TWG XXXI: Just Another SBURB Session

Started by Jub3r7, April 08, 2012, 10:35:08 PM

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He also did not list the role "Hero of Space" for some reason.
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Why would I mention the Hero of Space? :P
It's dangerous to go alone, take me with you! [JUB has joined the party.]


Just for reference, dead people:

vermillionvermin, the Prince of Breath.
raymondbdl, the Mage of Light.
Wrydryn, the Sylph of Mind.
Gzgregory, the Bard of Life.
Doodle, the Thief of Hope.
It's dangerous to go alone, take me with you! [JUB has joined the party.]


All right, time to actually do something. Mashi, you've been called out as a wolf from the majority of players here. We've come to a consensus that in the last couple phases you have been acting stranger than usual, and while I've had a hard time coming to the conclusion (given how much I've trusted you this game :(), I think the decision's been made. We won't insta, because we want to hear your side first.

1) You have heavily influenced every lynch so far, able to change the result in the last minute.
2) You supposedly "forgot" your role last day phase, which again, resulted in a lynch that everyone had not agreed upon, yet fit your agenda (an agenda which is clearly provided here)-

Quote from: Mashi on April 18, 2012, 05:52:08 PM20:47   Vera   Vote Raymondbl, firstly.
20:47   Vera   I think you'll survive if you do that.
20:47   Vera   And spitllama votes Raymondbl as well.
20:49   Vera   hey
20:49   Vera   spitllama voted knight
20:50   Vera   KitB then!
20:50   Blueflower999   But 2 people voted for me
20:50   Blueflower999   Raymond and K Night
20:50   Blueflower999   So it's not one
20:50   Vera   I voted Raymondbl.
20:50   Vera   If you vote too.
20:51   Vera   It's a KitB.
20:51   Blueflower999   But everyone will suspect me!
20:51   Vera   Better than being dead, I would imagine.

3) Assuming our claims are correct and you are a wolf, you are becoming increasingly dangerous with your role. Consensuses can easily be changed with a single vote on your part.

4) I'd like to bring to everyone's attention this post that I found while filing through the thread-

Quote from: Dude on April 17, 2012, 05:41:52 PMWhat strikes me as odd is that Mashi hasn't been wolfed yet. Maybe it's some plan from the wolves to get us to suddenly turn on him, or maybe he's a wolf. I really can't tell. :-\

... Which results in a wolfing of Dude. It could very well be a coincidence, but I'm bringing everything forward.

5) Furthermore, throughout the game I've found that people are not exhibiting enough human qualities for you, as you said on page 18, but rarely do these statements come with more in-depth explanations. I've enjoyed our talks so far, and again, this hurts me, but this is what we've come to. Here's that quote-

Quote from: Mashi on April 22, 2012, 07:45:02 PMI would rather just lynch/vigi SlowPokemon, K-NiGhT, and shadowkirby since they're the only people whom I feel haven't exhibited enough Human-like behaviour (and are therefore the only candidates for being Wolves)

6) The final next point of evidence comes from this mishap (chat between myself and blue)-

19:27   Blueflower999   You might know this already
19:27   Blueflower999   But the Hero of Blood supposedly told him [Mashi] that I was a wolf
19:27   Blueflower999   And I killed Wry
19:27   Blueflower999   Which is untrue
19:27   Blueflower999   I'm not a wolf
19:27   spitllama   I know that's not true
19:27   spitllama   It's not possible
19:27   Blueflower999   So that leads me to believe that either or both are a wolf
19:28   spitllama   Furthermore, Mashi was the one who told both of us that first
19:28   spitllama   (just saying)
19:28   Blueflower999   How is that impossible though?
19:29   spitllama   Because if that did happen
19:29   spitllama   He would have claimed it to the thread
19:29   spitllama   Not just one person
19:29   spitllama   He would have lost his power anyhow, so there was no reason to keep it secret
19:30   Blueflower999   Good point

Mashi I believe this last one was not your own belief, and you did it to verify blue's humanity, but I would like verification, because otherwise it's very suspicious.

So yes. That ends my rant.

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Because of the reasons above, and especially because of the whole Hero of Blood thing, I'm voting Mashi as well.

