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TWG XXX: Disability Girls

Started by Mashi, March 19, 2012, 05:59:14 PM

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Nurse - Sends a message to the Host every Night Phase with the name of a Player.  If that Player is Hisao or Emi, Hisao or Emi becomes a regular Human and will die at the end of the Day Phase.  If Hisao or Emi becomes a regular Human and is wolfed in the same Phase, the wolfing will follow through.
Mr. Mutou - Sends a message to the Host every Night Phase with the name of a Player.  That Player's power will fail (except Hisao's).  Can send a message to the Host during any Phase, multiple times in the same Phase if needed, with the name of a Player and a Role.  If the Player and Role correlate, the Player will die.  If not, Mr. Mutou may not expel that Role or Player from the game.
Yuuko - Sends a message to the Host every Night Phase with the name of a Player and a colour.  That player will be seered that colour during that Phase.

Kenji - Sends a message to the Host every Night Phase with the name of a Player.  At the end of the Night Phase, will receive a message with that Player's true colour (as in, if a Player who is normally seered Green is painted Red, Kenji will seer that Player as Green).  Is not seered any colour because colours are a conspiracy.

No Clue What They'll Be, Probably Specials Or Something!:
Shizune - Is in love with Misha.  Can send a tribune of 200 characters or less at the end of every Night and Day Phase.
Misha - Is in love with Shizune.  Can send a tribune of 200 characters or less at the end of every Night and Day Phase.  Her tribune must be in all caps and must end in "WAHAHAHAHA~".
Lilly - Is in love with Akira.  Sends a message to the Host every Night Phase with the name of a Player.  At the end of the Night Phase, will receive a message with that Player's colour.
Akira - Is in love with Lilly.  Sends a message to the Host every Night Phase with the name of a Player.  If that Player is wolfed, that Player will survive.
Emi - Is in love with Rin.  Is immune to wolfings.
Rin - Is in love with Emi.  Sends a message to the Host every Night Phase with the name of a Player and a colour.  That Player will be seered that colour during that Phase.  She's also not seered Blue, she's seered Prussian Blue, but I couldn't find the right shade for that colour. :(
Hanako - Is in love with Hisao.  Is the most adorable character ever.  Also MVP.  She is a Loose Cannon (as in, if any power is used on her (except for wolfing or lynching), the person using the power is killed before the power can occur).

The Please:
Hisao - Is in love with Hanako.  Is immune to wolfings.  Sends the Host a PM with the name of a Player every Phase.  At the end of that Phase, he will be informed of that Player's Lover.  If Hisao chooses a Wolf or Traitor, he will be told a random Player (living or alive) is his/her Lover.

If a Lover is killed, the other Lover loses his/her power.  Lovers do not know each other.
If a Lover dies, the other Lover will be informed of losing his/her power after the death.

*Note that a few changes have been made since the first time that I had posted the game.

Negation Wolf
Wolf Painter

Traitor (Cognizant Seer)

Tribune Lover
Tribune Lover
Seer Lover
Guardian Lover
Wolfsbane Lover
Painter Lover
Loose Cannon Lover
The Please Lover

1. spitllama the Really Famous Porn Star
2. Dude the Really Famous Porn Star
3. the_last_sheikah the Really Famous Porn Star
4. Raymondbl the Really Famous Porn Star
5. Kman96 the Really Famous Porn Star
6. blueflower999 the Really Famous Porn Star
7. SlowPokemon the Really Famous Porn Star
8. vermilionvermin the Really Famous Porn Star
9. davy the Really Famous Porn Star
10. Jub3r7 the Really Famous Porn Star
11. shadowkirby the Really Famous Porn Star
12.Wrydryn the Really Famous Porn Star

PMs being sent out now! All PMs have been sent!
Night 1 ends Wednesday, March 21, 2012, at 11PM EST/10PM CST/9PM MST/8PM PST/7PM AST

Katawa Shoujo - The Tragedy of Lovers (Also Hanako)

This is a link to a video sharing website in which people may post music files onto for the enjoyment of others towards listening to A+ music that is certainly quite frivolouss.

Hisao had recently transferred schools following his release from the hospital due to his heart attack, but first we must know why. This close encounter with death was the result of what you wouldn't expect, the exact opposite of having his heart broken.

Iwanako (ETF?), a girl he knew, had admitted that she had a crush on him by a discrete meeting after school in a serene setting under a tree. Both potential lovers had so much fragile innocence and lost so much that day. You see, the shock of affection startled Hisao so much that his heart couldn't contain his feelings. As a result, he quickly had a heart attack and almost lost his chance at love....

In a blaze, Hisao's life had changed. One moment an average high-school student and the next, the newest patient in the ER having surgery. Then taking medications he couldn't begin to remember the name of just to survive the morning afterwards. He would now just spend his time inside his assigned room with no personality on its white walls and bland features.

At first Hisao didn't mind it, he still had his friends visiting him, Iwanako too! But the longer he was in the hospital the less he had visitors and the less interest he had in things. At least Iwanako still visited him, but that would end soon too as they learned they couldn't salvage what had begun in its current state. But it brought him comfort that she was the last to stop visiting him.

