TWG XXXI: Just Another SBURB Session

Started by Jub3r7, April 08, 2012, 10:35:08 PM

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Ok so i meant to put a just in between "not" and "because"

Un-caught grammar errorz sorreh.
Quote from: K-NiGhT on April 11, 2024, 11:54:48 AMwow, 20 years

*crumbles into dust and blows away in the wind*


Okay, so this is kindof off topic, but Guys, I am uber uber uber sorry, but I will not be able to access the chat until Monday, because I am out of town, and lucky to be on my iPod...I don't know why the phase was extended so LONG, but I guess it helps, cuz I might not be able to post again until that time. Im sticking with my vote on Shadowkirby.  I will not have any computer access- GUARANTEED, so don't blame me for getting on the chat. I'll try to answer pms, but if I don't, I'm sorry, it's not my fault.

I'm not resigning, but I just won't be very available.

Party Hard!


I extended the phase for one day. d:
It's dangerous to go alone, take me with you! [JUB has joined the party.]


Kman you're killing me man. You're not on chat. I get that. Sure. And now you're leaving. All right, can't help that.

However, I sent you a PM last night-

Quote from: spitllama on April 12, 2012, 04:33:42 PMI haven't seen you on chat at all, so PM it is! Who are you thinking in terms of suspicions?

and since then I have seen you online in at least two different instances, and you even posted on a separate thread- all without responding to the PM. Eventually, you're going to have to say something other than "I'm hooman" and a simple vote on shadowkirby. We're trying to get a grasp on people's thoughts on more than just what they put in bold on the thread, and you sure aren't helping that fact.

My vote remains on shadowkirby, cause he's suspicious/creepy as hell. More than Kman. But Kman.... you're number 2.
While both of them can't be wolves, they'll stay on my list until a decision is made.

spitllama's badass list:

1) shadowkirby
2) Kman
3) K-Night
4) gzgregory
5) Slowpokemon
6) blueflower
7) Dude
8 ) Raymond
9) Wry
10) Mashi
11) vermillionvermin
12) 8)
Submissions Page
Currently using Finale 2012


I have a piano competition tomorrow, fairly big.  Sorry guys that I'm not active and won't be for two more days.   

I feel that K-man is on the medium level for suspicion, but if we lynch Shadow, we're assuming Kman isn't a wolf, because I doubt the human team will use revives on anyone other than the well-known veterans (Mashi, Verm, Jub) and so I also doubt the wolves would stage a fight against each other. 

spitllama in my list Verm would be higher than Mashi. 
The purpose of life is to survive.  Deal with it.


