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TWG XXXIV: Minecraft Post Game

Started by the_last_sheikah, June 27, 2012, 08:02:43 PM

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TWG XXXIV: Minecraft

Herobrine: Wolf Painter - davy
Creeper: Wolf - K-NiGhT
Zombie: Infective wolf - MaestroUGC

Steve: - Spyro
Iron Golem: Guardian - shadowkirby
Librarian: Seer - jake3343(Red Rose)
Priest: Psychic - Zunawe
Farmer: Human - Kman96
Farmer: Human - Dude
Farmer: Human - blueflower999
Butcher: Miller - Mashi(Diamond armor)
Blacksmith: Miller - gzgregory(TNT block)

Ok everyone, player analysis time!

1.MaestroUGC- You did an excellent job as the zombie.  In the beginning, you seemed to hang back in the thread, not posting to much, but you stayed in touch with your fellow wolves.  I don't remember if that long message to jake about who you said the wolves were was intended to get you lynched(and let's face it, that was the most wolfy PM I've ever seen, and I'm still chuckling about it!), but it allowed you to get jake infected and let the wolf team pretty much take the game.

2.K-NiGhT- Kinda inactive in the begining, but you stayed with the wolves and helped as best you could.  I can't find the chat log or posts that made everyone turn on you, but you took it in stride and let your team vote you so they seem human, and that did help the wolf cause.

3.Kman96- Everyone has bad games.  From an outsider perspective, I kinda believed you were human, but everyone else just out-argued you.  If you can put up a better defense than "I'm human! I'm telling the truth!" next time you are human, I think you'll be able to do much better.

4.shadowkirby- You posted very little and kinda disappeared for a while(I almost forgot about you), and then you had your little episode and disappeared again.  As guardian, you guarded kman the first 2 nights, then yourself.  You did say you had some irl stuff to deal with, so I understand that you were probably busy and stressed a lot.  I hope things are going better for you now.

5.Dude- Ummm, Dude, let's put a safety up day 1, took a shower, and got wolfed night 2....yeah.

6.davy- Your coordination of the wolf team was excellent, and you got very lucky with your paintings.  You played very well, even getting kinda close to jake before infecting him.  Definitely one of the best players this game.

7.Spyro- First game.  You didn't have much to say outside of votes and trying to clarify stuff, but not much else was expected for a first game.  Keep playing, re-read the rules/older games, and you'll be fine.

8.gzgregory- Not much to say.  I assume you were more active in the chats, so, yeah, keep up the...good work?

9.blueflower999- Lynched day 1.....umm, you tried? I guess?

10.Mashi- I'm not sure how you were able to convince jake of your humanity, but you did, and were a good asset to the humans.  The "jokes" you and jake played were risky, and I'm not sure how much it helped.  Unfortunately, you and jake's (imo)"blind trust" of each other helped the infected jake kill you because of the overlooked possibility of him being infected.  Overall, you played well.

11.Zunawe- First game.  You played pretty well, though you could have used your power to help the humans a little.  You did survive all the way through, which is nice.  Keep playing, re-read the rules/older games, and you'll be fine.

12.jake3343- You took control right away claiming seer, and got an alliance together.  Unfortunately, your suspicions weren't always on par and you were easily tricked by the wolves into lynching the zombie.  As a wolf, you did an excellent job at being nonchalant, and most everyone believed you were still human.  You and davy did an excellent job in the end and took the game.  Nice job.

The whole game was pretty much controlled by the wolves.  Everything from paintings, to Maestro's wolfy PM to jake, to jake's performance went beautifully.  Great job you guys.

I had a lot of fun hosting this.  Thanks for a great game everyone!
You see, we're entertainers. We must keep people smiling. No matter how grim things get, we must always be optimistic!


It's dangerous to go alone, take me with you! [JUB has joined the party.]


This was not my best game at all...
Quote from: K-NiGhT on April 11, 2024, 11:54:48 AMwow, 20 years

*crumbles into dust and blows away in the wind*


Quote from: K-NiGhT on June 27, 2012, 08:09:37 PMThis was not my best game at all...
mine either...I hated my performance. Like I said, my apologies, human team, it is my fault that we lost due to my fallacy as a human. I really need to pick up my human act.
Party Hard!


It's ok! You've learned and will play better in the future.

Also, I feel like we lynched k-night for all the wrong reasons... the main reason I thought he was a wolf was because it seemed like he and kman were working together, which was wrong!

Also, Maestro's pm to me was one of the sneakiest wolf moves I've seen a while.


Don't worry Kman96, a lot of mistakes were made.  It wasn't completely your fault.  jake shouldn't have told MaestroUGC about our seering plan, paintings shouldn't have been permanent, I should have realised that you were Human based on your precedent behaviour, I should have had jake give his Item to Zunawe during the Night Phase of the Infection, etc.  I apologise for blaming you; I was angered in the heat of the moment.


I don't think anybody actually blames you, Kman. I'm 90% sure it was just a joke.

Anyway. Mashi. You were sneaky. I'm not sure if you always play that way, but I was still having trouble believing you to be a human just before the infection. You had very good tactics, and I hope that you never become a wuff. :)

Jake3343. I feel like you tried your best to help the humans win (and that's not to say you didn't do a good job). Your suspicions were pretty accurate for the most part, but you ended up choosing wrongly too many times.

Kman. You were just the victim of a simple mistake that grew.

shadowkirby, I'm not sure what happened. I'm also not sure what to say. There's not much information I have on you.

Spyro. You basically just sat and watched, and happened to be lucky enough to survive until the final night. Hopefully you participate in the chats more next time.

gzgregory. Not too much to say here. You participated, but I don't feel like you were a big influence. Except for the fact that you gave jake the TNT block. Not that you really had any reason not to.

blueflower999. You died too early. Sorry.

Dude. I don't know. Nothing exciting.

davy. Well played. I think you were lucky with your paintings, but you also made yourself seem very human.

K-NiGhT. Hah! We gots you. You died too early and didn't do too much during the day phase.

Maestro. You! You. You were very good. I was sure you were a human for a little while. Imagining your face when you were lynched. . . Good job.

And then me, who only got two psychic readings that really didn't help the game move along that much. I feel like my initial impressions of people were generally accurate, but I was convinced to not go off of them. That doesn't include my battle with Mashi on the first day. Not sure how well I did for my first game, but I'll get better, I think. Also, imagining my encounter with davy and jake on the night I'm inevitably wolfed. . . *shudder*

Good game!
You know you've been playing too much Dragon Quest when you're afraid your Hershey's Kisses are going to flee.

I program things


Try to do everything; you're bound to succeed with at least one.


I had fun watching. Kman, I was sure you were a wolf xD

Edit: oh and Maestro... when are you going to get to be human?
Submissions Page
Currently using Finale 2012


Try to do everything; you're bound to succeed with at least one.


I feel like I didn't do enough....


I didn't last long so there really wasn't anything I could have done differently.


I did pretty bad in this game too. 2 lynches in a row.  :-\
Bulbear! Blueflower999


Sorry about the lynch, blueflower999!  Day 1 lynches are often wrong, so it's not a fault of your own for being lynched; just bad luck.  Sorry again!


Quote from: Mashi on June 28, 2012, 10:34:52 AMSorry about the lynch, blueflower999!  Day 1 lynches are often wrong, so it's not a fault of your own for being lynched; just bad luck.  Sorry again!
Eh, it's fine. Everyone's lynched incorrectly at one time or another, right?

I just don't know why I haven't been a wolf more often than I have. XD
Bulbear! Blueflower999