TWG XXXI: Just Another SBURB Session, Post Game

Started by Jub3r7, April 25, 2012, 08:36:06 PM

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Making Nighthawk analyze gzgregory and Vera analyze raymond and K-N!

1. shadowkirby/chrissleefan - Witch of Void
So, shadowkirby had problems at home and had to drop out; after his place was taken by chrissleefan, CLF made one post and then disappeared. D:
Not really much to say here. You phantom'd out and were lynched at the same time.

2. Kman96 - Seer of Rage
@K-N, his vigi'ing spitllama and Mashi would have won the game, but he can only vigi one person at a time during the night phase. After I informed him of this, he chose Mashi instead of spitllama. DDD:
Also, even if you were able to vigi during the day, he ended the phase before you sent in the pm. T_T

3. K-NiGhT - Knight of Space
I'm making Vera do this description! However, you didn't really get the chance to make use of your power.

4. vermillionvermin - Prince of Breath
You were wolfed the first night phase but you provided Blueflower with really good information, regardless. Unfortunately, he died before he could make too much use of your spitllama suspicion. D:

5. Raymondbdl - Mage of Light, also driven mad by the Thief of Blood and Witch of Rage (two out of three aliens.)
Also making Vera do a description of you. Your seering of kman early in the game gave you a good advantage but then you were going up against Mashi, who already knew all of the roles. o.o
Your plan was to keep alive to help to your advantage, and in the end it did help decrease the human population more quickly....

5.5 Mr. Saturn - Mister of Saturn, former acquaintances of the mean aliens and also Human MVP.
After Wrydryn died, you mentioned something that sounded like the beginnings of a plan. What did you do, and how did it affect what actually happened? o.o

6. blueflower999 - Page of Doom
You asked the right person the right questions, and got good information out of it but you weren't able to make too much use of it before you got wolfed. :(

7. spitllama - Rogue of Time, also driven mad by the Thief of Blood and Witch of Rage (two out of three aliens.)
You saved your powers for end game, which screwed everyone over. XD
Wolf MVP, with no doubt at all. You had 85% of the players duped; the main suspicions of you were overridden by your accusation of Mashi and the fact that the strongest voices against you were talking through blueflower, who you killed towards the end. We all congratulate you.
You were probably laughing your face off when you received the pm from somebody saying "btw, if you're a wolf, I just want to let you know that you're doing REALLY, really good."
What they said is true!

8. Wrydryn - Sylph of Mind
Had the blood drained from you in the second night phase; you contributed a good amount while you were alive and that + the manti rule lead to a fairly early death. :(

9. gzgregory - Bard of Life
You were on the right track when you discussed having someone be clear after the Reviver reviving someone, and you seemed to be well-thought out when you made them.  Asking for the log on Shadowkirby and Kman's chat was the right idea, and it probably would have made them look more human if it had been posted.  Mashi found an unfortunate connection between you and a wolf, and it unfortunately got you lynched prior to you being able to make a defense, which was unfortunate because you were playing one of your best games yet.

10. Vera - Maid of Heart
 You were right with lynching raymonbdl but made some unfortunate decisions when it came to lynching gzgregory and trusting spitllama. D:
However, you were distracted with AP classes and were still quite active until you got vigi'd. :(

11. SlowPokemon - Heir of Blood
You showed up at the last second with only four players left and voted a random guy, which spitllama could have bandwagoned and insta'd K-N to end the phase.
Probably not the best idea!

12. Doodle - Thief of Hope
You had an awesome power, but didn't really use it too much. And then you didn't post at all and then you were wolfed. :(
Anyways, after that you went to the Dream Bubbles and had fun there.

Wolves won. D:
It's dangerous to go alone, take me with you! [JUB has joined the party.]

Mr. Saturn

hihihi Y0u C@|\/|3 BUY!NG???


I don't think I've ever sent so many PMs to the host before in a game.

I'd like to make a personal apology to Verm. Tbh, I didn't really pay attention to who got wolfed last game D: It didn't even come up between Raymond and I. I'm sorry about that. This was my first time as a wolf, so I was really just paying attention on who scared me the most (that's a compliment).

Couple questions so I can improve:

1) Verm what made you suspicious of me? I really thought I had everyone, but the guy from the SIDELINES picked it up. What did it?

