
Rest in pepperoni, Mario Mario, 1981 - 2021
He will be missed by all, except for me! WARIO, NUMBER ONE!

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TWG XXX: Disability Girls Post Game

Started by Mashi, March 30, 2012, 04:43:04 PM

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Going to finish up Post Game soon.  Here are the Roles, anyhow:

Nurse - Sends a message to the Host every Night Phase with the name of a Player.  If that Player is Hisao or Emi, Hisao or Emi becomes a regular Human and will die at the end of the Day Phase.  If Hisao or Emi becomes a regular Human and is wolfed in the same Phase, the wolfing will follow through.
Mr. Mutou - Sends a message to the Host every Night Phase with the name of a Player.  That Player's power will fail (except Hisao's).  Can send a message to the Host during any Phase, multiple times in the same Phase if needed, with the name of a Player and a Role.  If the Player and Role correlate, the Player will die.  If not, Mr. Mutou may not expel that Role or Player from the game.
Yuuko - Sends a message to the Host every Night Phase with the name of a Player and a colour.  That player will be seered that colour during that Phase.

Kenji - Sends a message to the Host every Night Phase with the name of a Player.  At the end of the Night Phase, will receive a message with that Player's true colour (as in, if a Player who is normally seered Green is painted Red, Kenji will seer that Player as Green).  Is not seered any colour because colours are a conspiracy.

No Clue What They'll Be, Probably Specials Or Something!:
Shizune - Is in love with Misha.  Can send a tribune of 200 characters or less at the end of every Night and Day Phase.
Misha - Is in love with Shizune.  Can send a tribune of 200 characters or less at the end of every Night and Day Phase.  Her tribune must be in all caps and must end in "WAHAHAHAHA~".
Lilly - Is in love with Akira.  Sends a message to the Host every Night Phase with the name of a Player.  At the end of the Night Phase, will receive a message with that Player's colour.
Akira - Is in love with Lilly.  Sends a message to the Host every Night Phase with the name of a Player.  If that Player is wolfed, that Player will survive.
Emi - Is in love with Rin.  Is immune to wolfings.
Rin - Is in love with Emi.  Sends a message to the Host every Night Phase with the name of a Player and a colour.  That Player will be seered that colour during that Phase.  She's also not seered Blue, she's seered Prussian Blue, but I couldn't find the right shade for that colour. :(
Hanako - Is in love with Hisao.  Is the most adorable character ever.  Also MVP.  She is a Loose Cannon (as in, if any power is used on her (except for wolfing or lynching), the person using the power is killed before the power can occur).

The Please:
Hisao - Is in love with Hanako.  Is immune to wolfings.  Sends the Host a PM with the name of a Player every Phase.  At the end of that Phase, he will be informed of that Player's Lover.  If Hisao chooses a Wolf or Traitor, he will be told a random Player (living or alive) is his/her Lover.

If a Lover is killed, the other Lover loses his/her power.  Lovers do not know each other.
If a Lover dies, the other Lover will be informed of losing his/her power after the death.

Nurse - Dude
Mr. Mutou - Kman96
Yuuko - Wrydryn

Kenji - shadowkirby

No Clue What They'll Be, Probably Specials Or Something!:
Shizune - davy
Misha - vermilionvermin
Lilly - SlowPokemon
Akira - spitllama
Emi - the_last_sheikah
Rin - Jub3r7
Hanako - Raymondbl

The Please:
Hisao - blueflower999

Night 1 –
Wolves wolf Jub3r7 (Rin).  Vermilionvermin (Misha) is wolfed.
Spitllama (Akira) guard himself.
Jub3r7 (Rin) paints Wrydryn (Yuuko) Pink.
Wrydryn (Yuuko) paints spitllama (Akira) Red.
Shadowkirby (Kenji) seers Kman96 (Mr. Mutou) Red.
Kman96 (Mr. Mutou) uses his power on Raymondbl (Hanako) as Hanako.  Raymondbl is expelled.
SlowPokemon seers Raymondbl (Hanako) Purple.
vermilionvermin (Misha) sends the Tribune:


