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TWG XXXIV: Minecraft

Started by the_last_sheikah, June 15, 2012, 08:43:30 AM

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TWG XXXIV: Minecraft

Herobrine: Wolf Painter
Creeper: Wolf, just a normal wolf.
Zombie: Infective wolf, may turn any player into a wolf upon lynching, that player is now on the wolf team and seered red.

Steve: Immune to griefing
Iron Golem: Guardian
Librarian: Seer
Priest: Psychic
Farmer: Human
Farmer: Human
Farmer: Human
Butcher: Miller
Blacksmith: Miller

Items: (Items will be randomly distributed on the first night after the role PMs are sent)
Diamond armor: guards you from 1 wolfing or 1 griefing
TNT block: grief 1 player
Red Rose: guards you from 1 wolfing

11.Zunawe  P

Night 2 is over.   Dude was Wolfed!

It is now Day 2.  Day 2 ends Thursday, June 21, 2012, at 11PM EST/10PM CST/9PM MST/8PM PST/7PM AST
You see, we're entertainers. We must keep people smiling. No matter how grim things get, we must always be optimistic!


Omg i was wolfed before I could have been lynched!



Everyone should come to the chat.
Because fun.


   K-NiGhT ( has joined #TWGNSM
   K-NiGhT   Lol?
   K-NiGhT   Great discussion.
   Vera   Yaaaay.
   |<--   K-NiGhT has left (Quit: K-NiGhT)




On what grounds, might i ask?
Quote from: K-NiGhT on April 11, 2024, 11:54:48 AMwow, 20 years

*crumbles into dust and blows away in the wind*


idk mebbe u shud joyn da chatroom???
not that its like important or anything


Party Hard!


I finaly have time to analyze the game!

Jake, who did you seer last night phase. If it was a blue or red result (unless it was someone from the alliance who was seer'd) I think you shoul reveal it to the topic.

That being said, I am suspicious of three people at the moment:

Kman: for voting for Jake, although he knew he was the alliance leader and he did not post any reason why Jake would be lying about being the seer.
Mashi: Being seer'd red (although he said he would be painted, I'd think the wolf team would paint the wolf with the best power not the most experienced wolf. Not to mention that in an earlier game verm didn't paint himself and was therefore not lynched untill the end of the game), and joking in a chat with Jake. Usually when you joke you make a lot of spelling mistakes to reveal that you are actually joking.
Gregory: hasn't posted much, and the only times he did post, were activity posts, a safety and a bandwagon. He seems to me like a wolf who's trying to be under the radar.

I'm going to give these players time to respond to this post before voting, but be a little fast with responding plz, because I want to go to bed early today.
Quote from: NocturneOfShadow
[davy]'s in a way different time zone so basically he pops in at like 2 AM and posts 500 words and wins the game



Can't really argue about the Red seering since you simply don't believe that I would have painted myself.  The only thing that I can really say is that vermilionvermin and I have different playing styles.  When jake asked me "Why did you try to wolf me?", I responded with a reflexive "Hmm?" reflecting confusion.  People don't generally ask that question, so I wasn't whether he was being and seered me Red or saw me responding/viewing a PM during the Night Phase, etc.  I was reasonably confident that he was wolfed and survived, however (asking a random Player about why he/she wolfed someone isn't the first idea to come to mind when a dead Player wants to know the Wolves), so I humoured him.  Notice that after the "Hmm?", my grammar died.  I wonder why!
Anyway, I've learnt from experience that analysing syntax generally isn't a good idea unless it's something colossally major.  Trying to interpret the intricate semantics of one phrase isn't going to be a reasonable amount of information to scrutinise over.

And are they the only people you're suspicious of, davy?


No, they're not the only ones, but at the moment they are the most suspicious ones.

Also, the only grammar mistake I could find in: because youre a good player duh, is that you wrote youre instead of you're.
Quote from: NocturneOfShadow
[davy]'s in a way different time zone so basically he pops in at like 2 AM and posts 500 words and wins the game


And that there was no capitalisation.


So I've had a chat with Jake this evening (it's allready evening in my timezone), which Jake should be posting atm. He brought to the light that K-Night was a very likely candidate of being a wolf.

Therefor K-Night
Quote from: NocturneOfShadow
[davy]'s in a way different time zone so basically he pops in at like 2 AM and posts 500 words and wins the game