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TWG XXXV: File Island Sign Ups

Started by davy, July 02, 2012, 12:44:32 AM

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TWG XXXIV: File Island.

In this game the color of a player's role is always representive for his team (in which wolves are red and humans are green and blue).

In-Training Digimon:


Rookie Digimon:

Agumon (Digivolves from Koromon, vigi, cannot vigi during the first night phase since he has digivolved into this role, and cannot vigi during the first night phase of the game.)
Gabumon (Digivolves from Koromon)
Elecmon (Digivolves from Tsunomon)
Penguinmon (Digivolves from Tsunomon)
Patamon (Digivolves from Tokomon)
Biyomon (Digivolves from Tokomon, guardian, if he guards a player, he cannot use his powers during the next phase.
Palmon (Digivolves from Tanemon, Whenever he dies, the player that caused his death, or the player that voted for him last cannot activate his power untill two phases after he died).
Betamon (Digivolves from Tanemon, a normal wolf)
Kunemon (Any In-Training digimon digivolving at the end of the Day phase has a 50% chance of digivolving into Kunemon, a normal wolf)

Champion Digimon

Greymon (Digivolves from Agumon, vigi)
Garurumon (Digivolves from Gabumon, whenever he is targeted by a power, there is a 25% chance that the power won't work and the player who targeted him will die)
Leomon (Digivolves from Elecmon, Can send the host a name of a player and that players power will be negated untill the beginning of the next night phase. If he does, he cannot activate his power during the next night phase.)
Shellmon (Digivolves from Penguinmon)
Angemon (Digivolves from Patamon, seer)
Birdramon (Digivolves from Biyomon, Guardian)
Vegiemon (Digivolves from Palmon, Whenever he dies, the player that caused his death, or the player that voted for him last cannot activate his power untill two phases after he died).
Seadramon (Digivolves from Betamon, Charismatic wolf, vote counts for 2)
Kuwagamon (Digivolves from Kunemon, wolf psychic (is told the number of blues currently in the game at the end of the night phase).
Numemon (Any rookie digimon that has at least been reborn once will have a 5% chance of digivolving into Numemon, is told he is a Data Digimon)
Sukamon (Any rookie digimon that has at least been reborn once will have a 5% chance of digivolving into Sukamon, is told he is a Data Digimon. If Sukamon knows he is a Sukamon, he can PM the host to turn him back into his original form.)
Nanimon (Any rookie digimon that has at least been reborn once will have a 5% chance of digivolving into Nanimon, is told he is a Data Digimon)

Ultimate Digimon

MetalGreymon (Digivolves from Greymon, wolf vigi)
WereGarurumon (Digivolves form Garurumon, Whenever he is targeted by a power, that power will be negated and WereGarurumon will use that power against the player that targeted him instead. However, he cannot post in the tread, nor vote, nor PM, nor be able to speak in the chat. The phantoms he'll get do not count towards the number of votes against him. Whenever he gets a 3rd phantom he'll die and always (even if Jijimon is dead) be reborn as an In-Training digimon)
Mamemon (Digivolves from Leomon. Can PM the host in order to be modified)
MetalMamemon (Has a 50% chance of being modified from Mamemon, can target one player each night phase, that player's power cannot be activated untill the next day phase)
Giromon (Has a 50% chance of being modified from Mamemon, whenever he is targeted by a power, that power will fail and that player will lose his power untill he digivolves or dies).
Andromon (Digivolves from Angemon, role seer, instead of recieving the color of the player he seer'd he recieves the role of the player he seer'd).
Devimon (An Angemon that dies has a 50% of being reborn as a Devimon, wolf shaman)
Phoenixmon (Digivolves from Birdramon, Vigi Guardian (in addition to his normal guarding, he can guard one player from being vigi'd.)
Megaseadramon (Digivolves from Seadramon, vote counts for 3)
HerculesKabuterimon (Digivolves from Kuwagamon, is told the role names of all the blues currently in the game at the end of each night phase).
Monzaemon (Digivolves from Numemon, Is told the role of any player who dies, and any role they become after dying untill he dies).
Etemon (Digivolves from Sukamon, at the beginning of each night phase, he will be told the name of a current wolf).
Digitamamon (Digivolves from Nanimon)
Vademon (Any Champion Digimon digivolving has a 10% chance of digivolving into Vademon, a normal wolf)

Mega Digimon

Machinedramon (Digivolves from Digitamamon, wolf vigi, can vigi up to 2 times per night phase)
Jijimon (Does not digivolve, as long as he is alive any digimon that dies (exept for himself) will be reborn as an In-Training digimon (this power cannot be negated). Any player may PM Jijimon if they want to be reborn, together with the digimon the want to be reborn into. If Jijimon recieves such a PM he may forward it to the host after which the player will be reborn).

The game will start with the following players:





Wolves do not know eachother.
If multiple wolfings are sent, then the first one will take place.

This game will use card flipping.


After being an In-Training digimon for one phase you will digivolve into a Rookie digimon.
After being a Rookie digimon for 3 phases you will digivolve into a Champion digimon.
After being a Champion digimon for 5 phases you will digivolve into an Ultimate digimon.
After being a Digitamamon for 5 phases you will digivole into Machindramon.

