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TWG XXXI: Just Another SBURB Session

Started by Jub3r7, April 08, 2012, 10:35:08 PM

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TWG XXXI: Just Another SBURB Session

Hero of Breath - During the night phase, may blow away / nullify the ability of another player for the night phase and the following day phase.
Hero of Light - Shines light on another person's color.
Hero of Time - Two time use only! Can... instantly end the phase. o.o
Hero of Space - Redirects powers.
Hero of Mind - Sends the name of a player and is told who they are targeting.
Hero of Heart - Charismatic (Vote counts for 2.)
Hero of Life - Two time use only! Can... revive players.
Hero of Void - Nullifies a person's vote for the following day phase.
Hero of Hope - Sends in a tribune 150 words or less. Also sends the Host a PM with the name of a Role and a message of 150 characters during any Phase.
Hero of Doom - Sends the host the name of a dead player and two questions to ask them.
Hero of Blood - Sends in the name of a player every night phase. If that person is killed, the player will be told the name of the player responsible? O: (If successful, the Hero of Blood loses his power.)
Hero of Rage - Two time use only! Can... vigi players.

Two of these people will be randomly selected as wolves (not including the Hero of Saturn). This game could become unbalanced... very quickly.
When a player dies, his role will be revealed to the thread (but not his role as a human or wolf.)

1. shadowkirby
2. Kman96
3. K-NiGhT
4. vermillionvermin
5. Raymondbdl
6. blueflower999
7. spitllama
8. Wrydryn
9. gzgregory
10. Vera
11. SlowPokemon
12. Doodle

Hello, there. I am your host. I'm going to skip introductions and assume you already know all of our characters.
It was a dark night for all of them. They had begun to play a game called SBURB, and everything was all fun and games.
A meteor was headed for each of their houses around the globe, and the game allowed them to escape to a place called the Medium where they would build up their houses and enter their respective lands, eventually meeting up with the other players.

shadowkirby, considered their leader due to entering the medium first, felt like a brave leader upon telling his friends to gogogo but the group moved forward mainly due to general consensus. Whether or not it was his encouragement or the general consensus that allowed their amazing progress, the group proceeded rapidly. Each player had amazing talents that would show  throughout their journey.

When a player dies, his or her dream self (who resides either on a moon of Prospit or a moon of Derse) will take his place, almost like an extra life. However, if you haven't reached your quest bed, then you will not be able to achieve god tier (which is achieved upon death over your quest bed; your dream self takes your place with ascended powers.) A player who has achieved god tier has god-like powers and can only be killed through a heroic or just death.

Anyways, back to our characters; Vera was the first to achieve god tier in the group. An alien by the name of Mr. Saturn contacted him through an application called PesterChum, guiding him to his quest bed and informing him of what had to happen.
His powers reflected his aspect, to an awesome extent; however, all of the players kept their aspect hidden in fear that their enemies would use it against them.

Eventually, every player achieved god tier but did not wear their holy garments except to their death beds. They had not even informed the other players of what their abilities were, in case friend became foe.
vermillionvermin and K-NiGhT reached verm's quest bed together. K-N made an interesting proposal that they should fight to the death; if K-N were to win the fight, he would place verm on the quest bed to ascend to god tier. If vermillion won the fight, verm would carry K-N to his respective quest bed. Vermillion disagreed, honestly not wanting to have to carry K-Night, but K-N attacked regardless.

What neither of them expected was that a tie occurred, with each person taken down simultaneously. With his dying breath, K-N fell upon his quest bed, achieved god tier and simply flew K-N to his destination.
shadowkirby repeated this process with kman, and they also got tiger.
Raymondbdl, upon meeting up with everyone else, was readily able to prove that he was not the same person as blueflower. He was also readily able to prove his will to become more powerful, and achieved god tier by himself without a death match being necessary.

Doodle and Wrydryn had their own ideas when the game first started and by clever uses of alchemy, they were able to combine various Touhou merchandise and modern day vehicles to fly over everything and skip to the boss of Wrydryn's land, the demon of Light, Chrome.
They used the power of Touhou lasers and some wry attacks to fight him, and died shortly afterwards.
Dude's prospit self and Wry's derse self took their places and ascended to god tier through plot-related shenanigans, cheating the system somehow. D:

blueflower also died somewhere along the way, taking a slightly wrong turn in the Land of Daisies and Poison. For some odd reason, blueflower never awoke on derse and continued his silent sleep.
Everyone was worried about his disappearance. SlowPokemon stumbled upon his corpse and laid it upon the quest bed.
In a jolt, he awoke from a dark coffin on the purple moon and got tiger, helping SlowPokemon gather his courage to do the same.

spitllama and gzgregory achieved god tier in the same manner that Wrydryn and Doodle did, although without having their dream selves taken first. To be more specific about what happened, the four of them appeared in a dream bubble where they had to fight an alternate version of themselves. spitllama and gzgregory fought their dream selves, while the alternate Wry and Doodle were apparently from doomed timelines. Even after having watched the fight myself, I'm not even sure if the Wry and Dude we see in this story is from the doomed timeline or the one from our timeline. However, their memories are merged and it really doesn't matter in the end.

