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Blueflower's Gaming Blog and Reviews

Started by blueflower999, March 27, 2012, 04:31:30 PM

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Which Ace Attorney lists should I do after ranking the cases?

Rank the characters (or top 10/20 characters)
4 (17.4%)
Rank the breakdowns
3 (13%)
Top 10/20 songs
4 (17.4%)
Rank the villains/murderers
1 (4.3%)
Rank the character themes
2 (8.7%)
Don't do another Ace Attorney list
9 (39.1%)

Total Members Voted: 23


Oh, and his boss theme was the best in the whole game.
Try to do everything; you're bound to succeed with at least one.


Quote from: MaestroUGC on July 04, 2013, 09:17:58 PMOh, and his boss theme was the best in the whole game.

I loved his boss theme :D

Spoiler alert: there's a similar fight in Dark Moon, though it isn't referred to as "Boolossus." It's basically the same thing though.
Quote from: Tobbeh99 on April 21, 2016, 02:56:11 PM
Fuck logic, that shit is boring, lame and does not always support my opinions.


New poll

Which ever has the most votes by tomorrow I will review
Bulbear! Blueflower999


Looks like TF2 it is!


Team Fortress 2:

Gameplay: 8/10 Now, before I even say anything, I just want to make this clear: what I am reviewing is the Bot mode of this game. I was not able to play online, so all of the unlockable weapons and game modes that can only be played online were not accessible to me. Basically, the only three modes I could play were king of the kill, payload, and capturing/defending points. But that's not to say this game isn't a whole heck of a lot of fun. You guys know how I bash on CoD and other FPSs a lot? Well, none of the problems that I have with those games are present in this one. No boring and repetitive single player campaign, 9 different classes and tons of weapons to chose from, lots of strategy involved in the gameplay, and some amazing humor to keep it fresh. Basically it's red team vs. blue team, simple as that. Your objective changes from game mode to game mode, but usually blue is on offense with red on defense, unless it's something like king of the hill in which they are both offense and defense at the same time depending on who is the king. There's a time limit on each mach that I played. Let me explain. In payload, if blue escorts their cart to the end of the map before time runs out, they win. If red stops them, red wins. Same sort of thing for capturing points. In KotH, whoever controls the hill for three minutes first wins. Now, let's get into what really makes this game a ton of fun: the classes. Ever get tired of playing as the same boring old character over and over again in most FPSs? Well, not here! You get bored of one class, you switch to another, simple as that. A few rounds later, and the first class will be totally refreshed and fun again. It's really a genius way to keep the game from getting old, which is the biggest problem I have with CoD: repetition. I'm going to give my brief thoughts on all 9 classes, in the order from my least to most favorite.


My least favorite TF2 class

Let me explain. Back in May when I was considering to get this game, I asked my friends who already had it which of the 9 classes was best for beginners, and all of them said the Soldier. He's not too complicated, isn't all that slow, and has really great HP. His weapons are the rocket launcher, shotgun, and a shovel for melee. Well, they were sooo wrong. I hate the Soldier. I was just never able to play as him. His rockets travel so slowly that I can never hit anybody, and there are 4 other classes that all can use a shotgun more effectively than he can. Plus, half the time I die, it's because of a Soldier. I just hate these things. Moving on.


Second least favorite

Now, don't get me wrong. The Medic is so essential to any team that you would definitely lose without one or two. This is a list of how much fun I think it is to play as a class, not how useful they are as a whole to the team. (If that were the case, Spy would definitely be #9) The Medic can heal other units, and also has a needle gun and a saw... thing for melee. When he heals someone, he temporarily increases their maximum HP. A Heavy normally has 300 HP, but when being healed by a Medic, he has 450 when not taking damage. When his Ubercharge gets full from healing people for long enough, the Medic can right click to make him and whoever he's healing invincible for a short time, which can really be game changing. However, I never live long enough as a Medic to get this to 100%. While Medics are the only class that regenerate, they also have only 125 HP, meaning that a Sniper shot to the head and bye bye.