Davy (Shizune) sends the Tribune:

Day 1 –
Dude safeties on spitllama.
Kman96 safeties on the_last_shiekah.
Blueflower999 half safeties/votes for Dude.
The_last_shiekah votes for Kman96.
Davy votes for the_last_shiekah.
Davy switches his vote to Dude.
Kman96 (Mr. Mutou) uses his power on spitllama (Akira) as Akira and davy (Shizune) as Misha.  Spitllama is expelled.

Night 2 –
Jub3r7 (Rin) paints himself Purple.
Shadowkirby (Kenji) seers the_last_shiekah Blue.
Wolves wolf SlowPokemon (Lilly).
Wrydryn (Yuuko) paints himself Blue.

Day 2 -
the_last_sheikah was Insta'd and expelled.

Night 3 –
Wolves wolf blueflower999 (Hisao).
Wrydryn (Yuuko) paints himself Blue.

Day 3 –
Jub3r7 (Rin) is Insta'd.

Night 1
Spitllama – I didn't really understand why you were so confident in believing that you would be wolfed/expelled by the Wolves simply because there were 2 false Akira claims.
Dude - ---
the_last_sheikah – Although your idea to claim Akira was rather creative, I feel that you've misunderstood a major point in the game, which is teamwork among the Human team, especially when you told spitllama that you wouldn't bother defending him with your PMs.  But nevertheless, for your first game, I was impressed by the ingenuous thinking that you exhibited and applaud you for it.  With a little more practise, I believe that you'll be one of the best TWGers here.
Raymondbl – I feel that your claim for Hanako was a bit rushed.  I'm supposing that you felt pressured and claimed to get things over with.  But things turned out all right I think.  I'm surprised that none of the Wolves counterclaimed though, to be honest.  By counterclaiming, the Wolves could have potentially gotten rid of a good deal of powers by the time both Players died Day 2 (and the Night 3 wolfing should be considered as well; 4 Humans dead by Day 3!).  But the Wolves didn't, so things worked out well!
Kman96 – With a stroke of luck due to your logic, you were able to severely bewilder the humans
blueflower999 - ---
SlowPokemon – I'm sort of really confused towards why you seered Raymondbl.  He claimed Hanako and was not counterclaimed and nearly all Players in the game had posted by then (except shadowkirby I believe; I forget).  It's good to be wary of presuming things to be truths, but I feel that you wasted an important seering.  Though spitllama was painted Red by Wrydryn, so I suppose you at least avoided one potential dilemma if you didn't switch from spitllama to Raymondbl.
Vermilionvermin – You died.  Wah. 
davy – You were quick to act and went straight to business in a game that required prudent action, which was good.  I can't really blame you on Raymondbl (Hanako) claiming, since it was most likely due to misunderstanding.  But even so, things went adequately well and the Humans were able to unite a good deal of themselves.
Jub3r7 – Pink fits Whirr!
Shadowkirby - ---
Wrydryn – You did a good job discussing matters with your teammates and being a leading figure.

