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Submission for Next Update - 4 Submissions

Started by The Deku Trombonist, June 09, 2012, 01:27:41 AM

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The Deku Trombonist

Post a maximum of 4 Submissions, includes new and replacements.

Here are the Formatting Rules. Please read & follow them, it makes things easier and it makes the site look more professional.

Make 1 post only with links to your Submissions. Your post will be edited with comments. Any conversation regarding arrangements should be kept in arrangers' individual threads, and any questions about updating can be put in the Submissions General Questions Thread or PM'd to me.

Please provide PDF, MUS, and MIDI format, and make sure to write the arranger name in your post, if it is not your own username. Just to avoid mix-ups :)

List of accepted arrangements (Updated constantly):

[NDS] Final Fantasy III - "Town of Amur" - Thomas Wilson
[GBA] Golden Sun: The Lost Age - "Alhafra" - Thomas Wilson
[NDS] Pokemon Diamond/Pearl/Platinum - "Spotted! Artist" - Shadoninja
[GBA/NDS] Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Blue/Red Rescue Team - "Friend Area ~ Swamp" - Bespinben
[GBA/NDS] Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Blue/Red Rescue Team - "Great Canyon (Two Pianos)" - Bespinben
[GBA/NDS] Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Blue/Red Rescue Team - "Sky Tower (Two Pianos)" - Bespinben
[NDS] Pokémon Mystery Dungeon 2: Explorers of Time/Darkness/Sky - "Ending Theme" - Bespinben
[NDS] Pokemon Mystery Dungeon 2: Explorers of Time/Darkness/Sky - "Time Gear Remix" - Dusk
[GB] Pokemon Red/Blue/Yellow - "Pokemon Tower" - Tangy
[GBA] Pokémon Ruby/Sapphire/Emerald - "Trainer's School" - Warioman98
[3DS] Pushmo - "Menu" - Shadoninja
[N64] The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask - "New Wave Bossa Nova" - Tangy
[NDS] Theresia - "Opening Song" - Olimar12345
[NDS] Wario: Master of Disguise - "VS Head Honcho Carpaccio" - Warioman98
[NDS] Wario: Master of Disguise - "VS Head Honcho Carpaccio (Duet)" - Warioman98

[N64] Banjo Tooie - "Targitzan, Despotic Dizzy Totem God (Duet)" - Bloop
[GBA/NDS] Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Blue/Red Rescue Team - "Great Canyon" - Bespinben
[GBA/NDS] Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Blue/Red Rescue Team - "Sky Tower" - Bespinben


[3DS] Pushmo - "Menu"
Status: Accepted

Deku: Ok

[NDS] Pokemon Diamond/Pearl/Platinum - "Spotted! Artist"
Status: Accepted

Deku: Ok

[WII] The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword - "The Mogmas"

Deku: In bar 8, the E# would be better as an F and the D# would be better as an Eb. The chords from the end of bar 10 to bar 12 (not including the last one, that's fine), would probably be better spelled as flat 9 chords using the note in the bass as the root (hopefully that made sense).
Shado: uhhhh? I have no idea what a flat 9 chord is or how it's built.

Deku: Oh. It's like a dominant 7, with a flattened 9th added. Eg C7 b9 would be C E G Bb Db.
Would it be easier if I just changed them and put the link here?

Shado: Adjusted. Is that what you mean?

Deku: This -
S: brink Loken.

[WII] Mario Kart Wii - "Toad's Factory" (Replacement)

Deku: At bar 44 where you've got the full chords in the RH, it seems a little odd to have the odd 3 note chord thrown in. Just checking that you're sure of those, that's all ;)
Shado: I added some that I missed. I can't add the Bb to the beat 4 chord at 49 and 60, else it covers up the top C.  Everything else, I can't hear any other notes.


Deku: Finale 2012? *grumble* I suppose I better download it then.... I'll get back to these when I do

"And so my saga of quoting myself in everyone's signature continues" - dudeman


Ah! Finally!  ;D
Well, let's see...

[NDS] Wario: Master of Disguise - "VS Head Honcho Carpaccio" ZIP   ~   (Duet)   ZIP    (2 arrangements, duet and solo)
Status: Accepted

Deku: All the Ab's (in both) should be G#'s, it's in A minor.

