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TWG XXXI: Just Another SBURB Session

Started by Jub3r7, April 08, 2012, 10:35:08 PM

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Quote from: spitllama on April 24, 2012, 05:33:21 PMIgnoring the first two quotes case they didn't even need a response ???

Unless that person is a fellow wolf? Just saying.
Whom?  Whom could a potential Wolf partner of mine be?

QuoteYou don't forget your power, especially not when you're trying to create a lynch of a specific player. I'm accusing you by saying your use of blueflower was to get the necessary extra vote on your side.

Or it's not? I wouldn't want the Hero of Heart to be among the last players.
My power requires no PMs and is Charismatic Human (a Role infamous for being one of the most boring and, for the most part, useless Roles in the game).  I can forget about it.  Also, if I were trying to save blueflower999 because he was my Wolf partner, I'm rather confident that I wouldn't need to tell him twice to vote for Raymondbl to save himself.  Also, lynching me simply out of fear that I would turn the tide, even if there's reasonable doubt espousing my humanity, is what I mean is dumb and irrational.

QuoteGiven my uncertainly upon posting this, I concede.

I concede.

Ok. This is the clarification I was looking for.

QuoteThat is no reason to not wolf someone. Manti rule is Manti rule. This kind of seems "irrational and dumb" to me.
A Player's playing style is much more credible than a rudimentary rule of thumb, I feel.  As an experienced Player myself, I'm sure that I wouldn't follow the Manti Rule (especially if it were to bring me into a situation such as this).  Wolfing a close friend of mine is something I would never arbitrarily do as a Wolf, as I've stated.  It's not in my disposition to diverge from that disposition, even if to my advantage, because the game's much more fun with other friends playing!

QuoteMashi why are you so sure of my humanity? It's not safe. I'm even trying to lynch you here. How can you still trust me?
Because you've performed actions in this game that a Wolf wouldn't do.  Genuinely feeling angry towards my lynching of Raymondbl, being paranoid, not taking advantage of my trust towards you, etc.  And simply because you want to lynch me doesn't make you a Wolf.  Humans can have incorrect suspicions.  If they didn't, I'm sure that I would be considered a Wolf in every game I've ever played!


Mashi I......  :(  I was so sure though (there needs to be a better smiley than that).


Dammit Mashi >:( I've been talking with (almost) everyone in this game for like a full day now about this. If not you then WHO? I have no other leads!
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Currently using Finale 2012



I frankly still want to go with my lynch/vigi idea towards at least shadowkirby/ChrisLeeFan and SlowPokemon.  They're inactive, so it would be impossible for us to ever know their Role and if either turns out to be a Wolf, I would be really mad if they won for doing absolutely nothing.  I suppose we could start anew in the chatroom since we have plenty to discuss now.  But idk.


Quote from: K-NiGhT on April 11, 2024, 11:54:48 AMwow, 20 years

*crumbles into dust and blows away in the wind*


It's dangerous to go alone, take me with you! [JUB has joined the party.]



Hero of Breath - During the night phase, may blow away / nullify the ability of another player for the night phase and the following day phase.
Hero of Light - Shines light on another person's color.
Hero of Time - Two time use only! Can... instantly end the phase. o.o
 - Redirects powers.
Hero of Mind - Sends the name of a player and is told who they are targeting.
Hero of Heart - Charismatic (Vote counts for 2.)
Hero of Life - Two time use only! Can... revive players.
Hero of Void - Nullifies a person's vote for the following day phase.
Hero of Hope - Sends in a tribune 150 words or less. Also sends the Host a PM with the name of a Role and a message of 150 characters during any Phase.
Hero of Doom - Sends the host the name of a dead player and two questions to ask them.
Hero of Blood - Sends in the name of a player every night phase. If that person is killed, the player will be told the name of the player responsible? O: (If successful, the Hero of Blood loses his power.)
Hero of Rage - Two time use only! Can... vigi players.

Two of these people will be randomly selected as wolves. This game could become unbalanced... very quickly.
When a player dies, his role will be revealed to the thread (but not his role as a human or wolf.)

1. shadowkirby/chrisleefan
2. Kman96
3. K-NiGhT
4. vermillionvermin
5. Raymondbdl
6. blueflower999
7. spitllama
8. Wrydryn
9. gzgregory
10. Vera
11. SlowPokemon
12. Doodle

KitB. shadowkirby/chrisleefan, the Witch of Void, was lynched. Night phase ends on Wednesday, 9 PM EST.

Phantoms are being counted right now, but nobody has phantom'd out yet.
It's dangerous to go alone, take me with you! [JUB has joined the party.]


Dang it, guys! The only thing I can think of is an inactive player, or Mashi. That's really all I've got left.  :-[
Bulbear! Blueflower999


shadowkirby 3 phantoms
kman96 2 phantoms
slowpokemon 2 phantom
spitllama 1 phantom

shadowkirby/chrisleefan phantomed out as well as being lynched this phase!
It's dangerous to go alone, take me with you! [JUB has joined the party.]


Damn. I didnt want another phantom...and for some reason, i thought the phase ended bad. :/

wait, how was it a KitB? i missed that...i only saw two votes for Mashi and one for not saying its wrong, i just didnt read all the posts very well because im on my 3ds... :/
Party Hard!


I'm Hero of Breath.

We should vigi SlowPokemon or K-NiGhT.



wow, mashi. that was an EPIC FAIL of a claim...

Verm was the hero of breath, and he was wolfed the first night. why did you claim a dead player's role??? more importantly, why cant you share your real role?
Party Hard!


Plus, it was pretty obvious you were the Hero of Heart ANYWAY. What the heck?
Quote from: K-NiGhT on April 11, 2024, 11:54:48 AMwow, 20 years

*crumbles into dust and blows away in the wind*


Vera I don't follow your logic sometimes...

For anyone who has not PMed Kman yet, do so
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Currently using Finale 2012


I'm leaving for my volleyball match in 5 minutes and will be gone for 45 minutes after the phase ends. Just FYI.
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Currently using Finale 2012



I've gotten my Role wrong like 423940320 times.

Hero of Heart (as K-NiGhT stated), my mistake!