TWG XXXIV: Minecraft

Started by the_last_sheikah, June 15, 2012, 08:43:30 AM

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Maestro just sent me this pm. I'm not sure why he didn't just post it, but here it is:
Quote from: MaestroUGC on June 24, 2012, 06:20:14 AMYou say your suspicions have fallen back on me to be the third wolf. I can only tell you that I'm a human. However, I have a different theory of a bigger behind the scenes game:

K-Night is the regular wolf
Kman96 is the Painter
Mashi is the Zombie

Mashi would know he'd fall victim to the Manti Rule, so he'd have to paint himself green in order to start the game right. The only problem is that Kman would be unable to paint him, since he's been busy irl. (Why would he sign up for a game if he knew he would be busy?) He'd also know to wolf someone who wasn't a well known player of skill, or at least a long runner. Since very few people here know who you are, you were a good target, but you were saved by the Rose.

You turn out to be the seer and say you seer him red. He jumps on your theory and makes a good argument that he's a miller. Hell, even I bought it.

Night 2 comes along and with suspicions being on Kman he'd knew he'd need him painted, however Kman is still unable to comply.

K-Night is also suspected, and it seems as if he won't make it. Since Mashi can't be seen supporting a suspected wolf, he supports his lynching

Now some crap has gone down. You reveal to the thread your plan after Night 3, shadow makes a mess of things, implying he didn't trust you. And all Mashi has to say is, "This is dumb." Correct me if I'm wrong, but shouldn't a human be more concerned with the fact that the guardian hasn't been guarding you? I'm aware that Mashi doesn't like dealing with crap, and so he shrugged it off. But even still, who has anything to gain by the guardian leaving the seer unprotected? The wolves. The wolves always sneak by when the humans can't get their crap together, and it leaves them to add to the chaos ensuring a wolf victory.

Mashi most be aware that his luck might run out soon, since if more dead ends turn up, the finger will point back to him and he will be lynched, and the zombie will go down the next day. The Zombie is a great late-game power, since it shifts the numbers at a point that is crucial to victory. Mashi might be banking on this as a last resort. With two of he's partners dead (or soon to be), he'd know that he'd need to sneak by long enough to make sure the infect works best.

Since you've said that the plan is to use the TNT on Kman Night 4, Mashi would just need a last ditch painting sent off to a random player and bring suspicion to him. Since he knows you trust him, he'd direct your attention to some pawn and the witch hunt will begin. He'd just need one more human to be killed in his place, then it wouldn't matter. By day 5, lynching him will result in an infection, which will tie the game, meaning a wolf victory.

We need to lynch Kman, and use the TNT on Mashi, lest we fall victim to the wolf in sheep's clothing.

I don't know how other people will interpret this, but it sounds pretty wolfish to me, especially how he wants us to lynch kman. I'm going with Maestro for now.


Maestro Ur the Game's Canine


Maestro because *sneezes*
You know you've been playing too much Dragon Quest when you're afraid your Hershey's Kisses are going to flee.

I program things


The idea of sending a PM is to discuss things, I wanted your input on my theory, but since you seem keen on spilling mail all over the forum, there are a few things I need to say.

I came to the chat this evening with the intention on discussing what I said. When addressed, jake said he had no questions for me, which means he already made up his mind. He made his decision to trust the person he already seer'd red over myself. Granted, he can't be too sure of my humanity, but he's seer'd Mashi red. Both jake and myself gave him the benefit of the doubt, but my trust in Mashi is gone now.

I never fully trusted him in the first place, and now that the game is starting to drag on, I can only believe that we got a wolf on Night 1. While yes, I am aware that it is improbable to find a wolf that early, I know that it is entirely possible. Yes, I gave him a far reaching theory, but at least I'm trying to see a bigger game here.

My vote is for Kman96, for the reasons I explained above.
Try to do everything; you're bound to succeed with at least one.


TWG XXXIV: Minecraft

Herobrine: Wolf Painter
Creeper: Wolf, just a normal wolf.
Zombie: Infective wolf, may turn any player into a wolf upon lynching, that player is now on the wolf team and seered red.

Steve: Immune to griefing
Iron Golem: Guardian
Librarian: Seer
Priest: Psychic
Farmer: Human
Farmer: Human
Farmer: Human
Butcher: Miller
Blacksmith: Miller

Items: (Items will be randomly distributed on the first night after the role PMs are sent)
Diamond armor: guards you from 1 wolfing or 1 griefing
TNT block: grief 1 player
Red Rose: guards you from 1 wolfing

7.Spyro  P
11.Zunawe  P

Day 3 is over.   MaestroUGC was lynched!

