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Blueflower's Gaming Blog and Reviews

Started by blueflower999, March 27, 2012, 04:31:30 PM

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Which Ace Attorney lists should I do after ranking the cases?

Rank the characters (or top 10/20 characters)
4 (17.4%)
Rank the breakdowns
3 (13%)
Top 10/20 songs
4 (17.4%)
Rank the villains/murderers
1 (4.3%)
Rank the character themes
2 (8.7%)
Don't do another Ace Attorney list
9 (39.1%)

Total Members Voted: 23


Ahhh... AoM. I didn't play it more than a couple of times, and I must say I prefer the game it was a spin-off of:
Age of Empires II.

AoE II was awesome. It practically defined the RTS genre for years to come. And the expansion pack was even better, adding a few crucial things that made you wonder how you managed to play the base game at all (-- Farm Expired). I remember playing it daily for more than a year back in grade four.

I picked it up again during my time in the military. The game was easy to get into, had so little system requirements it could be run smoothly from a memory stick, and the LAN mode made it a superior multi-player game for bored soldiers in the long Arctic winter evenings.

I'd probably rank it second or third in terms of "most nostalgic childhood game" for me. I install it on every computer I own, and even now pick it up from time to time. The menu music is pretty sweet too.

In hindsight, I see now that AoE I was deeply flawed, and AoE III was complete balls. But the second installment of the series will live long in my heart.
Emergence - a story exclusive to NSM

Yes, I'm still around from time to time. For quicker response, you can reach me by PM, or drop by Smogon to say hi. I go by "Codraroll" there, because of a bet.


^Thanks for commenting, guys! Wow, I guess I'm not the only one who likes the Age of series! I thought I would be.

Anyway, I have to go to bed very soon, so I'll try to make my nightly review quick. I just did an Epic Yarn review, so why not try another good Kirby game?

Kirby's Dream Land:

That's right, folks, I'm going to review the original Kirby game for the Gameboy. While you couldn't copy powers, it's still the greatest game I have for the system as of yet.

Gameplay: 8/10 Like I said above, you can't copy powers in this game. But remember, this is the GAMEBOY. This game was released about 5 or 6 years before Pokemon, so people didn't take advantage of the Gameboy's full potential until then. However, this game is still fantastic. Even though your only attack is inhaling, or an occasional powerup, you can still swallow and spit out enemies like in any other Kirby game. The main mechanic that sets this apart from the other rubbish platformers if the ability to fly around, which is another trademark of the Kirby series. The game only has 5 levels, but they're nice lengths and all have a boss or two.

Addictiveness: 8/10 It's no Tetris, I'll say that, but I beat this game 4 times in one day once. FOUR FREAKING TIMES. Once on the bus to school, once in homeroom, once during lunch, and once on the way back home. And it didn't get boring. At all.

Story: 7/10 It doesn't make it clear in the game at all, and I don't really feel like researching this game's story, so I'll just take a guess; King Dedede steals sometime, (perhaps food?) and Kirby travels through different levels to find him, face him, and defeat him. Not a bad story, especially for Gameboy, but it could have had a little more clarity and detail.

Music: 9/10 I know I keep saying "For Gameboy it's not that bad", "This was really impressive on Gameboy!", and "I've never seen anything like this on Gameboy before!". I apologize for saying it yet again, but for the Gameboy, the soundtrack is great. You got your Green Greens, your Castle Lolo, and my personal favorite, Dedede's theme. Every song in this game is now a Kirby classic.

Green Greens
Bubbly Clouds
Castle Lololo (You all should know this from Superstar!)
King Dedede's Theme <3

Character Design: 6/10 No Meta Knight. Just Kirby, and Dedede. Not much to say, but they did change and become awesome characters throughout the series, as did some of the enemies.

Humor: 4/10 This game does have your signature Hal Laboratory touch, but it's not laugh out loud hysterical. Except when King Dedede goes flying outside his castle. That's awesome.

Difficulty: 6/10 This game's as easy as cake the first time... until you unlock the harder difficulty. Then I can't beat the first level.  ::)

Other Memorable Features: Like I said above, you can unlock harder difficulties by putting in a code (Not the Konami Code!) on the menu. Also, you can unlock a soundplayer and a feature that can change your lifecount as well. All nice surprises and rewards.

Overall: 8/10 For the first Kirby game, it had its flaws, but it's still great.
Bulbear! Blueflower999


Quote from: blueflower999 on December 28, 2012, 07:48:09 PMStory: 7/10 It doesn't make it clear in the game at all, and I don't really feel like researching this game's story, so I'll just take a guess; King Dedede steals sometime, (perhaps food?) and Kirby travels through different levels to find him, face him, and defeat him. Not a bad story, especially for Gameboy, but it could have had a little more clarity and detail.
I disagree, Dedede stole all the food from the people of Dream Land, making Kirby go on a RAAMPAGE to get all the food back.
"King Dedede and his followers have stolen all of Dream Land's food as well as the Sparkling Star used to harvest them. Kirby sets off to reclaim both the food and the Sparkling Stars and teach the king a lesson." This was in the game manual or something. :/ Basically anyone who read the manual before playing, knows the story.

Oh, and btw, the official name is "Kirby's Dream Land"


Quote from: Tobbeh99 on April 21, 2016, 02:56:11 PM
Fuck logic, that shit is boring, lame and does not always support my opinions.


Quote from: SlowPokemon on December 29, 2012, 08:18:14 AMHow do you unlock the sound test?
The game tells you when you beat it on hard mode.
Here's how:
*SPOILER* You hold down, B, and Select on the main menu, I believe.