In the solo one, maybe simplify (or add variation) to the bass. It's a big ask for someone to do that all the way through a song without their left hand giving up the ghost.

In the two pianos one, change the parts around once in a while so both players have a decent share of the melody. And swap the bass parts around too. (obviously the changes should make sense with sections and so on)

Wario: lol Left hand simplified. Also corrected the duet, which now sounds a lot better! Thanks for the idea.
Of course it's in A minor! What was I thinking! :facepalm: Please don't tell that to my music teacher.  :P

[NDS] Wario: Master of Disguise - "Alergia Gardens (Episode 10: The Final Face-Off!!)" (Duet)   ZIP

Deku: Same thing as the other one in regards to part equality. A possible place to swap over would be the bar after the second time bar.

Wario: Fixed. Swapped the second part.

Olimar: The rhythm groupings in piano I, RH, first layer are incorrect in measures 20, 22, and 26. Also in measure 46, the piano II's RH, layer one has two eighth notes that should be beamed together, but aren't. And is there a reason for the pick up rest?

Wario: 1. Just wanted to say that I didn't forget this, instead I'm waiting to have enough free time (this weekend tbh) to correct it. And yes, actually, there is a reason for the pick up, my friend: At the beginning of the song you can hear some drums playing just when the song starts, right? Well, I wanted to make clear that the song doesn't start right at measure 2, but there are also those drums before. I also wanted to include them in a hidden staff, but I didn't do it because I didn't (and don't) know how to, so in the end I left it like that.  :P
Anyways, good eye.  8)

2. Don't mean to discredit you, but... are you sure? I checked those measures again and I can't see anything wrong. Could you please be more precise?

3. Wow, I don't know why finale separated those eights. :o
I'll try to fix it, even if I don't really know how to lol. Again, good eye. 8)

-All piano RH first layer:
 -Measure 20 should be quarter-eighth-eighth tied to a quarter-two eighths.
 -Measure 22 should be quarter-eighth-eighth tied to a dotted quarter-eighth.
 -Measure 26 should be quarter-eighth-eighth tied to an eighth-eighth-eighth-eighth.

Wario: Aye, aye, Captain Olimar! Gotta fix that soon!

[GBA] Pokémon Ruby, Sapphire & Emerald - "Trainer's School" ZIP
Status: Accepted

Deku: Hello, it's everyone's best friend, enharmonic spellings! hehe :P
Bb in bar 5 is an A#
Ab in bar 5 is a G#
Same two things in bar 9
Ab in bar 11 is a G#
Gb in bar 12 is an F#
Ab in bar 13 is a G#
Ab in bar 15 is a G#
Gb in bar 16 is an F#
Ab in bar 17 is a G#
Ab in bar 18 is a G#

Also, have you considered having the LH in normal bass clef and then using the cross staff tool for the really high ones? Probably easier to read

Wario: Ohai, enharmonic spellings, it's always a pleasure! :P
All accidentals corrected. I thought about crossing staffs, but I didn't know how to do it so I left it like that. Either way, now I've looked up how to do it and it's fixed.

Wario: Edit. Links reuploaded. All .zips now.


[N64] Banjo Tooie - "Targitzan, Despotic Dizzy Totem God (Duet)" (Replacement) - Mus Midi Pdf
Status: Accepted.

Deku: All good. Except I'm not sure if I like those key changes half way through. I probably should have said something first time around. I'll think about it.

Bloop: The sheet would have a gigantic natural attack, what would make reading pretty hard (at least I think so).

Deku: Ok

[N64] The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask - "Final Hours" - Mus Mid Pdf

Deku: I'm not really sure what to say. I just don't think it works really well for piano in it's current shape.

Bloop: It feels fine to me, actually. I don't know what to change about it..

Olimar: -All of the crescendos and diminuendos are redundant-you can't change the volume of a note on the piano once stricken.
-The layer work is a bit sloppy-things don't quite line up/sometimes they collide...

Bloop: Alright, fixed. The crescendos and diminuendos were there because the song slowly gets louder, but it wasn't something important.

