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NSM RPG Item Ideas

Started by Zunawe, July 23, 2012, 07:56:16 PM

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I'm not quite sure if this is the best place for this thread, but I figured it would be better to keep it in the same topic as the main thread.

We were thinking of opening suggestions for items/weapons/spells/upgrades that could be in this game. If you haven't already, it might be beneficial to read the NSM RPG thread (link will be up in a sec) so that you can get an idea of what it will be like. For you anti-readers, the weapons will be mostly medieval-like, so spears, swords, axes, bows, etc. . . However, the setting is a post-apocalyptic future in which most technology has been destroyed, but the knowledge hasn't. Therefore, small remnants can make up power-ups to weapons not unlike the enchanting system from Skyrim. This could also be applied to magic (i.e. A handheld device could shoot fireballs like Iron Man shot energy things from his hands.).

Don't add things like healing spells or Iron Sword because those are obvious. Try things like arrows with lightbulbs on them to show you dark areas ahead of you.

Also, this is going to look very Dragon Warrior-ey in graphics and mechanics.

Here is a list of the suggestions so far. We'll do some sort of poll later on when we have a fair amount (or at the start of development).
Weapon Upgrades
Useful Items
All Suggestions

How to post a suggestion:
[b]Type[/b]: (Type)
[b]Name[/b]: (Name)
[b]Description[/b]: (Special effects, should it be weak or uber powerful or somewhere in between, etc. . .)
[b]In-Game Description[/b] (Optional): (If you want to write what the player sees, then you can. We may edit it, but the general idea will be conserved)
[b]Visuals[/b] (Optional): (What do you want it to look like?)

Type: Upgrade
Name: Small Battery
Description: Adds a small electrical charge to a weapon that adds extra damage and may paralyze target.
In-Game Description: A commonly found battery that can be attached to any weapon that has metal and gives it a chance to paralyze the target.
Visuals: A small attachment around the handle/shaft that connects to the metal part via wires.

If you would like to suggest a series of related weapons/items/upgrades/spells that share a similar function, but may have more powerful effects, then add those at the end. Also, only add the weakest version of it, and describe the updated powers below.

Series: This will be in a series of 3 with Small Battery, Battery, and Large Battery, each one with a greater chance of paralysis and more damage.

Armor suggestions will be the same as everything else, except for sets. If you want to suggest a set of armor in which every piece functions exactly the same way, then at the end put another section to specify what other pieces you would like to be included. By doing this you are saying that all pieces of the set have the exact same effects. In these cases, the effects will be greater the more surface area there is. So, Torso>Legs>Helmet>Boots>Gloves. If you want pieces to have different effects, create a separate suggestion for that piece. If you want a different In-Game Description section for each piece, do In-Game Description ([part]): blah blah in separate lines for each part. The same goes for visuals, names, etc. . . You can also just do a general description for all of them if you would like.
You know you've been playing too much Dragon Quest when you're afraid your Hershey's Kisses are going to flee.

I program things


Type: Item
Name: Heart Potion
Description: Fills all health. (there would also be versions of it that fill only some)
In-Game Description: An expensive potion made with lots of ingredients. Although it tastes awful, it does restore all of your health.
Visuals: A bottle with a large bottom, but curves inward in the middle and out again (kinda like some kinds of vases). A cork seals the top, and inside there is a red liquid. There is a small, white label around the top of the bottle.

I'll suggest more, maybe put stuff in for Fire Arrows.


Type: Weapon and useful item
Name: Tiny Fishing Rod
Description: In battle - Weak, but may confuse your opponent. Outside of battle - Can hook up items (story-based? Like finding a key in a well) and fish (heals a little health)
In-Game Description: Might be a surprise for your opponent if used in battle, but don't count on it to save you
Visuals: Wooden stick with a thin string attached to it
Series You might be able to catch better/more things with a better rod (like that you get deeper), so Tiny/Basic/Big/Enormous Fishing Rod might be some ideas

I plan on mostly focusing on making these work ingame and drawing them, others can work on the ideas ;)
I'll post in the regular topic about my ideas/plans


Hmm. . . Somehow this looks like it was inspired by the Twilight Princess glitch/really odd easter egg in the final battle. :))
You know you've been playing too much Dragon Quest when you're afraid your Hershey's Kisses are going to flee.

I program things


Quote from: Spyro on July 24, 2012, 06:29:21 AMType: Item
Name: Heart Potion
Description: Fills all health. (there would also be versions of it that fill only some)
In-Game Description: An expensive potion made with lots of ingredients. Although it tastes awful, it does restore all of your health.
Visuals: A bottle with a large bottom, but curves inward in the middle and out again (kinda like some kinds of vases). A cork seals the top, and inside there is a red liquid. There is a small, white label around the top of the bottle.

I'll suggest more, maybe put stuff in for Fire Arrows.
Quote from: Zunawe on July 23, 2012, 07:56:16 PMDon't add things like healing spells or Iron Sword because those are obvious.
You know you've been playing too much Dragon Quest when you're afraid your Hershey's Kisses are going to flee.

I program things


Type: Weapon
Name: Irradiated Longsword
Description: A makeshift sword whose blade is made of a jagged, sharp, piece of radioactive metal. On attacking an enemy, it has a chance to cause the staus effect Radiation Poisoning, which reduces a foe's health and speed per turn. To balance this out, and due to the fact that you're waving a radioactive sword around close to your face, equipping the item will inflict the status effect Radiation Sickness onto the player, which will reduce your total health by 1/3 while it is equipped. (This effect can be negated by finding the Radiation Suit Gloves, an armor piece.)
In-Game Description: A powerful sword made with remnants of the old world; be careful of its effects.
Visuals: A sharp piece of radioactive metal tied haphazardly to a sword hilt.
The art of flying is to throw yourself at the ground and miss -Douglas Adams


Oh, didn't see that Zunanwe.

