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Remixes/Game Series Pages

Started by comingaflame, June 02, 2012, 09:00:31 PM

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Well, while the music the music listed under "Shade Man Stage (Alt)" certainly is an alternate theme song for Shade Man's stage (for the interested, you hold down B while pressing Y to select it) it's also a remix of the extremely popular theme of the old also-Capcom game Ghosts n Goblins - and I feel like there should some sort of the label to that effect, especially as the sheets provided there are probably the best on the Internet for that particular theme, that I can find, anyway. Also the same thing with the remixes for the Super Smash Bros. games and the series they belong to, and again especially those we have no other versions of and could be easily missed. I know I passed up the Shade Man stage music a couple of times. The only thing I can thing of would be a link on the page of the particular series, or maybe just having a separate category for "SSB Remixes" under each series. Any ideas?
Dear Mr Hempel,
This is the internet. They are just putting up with The Sandman while waiting for you to unleash the talking pastry.
- Neil Gaiman

So let me show you another good trick that I know.
   - The Cat in the Hat


I don't think there should be any such labels for these kinds of game rearrangements. However, if the song comes from a different game franchise entirely, there could be some note saying such.

Quote from: comingaflame on June 02, 2012, 09:00:31 PMAlso the same thing with the remixes for the Super Smash Bros. games and the series they belong to, and again especially those we have no other versions of and could be easily missed. I know I passed up the Shade Man stage music a couple of times.

Unless it states it in the soundtrack title, we should not give these songs any extra label.

"If an Official Soundtrack Exists, Track Names are law"
"And so my saga of quoting myself in everyone's signature continues" - dudeman


Quote from: Shadoninja on June 02, 2012, 09:41:17 PMUnless it states it in the soundtrack title, we should not give these songs any extra label.

"If an Official Soundtrack Exists, Track Names are law"

Well, the list on the Brawl website page from back when they were still teasing us with soundtrack titles ( uses "Game Title: Song" format for its titles, which is probably the most sensible choice. The songs are definitely never labeled without at least the franchise they come from. My concern is that people might not be able to find the song they want under the franchise title and stop looking.
Dear Mr Hempel,
This is the internet. They are just putting up with The Sandman while waiting for you to unleash the talking pastry.
- Neil Gaiman

So let me show you another good trick that I know.
   - The Cat in the Hat


Makes sense to me. I've seen requests on songs that was arranged for smash bros, but not their original game (Luigi's Mansion comes to mind directly)