16:29      *** gzgregory joined #twg
      Topic commandeered again
      Topic set by gzgregory on Thu Apr 12 2012 14:35:16 GMT-0700 (Pacific Daylight Time)
16:35   gzgregory   So
16:35   gzgregory   Anyone here
16:37   Charles   
16:37   Charles   gzgregory!?!?!?!?!
16:37   Charles   Suspicions.
16:37   Charles   Discuss.
16:37   gzgregory   Uh.
16:37   gzgregory   Sticking with Shadow until he says something
16:37   gzgregory   Or something drastic happens
16:37   Charles   Why shadowkirby?
16:37   gzgregory   I was in the middle of posting a suspicion list actually!
16:37   Charles   
16:37   gzgregory   And I guess I still think either Shadow or Kman is a wolf
16:37   Charles   Why?
16:38   gzgregory   because they were accusing each other so actively, although there wasn't too much reason to think that either was a wolf
16:38   gzgregory   After all, all that they revealed (as far as we know) were their roles
16:38   gzgregory   Strikes me as odd
16:38   Charles   What if they're both Human?
16:39   gzgregory   Then they're being surprisingly belligerent!
16:39   Charles   lol
16:39   Charles   Isn't that what you would expect?
16:39   Charles   They're close friends.
16:39   Charles   shadowkirby suddenly reveals Kman96 after I divulged it to him.
16:39   gzgregory   Well normally I'd expect that to make them more likely to trust each other
16:39   Charles   I would be rather angry myself, I would thing!
16:39   Charles   think*
16:40   gzgregory   I think the fact that Shadow stuck a vote on Kman was the most inexplicable part
16:40   gzgregory   like
16:40   gzgregory   What part of being the Hero of Rage is wolfy
16:40   gzgregory   I'd like him to explain that!
16:40   Charles   I think that shadowkirby was just being reckless.
16:41   gzgregory   The thing is he hasn't posted in the thread since he voted Kman
16:41   gzgregory   Meh
16:41   gzgregory   Also Kman hasn't been answering Spit's PMs apparently so I don't know what to think
16:41   gzgregory   Obviously they aren't both wolves
16:42   Charles   One of the primary reasons I don't feel that either is a Wolf is because neither of them are really doing anything a Wolf would do.
16:42   Charles   As a Wolf, what shadowkirby did was absolutely ridiculous.
16:42   Charles   Well.
16:43   Charles   What he did was ridiculous in the first place, but even more so as a Wolf.
16:43   gzgregory   It depends.
16:43   Charles   Hmm?
16:43   gzgregory   If the Hero of Rage is human, then they are definitely an important threat to the wolf team.
16:44   gzgregory   ...
16:44   gzgregory   I just thought over that statement again
16:44   Charles   I don't know though.
16:44   gzgregory   and realized you have a point
16:44   Charles   As a Wolf, shadowkirby wouldn't lynch h- yeah.
16:44   gzgregory   Um.
16:45   Charles   Opinions on K-NiGhT?
16:45   gzgregory   Hmm
16:45   gzgregory   I think the original reason to lynch him wasn't much
16:45   gzgregory   but his defense wasn't that convincing
16:46   gzgregory   Ironically the defense was more incriminating than his original action
16:47   Charles   Opinions on Raymondbl?
16:48   gzgregory   I think he's been fairly helpful
16:48   Charles   How so?
16:49   gzgregory   Being generally active and posting some reasoning through his thinking
16:49   Charles   Such as?
16:49   gzgregory   Well
16:49   gzgregory   He attempted to interrogate Shadow in the thread
16:50   gzgregory   and has posted opinions about lynches I guess???
16:51   gzgregory   Speaking of activity
16:51   gzgregory   Where the heck is Slow???
16:51   Charles   He says that he's busy and is indifferent to the game.
16:51   Charles   So I'm soliciting him for his Role!
16:51   Charles   If you chose two people to be the Wolves.
16:51   Charles   Whom would they be?
16:52   gzgregory   Hmm
16:53   gzgregory   To me, the only people who have really done anything outrightly suspicious are Kman, KN and Shadow
16:53   gzgregory   but honestly, come to think of it, Shadow would probably be paying more attention to the game if he was a wolf
16:54   Charles   But didn't K-NiGhT vote for Kman96 in an attempt to save himself?
16:54   gzgregory   I KNOW THAT'S THE PROBLEM D:
16:55   Charles   
16:55   Charles   Opinions on Wrydryn?
16:56   gzgregory   Ambivalent
16:56   Charles   Why?
16:56   gzgregory   I guess he's been kind of... uh... going with the flow?
16:57   Charles   Opinions on blueflower999?
16:58   gzgregory   Hasn't really said much
16:58   gzgregory   As Dude said somewhere in the thread he's mostly been agreeing with people
16:59   Charles   Opinions on spitllama?
16:59   gzgregory   Actually, he hasn't said anything about KN, Kman or Shadow o_O
17:01   Charles   His opinion of them was mostly expressed in the chat he posted, I believe.
17:01   gzgregory   Wait he posted a chat?
17:02   Charles   Yes.
17:02   Charles   On page 10 I think.
17:02   Charles   Page 9, my mistake.
17:03   gzgregory   Oh
17:03   gzgregory   I was talking about blueflower
17:03   gzgregory   >_>
17:03   Charles   Oh, okay.
17:03   gzgregory   Leaning human for him due to his actions
17:04   gzgregory   e.g. contacting Kman and such
17:04   Charles   Now for the most important question!!!
17:04   Charles   wuts ur roll????????
17:04   gzgregory   dunno its some hero or sumfing
17:05   Charles   what kind of hero
17:05   gzgregory   like
17:05   gzgregory   a hero of
17:05   gzgregory   *beep*
17:05   gzgregory   yeah that
17:05   Charles   i meen srs bsnss mister!!!
17:05   gzgregory   I can't tell you.
17:06   Charles   
17:06   Charles   Why nooooooooot?
17:06   gzgregory   Because
17:07   gzgregory   "this game is about deceit and being skeptic"
17:07   gzgregory   ~Wrydryn
17:07   Charles   
17:07   gzgregory   Anyways I have to go now
17:07   Charles   Okay then.
17:07   gzgregory   I think this sums up my ideas better than what I was going to post, I'll put this up
17:08   Charles   Cool, I was going to as well.
17:08   gzgregory   We can put it up twice!
17:08   Charles   
17:08   gzgregory   I'll put it up now, see you

Charles is Mashi btw.


