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TWG XXXIV: Minecraft

Started by the_last_sheikah, June 15, 2012, 08:43:30 AM

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Well, yes, Jake is probably the most obvious infection target, but couldn't that work for the wolves as well: The zombie dies, and there is an exposed blue who is also an alliance leader. Everybody immediately thinks "He's the obvious target, so he's likely to be the wolf." Then, if he wasn't infected, we will have lynched our seer and there would still be two wolves (assuming K-NiGhT was a wolf). I don't want to sound like I'm defending jake, because I'm still very suspicious of him, but I want everybody to be aware of this before they go after him.

Also, I agree with some of davy's points. However, I don't feel like people have been openly suspicious of davy yet, so I don't think the point about himself and Kman applies to him as effectively as it does Kman. Just putting that out there. Food for thought.

Due to behavior and likeliness, I am going to vote Kman96 for now.
You know you've been playing too much Dragon Quest when you're afraid your Hershey's Kisses are going to flee.

I program things


Chat stuffffff.

16:01   Vera   Remember how you told MaestroUGC about the seering plan?
16:01   Zunawe   bad jake
16:01   jake   yes
16:02   Zunawe   Vera, I really wish I could see when you're typing.
16:02   Vera   Do you think that, presuming that the Wolf Painter were alive, MaestroUGC would have painted himself or his Wolf partner (let's presume it's davy)?
16:02   Vera   What do you mean?
16:02   jake   in mibbit when one types their username turns red
16:02   Zunawe   When anybody but you is typing something, their name turns red.
16:02   jake   but for you it odesn't
16:03   Vera   I'm using Chatzilla, so that may be why.
16:03   jake   yeah
16:03   Vera   Why does typing matter?
16:04   jake   anyway, I'd say it's more likely for maestro to paint his partner. Maestro is the zombie, so he doesn't care /that/ much if he is lynched.
16:05   Zunawe   So, how does this help us? (I keep interrupting your thougths because it seems like you're just sitting there)
16:05      *** davy joined #TWGNSM
16:06   davy   hi
16:06   jake   hi
16:06   Zunawe   Lol, so what's the point of this?
16:06   jake   what's the point of what?
16:06   davy   Does anyone still have the original chat?
16:06   davy   changing to here.
16:06   Zunawe   Two chats with the same people in each
16:06      *** Vera quit (Ping timeout)
16:06   jake   this is where I've always been coming too
16:06   jake   *to
16:06   davy   Zunawe, do you still have the original chat?
16:07   Zunawe   Original chat from. . .
16:07   davy   the other place where we were chatting.
16:07   Zunawe   I can copy it, but I don't really know what to do.
16:07   davy   I wanted to post it, but now that I changed channals I've lost it.
16:07   Zunawe   No. The blue tab on top
16:08   Zunawe   It's still there. you're still there
16:08   Zunawe   With the white lettering.
16:09   jake   anyway
16:09   jake   back to finding wolves!
16:09      *** Vera joined #TWGNSM
16:09   Vera   Dumb laptop.
16:09   Zunawe   Kman is either always very defensive, or he's a wolf
16:09   Vera   What did I miss???
16:09   Vera   Also, using Mibbit now.
16:09   jake   nothing really
16:10   Zunawe   We taught davy how to have two chats at once. . .
16:10   Vera   Hahaha.
16:10   Vera   Yaaaay.
16:11   Vera   Mibbit still has the greatest smilies ever.
16:11   Vera   
16:11   Zunawe   
16:11   davy   where can you find them?
16:11   davy   the smilies I mean
16:11   Zunawe   Right below the chatbar
16:11   Zunawe   It says smilies
16:11   Vera   Or you can type them too.
16:11   Zunawe   Psshht
16:11   Zunawe   Typing
16:11   davy   
16:12   Vera    : )      : (       : O        : s          : P   
16:12   Vera   Like those without the spaces.
16:12   davy   ok
16:12   jake   anyway so back to finding wolves
16:12   Zunawe   Anyway. So I think that most people are going to agree if we decide to lynch Kman
16:12   Vera   Okay.
16:13   Vera   Is this the part where we cut to the jake v. Mashi Infection scene???
16:13   Zunawe   Lol. Hmm. . .
16:13   jake   I'm still nervous that davy is the original wolf
16:13   davy   why do you think so?
