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Ganondorf's Arrangements (Last Updated 6/15/09) Helmaroc King in proccess

Started by NasiDe, April 22, 2008, 05:50:57 PM

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I won't be active for awhile, being that I'll be evacuating from hurricane Ike. >_< I'll get back to work as soon as I can but I don't think that'll be for quite awhile.


I'm back from my hiatus. It was part of evil Hurricane Ike and my poor knowledge on what NinSheet Music's new address was. *Facepalm.* But I am back! I just need some requests or someone to tell me what I need to fix on my songs and I'll be back at work. I'm on my Christmas Break so I'll be able to work until my hands fall off! ;D

Oh nose! All my media fire files are broken! D: Sorry peoplez! I'll get them done when I can! Or feel like it for that matter. . .
I guess, for the moment, the only ones that will be working are the ones I'll have in for submission. I'm really sorry guys! *Glares at Media Fire.*


Sorry to bump, necroposting, or whatever you call it on these forums, but I have seen a bit over your arrangement queue, and it looks impressive (too bad the links are broken *curses MediaFire*). I reall hope you can fix those, as I very much would like to sheets for some of the songs (Molgera Battle in particular. That's one of the best boss battle themes ever).

Sorry to clog up your topic with a noobish question, but the "queue"-section - what's that? I've that seen most arrangers here have one, with or without links. And as MediaFire have mercilessly deleted files here in the months the site has been down, I haven't had much of a possibility to check it. Is it:

a) The files you are currently working on, posting half-finished arrangements to get feedback and/or ideas before continuing?

b) Finished arrangements, ready for submission to the site, but not yet in the "submission" section, because there are other you want to submit first?

c) something else?

And if there is a thread for general questions, could someone please direct me to it? I figured out that the question was too small to deserve its own topic.

Back to your arrangements, I have also seen a few of them. Not tried playing them yet, as I am not skilled enough yet, but I hope to get to try a few of them as I am getting better. At least, they sound brilliant in Notepad, and my general experience is that it sounds even better live.
Emergence - a story exclusive to NSM

Yes, I'm still around from time to time. For quicker response, you can reach me by PM, or drop by Smogon to say hi. I go by "Codraroll" there, because of a bet.


The answer to that is B. They're down there because only one song can be submitted at a time.

EDIT: I have updated my page. I have removed all songs in my queue but as time goes along, I will re-upload them and ateadily add them to my queue once more.


Thanks for starting the repairing process! MediaFire can be a pain sometimes, and it's irritating when you don't remember where you put all your files that were uploaded. Let's all hope that you can get through some sheets for the first update batch!

I saw that you reuploaded a Molgera song, and appreciate it much, but could you also reupload the song from the battle itself? That crazy flute tune that was also used in SSBB? It's one of my favourite video game songs ever, and I would very much like to hear what it sounds like on the piano.

Thanks in advance!
Emergence - a story exclusive to NSM

Yes, I'm still around from time to time. For quicker response, you can reach me by PM, or drop by Smogon to say hi. I go by "Codraroll" there, because of a bet.


As for Melgera Geria, (the one used in Wind Waker (I'm not sure if the original is used in Brawl. I forget.)) I'm actually redoing that one currently.


UPDATE: I've uploaded the Mogera battle, Molgera Geria.

EDIT: Also, I've just checked and the Molgera Geria used in Brawl is the same one used in The Wind Waker so I also uploaded it for Brawl.


I've reuploaded many of my old Wind Waker songs and brought up new Wind Waker songs.

Please don't forget to critique the arrangements. Since I'm trying to contribute to NinSheet Music, I want them to be at the best quality I
can give.


Molgera Battle has many ties that aren't neccessary.
Two layers would work better there.
Sounds correct though, and I would know xD


I updated them and changed all the area where there were ties to a second layer.  Probably not every tie needed to be put onto a second layer...If you think so too, would you mind telling me which measures you think ought to be changed back to ties?


The edit post is acting odd so I'll just state my update here for now, kay guys?

I am currently in the proccess of arranging Helmaroc King from The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker.


Awesome. I'll be sure to check things out when everything is all updated.


Okay, I updated the page, although it was admittedly a little hard since I had to do guess work since I couldn't see what I was doing. :-\

Anyways, I have the "Sheet Being Worked On" section up and Helmaroc King is under it, although without a link. Do you want me to upload it and include a link to the incomplete version?


It's not neccesary if you do. I don't mind. Whatever you feel you should do.


*Le sigh.*
Okay. Apparently I'm unable to get Finale Notepad 2009 edition and by the time I do the 2010 edition will most likely already be released. My trial version is up so I can no longer use that, to my great dismay. The fact is, I cannot edcit any of my songs to add Nintendo's copyright stuff at the moment or add NinSheetMusic's website address...

If anyone has a suggestion as to what I may be able to do to remedy my unfortunate situation, I am open to suggestions. Otherwise, I will have to completely cease arranging. :-[