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Kid Icarus: Uprising

Started by Olimar12345, March 17, 2012, 10:41:50 AM

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The King of Double-Posting does it again!

Quote from: Zunawe on July 03, 2012, 09:49:18 AMBut what's wrong with that? I don't see relevancy.

Nothing, it just proves my point that movement matters.


Double-posting is usually tolerated, but if you're doing it for stars (which is what you just said you're doing), you'll hear from a mod real quickly. Edit posts or at least try to wait for someone else to post first.
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Currently using Finale 2012



Editing didn't come my mind for some reason. Thanks. I swear I'll never double-post ever again.


Oh no! Go back FSM! I just missed you! Make a room!
You know you've been playing too much Dragon Quest when you're afraid your Hershey's Kisses are going to flee.

I program things


So. FSM beat me in something like 5 to 3 games. I will admit, you are good. But some of your tactics were just a little annoying. I'm not saying this as a sore loser, but because I felt cheated. I know you were watching to see what weapon I picked before you chose, which put me at a severe disadvantage because you could always just choose the one that fit my weakness. Also, hiding while you have more KO's than me. Really? I'm perfectly fine with how you chose to attack, because it was a good strategy. I just don't like it when people try that hard to win.

When we were actually playing it was fun! I laughed pretty hard when I defeated you with my reflect barrier. I mean. . . wow. Also, you can't out-Flintlock Staff me. Nobody can. It's mah weapon. I saw you using it and couldn't resist trying to get you into a battle. :))
You know you've been playing too much Dragon Quest when you're afraid your Hershey's Kisses are going to flee.

I program things


Zunawe just got f***ed up by FSM-Reapr. You are tuff one, but you go screaming away like a little girl. Team Finnishers does it again!
Quote from: Zunawe on July 03, 2012, 02:43:23 PMAlso, hiding while you have more KO's than me. Really? I'm perfectly fine with how you chose to attack, because it was a good strategy. I just don't like it when people try that hard to win.


Quote from: Zunawe on July 03, 2012, 02:43:23 PMI know you were watching to see what weapon I picked before you chose, which put me at a severe disadvantage because you could always just choose the one that fit my weakness.
That I can admit but I only have 2 battle weapons(Magnus & Flintlock, 'cause ''Defender'' has been used as material) so I had to look after the Rail Temple episode do you use staff so I wouldn't use Magnus, but I was also building strategy for Magnus Club. But then you closed the room... Daamit! And say an example of ''weakness'' you had?

PS: Magnus Vs. Samurai=2nd best kill ever


Quote from: FSM-Reapr on July 03, 2012, 03:06:34 PMZunawe just got f***ed up by FSM-Reapr. You are tuff one, but you go screaming away like a little girl. Team Finnishers does it again!
A little unnessesary, but okay.

If it looked like I was running while I had more kills then it certainly wasn't what I was trying to do. Actually, I remember spamming Warp in the last few seconds of a match, but I always do that because it's fun. Anyway, weaknesses: I choose my sword. That requires close-range attacks and melee. If you then have the Magnus Club, you can use your backward dash to obliterate a whole area while I have to stay close to you. I choose a club, which is one of the only things that can outmatch your club in cqc. You choose a staff. I am really slow; my shots are slow, and you can just sit back and shoot while I hopelessly try to dodge and hope to get lucky. Yes, I know you had the same problem in the grind rail map, but I was basically randomly choosing weapons the whole game, so. . .

Anyway, I really don't care that you won more games. What I was talking about with the hiding was the last few seconds of the tower map when you just sat on the tower (when I did that I was still trying to attack except for when I fell) as a minor one, and then the last game we played when you just sat on top of the ledge for about a minute.

Finally, the magnus samurai kill was what? Was it the one I talked about? And what's the best kill if that's second?
You know you've been playing too much Dragon Quest when you're afraid your Hershey's Kisses are going to flee.

I program things


Quote from: Zunawe on July 03, 2012, 03:58:27 PMWhat I was talking about with the hiding was the last few seconds of the tower map when you just sat on the tower (when I did that I was still trying to attack except for when I fell) as a minor one, and then the last game we played when you just sat on top of the ledge for about a minute.

You've got that first wrong. I went up there looking for you, but you fell(I thought you were escaping). And I was winning. I was thinking: Why did he do that? Then I noticed my health bar, and you could wipe me out with one shot. I'm usually a gambler, but why to risk sure win.

The ledge thing was also a same kind of a situation. Nobody likes to lose because of hopping into the sure death. You could of easily outspeeded me with the samurai. I was thinking why is he wasting time there? He should come here

Anyhow, you we're awesome! I hope to battle you again sometime. Pro tip: use invisible shots with scyscraper!

Best kill ever: Anyone match LvsD: Twilight Athmosphere:  You know the green jump pads there, right? Three guys were on the same platform: I have Flintlock+Quick Charge: all the enemy players go to the green pad one at a time. IT'S RAININ' GRAVESTONES!!! Awesome sweep.

The magnus vs samurai was just chaos! I went to look for you, and vice-versa. Finally I start waiting you in an ambush. You use Transparency, I have nothing. You attack with melee combo, I do a dash-around and KO you. Then the ledge thing.


Meh. Doesn't matter that much.

BTW, I did use invisible shots with the Skyscraper. You just didn't see them (and I missed a bunch). I didn't use them while you were using the Flintlock because there really wasn't much point. Hitting you at all at that distance would have been a miracle.
You know you've been playing too much Dragon Quest when you're afraid your Hershey's Kisses are going to flee.

I program things


If I can get to the tournament 7 other people (min.), then the tournament will be hosted. If you're in, PM me that I can get the 7 people and I'll make the tournament.


I gave in. I hate this weapon to no end because all it requires you to do is find one with a dash shot modifier and get close to an opponent. I dislike using it.

 Magnus Club__________________________________________
|Ranged: *****x|           |Petrification +3          |
|Melee: **     |           |Forward-dash ch. shot +3  |
|Value: 277    |           |                          |
|                          |                          |
|                          |                          |
|                          |                          |
You know you've been playing too much Dragon Quest when you're afraid your Hershey's Kisses are going to flee.

I program things


I noticed this long time ago, but I just forgot it. I remembered it when I saw Zunawe's personal text.
Easter egg: Fairy Orbitars Idol


Ah. Now I get the first part. I couldn't figure out what that meant.

Yeah, I lol'd when I read that.
You know you've been playing too much Dragon Quest when you're afraid your Hershey's Kisses are going to flee.

I program things


After playing online again last night, I realized that everybody has awesome tactics and weapons, and the play style is different. I didn't like it as much as when I first played it.

I kinda want to play somebody here again. However, I propose that we don't use our normal weapons. In each round we will always use whatever the Auto slot gives us. Anybody up for it? It should be fun. :))
You know you've been playing too much Dragon Quest when you're afraid your Hershey's Kisses are going to flee.

I program things


I'd be up for it! give me a time, and I'll try to be there!
Party Hard!