With all this time Hisao had been left alone, he often wandered around, read books, and wondered about himself. He was becoming much more of an introvert that he was originally with the little interaction he had.

Eventually, Hisao had to return to school in order to move on in life. He wasn't ever going to be as healthy as before his episode so his parents took it upon themselves to register Hisao for Yamaku High School. This was a school for students with minor and major disabilities alike who either couldn't survive the stigma of a normal high school or those that we're able to accommodate their needs.

As he begun to move in to his dorm he though falling into the beat of life at Yamaku was going to be fairly simple. Hisao dropped his bags off in his room and turned to leave, he was suddenly startled by a stranger with thick glasses who must a student based on his uniform.

"And who might you be moving in here during the middle of the school year?!" The stranger asked with fearsome intimidation in his voice.

"I-I'm Hisao Nakai" he stammered still startled by the sudden intrusion. "I've just transferred here."

"Sure, and how do I know that? How don't I know you're not one of those feminists?" His interrogator asked.

"Feminists? I have no idea what the hell you're talking about! I've only just arrived!"

"Hmm... , fair enough. I'm warning you though, you need to look out for the feminists here. They're out to take over everything!... -Oh, I've almost forgot to introduce myself, I'm Kenji Setou. I live right across the hall from you.

"Well nice to know...." Hisao said almost sarcastically.

Kenji started again, "You know, I think we might be able to fight off these feminists if we work together!" Kenji began to lean in close to Hisao's face, "I just want to get a good look at your face so I know someone won't try to impersonate you and try to assassinate me for the feminists."

Hisao rolled his eyes but if he was going to start making friends at Yamaku he might as well start now.

"Well I'm going to unpack now so if you could just give me some space I can do that." he said eager to get some privacy.

"Okay, but remember! There are great forces at play here than you think!"

With that, Kenji left and Hisao closed the door to return to his almost empty room except for the bare essentials of furniture and still-packed bags on the floor.

But Kenji did make Hisao wonder, was there something to worry about here? He shrugged it off, unpacked, and quickly fell asleep shortly afterwards exhausted from his trip to the school.


Guys, sorry to break it to you but I'm the most famousest porn star evar.

Also the please, claim to me.ntrllyrealplease


Bitch please, I am SOOOO the most Famous Porn Star EVAR. Like seriusly.
You see, we're entertainers. We must keep people smiling. No matter how grim things get, we must always be optimistic!


Quote from: Wrydryn on March 19, 2012, 06:07:23 PMGuys, sorry to break it to you but I'm the most famousest porn star evar.

Also the please, claim to me.ntrllyrealplease
Are you claiming Kenji then?

Guys lynch him he's the traitor. (I haven't received my role pm yet, so this shouldn't be used against me in the future. :()
It's dangerous to go alone, take me with you! [JUB has joined the party.]


Mutou basically makes claiming impossible this game.  TIME FOR SOME HARD-CORE THUMB-TWIDDLING.


So pretty much... we're all specials... which means we all think everyone should claim to us...

I still can't tell who the "make or break" players are
Submissions Page
Currently using Finale 2012


Everyone knows i am the please. It's SO obvious.

jk, good luck guise!
Quote from: K-NiGhT on April 11, 2024, 11:54:48 AMwow, 20 years

*crumbles into dust and blows away in the wind*


K-NiGht why are you not playing? Did I not tell you I would destroy you? Geeze.
Submissions Page
Currently using Finale 2012


Guess what I am a super coll name
Quote from: Tobbeh99 on April 21, 2016, 02:56:11 PM
Fuck logic, that shit is boring, lame and does not always support my opinions.


K-night, your not even playing!!! So ya, I guess you can be da please for now.

...guise, I'm not sure I'll be able to follow this game. I know I said to add specials to the next game, but this is just ridiculous!!! OMG!!! This will be hard.

But I kan do dis...Yeah guys, don't claim!! Mouto is definitely gonna make this game hard to play...I'm not 100% on HOW the wolves powers work, but I would go with not claiming...unless your guy is like hisao. :P
Party Hard!


Kman, if hisao claims, Mutou sends in a pm with Hisao's identity and Hisao dies a couple phases later. :I
It's dangerous to go alone, take me with you! [JUB has joined the party.]


LOL just realized the whole porn star thing! ::)

(ya know, cause it's the XXX game and porn has a rating of... never mind)
You see, we're entertainers. We must keep people smiling. No matter how grim things get, we must always be optimistic!


Jub...WHAT???? That's freaking crazy!!! Oh dang, guys... We do NOT want that to wasn't so clear when I read the descriptions of the characters, but when you put it that way, he really is bad...

I think us lovers can win!!! :D yeah, guys!! Lets Kick some wolf butt!
Party Hard!


Yeah, this game looks complicated. But fun. And I don't understand this thing about porn stars  :o
Bulbear! Blueflower999


Quote from: blueflower999 on March 19, 2012, 06:50:36 PMYeah, this game looks complicated. But fun. And I don't understand this thing about porn stars  :o

Also, you said butt fun, which goes along with the theme of this game. :P