Ganondorf's Arrangements (Last Updated 6/15/09) Helmaroc King in proccess

Started by NasiDe, April 22, 2008, 05:50:57 PM

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Well 4-D, I tried to get a look at your version of the Great Sea but the link doesn't work. Could you please reupload the Mus. file at Media Fire for my conveniance?


Didn't you say a while back that you were working on linebecks theme from phantom hourglass


In the submissions area I mentioned that I got stuck at some point and could not get any further. In case you have missed such news, I will repeat it here.


Great job on the arrangements!
I'm glad someone is finally doing the Twilight Princess songs... *cough* concerto

Please follow me and my art on Instagram :D


I now have Kalle Demos and Arryl's Kidnapping up. ;D


Wow, impressive queue. It would be easier for a moderator to update all these songs at once, as it would take less time to update songs from the same game than when the update contains tons of different games.


Quote from: G-Han on August 31, 2008, 11:05:05 AMWow, impressive queue. It would be easier for a moderator to update all these songs at once, as it would take less time to update songs from the same game than when the update contains tons of different games.

   I'm on it. Right now from what I can tell you cleaned up the puppet ganon one very nicely Gannondorf(aside from a  few minor formatting issues that I'll fix), it's accepted though. I'll make sure I check over your other songs as well.

   Edit* Alright, I'll accept Puppet Ganon Spider mode, snake, transformation, marionette, Phantom Ganon, and Ending.


Whoa! :oThat was sudden. Don't I need to put the other songs in the submission area one at a time first though?


Actually, I'm going to hold off on the transformations, marrionette, and spider. I'll accept Snake, Phantom Ganon, and Ending.

   Keep working on them.


Okay...  ;D
Still, do they not need to be submitted one at a time?



K'. I now have my accepted list and submission list updated...


I already accepted Phantom Ganon, Snake Mode, and Ending in the first update.


Oh. Now I see...
Updated. New song in submission and it has not been accepted.


It sounds a little off at some parts. I would recommend listening to an mp3 of the song first before looking at it again. It might just be the tempo at some point, if I remember correctly though some of that song was faster.