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Control the Throne

Started by Spyro, May 28, 2012, 03:15:25 PM

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I take blueflower999's computer and place it on a desk 1 mile away from the throne. Now he leaves to check Ninsheetmusic's forums and I take the throne to an airplane and sit on the throne.


But you didn't realize I planted a bomb on the plane, the plane explodes, the throne falls right down to me, and I sit on it.

Throne Get


I survive from the explosion, and I fall to the CIA HQ, and I use all the material in there to built a teleporting time machine and a memory deleter gun. I had secretly left a tracking device behind the throne, and with that I locate Spyro. I teleport to Spyro and delete his memory and killed him because my hair knows kung-fu, and grab the throne and take it to time machine and I travel 1000 years into the future and soon as I get out of the time machine with the throne,I blow it up and every one inside it and then I built a motorcycle using the throne as the seat, and now I can play CARD GAMES ON MOTORCYCLES!


In all your planning and randomness, I replace the seat on your throne with an ejector seat set to go off once you sit on it. I take the real throne seat and build a new, shinier throne around it and sit.
You know you've been playing too much Dragon Quest when you're afraid your Hershey's Kisses are going to flee.

I program things


I find the real seat in the future(paradox), I kick the skeleton off, and sit there.


Your paradox causes you to explode, along with all of time in space.

...meanwhile, in heaven, I find a throne and sit on it.
Party Hard!


Because I just turned into an ateist, I reject your realm and substitute it with my own. I sit on the throne. BTW, everyone else but me is a beaver.


I revived myself and decided to remember stuff. I take the throne out of your realm and take it back to Earth and then sit on it.


You suddenly notice that the seat cushion is an acid puddle, and you disappear. I get rid of the acid, and sit on the throne.
Back in square 1.


I go to square 1 and retrieve the throne from the nasty circle beasties. Then I place it in the old bomb shelter from a few pages back and I seal myself in and sit in the throne.
Party Hard!


I poured the acid on top of the bomb shelter. I come in, take the throne away, while you stay there and keep asking yourself WTF just happened for the rest of your life. I sit on the throne.


I nuke the world because the bomb shelter was destroyed and now life is meaningless. :( In an alternate reality, I had taken Kman's place in the shelter instead of him, and set up traps around it that Reapr got caught in. Now I has teh throne.
You know you've been playing too much Dragon Quest when you're afraid your Hershey's Kisses are going to flee.

I program things


My left thumb survives, and kicks your ass. My thumb sits on the throne.


You are so lustful for your throne that you don't realize that I set up a decoy, and I am sitting on the real throne.
Bulbear! Blueflower999


Yeah but while you were looking I swapped my decoy with the throne you were supposed to sit on, so you ended up sitting on my decoy, and I took the real throne and sat on it.