
Rest in pepperoni, Mario Mario, 1981 - 2021
He will be missed by all, except for me! WARIO, NUMBER ONE!

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TWG XXX: Disability Girls Player Signups

Started by Mashi, March 17, 2012, 03:24:43 PM

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les do dis

Nurse - Sends a message to the Host every Night Phase with the name of a Player.  If that Player is Hisao or Emi, Hisao or Emi becomes a regular Human and will die at the end of the Day Phase.  If Hisao or Emi becomes a regular Human and is wolfed in the same Phase, the wolfing will follow through.
Mr. Mutou - Sends a message to the Host every Night Phase with the name of a Player.  That Player's power will fail (except Hisao's).  Can send a message to the Host during any Phase, multiple times in the same Phase if needed, with the name of a Player and a Role.  If the Player and Role correlate, the Player will die.  If not, Mr. Mutou may not expel that Role or Player from the game.
Yuuko - Sends a message to the Host every Night Phase with the name of a Player and a colour.  That player will be seered that colour during that Phase.

Kenji - Sends a message to the Host every Night Phase with the name of a Player.  At the end of the Night Phase, will receive a message with that Player's true colour (as in, if a Player who is normally seered Green is painted Red, Kenji will seer that Player as Green).  Is not seered any colour because colours are a conspiracy.

No Clue What They'll Be, Probably Specials Or Something!:
Shizune - Is in love with Misha and knows her identity.  Can send a tribune of 200 characters or less at the end of every Night and Day Phase.
Misha - Is in love with Shizune and knows her identity.  Can send a tribune of 200 characters or less at the end of every Night and Day Phase.  Her tribune must be in all caps and must end in "WAHAHAHAHA~".
Lilly - Is in love with Akira.  Sends a message to the Host every Night Phase with the name of a Player.  At the end of the Night Phase, will receive a message with that Player's colour.
Akira - Is in love with Lilly.  Sends a message to the Host every Night Phase with the name of a Player.  If that Player is wolfed, that Player will survive.
Emi - Is in love with Rin.  Is immune to wolfings.
Rin - Is in love with Emi.  Sends a message to the Host every Night Phase with the name of a Player and a colour.  That Player will be seered that colour during that Phase.  She's also not seered Blue, she's seered Prussian Blue, but I couldn't find the right shade for that colour. :(
Hanako - Is in love with Hisao.  Is the most adorable character ever.  Also MVP.  She is a Loose Cannon (as in, if any power is used on her (except for wolfing or lynching), the person using the power is killed before the power can occur).

The Please:
Hisao - Is immune to wolfings.  Sends the Host a PM with the name of a Player every Phase.  At the end of that Phase, he will be informed of that Player's Lover.  If Hisao chooses a Wolf or Traitor, he will be told a random Player (living or alive) is his/her Lover.

If a Lover is killed, the other Lover loses his/her power.  Lovers do not know each other.

*Note that a few changes have been made since the first time that I had posted the game.

Negation Wolf
Wolf Painter

Traitor (Cognizant Seer)

Tribune Lover
Tribune Lover
Seer Lover
Guardian Lover
Wolfsbane Lover
Painter Lover
Loose Cannon Lover
The Please Lover

1. spitllama the Really Famous Porn Star
2. Dude the Really Famous Porn Star
3. the_last_sheikah the Really Famous Porn Star
4. Raymondbl the Really Famous Porn Star
5. Kman96 the Really Famous Porn Star
6. blueflower999 the Really Famous Porn Star
7. SlowPokemon the Really Famous Porn Star
8. vermilionvermin the Really Famous Porn Star
9. davy the Really Famous Porn Star
10. Jub3r7 the Really Famous Porn Star
11. shadowkirby the Really Famous Porn Star
12.Wrydryn the Really Famous Porn Star



Quote from: Mashi on March 17, 2012, 03:24:43 PMCan send a tribune of 200 characters or less at the end of every Night and Day Phase.

I don't get this part.

Quote from: Mashi on March 17, 2012, 03:24:43 PMLovers do not know each other.

Baaah makes no sense

Also I've never figured this out in all the games- do wolves votes count in lynchings?
Submissions Page
Currently using Finale 2012



A Tribune is a message that the Host posts at the end of every Phase sent by the Tribune Player.  However, when the Host posts the message, the writer of the message remains anonymous.

The Lovers not knowing each other is just to make the game more balanced.

And yes, Wolf votes always count.


We should have porn star names when you put us on the list thing.


but the only girl porn star names i know of are from jane austen



This is confusing as hell, but Ill give it a go. IN
You see, we're entertainers. We must keep people smiling. No matter how grim things get, we must always be optimistic!


doodle every player is now called pms
im so dirty!!!!!!!!!

Also, guys, is the_last_sheikah cool?????????
Because (although it is perfectly acceptable for a new Player to make mistakes), I want to make sure that you'll try your best in playing this (which means reading the rules, past games, etc.) because I don't want to risk having an inactive or unmotivated Player play.

I apologise if I sound rude, but I don't want to disrupt the balance of the game with a poor Player!  It's just a precaution.


Submissions Page
Currently using Finale 2012



Also, I added the simplified Roles beneath the original Roles for easy reference.


The purpose of life is to survive.  Deal with it.


Also, forgot to mention that if I fail to make a Post Game this game, I will never Host again until I finish it!!!!!!!!!


The_last_sheikah, don't worry, brah, I'm sure u be fine. This is only my fourth game, and I've earned MVP the last two games. Just keep your head up, pay attention to all the posts, and never be inactive. EVER.

Also, IN. I'm still not 100% on all the assets of this game, mashi, but hell, PORNSTAR NAMES??? I'm totally in! :P

...and mashi I'll hold that to you! :D
Party Hard!


Bulbear! Blueflower999