TWG XXXV: Professor Layton Post Game

Started by Kman96, July 23, 2012, 08:24:59 PM

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I'm showing the role reveal, but I've only gotten part of the analysis done. I fell behind after day 1... :(

TWG XXXV: Professor Layton

1.   Master Wolf – Don Paolo (seered Green)- Professor Shadowkirby
2.   Wolf Painter– Jean Descole- Professor Spitllama
3.   Wolf – Villager- Professor Jub3r7
4.   Miller – Stachenscarfen (is told he is a villager)- Professor Mashi
5.   Seer – Granny Riddleton- Professor FSM-Reapr/jake3433
6.   Guardian – Barton (cannot guard self)- Professor Wrydryn
7.   Human – Villager - Professor Spyro
8.   Human – Villager - Professor MaestroUGC
9.   Human – Villager - Professor SlowPokemon
10.   Human – Villager - Professor Dude
11.   Human – Villager - Professor the_last_sheikah
12.   Human – Villager - Professor K-NiGhT
Party Hard!


I hereby claim the title of MSP- "Most Shitty Player"
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Currently using Finale 2012


You are not the most shitty player, I'm the one that lost the game for us!!!!
Anyways, it's a true fact that I sent in the psychic pm the last night phase despite being the last wolf and sort of knowing the answer I would get back!
It's dangerous to go alone, take me with you! [JUB has joined the party.]


spitllama, don't be hard on yourself.  I actually commend you for counterclaiming.  Simply because things didn't go well doesn't mean that you performed badly.

Anyway, MaestroUGC for MVP!


Anyone who tries to counter-claim a newbie has to have a mental disorder. I don't know what the plan was there.

I agree on the MVP!
Submissions Page
Currently using Finale 2012


Looks like I would have a mental disorder then.



