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TWG XXXI: Host Signups

Started by Mashi, March 30, 2012, 04:43:37 PM

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Which Game Do You Feel Is Number 20 x (log(sqrrt10)) - 9?

davy's TWG XXXI: Crossing the Worlds
1 (6.3%)
shadowkirby and blueflower999's TWG: XXXI: Mother 3
1 (6.3%)
Jub3r7's TWG XXXI: Just Another SBURB Session
6 (37.5%)
spitllama's TWG XXXI: Beat Those Eggs Jimmy!
2 (12.5%)
Mr. Saturn's TWG XXXI: I Want To Be A Princess!
6 (37.5%)

Total Members Voted: 16


Make sure you read these rules, understand them, and follow them.
Try reading some earlier games to see how the game is suppose to be played.

When a host for this game is decided, you can join in the (yet to be made) sign-up thread.
It's dangerous to go alone, take me with you! [JUB has joined the party.]

Mr. Saturn

|\/| R .  5 /\ T V R |\| ' 5   G /\ |\/| 3

\/\/ @ L U 3 5 :

|\/| /\ 5 T 3 R   B 3 L ( |-| :  |\/| /\ 5 T 3 R   \/\/ @ L f

P 1 G g Y   G V Y : \/\/ @ L f

P 1 G g Y   G V Y : \/\/ @ L f

5 P 3 ( 1 /\ L 5:

L V ( /\ 5 : G /\ V R D I /\ |\|

N 3 s 5 : S 3 3 R

|-| V |\/| /\ |\| 5 :

|\/| 3

|\/| 3

|\/| 3

|\/| 3

|\/| 3

F V |\|  F V |\|  F V |\|  !!!!

When I wake up today,
right by my canopy bed
is a steamy hot bagel sandwich,
while a voice greets "Good morning, Princess."

Right in the morning, I take a bubbly bath
gorgeously in a claw-foot bathtub.
Buried in a ridiculous amount of soap bubbles,
I suddenly woke up for real!

I've been having this dream for over 10 years;
my skin is probably starting to look so wrinkly,
that even my prince on a white horse might turn back and leave.
Please hurry up and come for me.

I really want to become a princess,
not those characters you have in your mind.
Every girl has this wish.
Please come for me, my prince.

As darkness veils the sky,
under the starry chandeliers,
on a Rococo-style balcony,
I want to feel the night breeze alone.

A dress with very cute ribbons and frills
can only be worn if there are elastic shirrings.
I guess I can't resist the carbohydrates after all,
since I haven't been able to slim down one bit.

But I really want to become a princess.
I won't be discouraged by other people's icy looks.
My maiden heart is erupting once again today,
so please understand my feelings.

So I really want to become a princess.
How could you say "Grow up and face reality"?!
Girls must live with their dreams,
otherwise they will wither away.

Just when will you come for me,
my prince on a white horse who likes to tease me so?
My life's plan is in a real mess right now,
so ride on your white horse, or zebra, or donkey, or dog,
or cat, or llama, or alpaca, or what have you,
anything's fine, just come for me already!

I really want to become a princess.
I won't let anyone interfere with my ambition.
My afternoon nap will be surrounded by plush toys,
and my dinners will always be full courses.

When I do become a princess,
I will eat lots of flans until I get sick of them.
So until that time,
I will work hard on my diet,
and keep visiting beauty salons.
Please come for me, my prince.
hihihi Y0u C@|\/|3 BUY!NG???


Somebody ban him please. I can't take this anymore.
Submissions Page
Currently using Finale 2012


Quote from: spitllama on April 02, 2012, 01:09:08 PMSomebody ban him please. I can't take this anymore.
Do you not like reading that font?
Bulbear! Blueflower999


It's not a font. It's a collection of symbols strewn together used to troll xD
Submissions Page
Currently using Finale 2012


Personally I think it's quite clever.

