TWG XXXI: Just Another SBURB Session

Started by Jub3r7, April 08, 2012, 10:35:08 PM

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Oops, I thought it was Wednesday. Updating time in the post to Thursday 9:00 PM EST.
It's dangerous to go alone, take me with you! [JUB has joined the party.]


Wow, who didn't see that coming. Sorry Verm. This almost makes me thankful I'm not the best player because I'm not wolfed night 1 as often.

Anyway, the wolves are obviously following the Manti-Rule and wolfing the best players first. Half-safety on Dude for now because I'm not sure why he was asking me why I wasn't contributing except for agreeing with everyone else, which doesn't make sense because it was the night phase and not much had happened yet.
Bulbear! Blueflower999


Aack I didn't even realize this game was going on. Post so it will appear in my "unread replies" area. Uhm safety on Blueflower since he was the first person I saw.
Quote from: Tobbeh99 on April 21, 2016, 02:56:11 PM
Fuck logic, that shit is boring, lame and does not always support my opinions.

K-NiGhT should let verm play more. He's been wolfed night one in like, 3 or 4 consecutive games now...

(also if you missed it, i got my 1000th post! :D
Quote from: K-NiGhT on April 11, 2024, 11:54:48 AMwow, 20 years

*crumbles into dust and blows away in the wind*


Following the pattern, safety on Slow until something useful pops up...
Quote from: K-NiGhT on April 11, 2024, 11:54:48 AMwow, 20 years

*crumbles into dust and blows away in the wind*


Wow really? Is Verm ever going to get more than one night phase to play? -_-

In other news, I have some conspiracy theories to riddle your mind with beneficial thoughts-

1) Could the Hero of Rage be a wolf because he assumed Verm to continuously call for no vigi? It's unlikely, but why not say it right?
2) Also I don't think we should ever discount the idea that the wolves can wolf themselves. What would be a better way to garner trust and waste a human revive? Of course this assumes that Hope is a human, which we don't know. Hero of Life, I'd consider waiting for thread approval before using your power. If a conclusion isn't made by the end though, USE IT MAN.
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Currently using Finale 2012


Party Hard!


Quote from: Kman96 on April 10, 2012, 07:13:41 PM[Something Useful]

my to-watch list:

it'd be useless to add verm to it because he acts exactly the same whether human or wolf. 

I'm not sure if the hero of life should revive him.  I'm sleepy, and empty of stuff.  Will think about it later.
The purpose of life is to survive.  Deal with it.


Quote from: Kman96 on April 10, 2012, 07:13:41 PM[Something Useful]
just posting that puts a lot of suspicion on you. it seems like you don't want to help...
Quote from: K-NiGhT on April 11, 2024, 11:54:48 AMwow, 20 years

*crumbles into dust and blows away in the wind*


Quote from: spitllama on April 10, 2012, 07:12:09 PMWow really? Is Verm ever going to get more than one night phase to play? -_-

In other news, I have some conspiracy theories to riddle your mind with beneficial thoughts-

1) Could the Hero of Rage be a wolf because he assumed Verm to continuously call for no vigi? It's unlikely, but why not say it right?
2) Also I don't think we should ever discount the idea that the wolves can wolf themselves. What would be a better way to garner trust and waste a human revive? Of course this assumes that Hope is a human, which we don't know. Hero of Life, I'd consider waiting for thread approval before using your power. If a conclusion isn't made by the end though, USE IT MAN.
Agree totally with #1, but about #2, personally I doubt the wolves killed one of their number, because that leaves only one wolf left to survive this phase. Based on all the powers in this game, I doubt they would have taken the risk.

Sticking a half-safety on Kman because that post was weird. o_O


Okay, so I feel that the Hero of Life should revive vermilionvermin.  Knowing vermilionvermin, I find it dubious that he would risk wolfing himself to be revived and viewed as a confirmed Human (especially Night 1).

Anyway, everyone should join the chatroom so I can scrutinise to no end!


Guys, that was purely a joke. Of course I'll help...I'm out of town and perhaps Internet range for a few days, but I'm a human. If I need to claim my role, I will. Honest, guys.
Party Hard!


You've done this in alnost every game you've played so far, and a lot of the time, you've been a wolf. Why should we trust you?
Quote from: K-NiGhT on April 11, 2024, 11:54:48 AMwow, 20 years

*crumbles into dust and blows away in the wind*


Quote from: K-NiGhT on April 11, 2012, 04:47:46 AMWhy should we trust you?
The point is, no one can be trusted unless confirmed, and I don't think he was asking for us to trust him. 

Personally, I think Kman is a bit wolfy now, but that that particular post -
Quote from: Kman96 on April 10, 2012, 07:13:41 PM[Something Useful]
is not, because many times I feel that I want to contribute something, but can't really think of anything useful.  That, and
Quote from: K-NiGhT on April 10, 2012, 07:07:44 PMsafety on Slow until something useful pops up...

If I could've thought of it, I would've made a similar joke. 

The purpose of life is to survive.  Deal with it.


I've only been a wolf in 50% of the games I've played. This game would make it human-wolf 60/40.

I was honestly shocked I was a human, but theres only a 1/11 chance you guys will believe me.
Party Hard!