spit   Game over
23:06   jake   yay
23:06   maestro   I WAS RIGHGT!
23:06   Jub   Oh.
23:06   sheikah   OOOOOOHHHHHH YAH
23:06   Jub   VERA
23:06   jake   haha
23:06   maestro   ...son of a bitch.
23:06   Jub   HE DIDN'T BELIEVE ME. :<
23:06   sheikah   VICTORY SCREACH!
23:06   maestro   ...God damn.
23:06   sheikah   AYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
23:07   jake   sorry for not believing you two
23:07   Dude   o wow
23:07   spit   Wolf fail right here
23:07   Jub   Also, VERA
23:07   maestro   ...I
23:07   maestro   ...I need a nap now.
23:07   Jub   In my wolfing pm
23:07   Vera   what happened
23:07   Jub   I apologized profusely
23:07   Jub   about
23:07   Jub   stuff
23:07   Dude   Ya know, if I didn't change my vote, we would have still been playing
23:07   Jub   dude ur a jerk
23:07   maestro   Quick, get this log to Kman.
23:07   Dude   sry
23:07   Dude   ilu
23:07   spit   I'm on it
23:07   Jub   i dont
23:08   jake   Vera; we won!
23:08   spit   Wait I wasn't here long enough I lied
23:08   spit   Somebody else copy to Kman
23:08   Jub   This was my wolfing pm:
23:08   Jub   I'M SORRY MASHI.   I AM GOING TO HATE MYSELF FOR THIS. CORRECTION, I ALREADY HATE MYSELF FOR THIS.  (in case you didn't get the message im wolfing mashi tonight...  )
23:08   maestro   Jub, I don't remember even seeing you in any of the chat sessions.
23:08   Jub   I was here yesterday with the lynch of shadowkirby
23:08   Jub   ...
23:08   spit   Jub what are you apologizing about? -_-
23:08   Vera   o ok
23:08   Jub   I was apologizing about wolfing vera, the guardian
23:08   Jub   i felt super bad about it.
23:09   maestro   Why?
23:09   spit   ..... -.-
23:09   Jub   Because Mashi is a super coll person!!!!
23:09   maestro   It's all part of the game.
23:09   Vera   To be honest.
23:09   Jub   and doesn't deserved to be wuffed
23:09   spit   Wow
23:09   maestro   Jesus, what's with you people making this so personal.
23:09   spit   ^^^
23:09   Vera   If a certain Player did his job correctly.
23:09   Vera   I wouldn't have died.
23:09   jake   actually wrydryn was the guardian!
23:09   Vera   
23:09   Vera   ya
23:09   sheikah   ok, I say we all hug it out and move on
23:09   maestro   Oh.
23:09   Jub   o
23:09   Vera   And you were the only person I seriously said I was Guardian too.
23:09   spit   Either way, Jub you shouldn't not wolf Mashi because you like him
23:10   Jub   Actually, I've done that before.
23:10   Jub   @spitllama
23:10   maestro   Honestly, Jub, the more you spoke, the more lies I saw there.
23:10   Vera   ya
23:10   Jub   Where, as a wolf
23:10   Jub   I defended him
23:10   Jub   and saved him from getting lynched
23:10   Jub   he was human.
23:10   Jub   I don't remember what game, but I'm pretty sure I didn't wolf him!
23:10   spit   WHY
23:10   sheikah   this is like a cheesey soap opera
23:10   Jub   Because, he's my friend!
23:10   Vera   I still don't understand the shadowkirby lynch though.
23:10   spit   That doesn't make any sense
23:10   jake   also: of the wolves, which one was which???
23:10   jake   like painter, master, and regular wise
23:11   maestro   Of course not, you held onto logic.
23:11   spit   I was Painter
23:11   Jub   I was regular, shadowkirby as master,
23:11   Jub   spitllama was p
23:11   spit   My plan was much more exciting in my head
23:11   spit   
23:11   sheikah   do tell
23:11   maestro   And we saw through it all.
23:11   spit   Thanks Maestro
23:11   spit   I needed that
23:11   Jub   @spitllama, I really was planning to lead the lynch against you!
23:11   Vera   lol
23:11   Jub   The reason I didn't take action
23:11   Jub   was because I don't think you would have liked that!
23:11   Vera   Well, we should give spitllama some credit.
23:11   maestro   Hesitation will get you killed in this game.
23:12   Vera   Because this was a great game for Wolves to counterclaim.
23:12   spit   When you made the last vote against me I was raging Jub xD
23:12   Jub   
23:12   Jub   Sorry about that!
23:12   spit   No it wasn't, the psychic items destroyed counter-claiming
23:12   spit   I didn't even think of them when I claimed
23:12   Jub   Vera, again
23:12   Jub   I'm super super sorry for wolfing you.
23:12   spit   I was planning to just paint whoever we were told to seer
23:12   Vera
23:12   Vera   its okay i got revenge
23:12      *** Dude left #twgnsm (it's super loud in here)
23:13   Jub   XDDD
23:13   spit   DDDDD
23:13   maestro   Haha
