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TWG XXXI: Just Another SBURB Session

Started by Jub3r7, April 08, 2012, 10:35:08 PM

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Chris lee has taken shadowkirby's place!
It's dangerous to go alone, take me with you! [JUB has joined the party.]


spitllama approves!

I will hold off on the Kman vote. Waiting for Knight to share with us his brilliance.
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Currently using Finale 2012


Quote from: Jub3r7 on April 17, 2012, 04:40:51 PMChris lee has taken shadowkirby's place!

I know, Shadowkirby told me...I added the slash in there to represent that they were the same character.
Party Hard!


It wasn't official until just a minute ago.
It's dangerous to go alone, take me with you! [JUB has joined the party.]


What strikes me as odd is that Mashi hasn't been wolfed yet. Maybe it's some plan from the wolves to get us to suddenly turn on him, or maybe he's a wolf. I really can't tell. :-\


Phase ends in 5 hours. I'm afraid if I don't say anything everyone will get a phantom! D:
It's dangerous to go alone, take me with you! [JUB has joined the party.]


Last minute decision ftw. I will be in chat from 8-9 for anyone who's available. I'd like to make an educated vote this time around.
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Currently using Finale 2012


You know what? I'm actually not going to hide in the chat this time. Let's discuss blueflower (because I think he's a wolf). First off, blue, you didn't even contribute to this game until 3 hrs. before Night 1 ended-

Quote from: blueflower999 on April 10, 2012, 03:10:23 PMI also agree with the No Vigi plan. That seems to be a good idea.

... and it was a bandwagon, to which Dude replies perfectly-

Quote from: Dude on April 10, 2012, 03:35:35 PMUsually you've made more helpful posts in previous TWGs than just agreeing with everyone else, Blueflower. :|

I'll keep my eye on you.

And then we've got this gem-

Quote from: blueflower999 on April 10, 2012, 06:48:27 PMHalf-safety on Dude for now because I'm not sure why he was asking me why I wasn't contributing except for agreeing with everyone else, which doesn't make sense because it was the night phase and not much had happened yet.

So you voted for him.... because he was suspicious of you. That makes sense... But moving on-

Quote from: Raymondbl on April 14, 2012, 05:04:39 AMNo, I was just thinking about Blueflower after our chat.  He does seem a little less human than in previous game.  I completely trusted him previous game, but I wouldn't this game.

Raymond pretty much brings to fruition what my thoughts are currently. And our final post-

Quote from: blueflower999 on April 17, 2012, 02:59:41 PMThe only real thing that I have now if against Kman, because I'm still not sure why he told us all what Shadowkirby's role was, other than to annoy him, and it seems strange that he wasn't wolfed last night.

Not to be a conspiracy theorist, but this post screams "set-up" to me. It mentions how Kman should have been wolfed, but was not. Did you decide to not wolf him so you could say that blue? Thinking out loud people.

Overall, you've hardly posted anything, and when you have it's been unhelpful. A wolf would not be completely inactive, but would stop in occasionally like you and shadowkirby have. So far, insight's been limited, with the only other notable achievements being bandwagons and veeeeery strange voting patterns.
I'm placing a vote on blueflower for reasons listed above. It will probably change with coming discussions, but this is to get the ball rolling.
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Currently using Finale 2012


Dude. Spitllama.

You found my brilliance!!! :D I was thinking about tha stuffs last night, but couldn't really get on teh chatz.

With that in mind, blueflower999
Quote from: K-NiGhT on April 11, 2024, 11:54:48 AMwow, 20 years

*crumbles into dust and blows away in the wind*


Quote from: spitllama on April 18, 2012, 01:39:47 PMYou know what? I'm actually not going to hide in the chat this time. Let's discuss blueflower (because I think he's a wolf). First off, blue, you didn't even contribute to this game until 3 hrs. before Night 1 ended-

... and it was a bandwagon, to which Dude replies perfectly-

And then we've got this gem-

So you voted for him.... because he was suspicious of you. That makes sense... But moving on-

Raymond pretty much brings to fruition what my thoughts are currently. And our final post-

Not to be a conspiracy theorist, but this post screams "set-up" to me. It mentions how Kman should have been wolfed, but was not. Did you decide to not wolf him so you could say that blue? Thinking out loud people.

Overall, you've hardly posted anything, and when you have it's been unhelpful. A wolf would not be completely inactive, but would stop in occasionally like you and shadowkirby have. So far, insight's been limited, with the only other notable achievements being bandwagons and veeeeery strange voting patterns.
I'm placing a vote on blueflower for reasons listed above. It will probably change with coming discussions, but this is to get the ball rolling.
First off, like Kman would say, I'm definitely human. I'm sorry I haven't contributed very much during this game, but I don't find that as a reason to accuse me. I've never been THAT helpful, have I? Honestly, I don't see why you're thinking that I will say some ground-breaking plan when I never really have before. I'm not always the best in thinking with complex games like this one, so that's why I haven't been posting too much.