Day 1
Spitllama – You were suspicious of Kman96 and if you weren't expelled, you probably would have been able to push a lynch on him and lynch a Wolf!  Unfortunately, the_last_sheikah's scheming obfuscated that.  You probably should have pushed a bit more and let your voice be heard.  But nevertheless, good job.
Dude – You didn't defend yourself!  You're a very competent Player, but only if you're active!
the_last_sheikah – Your suspicion of Kman96 was on the mark, but your false claim of Akira will probably warrant you a good deal of suspicion.  Though, I wonder why it was never mentioned that if all the Player's claims were counted, there would be 5 inconsistencies.  Nevertheless, you were able to survive the Day Phase and lynched Dude (who was a Wolf), so good job!
Kman96 – Your claim as traitor was absolute genius.  Not only did it dissuade davy from lynching you (since Traitor counts towards Humans), but it also permitted you to take advantage of him by lying about your seerings.  I'm still not sure why he trusted you, but you did a fantastic job, nevertheless.
blueflower999 – I was actually impressed by your vibe of the_last_sheikah and suspicion of Dude.  Having a correct gut feeling is signs of a good TWGer.  Your half vote would lead to the death of a Wolf, so good job!
SlowPokemon - ---
Davy – After Kman96 died, you took the leader job and did an adequate job.  Your only major mistake was trusting Kman96.  I could understand if you trusted his claim as Traitor, but I found that your trust in his seering results and the like bewildering.  That was probably your only major mistake in the game.  Your plan of claiming Misha in order to waste Mr. Mutou's expelling was astute though and permit you to live for the rest of the game, so A+.
Jub3r7 – You analysed a bit of the_last_sheikah's argument, but I sort of wished that your scrutinized things more!  Dude (a Wolf) was lynched, but with a bit of your interrogation, I'm sure that you could have had Kman96 lynched next Day Phase!
shadowkirby – You claimed Traitor to Kman96 after seering him and were successfully able to unite with the Wolves!  You became a great asset to the Wolf team and helped them to their victory.  I only wish that you were more active in the chat or topic though!
Wrydryn – You claimed Emi and successfully dissuaded all suspicion with the_last_sheikah shenanigans occurring.

Night 2
the_last_sheikah – ---
Kman96 – You did some last minute preparations and created a fruitful Night Phase.
blueflower999 - ---
SlowPokemon – Wolfed. 
davy - ---
Jub3r7 – Where is the best TWGer of NSM?????????
shadowkirby - ---
Wrydryn – I feel that you became a bit inactive, but Kman96 and you were able to play the game without much communication, so it's probably all right.

Day 2
the_last_sheikah – I was curious to know why you switched your suspicion of Kman96 to Jub3r7 and Wrydryn, but unfortunately, all of your actions would probably have been in vain this Phase.  Nevertheless, aside from your chicanery, I feel that you played an excellent game and hope to see you play in the future.
Kman96 – A+
blueflower999 – You voted for the_last_sheikah after being told that he was seered Red, so I can't really blame you.  You played a good game though and you seemed to have fun, so I'm glad that you participated!
davy – Unfortunately, Kman96 duped you.  I still find it bewildering that you would trust that the Traitor would give you red seer results, but nevertheless, aside from this, I feel that you did a great job as alliance leader.
Jub3r7 – You expressed regret over not being able to avoid an Insta, so I'm interested to know your feelings about the_last_sheikah.  I only wish that you had more time for the game; I'm sure that you would have been able to edify the Humans of the Wolves, you TWG savant!
Shadowkirby - ---
Wrydryn – Insta'd the_last_sheikah, essentially ending the game.  A+.

Night 3
By this point, the Wolves had won.  It was a good game played though, if I may say.

Wolf MVP: Kman96 – My God, is this the 3rd time in a row?  I'm sure you know this already, but you are an absolutely amazing Wolf.  You took advantage of every opportunity you had and played a significant Role in leading the team to victory.  Fantastic job.
Now stop getting MVP and give others a chance! :P

Human MVP: davy – Your only major mistake this game was your trust of Kman96 as Traitor.  Aside from that, I feel that you did an adequate job as alliance leader.  You probably could have analysed the the_last_sheikah case a bit more though, but nevertheless, good job.

Honourable Mention: the_last_sheikah – Your plan to claim Akira was unconventional, but ingenuous.  And your ability to find suspicion in Players such as Kman96 and Wrydryn is also quite impressive.  Your ideas unfortunately weren't accepted, but I hope to see you in future games.