23:13   Vera   I wish I did it before the game ended though.
23:13   sheikah   EXCELENT
23:13   Vera   Would have been better.
23:14   Jub   But again, vera, I felt super bad about it!!!
23:14   Vera   I think MaestroUGC should have MVP this game.
23:14   Jub   Despite it being a part of the game, I did it against my will.
23:14   Vera   Don't worry about it, Jub3r7.
23:14   spit   Vera, my favorite part of this game
23:14   maestro   Jub, enough, we get it.
23:14   Jub   
23:14   Vera   I still didn't like the shadowkirby lynch though!!!
23:14   maestro   You're sorry,
23:14   maestro   Attention to detail.
23:14   Jub   Also, I didn't lie.
23:14   Vera   I think that attention to detail was frivolous.
23:14   Jub   I sent in a psychic pm!!!!
23:14   Vera   That reminds me.
23:14   Jub   Even though I knew I was the last wolf, I wanted to be super honest!!!
23:14   Jub   And sent in the psychic pm anyways.
23:15   Vera   Where were our Psychic Item Holders?
23:15   Jub   shadowkirby.
23:15   Jub   Was keeping it a secret.
23:15   Vera   Ah.
23:15   Jub   For some reason idk
23:15   maestro   A-ha.
23:15   spit   I told him to throw out a lie for funsies and he didn't do it
23:15   Vera   Yeah, that's what I was expecting.
23:15   spit   Jub where the hell were you for the first two phases
23:15   Vera   Camp.
23:15   maestro   A lie would've served you better.
23:15   spit   I was seething
23:15   Jub   What vera said
23:15   Jub   I was at camp
23:15   Jub   and I came back and had 23 messages
23:16   Jub   I was like WOAH
23:16   spit   I bet
23:16   maestro   Wow.
23:16   spit   And then you voted for me
23:16   spit   xD
23:16   spit   ;aqwlrihga;oigvhaw;oigvhjea;oigvnhe;orihyyb;lkfaszv
23:16   maestro   Well, why wouldn't he?
23:16   spit   Even if wolves had won I was still pretty angry about how I was lynched
23:16   spit   All of a sudden Vera says something, I almost get insta'd
23:17   spit   I post a defense, as should be allowed
23:17   spit   Which tok like 10 minutes to do (a lot of lying
23:17   spit   And then Jub voted for me 3 seconds after I posted it
23:17   Jub   XD
23:17   maestro   That was brilliant.
23:17   Vera   lol
23:17   Jub   and then somehow maestro was using that against me?
23:17   maestro   Murder makes for a great cover.
23:17   Jub   how I helped in his lynch???
23:18   Jub   against a confirmed wolf???
23:18   Jub   which makes me a wolf too
23:18   Jub   rite
23:18   maestro   Yes.
23:18   Jub   o
23:18   Jub   i was the one who finished off the insta, too!!!
23:18   Jub   after he posted a huge defense
23:18   sheikah   to many convienient inconsistencies
23:18   maestro   very late to the party.
23:18   Vera   My favourite part was how everyone voted spitllama.
23:18   Jub   and this is what i get for helping the humans out!!!
23:18   spit   bitterbitterbitterbitterbitter
23:18   Vera   Hahaha.
23:18   spit   What was with everyone voting for me after the phase was evidently over?
23:19   Jub   hahaha
23:19   spit   I was like WOW RUB IN MY SUCK WOLFINESS
23:19   maestro   Wolves have agreat advantage in every TWG: They control the flow and content of information.
23:19   spit   SUCKY = AWFUL
23:19   Jub   OH RIGHT
23:19   Jub   I'm going to host a man-hunt next game, everybody up for it?
23:19   spit   Not in this one
23:19   Vera   Humans have power in numbers though!
23:19   Vera   As well as powers as well!
23:19   spit   We had one less special
23:19   sheikah   we all need to relax, listen to this
23:19   spit   SHUT UP SHEIKAH
23:19   spit   >
23:19   maestro   Oh, I'm very happy.
23:20   Vera   We only had a Seer and (inactive) Guardian!
23:20   Jub   I'm happy too!
23:20   Jub   Like, I'm glad that I'm happy because if I wasn't happy I would be sad.
23:20   maestro   But see, the game centers around the actions of the wolves.
23:20   Jub   Isn't not being sad a reason to be happy?
23:20   Jub   okay maybe not but still
23:20   maestro   The wolves can make anyone look guilty through their own actions.
23:20   spit   Unless there are freakin' psychic items -_-
23:20   maestro   It's up to the humans to read between the lies.
23:20   sheikah   oh vera, I remembered why we lynched shadow!
23:20   Jub   Oh, the spyro wolfing
23:20   spit   Then everything goes through the water
23:20   Jub   That was me.
23:21   Jub   Because.
23:21   Jub   Experienced players like me always have a reason to wolf people!!!
23:21   maestro   Yep
23:21   Jub   And since there was no reason to wolf spyro, it couldn't have been me, right????