I think that's it for now.


[N64] Banjo-Kazooie - "Bottles' Picture Game" [MUS] [MID] [PDF]

Deku: The bass notes and chords aren't all right

LonelyHaven: I only fixed the measure 5 (and similar) bass line (as that was the only error I heard so far).
Added tempo marking and formatting.

Deku: The second 2 chords in bar 5 are C/Bb not D/Bb. A couple of enharmonic spelling things in the Gb Major section but I'll fix em when I get around to getting Finale 2012.

Any chance you could do something about the overlapping parts in bar 21 (and where it comes back)? Same thing with the end of bar 31.


LonelyHaven:  Ah yeah, I missed that. Thanks. So are there any more bass line/chord errors? I can try to give another listen when I have time.

The only solution for the overlapping was that I put everything in the right hand an octave higher...not sure what else I could do except omit some notes or only bring the "overlapping" notes up an octave. Whichever one is fine/better, I'll work on fixing that and post that.

For enharmonic spellings, I believe that for measure 31, in the bass line, the enharmonic spelling for Eb/B♮ should be Eb/Cb, and Db/Bb should be Db/Cbb? (that's all I'm sure about, haven't looked at the other enharmonic spellings).

-Lots if weird beaming going on in this piece-though beaming the 16th notes in beat one with the 8th notes of beat two isn't incorrect, I feel that it would look nicer if they weren't beamed together.
-What's with the repeated accidentals? They last the whole measure, yet most of them are rewritten for every note... that needs to be fixed.
-Measure numbers are missing.
-When the melody goes into thirds at measure 33, the chords need to stay in thirds. (i.g. measure 34-those B naturals need to be Cb's)

Mostly everything should be fixed. I was able to number everything in Musescore, but not when I imported it to finale notepad. I'd appreciate some help with that. Also, let me know if anything else still needs fixing.



[GCN] The Legend of Zelda: Wind Waker – "Phantom Ganon" – spitllama (replacement) Zip

Deku: Oh boy, this one's complicated. I'll resist the urge to talk about rhythm groupings and dotted rests.....
The glissandos would be better written as grace notes, seeing as that's kinda what they are anyway.
Some sort of articulated difference in the bass line would be good seeing as the Db's Are clearly longer than the C's (using the notes from the start, obviously it carries through the various changes).
Bar 8 (and its reincarnations) would make more sense if the held chord notes were written as whole notes on the second layer.
Bar 48 (and its reincarnations)  (aside from the weirdo rhythm grouping in the RH) do you mean to have the 3rd note having different lengths in both hands?
Bar 46-52 needs some time signature changes. Same as when the figure comes back later.
I might have more but it'll probably be easier after you fix those things (esp the time sig)

spit: *Wipes sweat off forehead*. Wow, things sure get messy when it involves time signature changes. Everything's been fixed now. I respectfully disagree with your suggestion to change the glissandos to grace notes, but I changed them anyhow. Let me know if you still want them like that.

Deku: "I respectfully disagree with your suggestion to change the glissandos to grace notes."
Might I ask why?

spit: I don't hear it in the original. It sounds like a run that occurs on the 4.5th beat of the measure (a lot like "Moldararch/Koloktos Battle" in LoZ: SS), and not as a stepping appoggiatura. Plus the playback sounds pretty bad with the grace note.

Deku: Woah, I meant to write down how it sounds, like this (just bar 8 ). Writing it as a glissando is pretty ambiguous. You want to aim to notate as much as possible in a relatively precise way. Good job on the key changes. I hate the way Finale craps out when you throw in a key change :P
I think the rest is alright, just rhythm groupings which I'll fix up sometime.

spit: Oh hey! You can work with more than one grace note at a time! Who knew... thanks for that, and sorry for the confusion. Everything's been fixed. When you alter the rhythm groupings, can you tell me what you change? I'm trying to learn more about that cause I seem to struggle with it a lot.

-The composer line needs to be split into two lines-its too long as one.
-The only dynamic used is forte. I'm not too familiar with the original, but is it supposed to start at forte, crescendo/decrescendo, and then drop back down to forte?

