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TWG XXXV: Professor Layton

Started by Kman96, July 14, 2012, 01:18:08 AM

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i am the seer please fo' srs bsnss
clam to mii


You see, we're entertainers. We must keep people smiling. No matter how grim things get, we must always be optimistic!



You see, we're entertainers. We must keep people smiling. No matter how grim things get, we must always be optimistic!


The tall man with the dark hair and mustache stepped in front of Layton and barked at the villagers in the restaurant. "Alrigh' now you lot listen to me, you hear? I'm Inspector Chelmey of Scotland Yard. I'm sure you're all acquainted with my er- esteemed colleague Layton, here?" Everyone nodded.  "Good. Now shut yer traps, because we're gonna ask each one of you some questions! Any uncooperation, and I'll lock you up myself!"
   Layton cut in before Chelmey could go any further.  "Now, now, Inspector, I do believe we should make our guests comfortable before we get into our investigation."
   The Professor called for a few villagers to ask the chefs to prepare a meal for everyone.  Within minutes, waiters brought out a plate of delicious gourmet food for everyone.  Quickly, the villagers began to scarf down their meal.  When they were finished, they all began to relax in their chairs.
All except for one.
   As Layton stood up to select the first to be interviewed, a villager named Slow began to cough.  After sipping some water, he waved his hand, signaling that he was ok.  Layton went on: "I would like to speak with you indivi-" Slow began coughing again.  He drank the rest of his water and began to cough even more.  Raspier and raspier the coughs became, as Slow began to excuse himself from the room.  "I'm not sure where this is coming from..." he managed to spout between coughs. Come of the other villagers looked at one another.
  Slow eventually made it to the door, when the coughing suddenly stopped.  Professor Layton had been watching Slow since he stood up, but finally realized what was wrong: Slow was sick.  The Professor ran to help him, but it was too late.Slow had collapsed, presumed dead.
   "NOBODY MOVE!" Chelmey exclaimed in his booming voice. He ran over to Slow's plate to examine what had been there.  The Inspector sniffed the plate and gagged very briefly.  "Poison.  Some clever bloke thought 'e could get away with poisoning a fellow villager, 'uh? Layton, you better get on with this...who knows what else migh'appen tonight..."

1.   Master Wolf – Don Paolo (seered Green)
2.   Wolf Painter– Jean Descole
3.   Wolf – Villager
4.   Miller – Stachenscarfen (is told he is a villager)

5.   Seer – Granny Riddleton
6.   Guardian – Barton (cannot guard self)

7.   Human – Villager
8.   Human – Villager
9.   Human – Villager
10.   Human – Villager
11.   Human – Villager
12.   Human – Villager

1.Professor Spitllama
2.Professor Spyro
3.Professor Jubert
4.Professor MaestroUGC
5.Professor FSM-Reapr
6.Professor shadowkirby
7.Professor the_last_sheikah
8.Professor SlowPokemon
9.Professor Dude
10.Professor K-NiGhT
11.Professor Mashi
12.Professor Wrydryn

Night 1 is over! SlowPokemon has been wolfed!

It is now Day 1. Day 1 ends on Tuesday, July 17th at 9PM EST.

Here is the puzzle to solve if you want to get the reviver item next night phase. The first correct answer sent in will be accepted. Only one will be distributed:

A friend wrote you the following letter:

"Our baby girl Nat was born last year in March. If you multiply her age by those of her older siser Kat and brother Pat, the product is 36. If you add all of their ages together, you'lll get a sum of 13. Everyone is healthy and happy. Write back soon!"

The letter was written on April 25th. What are the ages of Nat, Kat, and Pat?

Here is the puzzle if you want a Psychic item the next night phase. The first 2 correct answers will be accepted, and 2 items will be distributed:

A couple recently had a baby. The father is 1/4 of his age older than the mother. He says, "In 36 years, my daughter will be half of my age."

How old is the mother when the baby is born?
Bulbear! Blueflower999


Shit, I'm dead. Oh well. I'll still read the rest of the game because I love Professor Layton (see avatar). Still looking forward to Jub's manhunt.

Oh also Mashi is the please, claim to him
Quote from: Tobbeh99 on April 21, 2016, 02:56:11 PM
Fuck logic, that shit is boring, lame and does not always support my opinions.


I know I'm not playing, but I'd just like to point out that both of these questions can't have one single valid answer they way they're written.  I would tell you why, but that would give you a hint on the path to the correct solution!

Also the second question is probably worse because there's infinitely many solutions that are valid.



I'm too tiredddd...

I don't wannaaaaa.

Safety on the_last_sheikah


Quote from: SlowPokemon on July 15, 2012, 09:33:57 AMNo Grosky :(

I'm sorry, slow  I wrote this story to be after Grosky :( ...but I could write him in as a cameo if you want ;)

also, no one commented on the story I wrote...

Quote from: Liggy on July 15, 2012, 06:39:41 PMI know I'm not playing, but I'd just like to point out that both of these questions can't have one single valid answer they way they're written.  I would tell you why, but that would give you a hint on the path to the correct solution!

Also the second question is probably worse because there's infinitely many solutions that are valid.
I don't know how you're thinking of these, but both of these puzzles have only one answer. There is only one answer that makes any sense for both questions. I've already received one correct answer to the second one, but it was from someone who isn't playing!! (You know who you are)

By the way, I shouldn't be posting. Shhhhhh. I'm at summer camp.
Party Hard!


The first one was actually me being a bit nit-picky, and there's really only one solution a person could reasonably get.

Second one suffers from (what I think to be a typo) and no limits on the age of any of the three people involved.  Even if you exclude ages far above the average life span for the typical human, I can think of several answers that all make sense within the context of the problem.


Never mind!

I misread the question.  Yeah there's really only one answer for the second question, although "recently" could be defined better.


Here goes nothing:


I was seering Slow, buuuut...


Quote from: K-NiGhT on April 11, 2024, 11:54:48 AMwow, 20 years

*crumbles into dust and blows away in the wind*