Quote from: Raymondbl on April 13, 2012, 09:35:51 AMother than the well-known veterans (Mashi, Verm, Jub)
Forgot to add Wry.  Sorry Wry! 

That chat log has tons of info.  Now that I think of it, you're right about Shadow, that a wolf would seriously be more careful.  Like I learned from last game, obvious wolves are not wolves.

The purpose of life is to survive.  Deal with it.


My suspicions have changed to gzgregory and Raymondbl.  I had a conversation with gzgregory (the chat he has just posted) and found it particularly suspicious that he found him to be "fairly helpful".  This struck me as odd; despite being a harmless comment, I don't feel that it's a fitting description of Raymondbl's behaviour this game.  When I asked gzgregory to mention specific examples, he began looking through the topic (I saw him do so through who is online), which probably means that he was searching for something to say (though, I suppose that he could have been looking through the topic prior, so this evidence probably isn't very incriminating).  Nevertheless, it took some time for him to respond to my inquiries towards why he felt Raymondbl was helpful and his reasons for believing so are rather vague and contrived to me.  Shortly after explaining his position towards Raymondbl, gzgregory tries to segue the conversation to SlowPokemon under the premise of "speaking of activity", which, to me, was an excuse to stop speaking of Raymondbl, since gzgregory didn't want to have to defend his original statement of Raymondbl being helpful.

16:47   Charles   Opinions on Raymondbl?
16:48   gzgregory   I think he's been fairly helpful
16:48   Charles   How so?
16:49   gzgregory   Being generally active and posting some reasoning through his thinking
16:49   Charles   Such as?
16:49   gzgregory   Well
16:49   gzgregory   He attempted to interrogate Shadow in the thread
16:50   gzgregory   and has posted opinions about lynches I guess???
16:51   gzgregory   Speaking of activity
16:51   gzgregory   Where the heck is Slow???

Now, I recently also had a conversation with Raymondbl to affirm my suspicions and I'm more confident about this.

21:43      *** NSMGuest20 joined #twg
21:43   Vermilionvermin   stupid up arrow
21:43      *** NSMGuest20 is now known as Raymondbl
21:43   Vera   Hmm.
21:43   Vera   omg
21:43   Vera   raymondbl
21:43   Blueflower999   Ray Ray
21:43   Raymondbl   can't stay for long
21:43   Vera   blueflower999. :
21:43   Raymondbl   maybe like three minutes
21:43   Vera   *
21:43   Vera   Okay, umm.
21:43   Vera   Opinions on K0NiGhT?
21:43   Raymondbl   hm
21:43   Blueflower999   I don't think he's being as wolfish as Shadowkirby
21:43   Raymondbl   I think he's been slightly conservative
21:43   Vera   quick quick quick
21:43   Vera   Conservative?
21:44   Raymondbl   not as active as before
21:44   Raymondbl   he doesn't speak as much
21:44   Vera   I see,
21:44   Vera   And you feel that this makes him more suspicious?
21:44   Raymondbl   not exactly suspicious
21:45   Blueflower999   Maybe suspicious if he's not saying to avoid making a mistake
21:45   Raymondbl   just saying it's different, and different is deadly
21:45   Vera   I see.
21:45   Vera   Opinions on gzgregory?
21:45   Raymondbl   yes blueflower
21:45   Raymondbl   I think he's human
21:45   Vera   Why?
21:45   Raymondbl   I don't know
21:45   Raymondbl   he plays like he usually does
21:46   Raymondbl   from an independant standpoint
21:46   Blueflower999   He is.
21:46   Vera   Opinions on spitllama?
21:46   Blueflower999   He's acting as usual too
21:46   Raymondbl   I'm not sure, I think we disagree on a few topics
21:46   Blueflower999   Taking leadership. Providing information.
21:47   Raymondbl   his speaking seems normal
21:47   Vera   I see.
21:47   Vera   Opinions on SlowPokemon?
21:47   Raymondbl   well yeah he's been inactive.  no opinions really
21:47   Vera   Opinions on blueflower999?
21:47   Blueflower999   I mean, he KNEW he was going to be inactive at signups
21:47   Blueflower999   So that's no reason to suspect him
21:47   Raymondbl   I haven't been paying much attention to this game so
21:48   Raymondbl   I think I know blueflower pretty well
21:48   Raymondbl   I don't think there's anything significant difference this game
21:48   Raymondbl   gotta go
21:48   Raymondbl   sorry
21:48   Vera   Okay then.
21:48   Vera   It's okay.
21:48   Raymondbl   see ya
21:48   Vera   Thanks for coming, Raymondbl.
21:48   Vera   Bye.
21:48      *** Raymondbl quit (Q:- NSM Chatroom)