23:21   spit   Right..
23:21   Jub   hahahaha
23:21   maestro   That's what we all assumed.
23:21   Jub   XD
23:22   spit   Maestro some of your reasoning was very flawed
23:22   Jub   That was indeed a good game.
23:22   maestro   Do what?
23:22   spit   Jub is always inactive xD
23:22   Jub   Not true!
23:22   sheikah   I said that because spit said shadow was green, and spit was a wolf, he was lying, and I was right!
23:22   maestro   That is not true.
23:22   Jub   I was at camp for the first night/most of the first day phase.
23:22   spit   I can't believe I actually linked myself to shadow in our chat
23:22   sheikah   B)
23:23   maestro   Yes, an inactive human won't care about the game if they can't get to it.
23:23   spit   After the awesome SBURB wolf-fest I was feeling pretty confident
23:23   maestro   A wolf will want to know what's going on as much as possible.
23:23   sheikah   lets call it revenge from TWG XXX and call us square
23:23   spit   Maestro who are you talking to
23:23   Jub   XD
23:24   maestro   I don't know anymore.
23:24   spit   xD
23:24   maestro   I'm just spouting crap out now.
23:24   sheikah   i was talking to spit
23:24   Jub   I'm reading what he is saying, so it's fine.
23:24   Jub   Maestro, feel free to spout crap.
23:24   sheikah   thats nasty
23:24   maestro   Ok.
23:24   maestro   ...poop.
23:24   maestro   Feces
23:24   maestro   Defication.
23:24   maestro   Happy?
23:25   spit   D:
23:25   maestro   That's what you get for being smart-butts.
23:25   Jub   hahaha
23:25   sheikah   POST GAME IS UP! well, sort of
23:25   Jub   No, I mean, feel free to spout stuff that nobody is reading because in reality, people are reading it!
23:25   maestro   Kman says he fell behind after day 1.
23:26   maestro   Man, does he have some catching up to do.
23:26   maestro   I dare say this was one of our most active game in a long time.
23:26   jake   mashi was miller again!
23:26   maestro   If only for tonight.
23:26   Jub   Ugh, I'm so disappointed in myself
23:26   Jub   i didn't do anything super radical!!!
23:27   maestro   Spit, it's ok.
23:27   spit   I'M SO EXCITED I have an epic game for the next host round ))
23:27   Jub   Like claim miller (SEER ME IT WILL PROVE IT)
23:27   Jub   Spit, you don't want to play a super coll manhunt????
23:27   maestro   We've all played games where we've taken a few wrong step because of misinformarion.
23:27   maestro   Really?
23:27   spit   I'm sorry Jub I'm awful at manhunts  They're hard
23:27   maestro   I have 3 in the pipe.
23:28   spit   3 what
23:28   maestro   games.
23:28      *** spit quit (Quit: ajax IRC Client)
23:29   maestro   Apparently.
23:29   sheikah   riiiiigggghhht
23:29      *** spitilicious joined #twgnsm
23:29   maestro   Jub, I do give you an A+- for you valiant effort to sway me.
23:29   Jub   A+-?
23:29   maestro   Yes.
23:29   spitilicious   Lol
23:30   Jub   Anyways, if I had more time, I probably could have swayed you.
23:30   Jub   But my hands were spazztastic from how fast I was typing.
23:30   sheikah   this was a most excellent game IMO
23:30   maestro   No, you couldn't have.
23:30   Jub   Or at least dude, which would have prolonged the game.
23:30   maestro   It really came down to the final stretch here.
23:30   sheikah   of 2 seconds! LOL
23:30   spitilicious   I had to watch the final chat
23:30   Jub   Also, being the one to insta spitllama
23:30   spitilicious   It was awesome
23:30   maestro   yeah, but you were next on the hit list anyway.
23:30   Jub   if I had mentioned that along with every thing else I did against my own team.
23:31   Jub   Which I tried to do but didn't actually have enough time.
23:31   maestro   But that's still a common cover for wolves.
23:31   maestro   In order to avois suspicion, you follow the group against your own teammate.
23:31   Jub   That I was the one who insta'd spitllama after he made a really huge defense post?
23:32   Vera   To be honest.
23:32   Vera   I'm glad this game ended.
23:32   Vera   It almost beat my game.
23:32   Jub   XD
23:32   Vera   For most pages.
23:32   sheikah   LOL
23:32   maestro   Oh.
23:32   Jub   How many pages was my game, and how many was yours?
23:32   Jub   the sburb one.
23:32   spitilicious   I noticed that too. Mine was only 10 waaa
23:32   spitilicious   But nobody was active so
23:33   Vera   Oh right, Host Sign Ups time.
23:33   sheikah   ugh
23:34   maestro   I really enjoyed this one, kudos to all of the players.