About my vote on Dude: It was a HALF-SAFETY. I didn't have any other real suspicions. A wolfing of Verm didn't give me any evidence to support any other votes, so I had to do that. So I voted on a person who seemed to be accusing me without a good reason, similarly to what you're doing now.

As for my post "screaming" set up, I can see what you mean by that. But if I were a wolf, wouldn't I WANT Kman dead more than I would want to not wolf him in order to frame him? I wouldn't take a chance like that, if I were a wolf.

I think I'll Remove my vote for now while I read through the thread again.
Bulbear! Blueflower999


Also, I'm in the chat if anyone wants to accuse me there and ask questions.
Bulbear! Blueflower999


I'm sorry guys haven't been active, have had a really busy week, considering a competition, two auditions, and exams crammed in one and a half weeks.  I will be studying a lot tomorrow and starting tomorrow I should be more active. 

My current thoughts are that most of spitllama's logic is sound, except for the last part about the set-up.  I think Blueflower is just like that. 

Blueflower is a very strong TWG'er in my opinion, much better than myself.  You can see that from a few games before where he guessed a wolf pretty early on and then got wolfed right after.  So Blue, you can't really say you haven't been helpful.  You might not come up with plans, but you're pretty good at finding wolves.

His speaking has (no offense) some immaturity and innocence, and when he's a wolf tends to be a bit on the aggressive and abrasive side.  This game he seems to be in the middle.  Perhaps its because of more experience as a wolf, perhaps another reason.  I think that, since every single game he's been in has been like that, and this time it's so different, it might be an indication that he's a wolf. 

I also think his votes were a bit random, and illogical.  These reasons secure my vote on blueflower999.  If you have any questions, ask. 

This was a hastily made post, if the grammar's a bit weird forgive me.
The purpose of life is to survive.  Deal with it.


19:33   Vera   I want to lynch Raymondbl.
19:33   Vera   If that fails.
19:33   Vera   We go for SlowPokemon and you.
19:33   Vera   If that fails.
19:34   Blueflower999   I'm going to get lynched.
19:34   Vera   I'll give up.
19:34   Vera   
19:34   Blueflower999   But GZ was wolfed
19:34   Blueflower999   How could he have been a wolf
19:34   Vera   We lynched gzgregory.
19:34   Vera   lol
19:34   Vera   I think.
19:34   Vera   You just proved to me.
19:34   Vera   That you're probably Human.
19:34   Vera   loooooooool
19:34   Vera   Hold on.
19:34   Blueflower999   I thought he was wolfed...
19:34   Vera   I'm posting this first.
19:34   Blueflower999   I'll check
19:35   Vera   If you actually tried to belie me though, A+++++++++.
19:35   Vera   I would be impressed if you were.


Suspicion List:

People Whom I Most Strongly Feel May be Wolves:
1. gzgregory - I've explained the reasons before.
2. Raymondbl - See above.
3. SlowPokemon - Mostly because he's a huge question mark and because he's the only person that could be blueflower999's partner, for reasons I would rather keep confidential at the moment.
4. blueflower999 - I'm receiving conflicting vibes from him.  On one hand, I feel that he's Human because of the chat I just posted, as well as from particular conversations I've had with him.  On the other, I feel that he's a Wolf because of a few things he has said in the topic and his reaction to the vermilionvermin wolfing ("Wow, who didn't see that coming").  However, I'm hoping that his actions are genuine. 

People Whom I Am Ambivalent Towards:
5. shadowkirby (Now ChrisLee) - He posted that Kman96 was the Hero of Rage, tried to lynch him, and then never did anything else in the game.  He's a huge question mark.
6. K-NiGhT - I feel that his posts have been very suspicious and awkward.  In my chats with him, he has delayed his responses to my questions rather often, though whether to attribute that to his typing on an I-Pod or attempting to think before he responded isn't something I'm rather sure of.

People Whom I Feel Are Human:
7. Kman96 - I don't think that a Wolf would be so willing to claim Hero of Rage Day 1, even if to a friend.
8. Dude - I've chatted with him a few times and I feel reasonably confident that he's Human due to them.
9. spitllama - He's been skeptical, has been reasonably rational, and has done nearly nothing suspicious.  I'm very confident that he's Human.
10. vermilionvermin - He was wolfed Night 1.
11. Wrydryn - He was wolfed after the Hero of Life was lynched.
12. Vera - Human.

For now, I would rather vote for Raymondbl, but if you're all insistent on blueflower999, then I would rather lynch him since there was a consensus before and not a one hour rush vote on someone whom I feel is suspicious.


Again, a last minute decision. I hate these. Changing vote to a safety on Knight for reasons I have no time to type.
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