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TWG XXXI: Just Another SBURB Session

Started by Jub3r7, April 08, 2012, 10:35:08 PM

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I will, but I don't have access to a computer right now...I'm just on an iPod. When I get a chance, I will post the Facebook log. It sucks not owning a laptop...
Party Hard!


Anyway, I suppose that it's a good time to voice out my suspicions now that a bit of chaos is being caused.

Firstly, I feel that Kman96 is Human.  In comparison to past games in which he has been Human, he often makes posts promising to be Human and generally relies more on trust by the other Players than concrete evidence.  I'm also ambivalent towards shadowkirby; his revelation of Kman96's Role seems more out of audacity than of wolfishness.  Though I'm leaning that he's Human because I feel that a Wolf wouldn't be so bold on Day 1 to make such an accusation or push for such a lynch.

Secondly, I feel that the following Players, blueflower999, spitllama, and maybe K-NiGhT, are Human due to their reactions to the vermilionvermin wolfing ("Wolves should give him a chance to play", "Again?  Is verm ever going to live passed Night 1?", etc).  I feel that as a Wolf, one would be less likely to post a genuine response of sympathy if one wolfed vermilionvermin because, well, one would have wolfed him, which is rather mean!  I also feel that if these Players truly believed in what they said, they would not have wolfed vermilionvermin in the first place.  However, I feel K-NiGhT is astute enough to have thought of such an intricate plan (that is, wolfing vermilionvermin and then expressing sympathy), so I don't completely trust him simply because he reacted in such a manner.

Thirdly, I would like to point out the both gzgregory and K-NiGhT (K-NiGhT in particular) seem to be placing red herrings on Kman96 for little cause (simply because Kman96 posted "[Something Useful]" as a joke.  This suspicion of Kman96 seems forced to me and I feel that they're Wolves together because of their shared irrational suspicion.

I was hoping to save this post for later, but I'm doubting the chance of being able to attempt to push gzgregory into a corner in the chatroom since he hasn't been on the chat all day (and since K-NiGhT doesn't have chat access, my reaffirmations are all the more lacking :(  ).

So anyway, discuss.


<Vera> So.
<Vera> Discuss.
<spitllama> Reading
<spitllama> I actually agree with a lot of that
<spitllama> Kman isn't a wolf, I really don't think so
<spitllama> shadow, however, I'll keep my reservations about
<spitllama> On K-Night,
<spitllama> I also agree, but don't you think he's been a little less contibutive this game?
<Vera> In what way?
<[Wrydryn]> Those two are annoying
<spitllama> (if this hasn't made it clear, my top suspicions are the two of them btw)
<Vera> Which two, Whirr?
<[Wrydryn]> It's always dur-hur, we talked about twg and shared our roles. Oh noes the other person knows now D:
<Vera> Oh them.
<spitllama> Well K-Night is a good player. He's caught on quick. This game he's just off.
<spitllama> Accusing quickly, not reeeeeally saying much
<Vera> I suppose.
<spitllama> Is he gone somewhere or is it just that he can't post on his ipod? 
<spitllama> Btw, Mashi, this post has made you seem much more human, if that means anything
<Vera> Does he usually play on his I-Pod?
<Vera> Why does it make me appear more Human?
<spitllama> What you posted is usually something Nighthawk would do xD
<[Wrydryn]> I would assume so
<spitllama> You've discounted a lot of people, which a wolf tries to avoid
<Vera> im better than nighthawk
<Vera> where is he
<spitllama> Oh rearry?
<Vera> ya
<Vera> i was voted as lower top tier on llf!!!
<Vera> he wasnt even playing twigs at that time!
<spitllama> What's "lower top tier"
<[Wrydryn]> I forget, what role can't be a wolf?
<Vera> All of them can be Wolves, I believe.
<spitllama> Only Hero of Saturn xD
<Vera> Oh.
<spitllama> Which now doesn't exist
<Vera> H- yes.
<Vera> hey w-
<Vera> Yeah.
<Vera> :P
<[Wrydryn]> Wait, why?
<spitllama> On a separate note, Kman is ALWAYS the one who causes the game to start up it seems like
<Vera> Joke Role.
<spitllama> yah
<[Wrydryn]> Oh okay
<Vera> Whirr, opinions on spitllama?
<spitllama> Typically you ask that when I'm not around
<spitllama> protip
<spitllama> :P
<[Wrydryn]> Totes a wolf
<spitllama> Oh I meant to say, I have a professor named Dr. Wolfram
<spitllama> I always think of TWG in his class
<Vera> Hahaha.
<[Wrydryn]> Dr. Wolfram Alpha?
<Vera> Best name.
<spitllama> That's a site isn't it?
<[Wrydryn]> Yes
<spitllama> *google*
<[Wrydryn]> Made by a Dr. Wolfram
<spitllama> Oh right I've been there
<spitllama> Cool
<[Wrydryn]> Did he make it?
<spitllama> I highly doubt it. He's a Poly-Econ prof
<spitllama> That's all nasty math stuff
<[Wrydryn]> Forget I asked :<
<spitllama> xD
<spitllama> So anyway
<spitllama> Mashi to finish off my critique of your post
<spitllama> I agree with the K-Night accusation, but I hesitate on the gzgregory one
<spitllama> He said it straight up that it was a "half-safety"
<spitllama> And hardly anyone at that point had voted for Kman yet
<Vera> What does that mean?
<Vera> (that was rhetorical)
<spitllama> ?
<spitllama> Ok
<spitllama> I lol'd
<spitllama> Ok fine
<spitllama> But anyhow responses to what I've said?
<Vera> Not particularly.
<Vera> I'm just waiting for a defence by gzgregory and K-NiGhT now.
<spitllama> Ok. I may post this log just cause
<Vera> Okay.
Submissions Page
Currently using Finale 2012