23:34   maestro   And to FSM, our bold new-comer.
23:35   spitilicious   I was disappointed you weren't a wolf again Maestro
23:35   maestro   I was too.
23:35   maestro   It broke my streak.
23:35   maestro   I told Kman the same thing as soon as I got the PM.
23:35   Jub   And then I proved you and sheikah human!!!
23:35   spitilicious   I forgot to give Kman the loaded dice
23:35   sheikah   yes, I agree, jolly good show chaps! jolly good show indeed
23:35   Jub   I proved you human, sheikah, and this is what I get???
23:35   Jub   
23:36   maestro   I would've loved to been behind the scenes on this one.
23:36   sheikah   *virtual cookie* here you go Jub
23:36   Jub   Yeah, shadowkirby and spitllama were back and forth and I was no where in sight
23:36   Jub   for the first night phase and first part of day phase.
23:36   Jub   I was at summer camp, like vera said
23:36   Jub   scouts!
23:37   Jub   And going to work really was what prevented me from voting shadowkirby.
23:37   Jub   I don't recall lying about anything I said!
23:37   maestro   I know what that's like, but you still could've saftied on yourself.
23:37   Jub   Yeah, I just didn't think about it until around 7 pm at work. :X
23:37   maestro   I don't remember you leading the charge on either spit or shadow.
23:38   sheikah   Lying, no.  Inconsistent, most likely.
23:38   Jub   I actually said I was planning on leading the lynch against spitllama.
23:38   maestro   Ok, yeah, that's a far better word.
23:38   Jub   And that was true, but I don't think he would have appreciated that!
23:38   Jub   I ended up being the one who insta'd him.
23:38      *** Winter quit (Quit: Bye.)
23:38   Jub   And shadowkirby, I actually said my words against him in the chat.
23:38   maestro   That's the thing though.
23:38   Jub   Which apparently you weren't there for?
23:38   Jub   But then I left and didn't come back until he was insta'd.
23:39   maestro   Planning and doing aren't the same thing.
23:39   Jub   Yeah.
23:39   Jub   I'll learn from it.
23:39   maestro   You can make all the plans in the world, but your actions are what defines you.
23:39   Jub   And I apologize to any future wolf partners!!!
23:40   Jub   Well apparently my insta'ing of spitllama didn't really define me very well.
23:40   Jub   Even though you already mentioned that's a common wolf cover.
23:40   maestro   I've used the same cover before.
23:40   maestro   On K-Night I believe.
23:40   maestro   And he was pissed.
23:40   sheikah   you know what they say, "Spit happens."  *BADUM-TIS*
23:41   Jub   XD
23:41   maestro   ...I
23:41   maestro   ...I don't get it.
23:41   maestro   ...
23:41   Jub   But if I were a real wolf, I wouldn't have voted him RIGHT after he made such a large defense!!!!
23:41   Jub   Vera and kman, cue the real roles!!!!
23:41   Jub   
23:41   Jub   owait kman left
23:42   maestro   The post-game is up.
23:42   Jub   brb let me find kman and tell him that it's okay now to reveal the REAL roles.
23:43   maestro   I love how everybody jumped on for the last ten minutes of the game.
23:44   maestro   It was like the shoot-out at the O.K. Corral.
23:44   maestro   And everybody wanted a seat.
23:44   sheikah   haha, yeah
23:44   maestro   It was great, I had Don Giovanni going in the background too.
23:45   Jub   NEXT GAME
23:45   Jub   Despite my role, I'm going to claim every role ever.
23:45   Jub   That doesn't even make sense to claim.
23:45   maestro   Please don't do that.
23:45   Jub   Hey guys I'm the miller!!!!
23:45   Jub   I'm also the master wolf
23:45   maestro   That's the easiest way to get yourself insta'd.
23:46   Jub   and the third-party guy too
23:46   Jub   Also just a regular human
23:46   Vera   id protect you jub
23:46   Jub   yay
23:46   Jub   Jub   But if I were a real wolf, I wouldn't have voted him RIGHT after he made such a large defense!!!! 23:41   Jub   Vera and kman, cue the real roles!!!!
23:46   maestro   2 against 9?
23:46   Jub   jake would be on vera's side maybe idk
23:47   Jub   and then you would be on my side!!!
23:47   maestro   Who?
23:47   Jub   I don't know, but I think I must be getting tired or something.
23:48   maestro   From all that fightin' you just did.
23:49   sheikah   Well, I think we're about done here, Ill throw this party up in the post game for all to remember fondly, G'NIGHT 'ERYBODY!
You see, we're entertainers. We must keep people smiling. No matter how grim things get, we must always be optimistic!