Type: Item
Name: Spring Shoes
Description: Shoes that allow the player to jump on hazardous platforms (like spikes, stuff like that) and get to higher platforms they couldn't usually reach.
In-Game Description (Optional):
Visuals (Optional): Black boots with silver springs on the bottom of them.

Type: Weapon
Name: Ball Cannon
Description: A cannon that shoots out powerful lead balls.
In-Game Description (Optional):
Visuals (Optional): A hand cannon made with light metal and a wooden handle.


Type: Weapon
Name: Single-use mortar
Description: A length of metal drainage pipe with one end sealed, stuffed with gunpowder and shrapnel. Extremely dangerous at close range, especially at the open end. Destroys itself during use.
In-game description: Place on level ground, point at enemies, light fuse, find cover!
Visuals: A metal pipe with a length of fuse sticking out of one end. The other end is marked with a red arrow.

Type: Item
Name: Bicycle
Description: A rather ordinary bicycle, excellent for fast travel in a post-apocalyptic world with sparse fuel. Always overlooked in post-apocalyptic settings, the NSM RPG gives this excellent artifact a time to shine.
In-game description: Two wheels and a set of pedals. Makes you faster than most things on legs. Remember to check the brakes from time to time!
Visuals: A bicycle with bulky tires (rubber tubes are a luxury, never mind too fragile, so most bicycles have solid-rubber tires now).
Emergence - a story exclusive to NSM

Yes, I'm still around from time to time. For quicker response, you can reach me by PM, or drop by Smogon to say hi. I go by "Codraroll" there, because of a bet.


Type: Weapon
Name: Make-shift Rifle
Description: A low-power rifle made from plywood, rusted pipes, and spare parts scrounged up from the wastelands.
In-game Description: Made from junk. Easy to make, easy to use. A favorite of the human rebels.(Because every game needs a rebel faction)
Visuals: Stock and handle made from old plywood, rusty metal pipe for the barrel, a bunch of rusted gears and whatnot make up the firing and loading mechanisms.

Type: Item/Weapon
Name: Wrench
Description: Can be used to fix things(if we add such a feature), but also can be used as a low-damage, blunt melee weapon.
In-Game Description: A large wrench. Use to fix your bike or smash open your enemies skull.
Visuals: It's a freaking wrench. You figure it out.

Quote from: Mashi on March 26, 2013, 05:54:37 PMAfter viewing both FMA:Brotherhood and Naruto Shippuden, it would be frivolous to even consider watching an anime as unbearably mediocre as Melancholy. NARUTOxHINATA 4 LYFE!!!


Type: Item
Name: Mace
Description: A black, iron, spiked ball on a chain attached to a stick, like the ones from Medieval times.
In-game Description: A short range melee weapon that isn't as easy to use as a sword, but is a lot more painful to deal with.
Visuals: I think you get the picture. It's a black ball with lots of spikes on a chain with a handle at one end.
Bulbear! Blueflower999


A mace doesn't have a chain, it's just a stick with a heavy, spiky ball at the end. What you described was a ball and chain. Which one would you rather suggest?
You know you've been playing too much Dragon Quest when you're afraid your Hershey's Kisses are going to flee.

I program things


Quote from: Zunawe on July 25, 2012, 07:01:36 PMA mace doesn't have a chain, it's just a stick with a heavy, spiky ball at the end. What you described was a ball and chain. Which one would you rather suggest?
Oh. Ball and chain then. Sorry, I'm no expert on Medieval weaponry. XD
Bulbear! Blueflower999


How would combat be? Real-time or turn based? Sidescrolling or isometric or full-3D?

Stuff like barbed wire, foot lances, caltrops or things like that would work well in some settings, but be hopeless in others.
Emergence - a story exclusive to NSM

Yes, I'm still around from time to time. For quicker response, you can reach me by PM, or drop by Smogon to say hi. I go by "Codraroll" there, because of a bet.


Quote from: blueflower999 on July 26, 2012, 12:33:32 PMOh. Ball and chain then. Sorry, I'm no expert on Medieval weaponry. XD

Quote from: Cobraroll on July 26, 2012, 01:33:48 PMHow would combat be? Real-time or turn based? Sidescrolling or isometric or full-3D?

Stuff like barbed wire, foot lances, caltrops or things like that would work well in some settings, but be hopeless in others.
Imagine Dragon Warrior with better graphics and animations, a different story, and combat that looks better. Because of this I wouldn't think barbed wire would be much more than a way to block off a path.
You know you've been playing too much Dragon Quest when you're afraid your Hershey's Kisses are going to flee.

I program things


I haven't played Dragon Warrior, so that doesn't tell me anything.

And barbed wire tied to pegs and strung out in door-sized meshes about ankle height are truly terrifying, especially in the darkness. If you're on a horse, then goodbye to that one, it'll rip itself apart in panic in the tangled mess. It takes a while to set up, but is a great defensive weapon.
Emergence - a story exclusive to NSM

Yes, I'm still around from time to time. For quicker response, you can reach me by PM, or drop by Smogon to say hi. I go by "Codraroll" there, because of a bet.