Mashi, I'm really sorry for backstabbing you after you virtually saved me last day phase. But I am getting bad vibes from you, and I gotta do what I gotta do. Sorry.
Bulbear! Blueflower999


Quote from: K-NiGhT on April 11, 2024, 11:54:48 AMwow, 20 years

*crumbles into dust and blows away in the wind*


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Currently using Finale 2012


It wasn't an insta yet, was it? D: sorry
Quote from: K-NiGhT on April 11, 2024, 11:54:48 AMwow, 20 years

*crumbles into dust and blows away in the wind*


No. There are 7 people alive still. 4 would be an insta
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Currently using Finale 2012


Oh. I didn't wanna accidentally lynch him, and i totes forgot about instuhz.

Sorreh guise.
Quote from: K-NiGhT on April 11, 2024, 11:54:48 AMwow, 20 years

*crumbles into dust and blows away in the wind*


Quote from: spitllama on April 24, 2012, 03:18:15 PMAll right, time to actually do something. Mashi, you've been called out as a wolf from the majority of players here.

QuoteWe've come to a consensus that in the last couple phases you have been acting stranger than usual, and while I've had a hard time coming to the conclusion (given how much I've trusted you this game :(), I think the decision's been made. We won't insta, because we want to hear your side first.

Quote1) You have heavily influenced every lynch so far, able to change the result in the last minute.
If you were expecting me to permit the game to be inactive and exemplary of ambivalence, you're very incorrect.  Also, the fact that I have changed my opinion at the last minute so often only reflects that I've actually been contemplating about whom I feel are the Wolves.  Do you truly believe that a Wolf would change the lynch for absolutely no reason when a Human is being lynched?

Quote2) You supposedly "forgot" your role last day phase, which again, resulted in a lynch that everyone had not agreed upon, yet fit your agenda (an agenda which is clearly provided here)-
This isn't proof of anything.  Forgetting one's power could happen to someone whether Human or Wolf.  And you hoped for the lynch to be a KitB and because of your last second vote, it ended up being one anyway.

Quote3) Assuming our claims are correct and you are a wolf, you are becoming increasingly dangerous with your role. Consensuses can easily be changed with a single vote on your part.
This is irrational and dumb.

Quote4) I'd like to bring to everyone's attention this post that I found while filing through the thread-

... Which results in a wolfing of Dude. It could very well be a coincidence, but I'm bringing everything forward.
I wouldn't wolf someone for an innocuous comment such as that.  Especially if said Player has expressed trust towards me for a while through the game.

Quote5) Furthermore, throughout the game I've found that people are not exhibiting enough human qualities for you, as you said on page 18, but rarely do these statements come with more in-depth explanations. I've enjoyed our talks so far, and again, this hurts me, but this is what we've come to. Here's that quote-
Not sure what you mean by why I feel people aren't exhibiting Human qualities.  SlowPokemon and shadowkirby are inactive and are therefore impossible to read, while K-NiGhT (I feel) has exhibited suspicious behaviour throughout the game (whether it be due to his defence, his voting patterns, etc).

Quote6) The final next point of evidence comes from this mishap (chat between myself and blue)-

19:27   Blueflower999   You might know this already
19:27   Blueflower999   But the Hero of Blood supposedly told him [Mashi] that I was a wolf
19:27   Blueflower999   And I killed Wry
19:27   Blueflower999   Which is untrue
19:27   Blueflower999   I'm not a wolf
19:27   spitllama   I know that's not true
19:27   spitllama   It's not possible
19:27   Blueflower999   So that leads me to believe that either or both are a wolf
19:28   spitllama   Furthermore, Mashi was the one who told both of us that first
19:28   spitllama   (just saying)
19:28   Blueflower999   How is that impossible though?
19:29   spitllama   Because if that did happen
19:29   spitllama   He would have claimed it to the thread
19:29   spitllama   Not just one person
19:29   spitllama   He would have lost his power anyhow, so there was no reason to keep it secret
19:30   Blueflower999   Good point

Mashi I believe this last one was not your own belief, and you did it to verify blue's humanity, but I would like verification, because otherwise it's very suspicious.
Not sure what you mean by this.  I told you in the chat that I was going to pretend that the Hero of Blood used his power on Whirr and then received results of the killing from blueflower999 to test whether he was Human.  blueflower999 denied any such thing, meaning that he's either Human or Wolf partners with the Hero of Blood.  However, based on the chat we had last Day Phase, I'm inclined to believe that he's Human.

