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TWG XXXIV: Minecraft

Started by the_last_sheikah, June 15, 2012, 08:43:30 AM

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Lol. We're "blaming" you for the human loss.
You know you've been playing too much Dragon Quest when you're afraid your Hershey's Kisses are going to flee.

I program things


Um, no, because if you would have listened to me in the first place, we should have offed Jake so he wouldn't have been infected.  No one ever listened to me, but I guess I was wrong about Mashi too. I hated this game, and I hate being human.

I shouldn't have signed up for this game, like I planned.
Party Hard!


You did see the quotations around blaming, right? It's just a game anyway.
You know you've been playing too much Dragon Quest when you're afraid your Hershey's Kisses are going to flee.

I program things


Quote from: Zunawe on June 26, 2012, 09:37:27 PMYou did see the quotations around blaming, right? It's just a game anyway.

I know... :-\ I just got REALLY upset when people tell me I'm lying when I'm telling them the absolute truth. It seems that telling the TRUTH while being a human doesn't seem to be smart, whereas wolves seem to get away with it...I'm still building a good human strategy but every time I have FAILED EPICALLY.

I suck at being a human. But in all honesty I'm really sorry I cost us the game, guys. The wolves did really great brainwashing and such. I'm totes jelly.

Wolves, ilu. I love being wuff... :(

P.s. Mashi, if you were not wuff, y u no say so?????
Party Hard!


Quote from: Kman96 on June 26, 2012, 09:41:34 PMI know... :-\ I just got REALLY upset when people tell me I'm lying when I'm telling them the absolute truth. It seems that telling the TRUTH while being a human doesn't seem to be smart, whereas wolves seem to get away with it...

As a human, you not only have to tell the truth, but give convincing evidence to make others believe you. If all you say is "I'm a human why don't you believe me?" then no one is going to believe you because anyone could say that. You have to make an argument that is logical and compelling as to why you are a human. If you didn't trust me even after I was the confirmed seer, how do you expect people to trust you when your entire argument is just saying that you're a human over and over again?


Well I was only suspicious of your behavior- when I had first typed the post, I wasn't very sure about the seer claim, but by the time I accepted it, it was too late D: if I hadn't gone after you, then I wouldn't have been front stage and probably wouldn't have caused the humans to lose. However, you played an excellent non-chalant infected wolf.

Yeah, my biggest mistake was going after Jake in the beginning, but if it had worked, who KNOWS how the game could have played out. There would be no seer, and someone else would have been infected.

Like I said, it was my mistake, and I'll watch more closely for things like that in the future.
Party Hard!


I apologise if I was harsh in blaming you Kman96; I'm flustered after learning of a few revelations about things which occurred in the game that I disapprove of.  Though, those things can't be helped.

jake's advice is correct.  Simply alleging oneself to be Human isn't reasonable.  One must take actions in the game to substantiate the claim.
Also, it's important to be realistic in your approach to things.  Is it possible that jake wolfed himself, was guarded by his Item, bribed the Seer to not claim with some pizza, and then claimed Seer to appear uncounterclaimed?  Yes.  Is it at all likely?  No.  Maybe once every 500 games (yes, this has happened before (except the Role was Human King and not Seer).  DON'T WORRY THOUGH, iDOWN AND I FOUND ALL THE WOLVES DAY 1 ANYWAY).  You're a fantastic Wolf, so I'm confident that you can amend yourself to become a fantastic Human as well, Kman96.  It'll just take some time.


I remember back when I was a good human player. But then I got lazy. D:
It's dangerous to go alone, take me with you! [JUB has joined the party.]


Quote from: MaestroUGC on June 26, 2012, 08:43:56 PMI realize that I can't talk, but this went perfectly to plan.

Yes, things worked out pretty sweet. During night 1 I painted Maestro, so when Jake said he was going to seer Maestro, I had no reason anymore to paint Maestro, so I painted Kman instead. Than, when Jake said he was going to seer Kman, there was no reason anymore to paint Kman, so I painted myself.