Ok here's a defense.

I would've posted more but my iPod is being kinda stupid AND i'm trying to juggle this with school at the same time. Maybe that's why I seem off. Idk. But anyway, there's that PLUS the fact that i guess i kinda just based my suspicion on Kman for past games he's played, which was wrong of me. I don't believe i voted for him, though, as i'm still safetied on Slow to see what happens. Plus, this game is srs bsns and there's no time for joeks, Kman!!! xD

I was just going with what i felt that meant at that very moment. I need more time to figure out suspicions.

Is this good enough for you? Or should i just come flat out and say i'm a hoomin? xD
Quote from: K-NiGhT on April 11, 2024, 11:54:48 AMwow, 20 years

*crumbles into dust and blows away in the wind*


All right then.

The main reason I stuck that vote on Kman, as I said to you in the chat, was that I was getting a weird vibe from his posts trying to "stir some shit up", not just from the one post. At that point, also, it was more of a safety because my internet sucks and I didn't want it to break in the middle of the phase without having voted! 'Course, yesterday Dude pointed out to me that EVERYONE always gets a weird vibe from Kman, which is true I guess?

In any case, if I really wanted to push a lynch on Kman, I would have just continued to accuse him through the Kman/Shadow shenanigans, instead of changing my vote!


Guys, I'm making a super spreadsheet in excel just the heck of it to try some coding out. It's really coming along nice, I might share when I'm happy with it.


Quote from: Wrydryn on April 12, 2012, 10:04:58 AMGuys, I'm making a super spreadsheet in excel just the heck of it to try some coding out. It's really coming along nice, I might share when I'm happy with it.

Wry, what does that have to do with TWG?
Party Hard!


Nobody else manages their data/ideas for TWG game in a spreadsheet or word document?


Quote from: Wrydryn on April 12, 2012, 12:20:01 PMNobody else manages their data/ideas for TWG game in a spreadsheet or word document?

Last game I did.
Quote from: NocturneOfShadow
[davy]'s in a way different time zone so basically he pops in at like 2 AM and posts 500 words and wins the game


Submissions Page
Currently using Finale 2012


Here's a sample of what I've actually done, sloppy because it was a copy and paste so disregard any thing above A15.


Hmm...i see. I'll see about this >:3
Quote from: K-NiGhT on April 11, 2024, 11:54:48 AMwow, 20 years

*crumbles into dust and blows away in the wind*


The full deal is for mine eyes only.


Nobody has said anything about my defense D:
Quote from: K-NiGhT on April 11, 2024, 11:54:48 AMwow, 20 years

*crumbles into dust and blows away in the wind*