16:13   jake   but I do think that a kman/davy duo is possible
16:13   Zunawe   The reason I think not, is because he said "I know I'm a human." As of now, only him and I have said that.
16:13   davy   and which of us would be the original wolf?
16:14   jake   could be either
16:14   Vera   I feel that davy's PM to the_last_sheikah was rather genuine.
16:14   Vera   In which he asked something along the lines of "Was I really Infected?".
16:14   Zunawe   Kinda
16:14   jake   They did, but not as genuine as zunawe or spyro
16:14   jake   to me at least
16:14   Vera   I don't think that a Wolf would go to that extent, but rather say something like "I would have received a PM and blah blah blah."
16:15   Zunawe   yes. That's what I was saying last time.
16:15   davy   I don't think that the wolves infected Kman
16:15   davy   The chance that he is going to be lynched is way to high.
16:15   Vera   Yes.
16:15   Zunawe   So if he seems wolfish, then he's probably the original.
16:16   Vera   We could analyse MaestroUGC's PM to jake.
16:16   jake   and he does seem wolfish
16:16   Vera   Would MaestroUGC be audacious enough to list 2 out of 3 of the Wolves in his PM to you, jake?
16:17   davy   I think he would be, although there is an equil high chance that he wouldn
16:17   davy   t be
16:17   Zunawe   Wait for a second.
16:17   jake   Not sure. I wouldn't really call it audacious, considering that we already suspected knigtht and kman quite a bit
16:17   Vera   Good point.
16:17   Zunawe   He wanted us to lynch Kman. Isn't that consistent with our idea that Kman was trying to make himself look like the zombie?
16:17   Vera   Yes.
16:17   Vera   Wait, no.
16:18   Vera   idk
16:18   jake   Well, it would be very sneaky if it were
16:18   jake   maestro did play a pretty sneaky game, though
16:18   jake   so idk I guess
16:18   Vera   The primary gripe I have with the suspicion of Kman96 is that there's no reason to bring suspicion onto himself if he weren't the Zombie.
16:19   davy   yes there is
16:19   Zunawe   Take it off maestro
16:19   Vera   What would that be?
16:19   davy   he could bring the suspicion upon himself to take it off maestro
16:19   davy   and to make us waste the TNT on a normal wolf.
16:19   Vera   He brought suspicion onto himself Day 1.
16:19   jake   either that or he actually didn't want to bring suspicion on himself.
16:19   jake   I don't think a human would want to bring suspicion on himself either
16:20   Vera   Yes.
16:20   davy   the earlier you guys are thinking that he's the zombie the more easily the zombie could be lynched
16:20   Vera   I suppose.
16:20   Vera   But would he want to be TNTed?
16:20   Zunawe   One wolf death instead of two? Yes
16:21   Vera   It would be 2 wolf deaths.
16:21   Vera   We were suspicious of MaestroUGC.
16:21   Vera   Being suspicious of another person doesn't change that.
16:21   Zunawe   Being suspicious of another person as being the zombie does
16:22   Zunawe   If Kman were tntd, then we will have lost our tnt on a normal wolf
16:22   Zunawe   If Maestro were, then they would have lost a wolf, and the infection.
16:22   Vera   But would it have been worth it, is what I'm asking.
16:22   Vera   Hmm.
16:22   Zunawe   I think that it would be if it were inevitable.
16:22   Vera   I suppose.
16:23   davy   going to post the chats and then going to sleep.
16:23   Zunawe   K. Good night.
16:23   Vera   Good night, davy.
16:24   jake   goodnight
16:24   Zunawe   Why do you think he said "Mashi is the zombie"?
16:24   Vera   Probably to sound ridiculous and be lynched.
16:25   davy   going to leave posting the chats for you because mibbit is being annoying with coppying.
16:25   Zunawe   But wouldn't he have said Kman is the zombie if he wanted Kman tntd? Or is it because we wouldn't trust him anymore that he didn't?
16:25      *** davy quit (Quit: ajax IRC Client)
16:26   Vera   Claiming that Kman96 was the Zombie would be reasonable.
16:26   Vera   We all suspected him of being the Zombie, after all.
16:26   Zunawe   So he needed to be as unrealistic but serious as possible.
16:26   Vera   Yes.
16:26   Zunawe   sincere as possible*
16:26   Vera   So that we would lynch him.
16:26   Zunawe   Gosh dang connotations. Okay.


Davy has great points, so.