And no, somebody better not accuse this bot of being me. Because it's not.  :P
Bulbear! Blueflower999


lololol so many memories

[/gets back on topic]

When does voting for the next TWG end?
Submissions Page
Currently using Finale 2012


Mashi probably won't consider Mr. Saturn hosting because he hasn't played a game before. Even so, it only has 10 characters. So, Sorry Mr. Saturn.
Bulbear! Blueflower999


The purpose of life is to survive.  Deal with it.


Don't worry guys i speaks teh leets.

|-| | 5T|24|\|G3|2.

(maybe i am a little rusty...)

P13453 P|_/-\Y 5|_|/\/\ /\/\0|23 T\/\/G |34 |_| |-|05T.

Quote from: K-NiGhT on April 11, 2024, 11:54:48 AMwow, 20 years

*crumbles into dust and blows away in the wind*


Ok to be realistic spitllama.
The purpose of life is to survive.  Deal with it.



Jub3r7, I feel that your translation is slightly off!

Also, yes, we can start voting now I suppose.  I'm going to make a poll this time though, so vote in that!


I am not hosting this time around, the before-mentioned piano competition is coming up.  However I just finished this and would like your opinion on it. 

Stranded on Dagobah

1. Darth Sidious – Master Wolf, is seered green.  Is so powerful in the Dark Side that he can hide his power even from Yoda.   He is disguised as General Martlin.

2. Apprentice – Wolf Shaman.  skilled in offensive properties of the Force, sends a PM with the name of a player each night phase to the host and is told the color of the player at the end of the phase. 

3. Apprentice – Painter.  Sends a PM with the name of a player and a color each night phase.  If the player is seered, he will be seered that color. 

4. Miller Marksman – An error occurred during the cloning process.  He is missing a gene that makes clones always follow orders, and he is slightly Force-sensitive. 

5. Yoda – Seer. Sends a PM with the name of a player each night phase to the host and is told the color of the player at the end of the phase.  Yoda is one of the most powerful Jedi Masters of all time and can use his skill to ferret out dark Force users.

6. Obi-Wan-Kenobi –  Physic.  Sends a PM to the host each night phase and is told the number of wolves remaining. 

7. Anakin Skywalker – Guardian.  Sends a PM with the name of a player each night phase and that player will be guarded against wolfing.  Although not the most skilled, the others are so preoccupied with their other duties that Anakin is given this task.   

8. Commander Cody – If wolfed, will bring down a random wolf with him.  An intelligent and skilled clone commander. 

9. Mace Windu – Painter.  Sends a PM with the name of a player and a color each night phase.  If the player is seered, he will be seered that color.  Second to Yoda in wisdom and skill, yet about seven hundred years younger than him.

10.   Marksman

11.   Marksman

12.   Marksman

   The whole ship trembled as if it were experiencing an earthquake.  "The reserve tank's exploded!"  shouted General Martlin. 
Anakin glanced over his back.  "Is there a fire?"

   "R2's already put it out." Was the reply.  Another tremor ran through the ship, and everyone flinched as, quite visibly, the left wing burst into fire.  A spray of liquid came from above, but the wing was wrenched off by an invisible force and spun away behind them.  What was that? Did someone use the force? Anakin thought.

   "Get on seatbelts!" General Martlin shouted, but too late - Anakin was hurled sideways and crashed into the ceiling, crashed into the floor, and with searing pain landed on the control panel.  He had a fleeting glance of brown and green rushing up at them from out the window, then an impossibly hard, bone-breaking impact and he blacked out. 

   When he regained conciousness a few moments later, everyone else were hurrying to the hallway.  The clone troopers were the only ones completely uninjured, as they were wearing armor.

   "The top exit!" Yoda said, and Anakin gingerly got off the control panel and stumbled toward the exit.  He had a few wounds on his thighs, and a long cut on his arm. "Quickly, before we sink!"  General Martlin flipped open the trapdoor and a ladder slid out. There was a sloshing sound like mud.  Anakin was the last in line. "Hurry, Anakin!" Mace Windu said. Just as he got on the top, the mud closed in on the ship, and he tried to leap over it. 

   There was no time to take notice of the surroundings as he struggled to remain on top of the mud. His wounded leg slowed him, and he was panicking and nearly waist deep. 