Everyone achieved god tier, but someone didn't like it. A demon from another universe who is responsible for the inevitable destruction of our universe. A demon who is born in our universe because he traveled in time and planted the seed for our demise.

In an alternate session, somewhere on a different planet, three aliens played a different version of the same game, where the objective is to fight, build, and create another universe. The three of them inevitably failed because of a monster that emerged from the human session and caused their defeat. The demon enlisted two of them to get revenge on the humans by driving two of the humans mad; with the power they had, they turned the humans into monsters that would eventually destroy themselves.
However, the monsters they created in the human session were the same ones that would lead to their failure in the alien session. The demon was aware of this, and so was the third alien, Mr. Saturn.

Mr. Saturn has just warned every player that two among them were driven mad by aliens from another universe. Some players such as SlowPokemon and spitllama believe he was just a troll, but as the first guardian of this area (I'm semi-omniscient. I know all except for the few blank spots that I don't know!) I can see that he doesn't have grey skin or horns and he's being quite serious. In fact, the monsters they've created are about to take a player's life.

Anyways, I'm also a forced servant of the demon. I'm against his wishes to consume everything, he's aware that I'm against his wishes, and I'm aware that he's aware of my wishes. However, I must do his bidding and only tell the players what they need to know. I apologize for any inconvenience.

Night phase ends on Tuesday at 9:00 Eastern Standard Time. I hope to see you there.
It's dangerous to go alone, take me with you! [JUB has joined the party.]


A human role pm would look like this:

QuoteHero of Heart - Charismatic (Vote counts for 2.)

A wolf pm would look like this:

QuoteHero of Heart - Charismatic (Vote counts for 2.)

...You are also a wolf, with OTHERWOLF.

Also, for future reference, story has nothing to do with actual role except maybe by coincidence.
It's dangerous to go alone, take me with you! [JUB has joined the party.]


am i a prospit dreamer or a derse dreamer

or am i both because of gemini


OK. so, should we claim? since our roles/abilities dont relate to our human-wolf status, it cant do much to hurt players.

There is only one role that can successfully kill a player without fail and that is the Hero of Rage.

P.S. i am human (shocking, right? but true).

Party Hard!


Actually, no, if you ARE the Hero of Rage, dont claim... it would be bad to lose our vigi...unless he was a wolf. O.o

Keep a watchful eye, everybody.
Party Hard!


Claiming doesn't really help us in this game.  Since our roles don't indicate human or wolf, claiming doesn't confirm anyone as a human.  It just provides easier targets for the wolves.


Claiming now won't help at all considering that it's night phase right now. Also, is it a go for powers to be used this night?


Well im sorry for trying to take action, then...just trying to maybe form an alliance like Davy did last game.  That was a good idea, and it worked pretty well.
Party Hard!


The guardian could be on the wolf team, y'know. Or even the person who claims, and we wouldn't be able to tell.

Also this means I'm here.


So since the guardian could be on the wolf team, does that mean that's impossible to confirm a player human?
Bulbear! Blueflower999


exactly.  Any role can be a wolf, so it's impossible to confirm people.  The game is more balanced this way, but more difficult. 

Kman 'cause he's always a wolf. 

oh wait no Jub cause he knows the wolves.

I hope powers can be used this night phase!
The purpose of life is to survive.  Deal with it.


Guys, I'm The Princess of Wantness!!!



Quote from: blueflower999 on April 09, 2012, 04:14:33 AMSo since the guardian could be on the wolf team, does that mean that's impossible to confirm a player human?
Even if he isn't, it's still impossible. For all we know anyone claiming could be a wolf.


So would that mean the guardian perhaps should claim? because I don't wanna stand around here doing nothing.

Sheikah was right about me when I'm a wolf...I'm different, because I use smileys and shit, because I try to make it look like i'm not a inadvertently making myself stand out... :/  point is, I am not a wolf this game, so I won't feel guilty enough to put smileys and stuff in my posts...

I'm not a wolf guys...believe it or not.
*Also when I'm a human, I don't lie (about anything), so there's something to take note of*
Party Hard!


Quote from: Kman96 on April 09, 2012, 08:55:45 AMSheikah was right about me when I'm a wolf...I'm different, because I use smileys and shit, because I try to make it look like i'm not a inadvertently making myself stand out... :/  point is, I am not a wolf this game, so I won't feel guilty enough to put smileys and stuff in my posts...
You also look wolfy when you keep trying to prove/reassure others that you're not a wolf. 
Quote from: Kman96 on April 09, 2012, 08:55:45 AMI'm not a wolf guys...believe it or not.
*Also when I'm a human, I don't lie (about anything), so there's something to take note of*
Problem is, if you're a wolf, you'd lie, so we wouldn't know whether you were lying or not, human or not, so this is basically useless talk. 

I do not think anyone should claim, but if you by chance find a wolf using your power you should reveal it, since there's only two wolves. 
The purpose of life is to survive.  Deal with it.