Vote: Kman


19:57Vera   We could lynch Kman96 and vigi davy or something.
19:57   Vera   And then have the best debate next Day Phase if the game is still going!
19:57   jake   that sounds good, or lynch davy and vigi kman
19:58   jake   I don't really know which to kill first!
19:58   Vera   It wouldn't matter.
19:58   jake   oh
19:58   jake   yeah as long as they both die I guess it wouldn't!

kman it is then!


You all are making a big mistake, but there is no longer anything I can do to make any of you believe me. You've all been brainwashed by "trustworthy" people, who tricked you into believing they were human. But since nobody believes me, obviously I would be a terrible wolf. You people should know that I'm ALWAYS a great wolf. Thats all I can say, really.

Have a good game guys, because theres nothing I can do to stop the wolves from convincing you to lynch me.

I'm voting Mashi for my suspicions last night.
Party Hard!



TWG XXXIV: Minecraft

Herobrine: Wolf Painter
Creeper: Wolf, just a normal wolf.
Zombie: Infective wolf, may turn any player into a wolf upon lynching, that player is now on the wolf team and seered red.

Steve: Immune to griefing
Iron Golem: Guardian
Librarian: Seer
Priest: Psychic
Farmer: Human
Farmer: Human
Farmer: Human
Butcher: Miller
Blacksmith: Miller

Items: (Items will be randomly distributed on the first night after the role PMs are sent)
Diamond armor: guards you from 1 wolfing or 1 griefing
TNT block: grief 1 player
Red Rose: guards you from 1 wolfing

7.Spyro  P
11.Zunawe  P

Day 4 is over.   Kman96 was Insta'd!

It is now Night 5.  Night 5 ends Wednesday, June 27, 2012, at 11PM EST/10PM CST/9PM MST/8PM PST/7PM AST
You see, we're entertainers. We must keep people smiling. No matter how grim things get, we must always be optimistic!


23:37   Vera   lol jake
23:37   Vera   I didn't think you would actually be so bold.
23:37   jake   lol vera
23:37   jake   sorry
23:37   Vera   You do realise that if you're the last Wolf, Humans win.
23:37   Vera   And you shouldn't be the one sorry!
23:37   jake   yes
23:37   Vera   I should be sorry for you.
23:38   Vera   Since you were Infected.
23:38   Vera   After working so hard too.
23:38   jake   I hate being infected
23:38   Vera   Don't worry jake, you won in spirit!
23:38   jake   No I'm saying sorry because I'm using the tnt on you tonight
23:38   Vera   lol
23:38   Vera   Then it's a good thing that I prepared for this. B)
23:39   jake   the plot thickens
23:39   Vera   I may or may not have sent the Diamond Armour to Zunawe.
23:39   Vera   Because I may or may not have expected this scenario.
23:39   Vera   B)
23:39   jake   It doesn't matter. I'm wolfing spyro and tnting you
23:39   Vera   or i may have sent it to another human instead and im dead whoops
23:39   jake   even if you survive, davy and I will bandwagon and force a lynch on zunawe
23:39   Vera   omg
23:40   Vera   davy is the last Wolf?
23:40   Vera   A+
23:40   jake   inorite
23:40   Vera   I blame Kman96 for our loss.
23:40   jake   YES
23:40   jake   I BLAME HIM FOR OUR WIN

Game's over.  Wolves won.


Infections suck. I tried really hard on the human team and then suddenly I'm a wolf!

And yes, the wolves win. Sorry everyone :(


I realize that I can't talk, but this went perfectly to plan.
Try to do everything; you're bound to succeed with at least one.


Well. I didn't die. At least not before we lost.

I knew that there was something that I was forgetting with the items. why didnt you point it out mashi? why?

Anyway. Wolves played very well. Good job.
You know you've been playing too much Dragon Quest when you're afraid your Hershey's Kisses are going to flee.

I program things


what did you forget about the items

I was putting all my money on Kman96 and jake.  I expected that even if he used the TNT, we would win.


I forgot that jake could just keep the TNT and kill two people. It's obvious, but that's probably why it was overlooked.
You know you've been playing too much Dragon Quest when you're afraid your Hershey's Kisses are going to flee.

I program things


I realised that as well.  But I wasn't expecting davy to be partners with him.  I suspected that he would be the only Wolf left and if he used the TNT, he would reveal himself to be the Infected Wolf.


so it's still Kman's fault. You should've said that you werent the wuff.
You know you've been playing too much Dragon Quest when you're afraid your Hershey's Kisses are going to flee.

I program things


Party Hard!