2) K-Night y u ask Kman to vigi me? :(

3) Mashi how did you find out all of the roles??
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Currently using Finale 2012


Asking Players and Process of Elimination/Surmises, for the most part.  It isn't really as difficult as one would imagine, to be frank, so it was nothing impressive.


Yes, lynching gzgregory was very hypocritical of me and was a huge mistake, so I apologise for that, gzgregory!

Anyway, I would like to congratulate spitllama for, what I feel, was a nearly flawless performance.  He behaved as an exemplary Wolf and I was wrong to have underestimated him.  I'll be sure not to make the mistake in the future.

Ninja'd: Hey, I made this post like 5 minutes ago. :(


Dear spit.

Great job!

If i had the chance, i would've had Kman vigi you. I found you out but it was too late. Your major flaw was just giving up on Mashi. I would've kept pressing him with bs to keep the humans duped. If you would've gone more like that, I definately would've voted for slow at the end.
Quote from: K-NiGhT on April 11, 2024, 11:54:48 AMwow, 20 years

*crumbles into dust and blows away in the wind*


Thank you for the compliments everyone they mean a lot :)

@ K-Night
Giving up on Mashi did it? I thought that would have kept everyone guessing? I was hoping to not make it look like I was really PUSHING for a lynch.
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Currently using Finale 2012


@Spitllama:  It's all good.  No hard feelings.

I wasn't really suspecting you until late in the game, when you tried to turn the lynch on Mashi, someone who I thought was very human.  It seemed that Mashi had basically granted you the power to lynch, and you decided to lynch him.  It reminded me of the strategy the wolves were taking with the wolfing.

That said, I have to agree with Mashi in that you played a very good game.  In retrospect, I probably overreacted to what I saw there at the end.  At the end of the game, I'd have put you somewhere between second and third-most suspicious.  I thought Slow was pretty much clear because I thought he'd have missed a wolfing, and I thought K-N was probably the most suspicious of the four remaining.  You and Kman were in the middle.


Woah verm's a mod now?!


Also, everyone went on about how suspicious I was. I honestly don't know what I did.
Quote from: K-NiGhT on April 11, 2024, 11:54:48 AMwow, 20 years

*crumbles into dust and blows away in the wind*


He used to be a secret agent.
But then he decided that it was boring.


I was getting suspicious of you because you agreed with every single thing I said at the last couple phases
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Currently using Finale 2012


Mashi, I was slightly angry at you before for you lynching me.  I was not being suspicious at all - you were purely lynching me because gzgregory happened to praise me and I happened to think, FOR EXTREMELY GOOD REASON, that he's human.  At the time, spitllama also thought you were human.  Would that have made you and spitllama a wolf pair?  I think it's very common for people to mutually believe others to be human, just we just happened to be interrogated by you.  You should never use that strategy again, as it is mostly a hit-or-miss thing and unreliable. 

I think the only mistake I made was not posting the log.  If I posted the log people wouldn't have followed Mashi.

Also, this happened last time I was lynched.  People accuse me, I give my defence, and in this case Mashi, I TOLD you to pm or write on the thread your thoughts so that I could give further defence if needed, yet you ignored me and lynched me anyway.  This pretty much happened last time, I kept asking what else was suspicious about me and people ignored me. 

It's very frustrating to be ignored. 
The purpose of life is to survive.  Deal with it.


Wow. This was a great game! Spitllama, you did amazing! The only reason I would have ever suspected you would be because of Verm's suspicion. But great job everyone! This turned out a lot better than the last time Jub hosted...  ;)
Bulbear! Blueflower999


Woah, nicely done, Spit. I was reading the game after my death, and let me tell you I was NOT suspecting you until the end, when it was too late. :P

As for that killer chat... bleh. I never really go into a chatroom with a full idea of what I think of anyone in the game or of what's going on, so yeah, I give the vibe I have before checking through the thread to look at people's exact postings. Apparently this is not a good thing. :S

And I thought surviving Day 1 was going to be so simple...


As soon as I died, I knew it was spit.

Mostly because of his huge thing to frame Mashi at first. That really made it obvious to me.

And what are you talking about jub, my power was shit, and I don't mean "the shit", just in case you get that confused. :|