- Fixed
- Added accents on the first notes of measures 49, 51, etc. to make it clearer that the forte comes in on the second half of the first beat
* Also changed the triplet eighth notes on measures 9 and the like to four 32nd notes

[GBA] Metroid Fusion – "Crisis Mission" – spitllama Zip

Deku: The sextuplet/triplet semiquavers are unplayable. Also, occasionally the spelling of some chromatic voice leading is a little weird but I'll worry about that later.

spit: Replaced sextuplets with quarter-note tremolos

Deku: Quarter note tremolos have 8 notes per beat..... :P Also, the triplet 16ths are still there

spit: D'oh! Replaced the tremolos with another eighth note triplet, and replaced triplet 16ths with two 16th notes

-Same thing with the composer's text.
-Measures 17, 21, 23, and 51 have rhythm grouping errors.
-It feels like there are voices left out or something...I don't remember this song being so...boring...

-Gee thanks :(. Ummm I added a voice on measure 23 but I've been through this song 6 times listening and can't hear any more. What you're probably hearing is something very similar to what's in The Distortion World from Pokemon- that continuous humming sound that makes the song sound fuller, but can't be imitated on the piano. Just imo.

[WII] Pokémon Battle Revolution – "Sunset Colosseum" – spitllama Zip

Deku: Rhythm groupings..........

spit: Fixed what should be everything

-I like seeing eighth rests instead of quarter rests in the opening. The way measure 3 looks is how 1-8 should look.
-Rhythm grouping errors in measures 9-13, 15-16, 23-34 and 37-38.
-The marcato accents on the whole notes at measures 33 and 35 are redundant and should be removed OR replaced with accents.
-Staccato tied note in 27 makes little sense. Should be removed.

All fixed

[WII] Super Smash Bros. Brawl – "Boss Theme Medley" – spitllama Zip

spit: Went ahead and fixed some rhythm issues. The right-hand rhythms that start on 41 and 54 are the same, but I've grouped them differently. If you can tell me which is more appropriate, I'll fix the other measures.

spit: Fixed more rhythm problems. I made 41 and 54 the same rhythm.
Submissions Page
Currently using Finale 2012


[Wii] Skyward Sword - "Pumpkin Pastime" PDF MUS MID

Deku: My internet's being really crappy at the moment so I can't listen to the entire original, but from what I heard, it sounds like it would make more sense in 3/4 as opposed to 6/8. Also, can you add in the grace notes?

Alright, where to begin...
-No measure numbers
-Measure 2 LH is incorrect. The 4th eighth note should be a "B", and it should be tied to the previous note.
-Lots of absent grace notes.
-Incorrect articulation for the melody. At measure 3 everything should be staccato except for the "E", which should be slured to the "D". Then in mesure 4 the first note should be staccato, and the absent grace note should be slured to the "G". This should be reapplied to all measures alike. Also at measure 10, the slur should start on the "G" and go to the 2nd "F".
-Measures 11-18 are missing the bass notes on 1 and 4. They're quite important...
-Measure 4 has note collision on beat 6.
-A lot of the LH sounds iffy...
-I'd slur the quarter note to the eighth note in measures 11-18.
-Repeat bar missing.

[Wii] Skyward Sword - "Tubert's Theme" PDF MUS MID

Deku: This would sound really sweet with the intro as well (going from this video). Also, some of the rhythm groupings could be fixed up. Always aim to 'show' beat 3 (using ties) as it's the second most important beat in 4/4 aside from beat 1. And replace dotted rests with 4th + 8th rests.

-Title not bolded.
-No measure numbers.
-Copyright and url are also on the second page. Remove.
-No intro.
-Measure 2 and every one like it is rhythmically incorrect.
-All slurs are incorrect. There are no correct articulations in this piece. :1
-The chords in the LH should be rolled,
-Other incorrect rhythm groupings in measures 13, 19, 20, 24, and 25.
-Measure 26 is incomplete...

[Wii] Skyward Sword - "Bamboo Island" PDF MUS MID

Deku: Any chance you could fill out the chords at the start a little more, mainly with upper voices? Same rhythm grouping issue in the right hand as well.

