – Big Brother is Watching

The name of the game is control. Standard TWG rules apply for victory, but there is an alternate win condition: If all of the Proles are flipped to one side, that side wins. If everyone else is a loyal party member, you can find the dissenters; if everybody is a dissenter, you can take down Big Brother. Wolfings are reffered to as "[Player] has been Vaporized".  Lynchings are reffered to as "[Player] has been Exiled".  Vaporizations are permanent, whereas exiles just become Unpersons, meaning they can come back to the game.

Exiles take the items with them and bring them back if they are brought back to the game. Any player who is brought back (other than the Inner Party and Brotherhood members) are unafilliated. Unpersons lose any powers if they are brought back. Unpersons are counted as a death while they are not playing. Inner Party members can vaporize unpersons.

If in the event that a player is targeted to be flipped by both sides, then they revert to Black, regardless of prior affiliation. The Party/Brotherhood count is announced at the end of each night. Proles are not allowed to publicly reveal their affiliation, doing so will result in an immediate exile for the remainder of the day phase, any votes cast will be nullified. If it is done during a night phase, it still goes into effect and lasts until the end of the following day.

Master Wolf sends in Wolfing vote, "Wolf Player," if he is out of play then it goes to O'Brien, then the IPM; O'Brien and Goldstein send in flipping choices, "Flip Player."

Players: 12-?
Inner Party (Wolves):
Big Brother: Master Wolf-Green
O'Brian: Wolf Seer/Flipper-Purple
Inner Party Member: Wolf-Red

Brotherhood (Humans):
Goldstein: Psychic/Flipper-Blue
Winston: Seer-Blue
Julia: Guardian-Blue

6-? Proles: Start Black (unaffiliated), Green (human) is Brotherhood, Purple (human) is Outer Party.

Secondary Powers/Events: These relate to either prole affiliation or existence.

The Book – Flips a prole to Green. It is used by Goldstein to flip a prole by sending the name of the player he wants to flip to the host during the night phase. If the chosen player is an Inner Party member, Goldstein will be informed that the Party is following him; Big Brother is told that an Inner Party member found the book. If Goldstein is vaporized The Book will remain in play as long as possible. Goldstein can choose to pass the book to another player during any night phase instead of flipping a prole; that chosen player will then have the ability to flip the following night. If the chosen player is vaporized, then the book returns to Goldstein at the end of the same night.

Room 101 – Flips a prole Purple. It is used by O'Brien to flip a prole by sending a name of a player he wants to flip to the host during the night phase. If the chosen player is a Brotherhood member, that player loses his/her power. If O'Brien is exiled, he takes the power to flip with him.

Rectification – Starting on night 3, a random exiled player will be brought back. If you had a power before you were exiled you will not gain it back. Returning proles are Black.

Thought Police – Starting on Night 5 the Thought Police will reveal the role (Wolf, Human, Prole's affiliation) of any random player to the entire game. Does not work on Big Brother or Goldstein, they cannot be targeted for this.
Try to do everything; you're bound to succeed with at least one.


TWG ???: The Legend of the Last Airbender

Amon If he matches a player with their role, that player loses their power, if any, for the remainder of the game. Also cannot be wolfed. The wolves do not know who Amon is. If Amon is wolfed, a random wolf will lose their power.

Wolf Team:
Ozai (Wolf Painter)
Firebender (Wolf)
Long Feng (Infective Wolf) upon lynching, can choose one person to become a wolf. The Vigi cannot become the infected wolf.

Human Team:
Aang/Korra (Vigi) Aang can withstand one wolfing. An announcement will be posted saying "Aang has been wolfed/lynched and reborn as Korra."
Roku (Guardian)
Toph (Seer) (true fans will understand my reasoning)
Katara (Healer) Can bring wolfed players back from the dead every odd night phase, except for night one.
Earthbender (Human)*
Waterbender (Human)*
Non-bender (Human)

Tarrlok (Miller)

*can become non-benders by way of Amon.