I KNEW Mashi was lying about being guardian. I hate false claiming, it's so annoying.
Quote from: Tobbeh99 on April 21, 2016, 02:56:11 PM
Fuck logic, that shit is boring, lame and does not always support my opinions.



I can't believe I survived. THANK YOU RANDOM.ORG FOR SPARING ME!!!!
Quote from: K-NiGhT on April 11, 2024, 11:54:48 AMwow, 20 years

*crumbles into dust and blows away in the wind*


I told SlowPokemon and Jub3r7 that I was Guardian.  SlowPokemon, because I suspected that he would pull the "You're Mashi, so I'm going to vote for you" (BUT HE DID IT ANYWAY) and Jub3r7 because Jub3r7.


Slow what was up with the Mashi-You thing?

I was feeling flames through my screen.
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Currently using Finale 2012


FSM told me you were guardian too.  I thought it was odd that you asked if I was guardian in the chat, but I thought nothing of it.
You see, we're entertainers. We must keep people smiling. No matter how grim things get, we must always be optimistic!


Quote from: Mashi on July 23, 2012, 08:57:31 PMI told SlowPokemon and Jub3r7 that I was Guardian.  SlowPokemon, because I suspected that he would pull the "You're Mashi, so I'm going to vote for you" (BUT HE DID IT ANYWAY) and Jub3r7 because Jub3r7.

The reason I voted for you was because I didn't--and still don't--think lynching me was a good plan. The negatives outweighed the positives by far. :PPPP it made no sense to me to allow the wolves an extra kill, even at the prospect of extra seerings.
Quote from: Tobbeh99 on April 21, 2016, 02:56:11 PM
Fuck logic, that shit is boring, lame and does not always support my opinions.


Quote from: spitllama on July 23, 2012, 08:26:37 PMI hereby claim the title of MSP- "Most Shitty Player"

That should be mine, sir.
Quote from: K-NiGhT on April 11, 2024, 11:54:48 AMwow, 20 years

*crumbles into dust and blows away in the wind*