This arrangement really doesn't capture the piece's beauty...
-Title not bolded
-No measure numbers
-Didn't analyze the chords, but they just don't sound right at all. Perhaps its the spelling of the chord? Or the register. ..Or wrong notes. It just sounds awful.
-Every measure like measure 3 is rhythmically incorrect.
-This piece might be better with pedal markings.

[Wii] Skyward Sword - "Island in the Sky" PDF MUS MID

Second note in the 2nd bar is a B, not an E. And wherever that figure repeats (bar 4, 6, 8, 10).
Last note in bars 9 & 11 is an A.
Notes in bar 12 are E B E A G#, then down to F#)
Notes in bar 13 are G(natural) D A B.
Bar 14 - first two notes are A & E.
Bar 15 - same as bar 13, although there is a pickup quaver F# at the end of bar 14.
Bar 16 - same as bar 14. Oh, there's a quaver pickup before this bar too (a low G natural).
The rolled chord in the 3rd to last bar (from the bottom up) is A E C#.
Last 2 bars - the second note in each is a 5th above the first note, not an octave.

-Title not bolded
-No measure numbers.
-The eighth note in measure 6 needs to be two sixteenth notes, B and C#.


Thanks so much for the call out, Cobraroll! I really appreciate it!! ;D

spitllama managed to convince me to head over to submission, so I proceeded to fix up my page to make it fit in more updates and here are four songs for submission. They appear in up to three games but are the same exact songs.

Also, I'm sorry if I don't follow the exact submission guidelines regarding this post. I'm a little tired of making really tiny edits everywhere after just fixing up my thread.

PlayStation 2
Kingdom Hearts
"Dearly Beloved" - NasiDe [MUS | MIDI | PDF]

Deku: Using Pedal markings in this would go a long way to cleaning it up and preventing it from becoming a mess of ties. Maybe add some of the high twinkly bits. Some of the bass notes sound like they're written an octave too high. The little lick which you've written as triplet semiquavers would be much tidier if written using a mordent.

"Dive Into the Heart -Destati-" - NasiDe [MUS | MIDI | PDF]
"Destiny Islands" - NasiDe [MUS | MIDI | PDF]
"Bustin' Up on the Beach" - NasiDe [MUS | MIDI | PDF]

Deku: Just in general, use more dynamics and articulations. It's the stuff that adds expression into music and really brings it to life!

Olimar: Same things for all the sheets:
-No measure numbers.
-The text boxes are too high up on the sheet.
-Layer work is poor.
-Copyright info is not centered/too big.
-Incorrect rhythm grouping.

Kingdom Hearts: Final Mix
"Dearly Beloved" - NasiDe [MUS | MIDI | PDF]
"Dive Into the Heart -Destati-" - NasiDe [MUS | MIDI | PDF]
"Destiny Islands" - NasiDe [MUS | MIDI | PDF]
"Bustin' Up on the Beach" - NasiDe [MUS | MIDI | PDF]

Nintendo DS
Kingdom Hearts: Re:Coded
"Destiny Islands" - NasiDe [MUS | MIDI | PDF]


[GCN] Live and Learn (Sonic Adventure 2) [MUS][MIDI]

Deku: The dynamics seem a bit extreme, tone them back a little. ffff is pretty much "belt the keys as loud as humanly possible" which is certainly not what a performer is going to do when playing this.

Rhythms could do with a little improving. Mostly in places with off-beats (eg the first note in bar 14 starts an 8th note earlier, ie last 8th of bar 13).
Rhythm groupings too. Always aim to highlight beat 3 (ie put a note on it, even if it involves using ties).

K-NiGhT: I understand. I'm going to have to fix links as well because I got a new dropbox. I'll have this done as soon as possible.

Olimar: I thought this looked familiar...
Quote from: Olimar12345 on April 09, 2012, 03:15:02 PMThings to point out:

-Subtitle and arranger need to be Italicized
-Your dynamic choices...are odd...I don't think this song originally uses fortissississimo.
-RH measures that look like 13, 30, 44, 45, 46, 66, 107, 119, 122 are written incorrectly.

