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Started by FSM-Reapr, July 02, 2012, 05:03:47 PM

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FSM's performances:

FSM-Reapr: Improvised Concert
[other songs retracted cuz major friend fuck-ups]



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Emergence - a story exclusive to NSM

Yes, I'm still around from time to time. For quicker response, you can reach me by PM, or drop by Smogon to say hi. I go by "Codraroll" there, because of a bet.

FSM-Reapr my medley is complete...


Quote from: FSM-Reapr on August 18, 2012, 01:49:03 AMSSBB: Waluigi Pinball  :P
*whistles* have fun with that one.  Also, I would be very happy to hear a recording of Toad's Factory... plz??


Apparently my Macbook is evil and doesn't upload my CD. I'll upload the CD/recording from that CD tomorrow.

And I'm currently listening Lavender Town. :o Co-incidence? I think not...


24th of August (I can hear the wedding Christmas bells ringing already)

A lot of you might have heard that I'm engaged(sorry girls!!!). Her parents want to throw a party for that.(they are kinda rich) So I said: No party, unless FSM is there. So another gig, but this time for no money. But it's always so fun to perform. And I can't wait to that!!! XD

And also the CD thing is totally not working. Here's what I'll do tomorrow: I'll record a recording from the CD, and upload that.


7th of September

Sorry so much that I haven't posted at all! I've been VERY busy! I'll make the analyses of the VGM we have used later.

But now I present you:

FSM - Black City
from Pokémon Black.
1st piano+2nd piano+3rd piano+sound tech

Our best song this far! :D Also, it took a week to practice just this. XD


8th of September

OffiCelebration VGM Analysis:

Bubbles Shining Over the Sea/On the Beach at Dusk [Bespinben(piano) & Dusk(guitar)]: I changed a little bit of Dusk's arrangement so it would sync with the piano. Clearly it was the most beautiful thing on that stage that night.

"Dialga's Holiday by the Finnish"(Shadoninja & Bespinben): Slowed the tempo from Primal Dialga and made few adjustments to Rainbow Resort. Epic. Worked out nicely. Both of you did wonderful job arranging those pieces.

Game Corner(DekuTrombonist): I LOVED IT!!! And so did everybody else. Also we added some DJ magic to back this.

Gourmet Race: Almost broke the speakers. XDDDDDDD Kane did a wonderful job.

Meta Knight's Revenge: ...You can guess what I'm gonna say...Epic Jazz!!!

-!- Alert: Guest star showed her potential. No piano was in that song because no one fulfilled my request(yet ;) )... This was actually the first time I used my new jazz guitar in FSM. :)

Pirate Dance: Without the voice acting... I think that was the best remix of SMW: Athletic out there. That's why it was fun to make this. And I might have slipped some dance moves in the mix... ::) (shh... don't tell anyone)

FSM's Mission Medley: Very fun, though the Mission 3 gave us a hard time. The most interesting thing was that we put "Game Over" theme in the halfway of Mission 6 and then played Mission 1 again. Then the medley ended.

Applause to Kane Johnson, everybody!!!(God I wish my last name would be Johnson, it's so cool)


It's been a while. I present my solo 100% improvised concert:

FSM-Reapr: Improvised Concert

The one who can name all the songs will earn a cookie.


1. Moon River
2. ???
3. Those Were the Days
4. Exodus
5. La Vie en Rose
6. Summertime (Gershwin for the win)
7. Sailing
8. Deep Purple
9. Stardust
10. ???
11. ???
12. Yesterday
13. Something from Romeo and Juliet?
14. Mack the Knife
Almost got a cookie.   :'(

My dad had a nostalgia fit. XD

This is really good.   :)  Nice job buddy!

tell the background peeps to stop talking next time....


Quote from: TheZeldaPianist275 on October 20, 2012, 07:15:27 PMtell the background peeps to stop talking next time....
lol it was a concert. They can speak as much a they want. I was only background music.
The story how I end up playing during my holiday is kinda awesome and highly offensive, so I won't share the story with you. lol

I played some Spanish songs so no wonder that you didn't recognize them. :P