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TWG XXXIV: Minecraft

Started by the_last_sheikah, June 15, 2012, 08:43:30 AM

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Quote from: davy on June 21, 2012, 01:15:47 PMSo I've had a chat with Jake this evening (it's allready evening in my timezone), which Jake should be posting atm. He brought to the light that K-Night was a very likely candidate of being a wolf.

Therefor K-Night

Jake is to lazy to post the chat.

Quote21:32 jake davy!
21:32 jake hi
21:33 jake davy do you think that k-night is a wolf?
21:33 jake i was thinking about it but I'm not really sure
21:35 davy He might be
21:35 davy I don't think he is an as likely wolf as the three that I allready suspected
21:36 jake ok.
21:36 jake so you think kman is most likely?
21:37 jake because I thought kman and k-night were defending each other quite a bit, so if kman is a wolf I think k-night is probably one too
21:37 davy Let me check that
21:37 jake hold on I'll find the page
21:38 jake page 8
21:38 jake k-night tries to pull attention onto spyro for a pretty ludicrous reason 
21:39 jake I call k-night out on it and kman defends him
21:39 jake then I call kman out and k-night defends /him/
21:39 jake seems pretty strange, right?
21:41 davy Well, I allready said that Kman is acting strange.
21:41 davy K-night on the other hand might have missed Kman's vote on you
21:41 davy because he voted on you on another page
21:41 jake they have been partnering themselves together quite a bit
21:42 jake so if kman's a wolf, wouldn't that make k-night a wolf too?
21:42 davy However, I have to say that his vote on Spyro was kinda ridicilous
21:42 jake I know, right?
21:42 jake And then kman defended the vote for him
21:42 jake why would kman, being a wolf, defend someone else's dumb vote?
21:42 jake unless the other person was a wolf
Removed a part.
21:46 jake as the psychic revealed to me, blueflower was a human, so kman was trying to save blue, but rather was trying to defend k-night
21:47 jake which would make k-night seem like a wolf
21:47 davy But, than K-Night was defending a human too.
21:47 davy He didn't vote for Blueflower at that moment
21:48 jake right, but he didn't really care about killing blue, he was just  trying to bring suspicion onto more players
21:49 jake If more people are found to be suspicious, then that means we waste more day phases lynching those people instead of killing k-night and kman
21:50 davy However, wouldn't it be a bit stupid to take the players' focus to other players when a human is about to be insta'd?
21:51 jake no, because I said that I didn't want to insta blue before that post
21:51 davy Yes, but you were going to lynch him anyway.
21:52 jake no, I wasn't. He was one of my top choices, but I said that I was willing to change my mind
21:52 davy It'd be more likely that votes would be spread over Blueflower and Spyro, and that one of them would actually be lynched.
21:52 jake k-night could have been thinking "hey, jake might change his mind to me! I'll frame spyro to sway him towards that"
21:53 jake that, in addition to partnering with kman is enough to make him seem like a wolf to me
21:53 davy but prior to that he hadn't done anything suspicious.
21:54 jake why are so you adamant that k-night is human?
21:55 davy I am not, when people are saying to me why they think a player is a wolf I'm going to ask them as much as possible to see how much evidence they have.
21:56 davy Unless I too thought earlier that that player was a wolf.
21:56 davy I've definatly become suspicious of K-Night now.
21:56 davy A top 3 of most likely wolves for me would now be: 1 Kman, 2 K-Night, 3 Mashi
21:57 jake hmmmmm ok
21:58 davy I think I've actually lost a conversation with winter in which I was defending Verm, while I didn't know if he was a human or a wolf
21:58 davy with lost I mean, I don't have it in my posession anymore
21:58 jake ohh
21:58 jake also, not only do we have to find the wolves
21:58 jake but we have to determine which one in the zombie
21:58 davy That'll be very dificult
21:59 jake I've been thinking about how the zombie might act differently from the other wolves
21:59 jake which is very hard!
21:59 davy I don't think he acts really different.
22:00 jake  I think that the zombie might act a little bit more flamboyant than the others
22:00 davy The only thing I can think about is that he won't defend himself as much as other wolves, because he knows there'll be another wolf when he's lynched
22:00 davy let's go to translate
22:00 jake right
22:00 jake translate?
22:01 davy Bijvoeglijk naamwoord. Kleurrijk, colourfull, flamboyant
22:01 davy I'm dutch in case you didn't noticed
22:01 jake oh
22:01 jake flamboyant means showy or bold
22:01 jake if that helps
22:02 davy Bijvoeglijk naamwoord. opzichtig, flashy, showy, garish, ostentatious, gaudy, conspicuous
22:02 davy something like that?
22:02 jake yes
22:03 jake so if the wolf trio were k-night, kman and mashi
22:03 jake who do you think the zombie would be?
22:04 davy I actually think mashi would have a good chance of being the zombie.
22:04 davy Than he'd have a reason for not painting himself
22:04 davy Also, it'd give Kman a reason to vote for you
22:05 davy I'd make him suspicious after which he could have infected you.
22:05 jake but mashi has been defending himself quite a bit, and you said that you thought the zombie wouldn't defend himself very much
22:06 davy Yeah, that's why I actually think Kman would be a more likely zombie.
22:06 davy but if he is the zombie, we should wait till he's the only wolf left.
22:07 jake I was thinking it might be kman too
22:08 jake hmmm if kman is the zombie, then we should probably lynch k-night today, right?
22:08 jake He seems like the most suspicious
Quote from: NocturneOfShadow
[davy]'s in a way different time zone so basically he pops in at like 2 AM and posts 500 words and wins the game