   "Anakin!" He looked up, and grasped the outstretched hand of Obi-Wan.  Obi-Wan pulled him out, and then all the Jedi worked together to extricate the ship from the mud. 

   They succeeded in bringing the ship partway out of the mud and onto more solid ground.  Everyone was too tired to do more, so a clone trooper went in to collect supplies.

   They were on a mission to destroy a Sith hideout reported to be on the planet Dagobah - which they were now on - and somehow it ended up like this.  Halfway through the trip, an oil leak caused electrical wires to burn. The battery melted and the fuel tank was unusable.  So, they were going along on the reserve fuel and emergency power, when the fuel tank and left wing exploded.  Now they were stranded on Dagobah.

   Now Anakin finally noticed the surroundings.  There were lots of plants and trees, but the whole area was unpleasantly wet and muddy.  As they walked around trying to find a dry place to camp, they noticed large, white spiders scurrying away from them. He knew from his studies that they were actually tree saplings, finding a place to take root and grow. 
   Something was rolling, then the unmistakable sound of energy shields activating!  Anakin whirled around and turned on his lightsaber just in time to deflect a bolt. 

   Behind them were six droidekas – insect-like droids that were surrounded by an energy shield designed to protect them from laser bolts. Two arms stuck out of the shield, firing lethal projectiles, and they had three curved legs carrying them backwards. 
Anakin deflected a two more bolts, then started twirling his lightsaber in loops while advancing toward them. The energy shields would absorb any bolts he would deflect back at them, so his best way was to get close enough to cut them down. But he knew there was a flaw in their shield.  The barrier was not perfectly spherical, rather, two hemispheres.  If he could just make a bolt go inside... There! Most of the energy was absorbed, but a small slice went through. The droideka disappeared in a flash of blue light and the slice of energy splashed against a large rock.  The droid disappeared! That meant they were not really droids, just hologram projections.
Looking around, the other Jedi were also fighting the simulacrums.  Mace Windu ran quickly and hacked down two of them. Obi-Wan was protecting Yoda, who lifted a fallen tree several yards away and crushed the remaining holograms.

     "Weren't those holograms?" Anakin asked as he jogged up to them. They didn't bother answering. 
"The only place the holograms could've come from is the ship.  Go check the ship records." Mace Windu ordered, and a clone hurried toward the ship. 

     "Someone's dead!" A clone shouted. "He was killed by a lightsaber."  Alarm and confusion shot through him. The clone showed them the body.  It was a Marksman trooper, his armor mauled in three places.
     "Who did this?" Mace Windu asked angrily. All eyes turned to look at Anakin.
     "I didn't do it!" Anakin protested.  "I was fighting the droids too, you saw me!"

     Then the clone sent to the ship came back.  "Master Windu!" He said, panting.  "The projections were programmed in about two hours ago!" A long silence.
     "We have a traitor in our midst." Windu said, and again looked at Anakin.  Another clone stepped forward. 

     "I saw him die. Someone dressed in our armor had a red lightsaber in his hand.  When I saw him, he turned and ran. When I counted us, none of us were missing.  He could of slipped in without me noticing."  As he spoke, a clone to the right of him began fidgeting and twisting his fingers.  Suddenly suspicious, Mace Windu drew his lightsaber and slashed at the clone.  The clone, or Sith lord apparently, parried Windu's strike.  He backed away, exchanging blows with the Jedi Master.  Anakin and Obi-Wan joined Windu in the fight, and the sith turned tail and ran.  The other troopers fired, and he went down.  Obi-Wan went to inspect the body.

     "Dark times are upon us." Yoda said with a sigh.   Obi-Wan came back saying the sith lord was previously unknown.  They glumly set up camp. 
The purpose of life is to survive.  Deal with it.


The game seems a little bit human-sided.  With five human roles who know who they are, the alliance will be huge.  I'm not sure if Commander Cody knows who he is, but he probably shouldn't because of the huge alliance problem. 

This is probably one of the few scenarios in which I see a use for a human-sided painter because the wolves have a seer and there will be an alliance.  He'll likely paint the Guardian green.