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help on something!

Started by Sirus, April 26, 2008, 08:49:01 AM

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well theres this meldey that a member here requested me to do, (SmashBrosMedley)
i can only do strings but with only strings, the mood of the music isnt the same but im not the bestat brass and woodwind so im wondering if someone would like work on this with me
alo notepad can only use 8 staves theres another reason


i can probably do woodwinds if you have a midi or MP3 to work with.

damn commies.


thanks....i have the mp3
were going to have to work together b/c im not the best at telling which instrumwent (besides strings, i can always tell between those) is which on fast songs
now i need brass and percussion....

Beethoven II

i got Print Music.  I'm good with brass a guess.


so i cant do this by myself so are u guys willing to help?

Beethoven II


okay then lets start
It starts with flute or piccolo with a bass wind or brass quietly accompanying it
listen to the mp3 and start it up to like the first two minutes and ill do the strings
and so on
thank you!
well that is if you arent too busy rigth now

Beethoven II

Well, i've been arranging all morning with Lon Lon Ranch and some other songs (you could check it out it my submission), so I need a break.  When i post here again, we can start i guess, or you can do some while i'm gone, i don't care.
Mp3 taking a long time to download...


oh okay
pm me when youre ready because the first part is well no strings and  i cant make a full orchestral version because notepad has 8 staves ill be figuring some of the transition notes then


i'll help out when i get some free time. i'll PM you.

damn commies.


Great brass woodwind and strings perfect!
thank you razer and beethoven