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Anime, Fan art and originals - Sammacha Area

Started by Sammacha, February 23, 2008, 02:43:48 PM

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Hi Im Sammacha, and if you didnt already know, I really like to draw
I do digital art (still working on it) and regular pencil and paper work

I want to improve so any and all comments are appreciated good or bad ^_^
honesty is the best! It always helps to have other people critique. Even if you feel your not as good or are way better then me please dont feel shy about posting negative comments, but dont just say something like YOU SUCK! if so could you leave at least one reason...? I've had people who cant draw more then a stick man really help me out!

I also dont mind if people leave me questions for help, I will do what i can to help you out ^_^

here is a link to my online gallery using MSN spaces, this contains most of my fan art and originals,

I also have a DA account which has a better quality and size but less pictures. I only post the best ones here and I try to keep my Oc's here rather then fan art but there are some
Feel free to add me as a friend and please let me know who you are

Thank you
I will reply every comment ASAP
my navis.....
Check out my artwork and leave me your critiques, everything helps just be honest, I will reply everyone ASAP
heres my thread


lol as I said originally, well done great job on them ^_^


The first link didn't work for me.
But yea, you're pretty good from what I've seen on the second link!


hmm ok the first link didnt work werd dont know why, theres another link to my blog from my DA's journal if you wanna have a look
and thank you for the comment  ^_^

you too Stingo Thanks again  ^_^
my navis.....
Check out my artwork and leave me your critiques, everything helps just be honest, I will reply everyone ASAP
heres my thread


i wish i had skills like that, looks very good to me


my navis.....
Check out my artwork and leave me your critiques, everything helps just be honest, I will reply everyone ASAP
heres my thread




Good stuff, I like your "Fire and Ice" drawing.  You are very good with anatomy (which is something i could use some improvement on  :-\).


thanks very much you two  ^_^

Wolfos if there is something i could help you with please let me know
my navis.....
Check out my artwork and leave me your critiques, everything helps just be honest, I will reply everyone ASAP
heres my thread


Quote from: Sammacha on March 15, 2008, 03:05:50 PMthanks very much you two  ^_^

Wolfos if there is something i could help you with please let me know

Yes actually i could use some help. :D  I just started working with Paint Shop Pro X and line art.  Ill draw the line art, scan it, (this is where i wish i had a Tablet, because it almost seems a lot easier.  But i don't really know too much about them either..)  Then ill pull it up in PSP and darken the lines, and put down the base colors, but i have a problem with shading. The only technique i really know of is to use the Lighten/Darken tool.  If you could give me any kind of knowledge on that part, it would be very helpful.  Also i haven't been using any Layers in PSP, and i know most people make at least 3-4 of them for reasons i don't know...

Oh btw i like your recent Dragon line art!  very cool.


thank you wolfos
I'll try to help you out, but im guessing its easier to do by pm so i will do that ok
my navis.....
Check out my artwork and leave me your critiques, everything helps just be honest, I will reply everyone ASAP
heres my thread


Quote from: Mashi on March 26, 2013, 05:54:37 PMAfter viewing both FMA:Brotherhood and Naruto Shippuden, it would be frivolous to even consider watching an anime as unbearably mediocre as Melancholy. NARUTOxHINATA 4 LYFE!!!


Not looking at post dates ftl...


my navis.....
Check out my artwork and leave me your critiques, everything helps just be honest, I will reply everyone ASAP
heres my thread