3rd Least Favorite

Like I said above, the Spy is kind of fun to play as, but he doesn't really do much to help the team as a whole. Basically, the Spy cloaks himself as an enemy. Say I'm playing on the Red team as a Spy. I can disguise myself as a Blue character, and every Blue person will see me as that character. Doing this, I can sneak into their base and 1HKO backstab them for points, but whenever I stab, my cloak vanishes and I need to put it back on. I can also turn completely invisible for a short time as well. However, because of my cover being blown whenever I stab or short someone with my pathetically weak pistol, I'm almost always killed immediately afterward by someone who saw it because I only have 125 HP. This means that I can only pick people off by themselves, and they usually get suspicious and shoot me before I can get to them, exposing my true form. Spies can also drain energy from sentries without blowing their cover, but Engineers usually pick up on this and kill them. Spies are fun to play as once in a while, especially if there's one person in particular that you want to kill and don't care if you die in the process, but they don't help the team all that much and they're incredibly hard to play well as.


6th Favorite

Now for the classes that I can start talking more positively about! The Scout is the first class here that I often select and play as. Unfortunately, he's this low on the list of "good" classes because he rarely makes huge significant kills in the game. Rather, he's the master at capturing points. A Scout can capture any point twice as fast as any other class, making him essential in KotH. However, he also has the abysmal 125 life, so he does die fairly quickly. This is made up for by the fact that he's super fast and can double jump, so he is pretty hard to hit at far range. The Scout is basically good for capturing points and occasionally taking out Spies or other weak classes with his pistol or shotgun.


5th Favorite

This was a really tough call just because we're getting into the pretty freaking awesome range. Scout was kinda borderline, but every class from here on in is incredibly useful and a joy to play as. In a nutshell, Heavy is bulky, slow, and a powerhouse. His minigun costs 400,000$ to fire for twelve seconds, so you better not get close to it! The spread is huge, but at close range, Heavy can mow down countless soldiers in mere seconds, making him a great defensive class. His HP is a massive 300, and with a Medic hiding behind him constantly healing, he can be an amazing assault class as well. I preform pretty well as a Heavy, and that's really all I need to say.


4th Favorite

Dare I say it, the Engineer is probably the most unique class in the game. His job is to build Sentry Guns, Teleporters, and Dispensers. The Sentries can mow down enemies faster than you would believe, the Dispensers give metal to the Engineer for building things and also heal other units and replenish ammo. The teleporters can warp allies to the front of the battle from the spawn point lickity-split. The Sentries when fully upgraded are literally so overpowered that they can chance the tide of the game in an instant if the Engineer keeps watch for Spies. The Engineer is so game changing and unique that I play as him a lot more often than most people do.

Also, Nope.avi.


3rd Favorite

For the longest time, I swore that the Demoman was the worst class in the game. How wrong I was, how wrong I was. I just wasn't using him properly. See, the only weapons the Demoman has besides his melee one is a grenade launcher and a sticky bomb launcher, which activate when the right mouse button is pressed. He's the only character in the game that has no gun, and that annoyed me. However, as I soon discovered, while the Demoman is difficult to play as on offensive missions, his sticky bomb traps can kill SO many people on defensive missions that it's not even funny. He would be higher if he had more of an offensive capability however, like the next one on the list.


My 2nd Favorite

Oh yeah, it's that crazy Pyro! Probably the biggest flamer in the game, the Pyro is really hot stuff! His flamethrower's range isn't very long, but if you get trapped in it, you'll most likely either die within seconds or, if you're lucky enough to escape, die from the flames if you can't find a Medic or health pack. It's so much fun to just hide, wait for someone to jump out, and then roast them to ashes with your flame thrower. Granted, they are really annoying bots that play as Pyros sometimes, but it's really easy and fun for me to be one. This would be the class that I would recommend for beginners, and the Pyro is definitely a lot more useful than the Soldier for me.


My Favorite TF2 Class!
I've always loved sniping whenever I got a chance to play an FPS. And that's why my favorite TF2 class is the Sniper. Seriously, even on Expert mode, I just get kill after kill with this guy. There was one point where I was dominating 8 of the 12 opposing Bots, and didn't die once. Oh, and did I mention that the Sniper also has a Uzi, which is also one of my favorite guns of all time? And that his Australian accent is hilarious? Yeah, I just love this guy! A fully charged headshot is enough to kill every class in the game instantly except for maybe the Heavy.

Addictiveness: 9/10 Dangit, that took a long time. On to this category. This game is so addicting because of what I described above. The 9 different classes keep it so fresh that you'll have hours of fun experimenting with them all. I'm also sure that if you go online and play Mann Vs. Machine co-op with friends, you'll have an even more fun time with this game. Oh, and did I mention that it's FREE? There's literally no reason not to get it.