Nice job wolves. I never suspected Wry at all (or Dude for that matter... but he never posts much)

Kman though? I was ready to lynch his @$$ until I got expelled ::)
Submissions Page
Currently using Finale 2012


I never really thought that Kman was really the Traitor. That was a good move on his part though. Good job everyone, especially wolves. Just wish I could've used my awesome role a little more before I lost my power night one. Thanks for hosting, Mashi.
Bulbear! Blueflower999



Isn't that some kind of record, I hear???

but everyone, really. This was my favorite game that I've played so far. The_last_sheikah, while you are new, you really are quite amazing. I was nowhere near as advanced as this in MY first I give you great Props. Davy, I really am surprised how hard you fell for my claim. although you did get me by claiming Misha, not once did I consider you to be Shizune, lol.

Other than that, good job EVERYONE!

...and Mashi, I don't want to be wolf again!!! Gimme a break! XD
Party Hard!


Kman, I don't want you to be the wolf again either! You're too good at it!

(Well, unless he would be my wolf partner...)
Bulbear! Blueflower999


AWW, you called me chicane, thats the nicest thing anyone has ever called me  ;).
The reason I switched from Kman was because someone (*cough*Spitllama*cough*) convinced me that kman was human.

I'll explain, I get very paranoid about things, so by the end of day 1, I realized you can see exactly what people who are logged in are doing by clicking on the "users online" button.  I watched this constantly while kman was on and saw him and davy PMing each other, and, due to my suspicion of kman, I assumed they were in cahoots.  I PMed spitllama, who I had a lot of trust in at the time, saying that it could prove they were wolves, but he said it was a conversation proving kman to be lilly, and I believed him.

Davy, lighten up a little.  I may get paranoid, but you take it to a whole new level.
Thanks Kman, you argue a good game too.
Excellent game everyone. I don't think I'll have time to be in the next game though.
P.S. I can only assume that I was expelled because one of the wolves noticed that I said I couldn't be wolfed in my one post.  ::)
You see, we're entertainers. We must keep people smiling. No matter how grim things get, we must always be optimistic!


Aww.  We'll be seeing you more in later games though, correct, the_last_sheikah?

By the way, I think 2 records were made this game.  Kman96's triple consecutive MVP and me receiving 15 pages of PMs. B)



so mashi, was the immunity to wolfings part of Emi and Hisao's powers? because i thought they were...but if davy thought otherwise, and that blueflower shouldnt have been wolfed, i just thought id ask who was right (in this case).
Party Hard!


Being immune to wolfing is both of their powers.  blueflower999 was wolfed because Hanako died and he lost his powers.


Party Hard!


Quote from: Mashi on March 30, 2012, 07:42:53 PMAww.  We'll be seeing you more in later games though, correct, the_last_sheikah?

By the way, I think 2 records were made this game.  Kman96's triple consecutive MVP and me receiving 15 pages of PMs. B)

Yes, I will be in later games, but I'll be busy for the next 2 weeks.  And damn, that's a lot of PMs  :o
You see, we're entertainers. We must keep people smiling. No matter how grim things get, we must always be optimistic!


Quote from: Mashidavy, I find your constant choleric attitude towards me to be very exasperating.  Alleging that I intentionally compromised victory for the Humans is outright ridiculous (especially since the mistake in the Role list was ambiguous; there was plenty of reason to believe that Hanako and Hisao were both in love).  Furthermore, it was not necessary for Hanako to have claimed (just so you know Raymondbl, there's no animosity towards you.  You claimed under pressure and you did an adequate job uniting the team).  So admit that the game didn't go as you originally wished and don't scapegoat the loss on the Host.  It was no one's fault, just be glad to have had fun.

My apologizes, Mashi. I just felt pissed because I couldn't help the human team win (and because of Kman's PM), and I was searching for a scapegoat to leave my anger at (and I thought you could cope with it better then ray or sheikah, because you're a mod). I also didn't mean that you did it on purpose, but that this was the way it took out.

