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Bey-Heart's arrangements

Started by Bey-Heart, May 22, 2012, 04:00:23 PM

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This is the thread where I will be uploading my arrangements. I'm new to this site, so I hope you guys like my work.

Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword - Romance


Hi there! I'm kinda new myself so I'm not sure how big of a welcoming I am, but welcome! :D
I'm sorry, but I seem to have some issues; it doesn't seem like your links work? If you would have a look at it, and see if you could fix it i'll be happy to check back later and have a look at your arrangement! * It is of my favorite theme from Skyward Sword, after all. :)
Birdo for Smash


Never-mind actually, I just had to copy the link ::)
First of; I'm probably not that good of an arranger, but hopefully I can comment on your work as good as I can.
  • To begin with; it seems you've misunderstood the whole idea behind the 6/8 beat. There are quite a few areas (for example from measure 25-55) where you write like it's in 3/4, which is wrong according to the original. Of course, if you feel like it's in 3/4 then it's up to you, but at then you should at least change the time signature to 3/4.
  • Second, do you know what layers are? I'm not sure what kind of notation program your using, but assuming you're using finale, there should be an option at the bottom left of the sheet, where you can choose between layers.
    Take a look at measure 47. What you've done here is that you've tied together the notes that are the same, and on top of them you have written more notes. (A very bad sentence, I know, but my english sucks.) Writing this way makes it look rather messy and in most cases, makes it hard to read. If you use different layers instead, then this wouldn't be an issue, and your sheet would look way cleaner.
    It took me a hell of a lot time to figure out how to use layers...
  • You should try using repetition! That way it'd look cleaner and you'd might be able to squish everything into one page.
  • There was something bugging me about the melody from measure 41-59. I feel really mean for saying this, but I think you should try again. I think you got some of the notes wrong and also there is something wrong about the bass.
  • The melody in measures 57-58 and measures 115-116 are completely wrong. I think you should take a close look at these measures. I was kinda disappointed to be honest.
  • Last; I don't think it's wrong at all, but you're kinda lacking something I find important. When I'm transcribing (or just playing the piano for that matter) I'm always trying to; how do I explain this; focusing on the chords? (I have no idea how to explain this...) I like to give the listener a feel of where the chords change in the song and melody and also what the mood of the song and melody is. And I try doing that all the time.
    I was a bit disappointed about how little of "that" you're doing (bad explaination). Your arrangement isn't really capturing the chord changes of the song. I think you should let the left hand play the chords rather than just having them play the same notes only an octave lower without any kind of change whatsoever.
    I'm not saying it's bad the way it is, I just think you'd be able to make this arrangement alot better to listen to being performed.
Overall, I think it's good for your first arrangement as long as you take this whole "correction" to consideration :)
And please don't get mad at me for being so strict :~) Anyways, welcome, and I'm looking forward to seeing more of your arrangements.
Birdo for Smash


Links fixed. Check out the code below to see how it works.
Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword - Romance

Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword - Romance
"And so my saga of quoting myself in everyone's signature continues" - dudeman


Thanks for the criticism! I appreciate you taking the time to read through it.

This actually isn't my first arrangement. This is a very sloppy one that I completely rushed through so I could at least get part of it done before working on my Music Theory project. I have much better arrangements than this, trust me. Also, I use MuseScore, because I am broke.

I don't have time right now, but I'll go back and look at everything you pointed out sometime next week. Thanks, again!