Story: 6/10 While the backstory of Redmond and Bluetard isn't really all that cliche, it's not touched upon in the game very much, and I'm not going to go into it. Look up TF2 Lore in a Minute if you're curious, but who plays this game for the story?

Music: 6/10 There really isn't any music other than occasional jingles in the actual game, but there are several title screen songs, some of which are pretty good. I can't find YouTube links for them though, so what I've posted below is the main theme of the game, which I enjoy.

TF2 Main Theme

Character Design: 10/10 The characters in this game are really all that I ask for. Some goofy, some hilarious, and all genius. Watch the Meet The ____ videos for all of them and you'll see what I mean. Their over the top personalities and backstories make the game so much more interesting than your average FPS.

Humor: 9/10 The Meet The ____ videos are some of the funniest things I've ever seen on YouTube, and you should all check them out. In the game, the taunts and a few of the unlockable weapons that I've heard of are pretty amusing, and some of the bot names reference other Valve series, especially Portal. It's a pretty hilarious game.

Difficulty: 5/10 The difficulty literally depends on what setting you put it at, so I really don't need to comment on this. The Bots can be a bit frustrating, but it's all so much fun that I never really cared.

Other Memorable Features: References to other Valve games, hilarious voice acting and characters, tons of weapons to chose from (if you go online), and plenty of maps make this a game you'll come back to again and again. Oh, and it's FREE.

Overall: 8/10 A very high 8/10. Really, do you expect me to give an FPS any higher than that? This was pretty close to a 9 though, and I really can't complain about a game that I didn't pay anything for.
Bulbear! Blueflower999


I apologize for double posting so soon, but it's my thread, so I can do what I want.  ;)

I have a new type of thing to add to this thread, something other than a blog entry or a review. I'll be calling them "Blueflower Specials". Of course, they'll still be related to my favorite video games, but they'll each be unique in one way or another. Maybe it'll be an analysis or comparison of games, or maybe a top ten list. Who knows what I might end up doing?

I'm keeping most of my ideas a secret, so expect lots of surprises!

That is all.
Bulbear! Blueflower999


Quote from: blueflower999 on July 09, 2013, 08:38:46 PMI've always loved sniping whenever I got a chance to play an FPS. And that's why my favorite TF2 class is the Sniper.
My older brother loves sniping in Battlefront (which is why the Kashyyyk Docks is one of his favorite levels); the FarSight from Perfect Dark is also a rather fun sniping weapon.
And the moral of the story: Quit while you're a head.

Fakemon Dex
NSM Sprite Thread
Story Thread
The Dread Somber


Isn't that the gun that lets you snipe through walls?
Bulbear! Blueflower999


Quote from: blueflower999 on July 10, 2013, 04:39:15 AMIsn't that the gun that lets you snipe through walls?
Yep; that's the one. :3
And the moral of the story: Quit while you're a head.

Fakemon Dex
NSM Sprite Thread
Story Thread
The Dread Somber


Sniper is fun, but it's frustrating being completely oblivious to Spies most of the time.

The thing I like best about TF2 is that it isn't your ordinary FPS in that each class is balanced against and toward other classes. For example, Engineers do well against everybody except Spies and Demomen, Pyros are the bane of all Spies but aren't the most effective at charging multiple enemies, Scouts die really easily but can be deadly to a Sniper if they keep moving and capture points more easily.

I suppose you didn't get a chance to see them, but the other weapons and items you can pick up are balanced toward different playstyles. There's an item for the Sniper that sacrifices your secondary weapon for a single-use backstab protection that alerts you and stuns the Spy.
You know you've been playing too much Dragon Quest when you're afraid your Hershey's Kisses are going to flee.

I program things


Yeah, I did hear about that weapon. I do wish I had it, but I'm pretty content with the default weapons.  :)
Bulbear! Blueflower999


You know you've been playing too much Dragon Quest when you're afraid your Hershey's Kisses are going to flee.

I program things


Bulbear! Blueflower999


Unless I'm mistaken, you can easily allow something through your firewall on Windows.
You know you've been playing too much Dragon Quest when you're afraid your Hershey's Kisses are going to flee.

I program things


Your review convinced me to get 999, so, mission accomplished!
Quote from: Dudeman on January 23, 2017, 05:35:59 PM
straight from the department of redundancy department


Quote from: Tobbeh99 on April 21, 2016, 02:56:11 PM
Fuck logic, that shit is boring, lame and does not always support my opinions.