An infection has occurred!

It is now Night 4.  Night 4 ends Monday, June 25, 2012, at 11PM EST/10PM CST/9PM MST/8PM PST/7PM AST

Spyro has been given a phantom for failing to vote.
You see, we're entertainers. We must keep people smiling. No matter how grim things get, we must always be optimistic!


ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff Maestro is my new least favorite person  :(

Seriously, I thought kman was the zombie, so do I still vigi him? It's still most likely that he is a wolf and we have just mixed up who the zombie is. If I vigi him tonight and the wolves kill someone, there will be five people left day 5, and only one wolf, which gives us two chances. I think that's doable.

Although I do commend Maestro on acting very wolfy without acting zombie-y. The thought actually crossed my mind that "hey, maybe Maestro's the zombie", but after a second I was like "naw, it's totally kman".



Quote from: jake3343 on June 24, 2012, 08:24:37 PMffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff Maestro is my new least favorite person  :(

Seriously, I thought kman was the zombie, so do I still vigi him? It's still most likely that he is a wolf and we have just mixed up who the zombie is. If I vigi him tonight and the wolves kill someone, there will be five people left day 5, and only one wolf, which gives us two chances. I think that's doable.

Although I do commend Maestro on acting very wolfy without acting zombie-y. The thought actually crossed my mind that "hey, maybe Maestro's the zombie", but after a second I was like "naw, it's totally kman".
no, you should NOT vigi kman. He is a HUMAN (miller or painted?) That has been telling only the TRUTH yet no one has been listening to him. I told you I wasn't a wolf or the zombie but no one listened to me! I'm a human guys, and I kinda suspected maestro after my little blow up yesterday. My apologies, jake, I believ you, and I am willing to cooperate with you now. I had some irl things that was stressing me out. I will participate more fully now, to prove that I can be a useful human.
Party Hard!


Wait I didn't vote?

I thought I did a safety. Maybe that was the night before.


If we were to lynch Kman96 instead of vigi-ing him, we would have one last Day Phase with 2 Players remaining; if the Wolf has a Phantom, we win; if both Players do not have Phantoms (or have the same amount), it's often customary to either let the Wolves win or end the game in a draw; if the Human has a Phantom, we lose.

If we were to vigi Kman96 instead of lynching him, we would have one last Day Phase with 3 Players remaining, so our chances of lynching the Wolf are slightly higher than in lynching Kman96 with 4 Players remaining.

In the first scenario, we have one legitimate lynch to kill the Infected Wolf (when 4 Players remain), since we would have to use one of our Day Phases to lynch Kman96.
In the second scenario, we have two lynches to kill the Infected Wolf (when 5 and then 3 Players remain; though, Kman96 must be a Wolf in this case, otherwise, we would lose when 3 Players remained and we didn't lynch the actual Wolf).

I think that, for now, we don't vigi Kman96 and discuss what to do next Night Phase.


I think it would be best to vigi kman tonight. If we are going to lynch him tomorrow then we might as well vigi him tonight and get two lynches instead of one to find the infected player. The only reason we wouldn't vigi kman is if he isn't a wolf, but I'm still pretty confident that he is.


We can vigi him next Night Phase and still have 2 lynches.


NO! You guys are Being stupid! You kill Kman, and you LOSE! The wolves are tricking you all! Hy don't you vigi the infected player? They are a confirmed wolf? Isn't the infected person the one who last voted for maestro? Or was that another game? Guys I'm serious. I'm human, and killing me will only further deepen your chances of losing.

You were wrong about me being a zombie, and yall seemed to be PRETTY surprised about that...I'm not a wolf, so goddamn believe it. If I was an infected, I would willingly be lynched! I want the humans to win this game!
Party Hard!


The more you complain, the more prone we'll be to lynching you.
The Infected Player can be any Player in the game; not just the last Player to vote.  What would be the purpose of an Infected Player if we all knew whom he was?

Anyway, if you don't want to be vigi'd next Night Phase (you're welcome), I suggest that you post a defence and your suspicions.


I'm not complaining- I'm simply explaining that if I'm vigi'd/lynched, the wolves would be one step closer to winning. Its your choice.

Save me if not for unusefullness, but for the fact that I'm ONE MORE MEMBER against the wolves.

Make your choice. I may not be very  useful if I'm alive, but killing me would be extremely detrimental to the human team.
Party Hard!