Where is Circus Charlie Various Themes?

Started by CALB1993, March 08, 2012, 07:56:02 PM

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Hi, two years ago i found that score on http://www.ninsheetm.us/ ---> More...

But not anymore, can anyone help me? i need that score again :)

P.D.: Sorry for my bad english, i'm latin.

Sir Dino

Oh I think I see what he's saying (don't worry, we all can have bad accents). I think what he means, or what he's asking, is what happened to the "More..." page on the left-side menu at the home page of NSM? You know, I was wondering that too; there you used to be a page for Orchestra, but now it's gone as well.
..But if I have it wrong, maybe (s)he should elaborate. :)


No, he was talking about the sheet in the title being deleted out of that section.

And about the Orchestra page, read this