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Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time... from the hero's perspective.

Started by Fleetstar The Flygon, March 24, 2012, 12:46:03 PM

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Fleetstar The Flygon

I'll try to stay up to date.. Comments, critiques, and ideas would be well received.
Enjoy! :3

I decided that Link deserved a say in the game, so, well, here it is...

          Chapter 1: Not So Humble Beginnings
(In which Link gets mad, furious, and beside himself with anger while trying to get to the Great Deku Tree)

     Well, it all started when I had a dream. A dream where all people- err, I mean, a dream that must have some future importance.
 I was just standin' there at the gate of Hyrule Square, minding mah own business, when suddenly a horse raced by with a lady and the princess. Before I could scratch my head, an ugly green dude on a black horse appeared and reared and as if by some malevolent force I fell back..
"HEY LINK GET UP!" A voice screamed in my ear.
With a jerk I yelped and sat up. "Whaddisit?" I mumbled, squinting, as a blue fairy fluttered above my head.
"The Great Deku Tree wants you. He assigned me to be your new partner forever. The name's Navi."
I've always wanted a fairy, but does it have to be this one?
"Get off your lazy bottom and c'mon! The Deku Tree doesn't have all day!" With that, the annoying fairy zoomed out of the hut, and I had no choice but to follow. I was still had my regular attire on from yesterday because I was too lazy to change.
As soon as I stepped onto the deck, a green-haired girl who I recognized as Saria rushed to the bottom of my ladder with her fairy. "Hi, Link!" She called.
Groaning, I said, "Saria, why don't you ever have anything better to do than stalk me?" I climbed down the ladder and pushed past her. Navi led me to the entrance of the part of the forest with the Great Deku Tree, and I was going happily on my way when I was stopped like a no-good-doer by some Kokiri kid. "Nobody gains entry to the Great Deku Tree without his permission, especially if you don't even have a sword!"
"Listen, I don't have time for this," I grumbled and tried to get through, but he blocked me like a guarding basketball player- don't ask me how I know what basketball is, by the way.
So I wandered around looking for something pointy and came upon a hole in the wall. "Well, I bet this is important," I said to myself and crawled through.
I got up and sauntered through the interior, looking for some kind of important thingy that will grant me access to the Deku Tree. "Link, look out!" Navi said, a touch too late, as a massive boulder ambushed me and I was thrown across the ground [- 1/4 heart!]. I picked myself up as my enemy proceeded to roll onwards through the room, defying gravity. "Nintendo logic, I suppose," I muttered and moved on.
Eventually, I came upon an important-looking treasure chest. I opened it, and a blinding yellow light emerged from inside. "Gahh!" I squealed and shielded mah poor eyes with one hand, and with the other pulled out a thing. Automatically, a celebratory fanfare played. You got da thing!! The light dimmed and I opened my eyes. Oh goodie, just what I needed! A tiny little toy sword that barely looked like it could harm a fly. With my ticket to the Deku Tree in hand, I made my way back to the basketball-playing Kokiri kid.
"Hey, you got yourself a sword," The kid said, and I tried to get past him yet again, but he did that basketball thing again. "You still need a shield, though!"
I nearly cut him down with my toy. "Fine, fine!" I growled and went to the Kokiri shop. But alas, I was stopped by yet another Kokiri. This one was sitting on the roof of the shop for some reason. "Hi Link, Z-target me so we can talk!"
"I can talk to you just fine!" I responded, a little irritated. "I don't even know what Z-targeting is!"
"Suit yourself," the Kokiri said and let me be.
Navi and I entered the shop, and I told the shopkeeper that I wanted a shield.
"That will be 40 rupees," the guy replied.
I turned out all my pockets, to find I had not a single rupee to my name. "I'll be right back," I told the shopkeeper and went outside with my anger barely in check. "I just want to visit the dumb Deku Tree!" I said aloud. In my frustration I swung my deku sword and sliced the grass in front of me, which produced a single blue rupee. "Hey, free money!" I exclaimed and picked it up. "If I cut some more of this magical grass, I'll be rich in no time flat." So I set about ravaging the Kokiri Forest and soon had well over 40 rupees. I returned to the shop and displayed the required amount to the shopkeeper and just like that I had a deku shield. You got the thing!
So at long last, I had, hopefully, all that I needed to get to the Deku Tree. "It's about time," Navi said as we finally managed through the entrance. After about and hour and a half of resourcefulness and bravery, we get ready to meet the Great Deku Tree....