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TWG XXXIV: Minecraft

Started by the_last_sheikah, June 15, 2012, 08:43:30 AM

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and k-night get in the chat.


Quote from: K-NiGhT on April 11, 2024, 11:54:48 AMwow, 20 years

*crumbles into dust and blows away in the wind*


So then what was the PM at 5:57:36PM EST about, K-NiGhT???


claiming to jake really quick, if you must know.
Quote from: K-NiGhT on April 11, 2024, 11:54:48 AMwow, 20 years

*crumbles into dust and blows away in the wind*


Vera   K-NiGhT 06:08:07 PM Sending a message.
   Vera   omg
   Vera   the plot thickens
   jake   Oh wait
   jake   that was a message to me
   Vera   lol
   jake   lol

Okay, thanks.


Spyro and Kman: Get on the chat.



Mashi: He has evidence against him, and is the popular scapegoat right now. I am unsure of his position.
jake: Very, very probably a human. I trust him to be a human.
K-NiGhT: No clue as of now.
shadowkirby: I am fairly sure he's a human, but I don't have any substantial thoughts yet.
other people: I have nothing to go on.
You know you've been playing too much Dragon Quest when you're afraid your Hershey's Kisses are going to flee.

I program things


1.MaestroUGC - I don't have any strong opinions of him at the moment, but I'm slightly leaning towards his humanity.  His play style seems to be based on trying to be objective, relying on facts and behaviours, and reasonably skeptical.  He's currently expressing some suspicion towards Zunawe because he seems to be hoping for something to occur, but is doing little for it to happen.
2.K-NiGhT - Not much to go off of other than that he wanted to vote for me because it was the best option at the moment. :(
3.Kman96 - I chatted with him for a bit but haven't really formed any strong opinions yet.
4.shadowkirby - I'm not sure why he safetied on me and then voted for me.  When I inquired about his suspicions on me, he stated something along the lines of "I forgot" and then followed saying "Because you were Red or something".  After pressuring him about a lack of evidence towards me, he eventually removed his vote.
5.Dude - He came to the chat, but I don't really have an opinion of him yet.
6.davy - Haven't chatted with him yet.
7.Spyro - Haven't chatted with him yet.
8.gzgregory - Haven't chatted with him yet.
9.blueflower999 - I've chatted with him intermittently, so my opinion of him isn't very solid, but I feel that he's adopted a "Wait for something to happen and if nothing does, vote for Mashi" mentality as Zunawe and shadowkirby had done.  I feel that for these 3 Players, there suspicions of me were strengthened because they all noticed each others' suspicions of me, strengthening their response, so for that alone, I'm ambivalent towards them being Wolves (at least, not together), since I would imagine Wolves to be more organised about their suspicions.
10.Mashi - totes wuff
11.Zunawe - At the moment, I feel that he's most likely to be Wolf at the moment (though, not strongly).  He's been the Player to most fervently support the notion that I'm a Wolf and his reasons for doing so are based mostly on the fact that I was seered Red.  Even when I debunked his argument towards my Red seering, he adamantly stood by his position and maintained his vote for me.  I'm not completely sure whether to attribute his behaviour to his unfamiliarity with TWG here, his disposition, or simply being a Wolf, so my opinion of him may be subject to change.
12.jake3343 - definitely wuff


Quote from: K-NiGhT on April 11, 2024, 11:54:48 AMwow, 20 years

*crumbles into dust and blows away in the wind*


Try to do everything; you're bound to succeed with at least one.






jake   vera
   gzgregory   Shouldn't Mashi be able to see deleted posts
   Vera   Yes?
   Winter   No
   jake   zunawe deleted one of his posts


        Vera   I'm going to post this in the topic.
   jake   Unless I'm going crazy, I think the post was between these two posts:
   Vera   And let the_last_sheikah decide on whether to Phantom.

By the way, Players in the chat (myself included) have confirmed that Zunawe deleted his post in which he voted for me.