K-NiGhT: Lol, I know. I just haven't had time to fix it. Since I do have time, I'll fix it. How do I italicize the subtitle and arranger?

K-NiGhT: Okay, I turned the dynamics down a notch. Is this better?

Deliver Hope (Halo: Reach) [MUS][MIDI]

Deku: I'd suggest experimenting with dynamics, layers and filling out chords in this one. Instead of tieing notes under moving ones, put them in the second layer (eg the B in the opening line).

Not really sure what else I can say, it's just a bit empty. If you've got any specific questions, ask away.

K-NiGhT: I haven't looked at this particular arrangement since I did it. This was my first arrangement, and it wasn't very good anyway, so I think I'll just focus on my other one.

[iOS] Angry Birds Theme (Angry Birds)[MUS][MIDI]

K-NiGhT: I added this because I only had two, plus I decided to not submit Deliver Hope. I hope that's okay...
Quote from: K-NiGhT on April 11, 2024, 11:54:48 AMwow, 20 years

*crumbles into dust and blows away in the wind*


[GBA/DS] Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Blue/Red Rescue Team - "Great Canyon" - Bespinben (Replacement) Zip
Status: Accepted.

Deku: Ok.

[GBA/DS] Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Blue/Red Rescue Team - "Great Canyon (Two Pianos)" - Bespinben Zip
Status: Accepted.

Olimar: In measure 22, piano 2's LH has an 8th note then two 16th notes. They need to be beamed together to be consistant with the rest of the piece.

Bespinben: Good eye! Thanks for catching that. I'm not sure how that happened in the first place though, I guess Finale just decided to derp on me :P (or maybe I accidentally hit "/"). Fixed.

Deku: Ok

[GBA/DS] Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Blue/Red Rescue Team - "Sky Tower" - Bespinben (Replacement) Zip
Status: Accepted.

Olimar: Perfect. However, I'd suggest a double bar line at the coda.

Bespinben: Are you referring to AT the coda? or at the end of the 2 measures thereof? If the latter, then there already is one, so as to signify the oncoming shift of mood. In the case of the former, adding a double barline there wouldn't quite fit the purpose of a double barline, though it would help in distinguishing the coda. I think I'll keep it the way it is for now, unless Deku thinks otherwise also.

Olimar: There should be a double bar line at measure 39. It's a visual thing-it helps the reader find the coda.

Bespinben: Done.

[GBA/DS] Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Blue/Red Rescue Team - "Sky Tower (Two Pianos)" - Bespinben Zip
Status: Accepted.

Olimar: See "Sky Tower".

Bespinben: Done.

[GBA/DS] Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Blue/Red Rescue Team - "Friend Area ~ Swamp" - Bespinben Zip
Status: Accepted.

Deku: Ok.

Bespinben: Cool. You liek Picardy thirds :3?

[DS] Pokémon Mystery Dungeon 2: Explorers of Time/Darkness/Sky - "Ending Theme" - Bespinben Zip
Status: Accepted.

-It would look nicer if the 1st and 2nd endings matched height.
-Sometimes the "RH" and "LH" signs get cought in the barlines.
-I'm not familiar with the original, but there are a LOT of accidentals at the end that scare me...

Deku: Maybe bar 84 can go to 6/4 and then get rid of the 3/2 at the end? As for accidentals, I don't know...

Bespinben: 1st & 2nd endings fixed, as well as R.H. and L.H. signs.
As for the ending, allow me to tell you a little about the original song. In the PMD2 Credits, the song loops infinitely between measure 17-70. There is no ending. Additionally, alot of the accompanimient texture is my own interpretation of the original song's percussion, as it is very dependant on snare and timpani for rhythmic support. At measure 71, I try to start gearing towards an ending, hence the "quasi-cadenza". Once you get to measure 84, past that is all an original ending of my own creation.
That said, I have reasons for keeping m. 84+ in 12/8 until the sudden shift to 3/2 in the last 2 measures. The left hand, though not expressly written, is already suggesting the 3/2 with the 6 quarter note chords (1-&, 2-&, 3-&), while the right hand continues to play in 12/8, resulting in an interesting polymeter feel. At the last 2 measures, both hands join together in rhythmic unison in 3/2, giving a sense of finality. As for the accidentals, I just spelled them as how I thought they would be most easily readable.