Anyway, absolute proof that I must be Human:
vermilionvermin (Nighthawk) was wolfed Night 1.  If any of you know me at all, you would all know that I would never arbitrarily wolf a close friend of mine so early in the game.  Whether you believe me is up to you though!
There's also the fact that you probably can't associate me with anyone too, but I feel that the above is rather proof enough!

Anyway, only an hour remains in the Phase, so I'll probably die anyway, but I'm going to vote for shadowkirby for now.
If I die, I suggest vigi'ing SlowPokemon, shadowkirby, or K-NiGhT (under direction of spitllama, probably) and lynching and vigi'ing the others in the following Phases.  If Humans haven't won by then, then we're probably braving what may be the best Wolf (or Wolves) NSM has seen in a while.



But what i find weird, Mashi, is that you haven't been wolfed yet.

Verm was wolfed night 1, in a pretty obvious manti wolfing.

No offense, verm, but Mashi is probably the most advanced player here. There's no way the wolves would overlook him.

That's how I feel.
Quote from: K-NiGhT on April 11, 2024, 11:54:48 AMwow, 20 years

*crumbles into dust and blows away in the wind*


The two most plausible reasons I can think of are that the wolfings are being done in the manner that they are in order to incite the Humans into lynching me or (while I was leading lynches) causing me to lynch Humans on incorrect premises.


Ignoring the first two quotes case they didn't even need a response ???

Quote from: Mashi on April 24, 2012, 05:03:37 PMIf you were expecting me to permit the game to be inactive and exemplary of ambivalence, you're very incorrect.  Also, the fact that I have changed my opinion at the last minute so often only reflects that I've actually been contemplating about whom I feel are the Wolves.  Do you truly believe that a Wolf would change the lynch for absolutely no reason when a Human is being lynched?

Unless that person is a fellow wolf? Just saying.

QuoteThis isn't proof of anything.  Forgetting one's power could happen to someone whether Human or Wolf.  And you hoped for the lynch to be a KitB and because of your last second vote, it ended up being one anyway.

You don't forget your power, especially not when you're trying to create a lynch of a specific player. I'm accusing you by saying your use of blueflower was to get the necessary extra vote on your side.

QuoteThis is irrational and dumb.

Or it's not? I wouldn't want the Hero of Heart to be among the last players.

QuoteI wouldn't wolf someone for an innocuous comment such as that.  Especially if said Player has expressed trust towards me for a while through the game.

Given my uncertainly upon posting this, I concede.

QuoteNot sure what you mean by why I feel people aren't exhibiting Human qualities.  SlowPokemon and shadowkirby are inactive and are therefore impossible to read, while K-NiGhT (I feel) has exhibited suspicious behaviour throughout the game (whether it be due to his defence, his voting patterns, etc).

I concede.

QuoteNot sure what you mean by this.  I told you in the chat that I was going to pretend that the Hero of Blood used his power on Whirr and then received results of the killing from blueflower999 to test whether he was Human.  blueflower999 denied any such thing, meaning that he's either Human or Wolf partners with the Hero of Blood.  However, based on the chat we had last Day Phase, I'm inclined to believe that he's Human.

Ok. This is the clarification I was looking for.

QuoteAnyway, absolute proof that I must be Human:
vermilionvermin (Nighthawk) was wolfed Night 1.  If any of you know me at all, you would all know that I would never arbitrarily wolf a close friend of mine so early in the game.  Whether you believe me is up to you though!
There's also the fact that you probably can't associate me with anyone too, but I feel that the above is rather proof enough!

That is no reason to not wolf someone. Manti rule is Manti rule. This kind of seems "irrational and dumb" to me.

Quote(under direction of spitllama, probably)

Mashi why are you so sure of my humanity? It's not safe. I'm even trying to lynch you here. How can you still trust me?


Eff I hate this so much. I put together so much evidence...
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