Upon asking him of gzgregory, Raymondbl responded that he believed that he was Human.  gzgregory had tried to make it appear that Raymondbl was Human with a positive description of him (being "fairly helpful") and Raymondbl mutually believes that gzgregory is Human.  I don't feel that there's much reason for Raymondbl to believe that gzgregory in particular is Human.  When I asked him of spitllama (a Player, whom I at least feel, has shown to be rather Human), he states that he's acting as he usually does.  This is the same premise he used to defend his belief that gzgregory was Human, but Raymondbl never actually states that he believes that spitllama is Human.  Sure, he may have implied it, but he never directly stated it as he did with gzgregory, as if because Raymondbl desired to emphasise his belief in gzgregory's humanity.

I apologise if any of this was difficult to follow, I have a headache, so my prose may be rather awkward.  But anyway,



I'm trusting Mashi on this one. Gzgreg


(10:11:30 PM) Vera: whirr why do you always trust me
(10:11:52 PM) [NickSERVD21768]: Because I'm tired, I don't want a phantom, and I'm about to start a movie with ETF


Removing my vote. Kman, you need to be careful who you vigi, kay?
I like food.


I see you are basing your suspicions on the relationships between players.  (My own is seeing the difference from previous games)   While I think it's not a bad strategy, in this instance it is not accurate.
Quote from: Mashi on April 13, 2012, 07:07:42 PMI don't feel that there's much reason for Raymondbl to believe that gzgregory in particular is Human.
I think many players are human, if you look more closely at my posts. 
Quote from: Mashi on April 13, 2012, 07:07:42 PMWhen I asked him of spitllama (a Player, whom I at least feel, has shown to be rather Human), he states that he's acting as he usually does.  This is the same premise he used to defend his belief that gzgregory was Human, but Raymondbl never actually states that he believes that spitllama is Human.  Sure, he may have implied it, but he never directly stated it as he did with gzgregory, as if because Raymondbl desired to emphasise his belief in gzgregory's humanity.
First of all, I didn't want to be redundant, I didn't want to say the same things.  You are correct though that I am not sure spitllama is human.  He seems slightly aggressive, but he was also a bit like that previous game.  I haven't been in any other game with him, so I cannot get a solid guess.   

I don't think it's a problem that we mutually think each other are human, it should be fairly common.  Ever since his first game I have admired his independent playing style, and I think he has not changed. 

Also if you look back at some of my posts, you might find that gzgreg's statements are understandable. 

Blueflower does not seem to be as innocent as his other games when he was human, but he isn't aggressive either.  I am not sure, but right now I think he is human. 

Will sleep.
The purpose of life is to survive.  Deal with it.


I've looked through the topic and there's no presence of any strong belief in anyone's humanity.  Your posts mostly express ambivalence if anything.

You state that you didn't want to be redundant, yet you were redundant.  Rather than state that he was Human, you instead said that he was acting as he usually does (as you had said about gzgregory as your premise for believing that he was Human).  I also feel that if you were a Human and were lenient enough in your views, you would feel both gzgregory and spitllama were Humans simply for acting as they have in previous games, but that's just me.

It is unusual if there's little reason to believe each other to be Human.

His statements may be understandable, but they appear to be contrived and don't seem to be genuine.

Not sure where that came from, but okay!  It seems to me that you're trying to make your belief in gzgregory's humanity less salient by adding another Player to whom you believe is Human, but I'm not sure.  It certainly was random, however.


To get my vote down (i removed it earlier, i believe)

Quote from: K-NiGhT on April 11, 2024, 11:54:48 AMwow, 20 years

*crumbles into dust and blows away in the wind*


jub is l8

NSM doesn't have the right color :(