Olimar: Okay, I see now. Well, I'm not really a fan of original endings, but obviously you did your homework. It is a beautiful peace, and if Deku doesn't mind it then neither do I.

Deku: Ok

Bespinben: Awesome! From the looks of it, it seems like we've just about wrapped up everything in my submissions post, hopefully. *woot*
Quote from: Nebbles on July 04, 2015, 12:05:12 PM
Someone beat Bespinben to making PMD music?! GASP!

MLF for Chatroom Mod next Tuesday


Maybe the last 4 submissions.

[DS] Final Fantasy III - "Town of Amur" - Thomas Wilson MUS Midi
Status: Accepted.

Deku: Ok.

[GBA] Golden Sun: The Lost Age - "Alhafra" - Thomas Wilson MUS Midi
Status: Accepted.

Deku: Ok.

[GB] Pokemon Red/Blue/Yellow - "Bicycle Theme" - Thomas Wilson MUS Midi
Deku: Some of the eighth rests in layer one of the RH are colliding with notes.

[PSP] Final Fantasy VII: Crisis Core - "First Mission" - Thomas Wilson MUS Midi
Deku: needs some dynamics.



[Wii] Channel Themes - Mii Channel

Deku: Minim rests in bars 7 & 17.
Chord in bar 15 from bottom up is B/F#/A/C#.
First chord in bar 23 LH has a C#, not a D#.


[NDS] Theresia - Opening Song
Status: Accepted.

Deku: OK

[XBLA/PSN] Skullgirls - The Legend of the Skull Heart

Deku: Bar 4 & 12, make it an E, not Fb.



[NDS] LOZPH - Linebeck's Theme

Deku: F#s not Gbs in bars 3 & 7.

Olimar: Wow, idk HOW I missed this one! fixd'

All fixed .ZIP
Visit my site: VGM Sheet Music by Olimar12345 ~ Quality VGM sheet music available for free!

Deku Nukem

[GBC] Pokemon Gold/Silver - The End

This is the music that plays and loops after the staff roll finishes.

-"Transcription" needs to be changed to "Arrangement"
-Bpm is broken.
-Url is too big.
-No measure numbers.
-Rhythm grouping errors in measures 3-7, and 9.


[NDS] Mario and Luigi: Bowser's Inside Story - Boss Battle(two pianos) MUS MID PDF

[NDS] Mario and Luigi: Partners in Time - Peach's Castle (two pianos) MUS MID PDF

[Wii] New Super Mario Bros. Wii - Credits (two pianos) MUS MID PDF

[Wii] Super Smash Bros. Brawl - PictoChat (two pianos) MUS MID PDF

Deku: Can you do solo piano arrangements of these? We're aiming to have solo arrangements of all the duets on the site and I don't really want to add more work to that project.

A number of these don't really need to be for 2 pianos (aside from not many people playing them compared to solo arrangements). A little part combining should turn them into quite nice solos.

Greg: I'm working on turning all of my duets into solos at the moment, depending on how soon the update is I may not have time to get to these before the update since school just started and I'll be away for a week! I will have solos of all of these done at some point though.


Wow, it's been a while since I posted on NSM let alone an update lol.

[N64] Banjo-Kazooie - Click Clock Wood (Autumn) Midi Mus Pdf

[XBOX360] Banjo-Kazooie: Nuts & Bolts - Beating Banjoland Midi Mus Pdf

[XBOX360] Banjo-Kazooie: Nuts & Bolts - Inside The LogBox Mid Mus Pdf

[XBOX360] Banjo-Kazooie: Nuts & Bolts - Nutty Acres Action Midi Mus Pdf
Quote from: Shadoninja on July 20, 2012, 03:54:03 PMOfficial.
K. Fixed.

Olimar: Formatting's off, wrong notes/rhythms, rhythm grouping errors...

Clanker: I think I've fixed it

Deku: All of them or just 1?

Clanker: All of them I hope.

Clanker: Revised them again.