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Jompa's arrangements ~ 29.04.2015 ~ Inne i den flyvende spekkhoggeren

Started by Jompa, April 25, 2012, 10:27:41 AM

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Oh you're too nice!
Since you liked that one, I figured I could post this as well:
Ever since watching (re-watching rather) Sakamichi no Apollon, this song - the jazz standard "My Favorite Things" - has been on my mind, pretty much constantly.
Yesterday I figured "I kinda wanna play that song in my band", so I made this thing:
(It's all for unnamed piano staffs and drums atm, because It's easier to do major changes to it before I start part-writing, which I kinda wanna wait with 'till after I've presented it to the other band members):
Birdo for Smash



Birdo for Smash


Wow! Your theoretical knowledge is very good. Gotta check your arrangements out.
Sorry for my English ^.^


Birdo for Smash


I finished My Favorite Things:
This turned out so much better than I thought it would!
(So now that my hopes are up, I'll probably be disappointed when it doesn't work out playing it..)

Birdo for Smash



Your arrangement from City/Town is good :)
I like it, that you put the chords in some of your sheets
Sorry for my English ^.^


Birdo for Smash


Sorry for my English ^.^


I've been attending Foss High School for a year now, which is a high school specializing in musical education - the requirements for this school is ridiculous, it's the hardest school to get into in all of Oslo.
So you probably understand that they're teaching some pretty heavy music theory stuff here. I've just started my second year, so finally it will start getting harder (the first year was pretty much just the basics (y'know, to include all the "singer-songwriter"s at the school.), but in the second year you kinda get to choose how hard the classes will be - this year I'm taking the hardest there is:3)

But before I started at Foss High, I came from a crappy slum of a school called Årvoll. There were no fundament for musical education back there, so in the three years after I began with music and up untill I got into Foss High, I more or less educated myself through studying others' arrangements, doing interval training, learning theory, practicing scales and automatics, jamming around, and of course arranging - I mean, that is the way to do it, right?
I believe my "improvement-curve" was pointing upwards pretty steeply, but that just skyrocketted after I came to Foss, started playing in their big band, started writing for different ensembles to actually be performed(!), started my own band(s), spending countless hours jamming around with others - I play everyday, and everyday I learn more and improve more! - both on the instrument AND with the theory.
The program at my school does make me take 15 hours a week MORE than normal students at other schools, but I am (and everyone else at Foss are) totally fine with it, because I can't imagine a more fun (and giving) high school life.
And my time at Foss is only 1/3 over^•^

So you could say I've made a head start for myself by educating myself(I did already know more than your avarage school band member), but it's gonna be thanks to my time at Foss if I turn out a great musician.
I'm a Tenor Saxophonist btw, just so you know:)
Birdo for Smash

Sir Dino

Jompa: The Autobiography.

Coming to stores worldwide, in a Barnes & Nobles near u


Foss High :O

I know a couple of people who graduated from there.

also omg My Favorite Things pure awsmness


I should've mentioned that Foss has both the music program thing AND normal school like any other high school. So it's likely that the people you know FSM only went to the normal school thing (as there are five of those classes, and only two music classes, per year). The normal studies are nothing special really (I don't see why people would want to take that at Foss of all places).

Glad you liked My Favorite Things! Thanks:)
Birdo for Smash


That explains why they didn't say anything their musical background, because there wasn't any. Thanks for clarification!

I really need to travel to Oslo someday. Voss is the best water ever.