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The Great NSM Pokemon Adventure! Discussion

Started by K-NiGhT, March 15, 2012, 09:55:11 PM

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5 (45.5%)
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I don't believe you.
5 (45.5%)

Total Members Voted: 11


Wait so is the other story just cancelled midway or...?
Submissions Page
Currently using Finale 2012


Quote from: spitllama on October 16, 2012, 10:02:55 PMWait so is the other story just cancelled midway or...?

No no, he said he's thinking about doing another NSM pokémon story after this one, although perhaps sometime after my Alyos story.

Yeah. Something like that.
Party Hard!


I like food.



And thus begins Season 5!
Quote from: K-NiGhT on April 11, 2024, 11:54:48 AMwow, 20 years

*crumbles into dust and blows away in the wind*


Okay, guys. I've done a little extra housekeeping and finished a few people's teams. Please find your name on here and let me know if you have any changes you'd like to make. This also serves as the taken pokemon list for those of you who are still submitting.

NSM Pokemon Adventure Teams

Marty: Totodile, Riolu, Electrike, Rufflet, Growlithe, Pansage

Nebu: Cyndaquil, Drifloon, Solosis, Venipede, Sentret, Trapinch

Jordan: Chikorita, Minccino, Spinda, Misdreavus, Ralts, Litwick

Davy: Squirtle, Pineco, Pawniard, Porygon, Exeggcute, Natu

Matt: Treecko, Magikarp, Skarmory, Tynamo, Abra, Gible

Roz: Charmander, NidoranMale,  Poliwag, Shroomish, Dratini, Bronzor

Stepney: Mudkip, Snorunt, Budew, Vulpix, Sneasel, Murkrow

Atticus: Farfetch'd, Voltorb, Arbok, Sandslash, Beartic, Magcargo

Taylor: Poocheyena, Bulbasaur, Aron, Cubone, Snubble, Minun

Gregory: Drowzee, Zebstrika, Baltoy, Zangoose, Dusknoir, Pansear

Dudesworth: Diglett, Drillbur, Donphan

Nik: Umbreon, Deino, Cacnea, Sandile

Blue Flower: Zubat

Fleet: Tepig, Heatmor, Flareon

Forrest: Glaceon, Shellder, Castform

Raymond: Chimchar, Meinfoo, Meditite

Jerry: Turtwig, Lotad, Hoppip, Snover, Leafeon

Francois: (secret)

Ruto: Psyduck, Espeon, Cherrim, Grumpig, Maractus, Sawsbuck

Saria: Lopunny, Quagsire, Musharna, Glameow, Kecleon, Eevee

Korbin: Snivy, Smeargle, Zorua, Ditto, Castform, Shedinja

Kelsey: Chatot, Buizel, Pichu, Axew, Magby, Tangela

Eric: Piplup, Hoothoot, Spiritomb, Torkoal, Rotom, Pikachu

Mike: Stunfisk, Aerodactyl, Beldum, Scraggy, Slowpoke, Larvesta

Alan: Blaziken, Gallade, Froslass, Jolteon, Seismitoad, Scizor

Joel: Fearow, Tyranitar, Milotic, Salamence, Rampardos, Leavanny

Jonathan: Shiny Bisharp, Durant, Ferrothorn, Mawile, Magnezone, Steelix

Ryan: Gallade, Hippowdon, Luxray, Seviper, Carnivine, Camerupt

Reapr: Mareep, Togepi, Jigglypuff, Miltank, Buneary, Clefairy

Caroline: Lapras, Starmie, Yanma, Politoed, Shuckle, Gliscor

Marcus: Ambipom, Pinsir, Heracross, Hitmonlee, Mamoswine, Stantler

Jake: Exploud, Tauros, Snorlax, Persian, Bellossom, Slowking

Jari: Conkeldurr, Shiftry, Kangaskhan, Kingler, Bastiodon, Unfezant

Concerto: Golurk, Sudowoodo, Kabutops, Mr. Mime, Gothitelle, Pelipper

Mae: Samorott, Absol, Blissey, Darmanitan, Armaldo, Hariyama

Sabin: Vaporeon, Sableye, Sigilyph, Druddigon, Ursaring, Crustle

(Some choices were made using a random team generator.)
Quote from: K-NiGhT on April 11, 2024, 11:54:48 AMwow, 20 years

*crumbles into dust and blows away in the wind*


Submissions Page
Currently using Finale 2012


I like food.


Quote from: K-NiGhT on April 11, 2024, 11:54:48 AMwow, 20 years

*crumbles into dust and blows away in the wind*


I like food.


If you can guess who my character's namesake is you get $100.


Quote from: K-NiGhT on April 11, 2024, 11:54:48 AMwow, 20 years

*crumbles into dust and blows away in the wind*


Quote from: K-NiGhT on October 18, 2012, 11:26:45 PMReapr: Mareep, Togepi, Jigglypuff, Miltank, Buneary, Clefairy


Quote from: K-NiGhT on October 19, 2012, 03:22:34 PMWhat, no comments on the latest chapter?
K-NiGhT, I enjoyed the most recent chapter, and I am curious as to what the hell Eric and I are up to.

...also, is that a bit of foreshadowing I can see? Oooh :o
Party Hard!


I like food.