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TWG XXXII: I Want To Be A Princess

Started by Mashi, May 03, 2012, 08:12:47 PM

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 Guys i will be leaving today and wont be back till sunday afternoon. Ill try to get on if i can, and will post a safety before i leave today.


Quote from: blueflower999 on May 11, 2012, 05:10:48 AMAs for who to vote for, you're probably all thinking, "Hey Raymond would never tell us the identity of another real wolf.", but, again, what if he was using reverse psychology again, and that was intended to protect Mandrew? Thoughts?

I agree.  If you remember from page 6, raymond defended mandrew before by saying
Quote from: Raymondbl on May 07, 2012, 03:51:06 PMI still think Mandrew's behavior is due to this being his first game.  On the other hand, if he really is a wolf then we wouldn't be able to know by other means.  I choose to let him live. 
Now before I go on, Mandrew was seered green, but that doesn't mean he couldn't be the master wolf.  When he stated his suspicions earlier, who did he accuse? Gzgregory, Blueflower, and me.  Gzgregory was confirmed human when he was wolfed, I'm the seer, and Blueflower is now suspicious of him.  That's three humans he accused with little to no evidence(save for gzgregory, my fault, sorry).  He also called me out as a specific role, master wolf, even though I'm the seer.

That's all I've got, but I'm going to hold off on voting for now.
You see, we're entertainers. We must keep people smiling. No matter how grim things get, we must always be optimistic!


While Sheikah did present some decent evidence against Mandrew, I still think there's a  chance it could be due to inexperience, so I'll refrain from voting for now. Unless something else happens that makes me want to change my vote, safety on K-Night for now.
Bulbear! Blueflower999


Submissions Page
Currently using Finale 2012


Try to do everything; you're bound to succeed with at least one.


Didn't Blue already safety on K-Night?

Safety on Dude again.



You all do realise that K-NiGhT isn't playing, no?

I'm going to make a Phase Extension for until Sunday, May 13th, at 11PM EST/10PM CST/9PM MST/8PM PST/7PM AST.  You have to be active, everyone.  You can't expect a few people to be active and win the game for you.


Oh my goodness XD

Mandrew then.

(I can't believe I did that XD Sorry guys XD)
Bulbear! Blueflower999


Even with the phase extension, I'm putting my vote for Mandrew in now.  I may not be on too much tomorrow 'cause of mother's day.
You see, we're entertainers. We must keep people smiling. No matter how grim things get, we must always be optimistic!


Please note that the Phase will still end at precisely 11PM EST, but I may possibly be late due to personal troubles.


Master Wolf



0. Princess Rin
1. Princess blueflower999 of Hyrule
2. Princess the_last_sheikah of the Pokemon World
3. Princess Raymondbl of the Universe
4. Duchess vermilionvermin of the Mushroom Kingdom
5. Princess gzgregory of the LAND OF FIRE AND COMPUTERS
6. Princess Kman96 of Pigfarts, Intergalactic School of Witchcraft and Wizardry
7. Princess Dude of Gensokyo
8. Princess Wrydryn, the Lost Princess (Phantom x1)
9. Prince(ss) Jub3r7, Rescuer of Princesses
10. Princess MaestroUGC of Oceania (Phantom x1)
11. Princess Mandrew! of the Twilight Realm
12. Princess spitllama, the Princessiest of all Princesses

Day 3 is now over.  Mandrew! was lynched!  It is now Night 4.  Night 4 ends Monday, May 14th, at 11PM EST/10PM CST/9PM MST/8PM PST/7PM AST.

Mr. Saturn

Master Wolf



0. Princess Rin
1. Princess blueflower999 of Hyrule
2. Princess the_last_sheikah of the Pokemon World
3. Princess Raymondbl of the Universe
4. Duchess vermilionvermin of the Mushroom Kingdom
5. Princess gzgregory of the LAND OF FIRE AND COMPUTERS
6. Princess Kman96 of Pigfarts, Intergalactic School of Witchcraft and Wizardry
7. Princess Dude of Gensokyo
8. Princess Wrydryn, the Lost Princess (Phantom x1)
9. Prince(ss) Jub3r7, Rescuer of Princesses
10. Princess MaestroUGC of Oceania (Phantom x1)
11. Princess Mandrew! of the Twilight Realm
12. Princess spitllama, the Princessiest of all Princesses

Night 4 is now over. SPITLLAMA Has been wolfed. It is now day phase. Day phase ends wednesday at 4:00-5:00 EST (or whenever Mashi decides.)
hihihi Y0u C@|\/|3 BUY!NG???


Oh noes I be dead.

I'm sending my Princessiest of all Princesses juju powers to the human team.
Submissions Page
Currently using Finale 2012


Thanks, we were getting low on juju levels.

OK, there are five of us left, and we know for definitely that one wolf is dead.  Worst case scenario, two wolves are alive and a wrong vote will lose the game.  We need to get some solid facts together on who we are going to lynch, or we're done-for.  Also, Dude, Wry, you guys need to participate.  Seriously, please say something.
You see, we're entertainers. We must keep people smiling. No matter how grim things get, we must always be optimistic!


OK, not going to be here tomorrow, but I can't place a vote, because then the wolves could wolf rush, insta, and end the game. So IDK what to do. :/

So I know The Last Sheikah isn't a wolf, and I know I'm not a wolf, so that means that, worst case scenario, 2 of the following are wolves: Dude, Wrydryn, and Maestro. Because Maestro made the same mistake that I did in voting a non existent player, I'm going to safety on Dude. I'm really sorry if this loses the game for some reason, guys, but I don't really have much of a choice.  :/
Bulbear! Blueflower999