Quote from: FSM-Reapr on December 29, 2012, 02:42:22 AMI disagree, Dedede stole all the food from the people of Dream Land, making Kirby go on a RAAMPAGE to get all the food back.
"King Dedede and his followers have stolen all of Dream Land's food as well as the Sparkling Star used to harvest them. Kirby sets off to reclaim both the food and the Sparkling Stars and teach the king a lesson." This was in the game manual or something. :/ Basically anyone who read the manual before playing, knows the story.

Oh, and btw, the official name is "Kirby's Dream Land"
Thank you, I fixed the name. I don't have access to most instruction booklets for games, and I try to review the game ITSELF, not the information in the instructions.
Bulbear! Blueflower999


That isn't a spoiler because nobody would ever figure it out on their own :3


^I'm pretty sure it tells you when you beat the game on hard difficulty. And you unlock hard difficulty when you beat the game normally.

*SPOILER* You play hard difficulty by holding up, A, and select on the main menu
Bulbear! Blueflower999


FINALLY ordered Mega Man 2 today. I've been waiting quite a while to get my hands on that one. Probably won't come before I have to go back to school on the 3rd, but at least I got it.

Also ordered Donkey Kong, Bubble Bobble, and Super C. (That last one is Contra 2, for those who don't know)
Bulbear! Blueflower999


Quote from: blueflower999 on December 29, 2012, 10:20:02 AMFINALLY ordered Mega Man 2 today. I've been waiting quite a while to get my hands on that one. Probably won't come before I have to go back to school on the 3rd, but at least I got it.
Well done, blueflower, I am anxiously awaiting your review.
Quote from: braixen1264 on December 03, 2015, 03:52:29 PMDudeman's facial hair is number 1 in my book


Quote from: Dudeman on December 29, 2012, 07:08:49 PMWell done, blueflower, I am anxiously awaiting your review.
I'm already addicted to the music.  :o

I'm in for one heck of a ride, aren't I. My goal is to at least make it to Dr. Wily's stage before I review it. So that will take some practice. (I got Mega Man 1 in like August, and didn't get to that stage until this week XD) Quick Man I hear is the hardest.
Bulbear! Blueflower999


Hint against Flash man: SPAM METAL BLADES.


Quote from: SocialFox on December 29, 2012, 07:17:30 PMHint against Flash man: SPAM METAL BLADES.
Isn't that what you do for all the remaining Robot Masters?  ::)

OK, I've waited long enough. Time to review a game that you should all know what its final review score will be considering that I'm reviewing it. The big fat mamma of neglected game franchises, it's time for me to review


But seriously. If you haven't played it, DO SO. NOW. You don't know what you're missing. Like Final Fantasy? PLAY EARTHBOUND. Like Dragon Quest? PLAY EARTHBOUND. Even if it's not your favorite, you'll still find it amusing how it parodies the traditional RPG formula. But anyway, on to the review.

Gameplay: 9/10 This was the first true RPG that I ever really played, discounting Pokemon, and I got hooked, quick. There are 4 main party members; Ness, Paula, Jeff, and Poo. Everyone except for Jeff can learn different PSI moves after leveling up, while Jeff specializes in fixing items that are broken. They all use unique weapons and are also differentiated so much more than I can describe quickly. The enemies are BIZARRE, as you will quickly learn. The boss battles are also unique, quirky, and enjoyable, just like the game itself.

Addictiveness: 8/10 If you've enjoyed RPGs in the past, you will love this stinker. Porky (known as Pokey in this game) is such a butthole that you'll want to just keep playing in the hopes that you'll be able to shove your baseball bat up his rear-end at the end of the game. You'll also be laughing so hard from the obscurity that you'll want to see more.

Story: 9/10 I like this game's story, a lot. Not because the general framework is 100% unique (You must find 8 melodies and defeat Giygas), but that I love all the quirky and unusual things that happen along the way. I mean seriously, how many games do you have that let you defeat a giant talking pile of puke? Twice!

Music: 10/10 A very diverse and unique soundtrack makes it the best retro soundtrack to any game, with Mega Man probably being my 2nd favorite. This game has everything in terms of music; catchy enemy battle and route tunes, beautiful town themes, and a hard core metal boss song. With everything in between.

Sunrise and Onett
Your Name Please
Final Boss *SPOILERS*
Kraken of the Sea
Good Friends/Bad Friends

Character Design: 10/10 You'll remember so many characters from this game. Not just the main party members, but the NPCs (Mr. Saturn in particular!) are all quirky, unique, and downright hilarious!

Humor: 10/10 Like stated many times above, this is the weirdest game that I've ever played, that's weird in a good way. (The Attack of the Mutant Penguins for Atari Jaguar doesn't count) Seriously, just look at some of these enemy names: "Demonic Petunia", "Putrid Moldyman", "French Kiss of Death", "Manly Fish's Brother", and "Plague Rat of Doom".

Difficulty: 4/10 Mother 3 is hard, but this game is a cakewalk. You won't have to grind that much at all because the experience you get from enemies doubles so much between areas that you'll have no problem with most of the bosses.

Other Memorable Features: This game has so many that I don't have time to write all of its features down.

Overall: 10/10 Best retro video game I've ever played. (Mother 3 is superior, but I don't consider GBA to be retro yet) Get it. Now.
Bulbear! Blueflower999


I would get it if It was not for NES.
And if it was in English.


it's for Snes, and it's in English. -_-
I like food.


Quote from: shadowkirby on December 29, 2012, 09:28:27 PMit's for Snes, and it's in English. -_-
I feel like an idiot now.

Got the game.