Anyway, I'll try to prevend making such a post from happening again.

Quote from: Mashi on March 30, 2012, 04:43:04 PMHuman MVP: davy – Your only major mistake this game was your trust of Kman96 as Traitor.  Aside from that, I feel that you did an adequate job as alliance leader.  You probably could have analysed the the_last_sheikah case a bit more though, but nevertheless, good job.

Nope, I've never fully trusted Kman. My major mistake was that I forgot that the real traitor could be alive.

I dicided to lynch sheikah because, although there was quite a chance that he wasn't a wolf, if I would lynch him I'd know the identy of all the wolves whenever jub and kman PM'd me.

I asked Kman to seer blueflower because I knew blueflowers collor and I would know if kman speaks the truth or not (this was also a part where I forgot that he could have the real traitor working with him). Jub only had to PM me saying wether he lost his power or not and I would know if he was working together with kman and wry, or that he was the final wolf.

Quote from: Kman96 on March 30, 2012, 06:59:25 PM...and Mashi, I don't want to be wolf again!!! Gimme a break! XD


Quote from: the_last_sheikah on March 30, 2012, 07:03:27 PMAWW, you called me chicane, thats the nicest thing anyone has ever called me  ;).
The reason I switched from Kman was because someone (*cough*Spitllama*cough*) convinced me that kman was human.

I'll explain, I get very paranoid about things, so by the end of day 1, I realized you can see exactly what people who are logged in are doing by clicking on the "users online" button.  I watched this constantly while kman was on and saw him and davy PMing each other, and, due to my suspicion of kman, I assumed they were in cahoots.  I PMed spitllama, who I had a lot of trust in at the time, saying that it could prove they were wolves, but he said it was a conversation proving kman to be lilly, and I believed him.

Davy, lighten up a little.  I may get paranoid, but you take it to a whole new level.
Thanks Kman, you argue a good game too.
Excellent game everyone. I don't think I'll have time to be in the next game though.
P.S. I can only assume that I was expelled because one of the wolves noticed that I said I couldn't be wolfed in my one post.  ::)



Well I want to say something about this, but my English is not good enough to understeand what you are trying to say (and translate isn't very helpfull eighter). Care to write it in more simple words?

Quote from: Mashi on March 30, 2012, 04:43:04 PMSlowPokemon seers Raymondbl (Hanako) Purple.

Wait, slow, why did you tell me you've seer'd dude ????

Yay for gaining my first MVP. Also, Mashi, good job finishing the post game for this very intricate game.

I think it might be a good idea if you revealled the (most important) PM's, because over half of the game (I think), was played through the PM's, and if someone is reading the game that haven't played it, it might become very confusing.

Quote from: NocturneOfShadow
[davy]'s in a way different time zone so basically he pops in at like 2 AM and posts 500 words and wins the game


Quote from: Mashi on March 30, 2012, 04:43:04 PMRaymondbl – I feel that your claim for Hanako was a bit rushed.  I'm supposing that you felt pressured and claimed to get things over with.  But things turned out all right I think.  I'm surprised that none of the Wolves counterclaimed though, to be honest.  By counterclaiming, the Wolves could have potentially gotten rid of a good deal of powers by the time both Players died Day 2
It wasn't rushed, nor was I pressured.  I thought about it in-depth, but I have more time to think than you guys might, so I can get things sorted out relatively quickly. Plus I keep my thoughts to myself when revealing it could possibly lower the effectiveness of the strategy. 

I really hope I can get into a game where I can actually live longer and thus have a chance to prove myself as something other than a weak youngling.
The purpose of life is to survive.  Deal with it.


QuoteWell I want to say something about this, but my English is not good enough to understeand what you are trying to say (and translate isn't very helpfull eighter). Care to write it in more simple words?

What do you want me to simplify?
You see, we're entertainers. We must keep people smiling. No matter how grim things get, we must always be optimistic!