The only thing that didn't went on plan was to wolf the specials. By day 3, I thought that we had got two of the specials. I made a list with players to see who would be the specials.

Quote from: davy on June 18, 2012, 02:22:01 PM1.MaestroUGC - Wolf
2.K-NiGhT - Wolf
3.Kman96 - Probably normal human, as he was going against jake
4.shadowkirby - ?
5.Dude - ?
6.davy - Wolf
7.Spyro - ?
8.gzgregory - ?
9.blueflower999 - Probably normal human, as Jake was going against him
10.Mashi - Miller, as he was seer'd red
11.Zunawe - Most likely normal human
12.jake3343 - Most likely seer

Leaving 4 players from whom I've currently know idea what their roles are.

4.shadowkirby - ?
5.Dude - ?
7.Spyro - ?
8.gzgregory - ?

Most likely, 3 of them are blues.

Prior to that Zunawe made this post:

It's not because we're human, but because it's where the wolves are.

Due to the "we" in the post, I thought that Zunawe was a normal human.

During day 2, Jake told me in chat that he was suspicious of K-Night for voting for Spyro. I respond that he might have found out that Spyro was a special. Jake tells me that Spyro is not a special. So for night 2 I make a new list.

Quote from: davy on June 22, 2012, 02:08:05 AM1.MaestroUGC - wolf
2.K-NiGhT - wolf
3.Kman96 - Normal human/miller
4.shadowkirby - psychic/steve
5.Dude - guardian
6.davy - wolf
7.Spyro - normal human/miller
8.gzgregory - psychic/steve
9.blueflower999 - normal human/miller
10.Mashi - miller
11.Zunawe - normal human/miller
12.jake3343 - seer

I think that there's a big chance that this is true.

Note that I said that Dude was the guard because Jake posted:

Quote from: jake3343 on June 21, 2012, 08:10:24 PMAnd I'll just say "guard on me" even though dude is dead.

Anyway the true player list is:

1.MaestroUGC - Zombie
2.K-NiGhT - Wolf
3.Kman96 - Normal human/miller
4.shadowkirby - guardian
5.Dude - Normal human/miller
6.davy - wolf painter
7.Spyro - steve
8.gzgregory - Normal human/miller
9.blueflower999 - normal human/miller
10.Mashi - miller
11.Zunawe - psychic
12.jake3343 - seer - original holder of the red rose.

The only things I don't know at the moment is who were the original holders of the armor and the TNT.
Quote from: NocturneOfShadow
[davy]'s in a way different time zone so basically he pops in at like 2 AM and posts 500 words and wins the game


I had the TNT, not that that would have been obvious at all. I handed it off to Jake because otherwise, had I been wolfed, we would have a zombie to deal with for certain. Jake was being guarded so that wouldn't happen to him. Obviously that backfired. >_>

In any case, well played, davy and Maestro.


Quote from: davy on June 27, 2012, 02:16:13 AMPrior to that Zunawe made this post:

It's not because we're human, but because it's where the wolves are.

Due to the "we" in the post, I thought that Zunawe was a normal human.

You know what's awesome? I did that for that reason.
You know you've been playing too much Dragon Quest when you're afraid your Hershey's Kisses are going to flee.

I program things


So, uh, that's the end of the game? You people are talking like it is but the host never said anything.


We're waiting for the_last_sheikah to make the official decree.


Technically, jake hasn't used the TNT yet, so the number of humans is still higher than wolves. Night has to end first.
You know you've been playing too much Dragon Quest when you're afraid your Hershey's Kisses are going to flee.

I program things


Technically, the game is over because of conventional TWG standards.  It's only possible for one Player to be guarded, so the Wolves are capable of killing at least one Player.  By Day Phase, the remaining two Wolves will win because of Human Phantoms, if one person were killed.