I have announcements to make, but to inspire activity I'll say them in the chat tonight at 9pm!

 - Vera


I voted for Spyro because he didn't care that a possible human was about to be lynched. Then Kman voted for jake for idk why and I just figured that he had to have known jake was the seer, but honestly, that is the most obvious wolf move i've ever seen, looking back. F me for trying to be a nice person, I guess.
Quote from: K-NiGhT on April 11, 2024, 11:54:48 AMwow, 20 years

*crumbles into dust and blows away in the wind*


I was in the chat, davy! Also my internet cut out for a couple of days.

Also, K-N, besides the reasons given by everyone else, Kman is probably our best candidate for zombie!



It's been said already. He was suspicious in multiple ways, so I see him as the best candidate as of now.
You know you've been playing too much Dragon Quest when you're afraid your Hershey's Kisses are going to flee.

I program things


Everyone except Zunawe and Maestro is a quadrilateral.

Anyway, what I was going to say in the chat: the wolves are kman, k-night, and davy. All we have to do now is figure out which one is the zombie.


Party Hard!


Chill bro. They caught ya.
Quote from: K-NiGhT on April 11, 2024, 11:54:48 AMwow, 20 years

*crumbles into dust and blows away in the wind*


Quote from: K-NiGhT on June 21, 2012, 06:51:58 PMChill bro. They caught ya.

Wtf are you talking about? I'm not a wolf, or the zombie, or anything else. I'm a freaking human.

But I'm glad you all believe me when I tell the truth -_-
Party Hard!



You've been antagonistic towards jake since the start of the game. I have no idea what you were trying to do, but it seems that you're trying to usurp control of this game. I doubt he's the zombie, that position strikes me as one where you'd want to stay in the background. I would vote for Kman, who I suspect might be the painter, but K-Night is a bigger threat for unity amongst the humans.

That said, a seering for Kman is much needed at this juncture.
Try to do everything; you're bound to succeed with at least one.


I ran into some real life trouble in the last passed hours, so I'm going to trust jake's judgement and vote K-NiGhT as well.



TWG XXXIV: Minecraft

Herobrine: Wolf Painter
Creeper: Wolf, just a normal wolf.
Zombie: Infective wolf, may turn any player into a wolf upon lynching, that player is now on the wolf team and seered red.

Steve: Immune to griefing
Iron Golem: Guardian
Librarian: Seer
Priest: Psychic
Farmer: Human
Farmer: Human
Farmer: Human
Butcher: Miller
Blacksmith: Miller

Items: (Items will be randomly distributed on the first night after the role PMs are sent)
Diamond armor: guards you from 1 wolfing or 1 griefing
TNT block: grief 1 player
Red Rose: guards you from 1 wolfing

11.Zunawe  P

Day 2 is over.   K-NiGhT was Insta'd!

It is now Night 3.  Night 3 ends Friday, June 23, 2012, at 11PM EST/10PM CST/9PM MST/8PM PST/7PM AST
You see, we're entertainers. We must keep people smiling. No matter how grim things get, we must always be optimistic!


so I was thinking of seering kman tonight just to make sure he's a wolf sound good?

And I'll just say "guard on me" even though dude is dead.


wait ffffffffffff that was supposed to be a pm.

Oh well. I'm not really that useful anymore.