TWG XXXI: Just Another SBURB Session

Started by Jub3r7, April 08, 2012, 10:35:08 PM

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20:46   Blueflower999   Thanks Mashi
20:46   Blueflower999   I doubt I'll get saved though
20:47   Vera   Vote Raymondbl, firstly.
20:47   Vera   
20:47   Vera   I think you'll survive if you do that.
20:47   Vera   And spitllama votes Raymondbl as well.
20:49   Blueflower999   But everyone will suspect me if I do
20:49   Vera   Not if I post this chatlog!
20:49   Blueflower999   ...if you're sure....
20:49   Vera   hey
20:49   Vera   spitllama voted knight
20:50   Vera   KitB then!
20:50   Blueflower999   But 2 people voted for me
20:50   Blueflower999   Raymond and K Night
20:50   Blueflower999   So it's not one
20:50   Vera   I voted Raymondbl.
20:50   Vera   If you vote too.
20:51   Vera   It's a KitB.
20:51   Blueflower999   But everyone will suspect me!
20:51   Vera   Better than being dead, I would imagine.
20:51   Vera   And I'll post this log.
20:51   Blueflower999   OK
20:51   Blueflower999   Thanks
20:51   Vera   I'll post it right now, in fact!


Bulbear! Blueflower999


Mashi! WTF are you doing? You're pushing for a lynch that fits your suspicions again! You told me your role. Given that, you've just secured a lynching based on your agenda


Maybe now we'll at least get a KiTB. That's more just than wolfing without proper justification.
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Currently using Finale 2012


By the way, iPhone for the win >:( I knew I should check up on this first.

We should be going for a KiTB not a lynch on an unsuspecting player. That's what happened last day phase!
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Spit, if that vote counts, I get lynched. If you didn't vote, it would be a KitB.
Bulbear! Blueflower999


spitllama, that was a KitB, until you changed your vote.
It was 7 seconds after the Phase ended though, so I'm not sure if he'll accept your vote anyhow.

Ninja'd: Yes, what blueflower999 said.


QuoteHero of Heart - Charismatic (Vote counts for 2.)

Don't tell me you didn't know this
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Currently using Finale 2012



Discussing this later. Jub my vote counts given that 3 different phones, including 2 iphones, which are set on international clocks, said 8:59.  We need a KiTB before we lynch someone without group consensus again.
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Currently using Finale 2012


There was a KitB, and Raymondbdl, the Mage of Light, was lynched.

Night phase on Friday's Midnight, Saturday at 12:00 AM.
It's dangerous to go alone, take me with you! [JUB has joined the party.]



DANG! I thought there was a good shot of it being over by then. Oh well. I'm screwed next day phase.
Bulbear! Blueflower999


Quote from: Mashi on April 18, 2012, 05:02:33 PM9. spitllama - He's been skeptical, has been reasonably rational, and has done nearly nothing suspicious.

Oh and I have?
The purpose of life is to survive.  Deal with it.


crap sorry guys it didn't tell me I got ninja'd. 
The purpose of life is to survive.  Deal with it.


actually I don't know wtf happened. It was only on page 15 when I started posting.

Anyway no more posts.
The purpose of life is to survive.  Deal with it.