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MoboMoga's Arrangements (NEW! Pokemon DPPt - Spotted! Galactic Cosplayer)

Started by MoboMoga, May 30, 2012, 07:10:52 PM

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Oh, god.
I know how it is to loose motivation on one arrangement. You feel like you're never going to continue again D:
Birdo for Smash


Well not bad! :)

But that is impossible to play as a duet, it should be a two-piano arrangement in that case. Also, what's with those huge single measures that cover up the entire upper half of a page?

Also, not to be annoying, but isn't your signature a little bit excessive? ^o^''


Hi guys, I was really in a hiatus with NinSheetMusic, haha. I just didn't have the time to arrange although I really want to. BUT I managed to create an original composition for piano. Hope you enjoy it.

-Cloud Valse: [PDF] [MP3]


I really really like it!
I understand you don't want criticism on your composition, but I must say, I think it would sound better (though of course it wouldn't be for piano anymore) if the second piano was a harp (though again, that might be weird without strings...). I kinda felt that the second piano was "trying" to be a harp, and that as a piano it was kinda in the way :/ but that's just me :)
Again, I liked it!
Birdo for Smash


Woah, how did I miss this? It's awesome! Do you have any other composition of your own? I'd like to see more. :)

btw, sounds like something that would play in a cloud level of a Kirby game, and that makes me like it even more.


That songs beautiful! I especially liked the chromatics around 0:26. If I had any advice, it would be to use more of them.  :)
Quote from: Dudeman on January 23, 2017, 05:35:59 PM
straight from the department of redundancy department


Heyo! I composed this short melody. I uploaded in MP3 format because of instrumentation preference. Hope you enjoy it!

-Reminiscent Music Box (Ma Chérie): [PDF] [MP3]


"Today's goal strongly involves not dying. Because nobody likes to wake up dead."

My Arrangements
Finale Version(s): Finale Notepad 2012, Finale 2012, Finale v26


Birdo for Smash

Sir Dino

I really liked it! It was a nice variation, although I think the beginning was a little too stiff, but the rest came out nice and smooth. Um yes very nice C: ( thanks for commenting on my arrangements on YT btw ~ )

Sir Dino

plans for arranging pokemon x y OST?

I love those soundtracks, and I have to agree with you the overall instrumentals used in this game was pretty well-rounded, very good compared to Pokemon Black/White imho. Route 1 and Geosenge Town also are pretty good soundtracks to arrange. :D


Very nice! Just one thing, the composer is only Hitomi Sato



This is a swung, Big Band piece not a 12/8 piece. Seriously, people always write 12/8 for swung pieces and it's really begin to tick me off -.-

Also, when you do write for 12/8, for the tempo marking use a dotted crotchet (Quarter note) rather than a Crotchet (Quarter Note). It's just easier to work out 4 dotted pulses in a bar than 6.

But nice job anyway. I love this song and would sit there for like a minute listening to it rather than battling.