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Chat with the NinSheetMusic Community!

Started by Winter, April 15, 2012, 02:42:51 PM

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18 (72%)
7 (28%)

Total Members Voted: 25


IRC is IRC, the new server is the same as the old one, if you weren't able to connect before then you were probably doing something wrong. In fact for everyone who had a problem it was probably connecting through the java applet that caused it, as the new link is for mibbit. So don't blame the server when you hardly have an idea for what you're doing.

It's also annoying because now we still have both channels on two different servers.

Quote from: Maestro Aamir on April 16, 2012, 11:42:13 AMThe same thing really, except for dumb ads. I guess it's the people in the chat that counts..
The ads are there because of mibbit, not IRC.

Quote from: Dude on April 16, 2012, 01:07:09 PM[16:06:46] * Connect retry #33 (6667)
[16:06:48] * Unable to connect to server (Connection refused)

It don't like me. Fix it.
The nfnet server is actually more likely to have downtime than the old drshnaps one too.


It's not working for all for me. It just keeps cycling through those random messages on the first page with the Loading screen. Might it have anything to do with Adblock?


[20:51:53] * insaneintherain (Blahblahblah) has joined #NSMTWG
[20:52:03] <insaneintherain> Derp?
[20:53:53] <Dude> derp
[20:53:54] * insaneintherain (Blahblahblah) Quit (Quit: ajax IRC Client)
[20:54:02] <Dude> ...


Finally. I have never been able to access NinSheetMusic's official chat server before so this update is quite a relief for me.


I'm on right now (yes, it finally works for me as well!). Hopefully somebody will be on today.


I changed my mind. I hate the new chat. I get disconnected every 2 minutes.
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Currently using Finale 2012


OMG Spit! Mine too, but every 15 seconds. I hate the chat.


I still have no clue what you guys are talking about.

Both servers work fine for me. Maybe you guys need a port forwarded? idk.


Port forwarded what? :(

All I know is that if I open the mibbit chat and leave the computer, I'll come back 5 minutes later and there will be 50 messages on the chat log saying "You have disconnected from the server."
Submissions Page
Currently using Finale 2012


It's more likely an issue with you than the irc server seeing there are plenty of people on and active there.


My Macbook keeps messing with me. Something happens, and then the server has some sort of communication error.


If you can use your own client to connect to the server, you might have better luck. Google IRC Client and use the information provided on the post.



Quote from: FSM-Reapr on July 16, 2012, 05:14:33 PMOMG Spit! Mine too, but every 15 seconds. I hate the chat.

Chat works fine for me, except it doesn't seem to count me as part of the NSM community? :-\
What I mean is: all of the other users of the NSM Forums have a blue person/thing by their name, but I still have a green guy by my name (like non-forum users). Well, not that I don't like green, but I just don't understand it. :P
And the moral of the story: Quit while you're a head.

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