In-Training digimon have 2 digivolved forms. They have a 50% chance of digivolving in eighter of them (25% when digivolving at the end of the day phase, because then there is a 50% chance of digivolving into Kunemon).
The chance of digivolving into a digimon whose description says: (Digivolves from: ...) is equal to 100%-(the chance of digivolving into any other digimon possible).

Wolves win when all players still alive in game are Wolves
Humans win when there is one full night phase without wolves.

You may not make any action that will hurt your current team. If you make an action that might hurt/seems to be hurting your team you should PM me why you do that. If you don't, I'll PM you ASAP to tell you that you have to send me your motivation. If you still don't send me, I'll send you a warning. If you have allready recieved 2 warnings you'll be kicked out of the game. You may nog make an action that hurts your current team just because you're going to another team anyway.

Obviously, this doesn't count for Numemon, Sukamon and Nanimon, because they don't know on which team they are.

1. MaestroUGC
2. Spitllama
3. SlowPokemon
4. K-NiGhT
5. shadowkirby

I'm unable to end phases at 9:00PM EST. The following times are possible.

2:00AM EST
3:00AM EST
7:00AM EST
10:00AM EST
1:00PM EST
4:00PM EST
5:00PM EST

When signing in, please post one of the above times so that I know what's the best time to end a phase.
Quote from: NocturneOfShadow
[davy]'s in a way different time zone so basically he pops in at like 2 AM and posts 500 words and wins the game


Try to do everything; you're bound to succeed with at least one.


In. Finally davy hosts! On to confusing but fun rules!
Submissions Page
Currently using Finale 2012


I think I'll watch this one. I've always sucked at any Pokemon or Digimon or whatever Mafia.


*Sigh* I'm not sure whether I'm going to play this one or not...

EDIT: Yeah, I won't be. The rules totally confuse me. Way too complicated. Sorry, Davy.
Bulbear! Blueflower999


Submissions Page
Currently using Finale 2012


Ehhhhhhhhh. These rules are super weird and complicated. And I hate Digimon with a passion. But in, I suppose. I'll see how it goes. Also, I vote 1 PM EST for phase endings.
Quote from: Tobbeh99 on April 21, 2016, 02:56:11 PM
Fuck logic, that shit is boring, lame and does not always support my opinions.


This game is going to be so trippy even to watch.
Party Hard!


Quote from: K-NiGhT on April 11, 2024, 11:54:48 AMwow, 20 years

*crumbles into dust and blows away in the wind*


I like food.


I can hardly even see a way for any one person to be a definitive winner. Green turns into green turns into red turns into. . .
(Dead->Nanimon(think's he's Data Digimon)->Digitamamon->Machinedramon?) How can anybody keep track of this??? Anyway, I'm just gonna watch this one. It seems very interesting.
You know you've been playing too much Dragon Quest when you're afraid your Hershey's Kisses are going to flee.

I program things


Quote from: Zunawe on July 02, 2012, 01:37:41 PMI can hardly even see a way for any one person to be a definitive winner. Green turns into green turns into red turns into. . .
(Dead->Nanimon(think's he's Data Digimon)->Digitamamon->Machinedramon?) How can anybody keep track of this??? Anyway, I'm just gonna watch this one. It seems very interesting.

You were almost right, it's Dead->Any In-Training Digimon->Any Rookie Digimon->Nanimon(think's he's Data Digimon)->Digitamamon->Machinedramon.

Also, you've reminded me that I forgot the victory conditions, which are a little bit different from other games.

Wolves win when all players are wolves (so not when they come equill in numbers to the humans, because they don't know the identy of all the wolves).
Humans win when there is one full night phase without wolves. (so if the final wolf is lynched or killed in any other way during day and at the same day someone digivolves into a wolf, the game goes on. If the final wolf is vigi'd or killed in any other way during night and someone digivolves into a wolf at the end of the night, or at the end of the day the game still goes on).
Quote from: NocturneOfShadow
[davy]'s in a way different time zone so basically he pops in at like 2 AM and posts 500 words and wins the game


I'm terribly sorry to say this, but if this game doesn't fill up within 2 more days, I think that we may have to have a Host Resign Ups.  I feel that not enough Players are interested in the game's design.  Sorry, davy. :(


I Appologise in advance if this post sounds rude, because I don't know more polite words to say the same thing.

Quote from: Mashi on July 04, 2012, 07:18:53 PMI'm terribly sorry to say this, but if this game doesn't fill up within 2 more days, I think that we may have to have a Host Resign Ups.  I feel that not enough Players are interested in the game's design.  Sorry, davy. :(

Then why don't you join yourself Mashi, your skill level is totally good enough to play this game. The same goes for Jub, SFK and Jake.

Also, if I get at least two more players to join the game in those two days, then i think I am able to create a game with less players out of this one.
Quote from: NocturneOfShadow
[davy]'s in a way different time zone so basically he pops in at like 2 AM and posts 500 words and wins the game


I refuse to play a Digimon twg.

I'm sorry, but it's just too... yeah.