In addition to the normal ways of victory, an additional way of winning would be Amon removing the powers of all players and turning the Earthbender and Waterbender into non-benders. In which case Amon would become the sole winner of the game.
Quote from: K-NiGhT on April 11, 2024, 11:54:48 AMwow, 20 years

*crumbles into dust and blows away in the wind*


Quote from: shadowkirby on July 23, 2012, 08:55:12 PMALSO


Please be a joke
Submissions Page
Currently using Finale 2012


I like food.


I like food.


That's unfair to those who lack quick(or any) arranging abilities.
You see, we're entertainers. We must keep people smiling. No matter how grim things get, we must always be optimistic!


Yah and at least half of the players last game aren't arrangers

And the quality will be awful xD
Submissions Page
Currently using Finale 2012


That's a bad idea -_-

TWG XXXVI: Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix

The Dark Lord, Voldemort, has made a comeback. Harry Potter, now in his fifth year at Hogwarts, along a group of students, has formed Dumbledore's Army to retaliate all the sudden killings that have been occurring.

Voldemort and his number one associate, Bellatrix Lestrange, are unmistakably red. However, a maliciously horrible teacher at school who holds Voldemort's ideals in high esteem, Professor Umbridge, appears from the outside as sweet and friendly, and as such will be Seer'd as green. It is the wolves' job to lower the number of remaining humans to the number of remaining wolves.

Harry Potter, a selfless individual to the point of a fault, can guard one person per night phase from being murdered (he cannot guard himself). One of his classmates, Luna Lovegood, is particularly intelligent in a dreamy way, and can observe others well enough to understand their auras--also known as a Seer power. The Seers play for the human team.

The members of Dumbledore's Army are all risking their lives to ensure that the future remains free of terror and strife. One member of the group will be Seer'd as red due to Luna's human error. It is the human's job to eliminate all of the Wolves.

1. Voldemort (Wolf)
2. Bellatrix Lestrange (Wolf)
3. Umbridge (Wolf seer'd green)
4. Harry Potter (Guardian)
5. Luna Lovegood (Seer)
6. Student (Human seer'd red)
7. Student (Human)
8. Student (Human)
9. Student (Human)
10. Student (Human)
11. Student (Human)
12. Student (Human)
Quote from: Tobbeh99 on April 21, 2016, 02:56:11 PM
Fuck logic, that shit is boring, lame and does not always support my opinions.


Arranging for a seering item? Not only does that sound like a ludicrous task to arrange a fully playable sheet, chosen on the whims of the host, but to do it in 48 hours when we all have other obligations is just impractical. And how do you get to decide what's playable and what isn't? Not all of us who play TWG can even play piano, let alone arrange, so the gimmick would favor the experienced and free-time-having arrangers.
Try to do everything; you're bound to succeed with at least one.


It sounds like a cheap way to get a request fulfilled...
Quote from: Tobbeh99 on April 21, 2016, 02:56:11 PM
Fuck logic, that shit is boring, lame and does not always support my opinions.


So. many. games...
Just for teh lulz, Ill put one up tomorrow,, later, whatever, I need sleep.
You see, we're entertainers. We must keep people smiling. No matter how grim things get, we must always be optimistic!


Quote from: SlowPokemon on July 23, 2012, 09:06:33 PMIt sounds like a cheap way to get a request fulfilled...
that being said
I like food.


TWG XXXVI: The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya
The goal of the SOS brigade is to find something interesting like time-travelers, alien lifeforms, and espers!  ;D

1. Koizumi
2. Yuki
3. Mikuru

4. Kyon
5. Haruhi
6. Kyon's sister
7. Tsuruya
8. Asakura
9. Computer Society Officer Guy
10. Future Mikuru
11. Taniguchi
12. Kunikida
It's dangerous to go alone, take me with you! [JUB has joined the party.]